Making legacy AFP work on Mavericks for Time Machine on NAS

It has been well documented that Apple has abandoned legacy AFP on mavericks.  This creates problems when trying to use time Machine on previous generation NAS drives.  In fact this was broken on Lion.
Has anyone figured this out for Mavericks?   There are many threads on this on the web, but I have not found a definitive solution.

It has been well documented that Apple has abandoned legacy AFP on mavericks.  This creates problems when trying to use time Machine on previous generation NAS drives.  In fact this was broken on Lion.
Has anyone figured this out for Mavericks?   There are many threads on this on the web, but I have not found a definitive solution.

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    See #22 in Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.

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    I agree entirely, been messing with this since the upgrade to Mavericks but I didn't find it quite as easy as uninstalling the WD smartware as it still operates when you plug the drive back in - I think it gets loaded onto the drive and runs from within (?). The advice from WD was that time machine was faulty and I should contact Apple...thanks guys!
    Anyway, for the OP's benefit, this is what I found:
    1. My problem was that time machine couldn't see any further back than before the Mavericks install, but if I opened up and interrogated the WD drive, the old backups were still there.
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    me that the WD software had somehow partitioned off the old backups and excluded that part of the drive from being overwritten. Of course, as the drive was practically full, it meant that any new backups wouldn't fit in the available space.....
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    4. Anyway, what happens after the eraseure has completed is that you get the WD icon on the desktop, and you're invited to install the software - this means the software has now been deleted. Juts don't reinstall it, just let TM do it's backup and all is well.
    Usual disclaimers and warnings about keeping another copy of your system etc. obviously apply, and I know this is a radical move to delete all your old data but it worked for me. I guess I didn't appreciate that you could use the external drive without the software that came with it and just followed the screen guide.
    I'm also aware that if you don't want to use TM to do a complete restore and only want to find one old version of a document, this is difficult. However, you can then install the WD software and find the file but you'll then have to do this all again.....

  • 10.5.3 AFP support for Time machine?

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    I start to be very disappointed about Apple, because they haven't manage to get it working/enabled yet. It feels that Apple just doesn't want to enable it, because they would like to sell Time capsule for all.... I hope this isn't the case.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Never believe any news from beta seeds. They are unreliable, and should be taken with a huge grain of salt. As for whether or not a feature was pulled who knows, except people under non-disclosure. Those who test betas are under requirement to stay mum. We can't guess Apple's policy. Please read terms of use on the right But unless you find it in the feature listing for the update, I would surmise it isn't there, unless someone has managed a hack around. You can always post feedback here:
    Based on:
    The only AFP improvement is:
    Improves Spotlight searches on a AFP file server volumes.
    And while several Time Machine improvements exist, none mention AFP.

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    If you install Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) on the Mac mini you can use it as a Networked Time Machine backup device.
    NOTE: Leopard running on the Mac mini is a requirement.
    I have a Mac mini attached to my WiFi network. I use it as my Time Machine network backup device for my MacBook, and my Wife's MacBook Pro. I've added 3TB of external storage (Drobo).
    The only problems I've had a closing the lid on my MacBook while a back was in progress. So I'm very careful about making sure Time Machine is not running and that the Mac mini shared volume is not mounted when I put my MacBook to sleep.
    Install Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) on Mac mini
    Enable file sharing on the Mac mini
    Mount the Mac mini's shared volume on your MacBook Pro
    Configure your MacBook Pro's Time Machine to use the just mounted shared volume.
    Once configured, when Time Machine runs it will automatically mount the Mac mini's shared volume, create a sparsebundle disk image (at config time), and perform Time Machine backups to the sparsebundle.
    The Time Machine applications (viewing/restoring backups) will also automatically mount the Mac mini shared volume.
    NOTE: I am a bit paranoid about backups, so Time Machine is NOT my only backup. I also use SuperDuper! to backup my MacBook each work day onto my PowerMac G5 at work. That way I also have off-site backup.

