Making photos into short movie on a mac

Afternoon all,
Just wondering if someone can tell me how to take several photos and create a short movie with them.  I am not sure how to use imovie, if this is the correct program to use or is there a better/easier program out there I should get?
Thanks in advance

iMovie works well, but I find it a bit complicated for a Mac program. The easiest way is to use iPhoto. If you have the pics grouped together in iPhoto, you can hold the "shift" button to select them all. Then go to the top menu under "File" and select "Export..." You will get a task window. Select "Slideshow" at the top right and decide what resolution you want. You can then export the pics as a Quicktime movie.

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    Try using the SHARE menu to share your movie in the sizes you need. It should work on the shared copy.
    Another thing to try would be to restart your Mac so you have fresh memory.

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    You should be importing them to your computer regularly as you would with an y digital camera.
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    Maybe yes or maybe not.
    You could have copied them from iPhoto to one of the iMovie Event folders using the Finder "Drag 'n Drop" import method. Unfortunately the files will be ignored by iMovie '08 when the application is opened and will not be thumbnailed/cached. For all intentents they will be invisible as far as iMovie '08 is concerned.
    Alternatively, you could have converted the file(s) to a compatible compression format it which case they may or may not be useable. If converted by a QT application like QT Pro, GarageBand, iTunes, etc. the video will convert but will not retain any audio. Of course, you can always open iMovie '08 to see if the files are really there and, if they are, open them in the QT Player to see what compression formats they actually contain at this time.
    According to your notes, an MPEG1 format would not be compatible -- so how did I get the clips the day before into I movie? I do a lot of "trial and error" things -- something obviously worked. Any idea what I might have done??
    I repeat that multiplexed MPEG-1 files are "playback only" compatible with QT applications. They will cannot be converted and retain audio nor can they be edited by QT applications. These files contain blocks of audio data interspersed with blocks of video data in a single data stream to spatially synchronize audio with video and prevent overrun. Fully supported QT files (playback, conversion, and edit compatible files) contain separate audio and video tracks which are synchronized temporally. This is why QT files are so touchy about timecode breaks and proper file termination -- something Windows media players generally ignore.
    In any case, as previusly stated you can use any third-party, MPEG-based application to convert your files. My preference is MPEG Streamclip. It is a free application that provides all of the conversion options of QT Pro without spending $30. While it does not allow layering of content with the same or independent scaling/offsets within the display frame, it does handle multiplexed compression formats if you have the proper QT components installed. It also supports audio formats like AC3 which QT does not natively support. In your case the software as downloaded from the internet will convert your Sony clips to DV, AIC (high quality/large files), Motion-JPEG, Photo-JPEG (medium quality/medium size files), or MPEG-4, or H.264 (lower quality/small size files) all of which can be edited by iMovie '08 natively.

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    Fred, that's a symptom caused by several of the factors described in this thread:

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    The trouble with image files is that they don't have any "time". QuickTime Pro can fix that.
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    toddwilliam wrote:
    .. When you import iphotos into your imovie project---do you normally lose picture quality and resolution?
    My photos look fine when viewing in iphoto, but appear blurry after importing them into imovie. ..
    technically: for sure! iM is for TV, TV has 720x540 pix and is interlaced..
    plus. iM offers just a lower-quality preview.. on final delivery (tape(DVD), quality is better..)
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    -33 means "directory full", which means there are too many files in a folder.
    iMovie supports up to 999 photos in the same project. If you have less, there is a problem with your hard drive. Boot from you OS X install CD/DVD and run Disk Utility to repair your hard drive.

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    Many thanks,

    It worked! Thank you! I finally just finished about 20 minutes ago! It took over 26 hours to complete the process you described, but I stuck with it and it worked. I am glad I didn't give up or "forget it" as some might have suggested. That would have set me back until tomorrow!
    Ultimately, it turned out there were 45,910 jpgs created. No wonder it took so many hours to render/display them all. It ended up being about 10 hours before it seemed they were all rendered but the process between them displaying and being able to start really deleting them took a few hours because partly I was asleep and also partly it took forever to do anything. Any action as simple as selecting and right-clicking to Get Info, or emptying the trash, would take 20-30 minutes, a couple times longer. The clock stopped many times for 20-30 minutes at a time, a few times over 30 minutes, before catching back up. My cursor never froze which is what really kept me going, although it was a spinning beach ball for most of the time. I was never so relieved to see my regular cursor as opposed to seeing a spinning beach ball as I was early this morning after about 10 hours!
    Once I was able to open a Finder window and select all 45,900 files (I had already deleted 10 in the previous couple hours during experimenting of trying to figure out what would work best), then right-click and select to move all the files to the trash, the process of moving them to the trash took 4.5 hours. Then deleting them from the trash took a couple minutes. There were 21.4 GB!!! No wonder the whole process took 26 hours!
    mende1, thank you so much!

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    When I go to import, the choices are :
    camera archive
    imovie for IOS
    imovie for HD
    It refuses to import a photo with any of these choices, which is located on the desktop or in a folder. It's a regular .jpg
    There are instructions to drag it. I put it there, and it bounces right back. The photo will not stay.
    I just need this one picture to go on so I can post a meditation on youtube.  It doesn't come from a camera.

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    You need to convert the VOB files in the TS-Folder of the DVD back to DV which iMovie is designed to handle. For that you need mpegStreamclip:
    which is free, but you must also have the  Apple mpeg2 plugin :
    (unless you are running Lion in which case see below))
    which is a mere $20.
    Another possibility is to use DVDxDV:
    which costs $25.
    For the benefit of others who may read this thread:
    Obviously the foregoing only applies to DVDs you have made yourself, or other home-made DVDs that have been given to you. It will NOT work on copy-protected commercial DVDs, which in any case would be illegal.
    If you are running Lion:
    From the MPEG Streamclip homepage
    The installer of the MPEG-2 Playback Component may refuse to install the component in Lion. Apple states the component is unnecessary in Lion, however MPEG Streamclip still needs it.
    To install the component in Lion, please download MPEG Streamclip 1.9.3b7 beta above; inside the disk image you will find the Utility MPEG2 Component Lion: use it to install the MPEG-2 Playback Component in Lion. The original installer's disk image (QuickTimeMPEG2.dmg) is required.
    The current versions of MPEG Streamclip cannot take advantage of the built-in MPEG-2 functionality of Lion. For MPEG-2 files you still need to install the QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component, which is not preinstalled in Lion. You don't have to install QuickTime 7.

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    I copied the iPhoto library to an external hard drive, then imported it to the new iPhoto.  It turned my 2000 photos into 12,000!!
    According to you youo did not do what I instructed - you said you imported the old library into th enew library which can easily take a 2000 photo library and turn it into 12,000 including two ro three versions of each photo pus all the face thumbnails
    The correct procedure has NO importing involved
    drag the iPhoto library intact as a single entity from the old Mac to the pictures folder of the new Mac - launch iPhoto on the new mac
    That is it

  • How can I move part of one photo into another photo?

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    Thanks Trevor!
    Bill Coan (BillCoan Photographs)
    Moravian Falls, North Carolina
    336-928-0498 (c)
    336-903-8674 (h)
    On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 6:48 PM, Trevor Dennis <[email protected]>

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