  • I am trying to install Mavericks on my McbookAir, but it won't install, saying that my hd is used for time machine backups. I have an external HD connected to my mbAir that I'm using for time machine.

    2012 Macbk air, with OSX 10.8.5. See my question above. Mavericks won't install on my Air's HD, says that both the HD - AND - the external HD (which has a different name from the laptop HD) are used for time machine backups. I've deleted my time machine plists, restarted, repaired permissions, turned time machine off, repeatedly selected the external drive in time machine preferences. HELP. (Install went perfectly on my desktop Mac, which also has an external HD for time machine).

    I need to add that the only place I have the "Backups.backupdb" folder is on my backup external disk, and it's not on my HD    :-(    . If it were, I'd delete it!

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    Thanks, Michael!  I do hear it at times spooling up and running. Just after I bumped the thread I looked for troubleshooting for this drive online and found the manual which suggested using Disk Utility which I've seen before accidentally (if I hit Command Shift U instead of Shift U to type "Unit" on a new folder for a student's homework ) but had never really noticed.   Disk Utility does see it and also a sub-something (directory?) which might be the Time Machine archives on the disk, called disk1s2), sort of the way that my iMac's hard drive shows up as 640.14 GB Nitachi HDT7... and has a sub-something titled DB iMac, which is what I named my iMac's hard drive.
    Anyway the owner's manual just shows the image under the formatting section, not the troubleshooting section, but as soon as I saw it in the manual I remembered seeing it accidentally a few times, went to it, and am now verifying the disk.  Right now it's telling me that it will take 2 hours to complete the verification, so I guess I have a bigt of a wait.  :-) 
    Does that fact that Disk Utilities can see it mean it's not failed, or just that it hasn't completely failed? 
    I can see the virtue in having multiple redundant backups, or at least two backups. What do you suggest?  Two external hard drives?  I had this one linked by ethernet, and but I also have a cord that could link it by USB (like a printer), so if this one is reparable I could get a second one and link it by USB.  If this one is not reparable I could get two and do the same thing.  I do have an Airport so I suppose it's possible to get some sort of Wi-Fi hard drive (my new printer/scanner uses only the network and not a cable, although it has a cable that I used for the initial installation), but I'd suspect a Wi-Fi hard drive might have a higher price.
    What hard drives, if any, do you recommend? I seem to recall that when I was looking at external hard drives 4 years ago, Apple's were substantially more expensive, which is why I got the OWC Mercury Elite All Pro.

  • I am having trouble installing.  downloaded Mavericks but it will not let me install to hard drive, says that is reserved for Time Machine.  I have an external hard drive, but disconnected that before download.

    I downloaded Mavericks but can't get past the install; it thinks my hard drive is reserved for Time Machine.  I have an external hard drive but dis-connected that before download.
    I have Time Machine turned off.

    Check to see if you have a file name Backups.backupdb on the disk drive.
    If the installer sees such a file it assumes that the disk drive is being used by Time Machine.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You have got the "Backups.backupdb" folder in the root level of your hard drive. This is the folder used by Time Machine to save backups to, and the OS X Mavericks installer thought that your hard drive is being used to store Time Machine backups
    To fix this, open a Finder window, select the Go menu (on the menu bar) > Go to Folder, and type:
    Then, delete "Backups.backupdb" and empty the Trash. Finally, open the Mavericks installer from the Applications folder and follow the steps

  • After install of SSD, unable to update Mavericks OS as system believes disk is used for Time Machine

    Hi There,
    Hopefully someone can help with this.
    Yesterday I decided to replace the HDD on my macbook pro with a Crucial M500 SSD (240GB).
    I connected via USB, and used the 'Restore' facility in the Disk Utility program to do this. Worth noting that I had to shrink teh partition on the original hard drive as the SSD is smaller than this.
    All went well - I swapped the drives out this morning and teh machine booted up without any problems.
    I then downloaded OS X Mavericks.
    When I went to install, at teh point that teh system asks where I wanted to install to (i.e. the drive) it would not allow me to install to the SSD.
    The error was:
    This machine is used for Time Machine backups.
    I haven't used time machine at all for some months due to a lack of external storage, so this makes no sense to me.
    I then ran repair disk and repair disk permissions incase this was the problem.
    Still no joy.
    HAs anyone else had this problem at all?

    Hi There.
    Time machine is already off, but then I found this:
    This fixed teh issue!
    Thanks anyway

  • Lion Install does not work, says "This disk is used for Time Machine backups"

    I'm having trouble installing Lion onto my macbook pro intel core 2 duo. 
    I am backing up my computer with an external drive using TimeMachine, but i've disconnected it.  Also i'm running SL 10.6.8  
    I have a windows 7 partition that was created with boot camp.
    I've tried to make sure everything is all ready for lion but when I go to install lion it says "This disk is used for Time Machine backups" and the hard drive is grayed out.
    Same problem as this guy:
    I'm hearing that a file called "Backups.backupdb" is on the top level of the hard drive, but I see no such file.  I've looked at the invisible files and I cant find it.
    I've also created a bootable flash copy of the lion install but that does not work It gives me the same message "This disk is used for time Machine backups".

    "Backups.backupdb" if the file in Time Machine.  As the discussion says, you have to find that file and trash it.  Try spotlight to locate it.  If that does not work, down load OmniDiskSweeper from the Internet (free) and go through an organized search to find "Backups.backupdb".  If that takes too long or is too tedious, then if you have everything backed up, erase the HDD and start from square one.

  • Down loaded Mavericks, will not install on my computer because it says "this hard drive is used for time machine back up".

    Down loaded mavericks, it will not install on my computer because it says" this hard drive is used for time machine back up". So I used my old computer  hard drive for back up and reloaded the program but it still says the first hard drive is being used.

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Make sure you have selected your MacBook Pro's hard drive as the destination to install Mavericks. If so, you have the "Backups.backupdb" folder in the root level of your hard drive.
    That's the folder used by Time Machine to store backups of your files, and the Mavericks installer understands that your internal hard disk is the Time Machine drive.
    To fix this, open a Finder window, select the Go menu (on the menu bar) > Go to Folder, and type:
    Then, delete "Backups.backupdb", empty the Trash and run the Mavericks installer. Finally, install OS X Mavericks

  • Mavericks installer says my primary disk is used for Time Machine . . . but it isn't. Won't install.

    I've downloaded Mavericks, but the istaller says my primary HD -- used for OS and files -- is used for Time Machine and Mavericks can't be installed.
    Primary does NOT have TM files on it . . . it's on a separate, dedicated HD.
    What can I do?

    OS X v10.6, OS X Lion- Cannot install Mac OS X v10.6 or later on a volume used by Time Machine for backups
    OS X- Cannot install on a volume used by Time Machine for backups

  • When attempting to upgrade my iMac from Snow Leopard to Mavericks, I receive the message "This disk is used for Time Machine Backups" when I try to select the lone available hard drive.

    When attempting to upgrade my iMac from Snow Leopard to Mavericks, I receive the message "This disk is used for Time Machine Backups" when I try to select the lone available hard drive.  I have ensured that Time Machine is turned off.  Upon some Google research, some who reported this problem were told to delete the folder backup.backupdb, but I do not have this folder on my Mac.  Any suggestions?

    The folder would be at the root of your hard drive. Double-click Macintosh HD and look there.
    If it isn’t there, I’m not sure what it is seeing.

  • When I try to install Maverick on the HD I get this message: This disc is used for Time Machine backups.

    When I try to install Maverick on the HD I get this message: This disc is used for Time Machine backups and then nothing happens!

    Try looking in Finder at your Macintosh HD.   Look to see if there is a backups.backupsdb folder at the root of the hard drive.  That's a folder that Time Machine makes on external hard drives to store the backups.   If you have one there, some one put it there; rename the folder or delete it.  Then try installing again.

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