Making these flash buttons

Hi guys, does anyone know how I could make flash buttons like
the one on the
Romeo website, is it a similar process to making a rollover
image? Any help much appreciated.

Hi guys, does anyone know how I could make flash buttons like
the one on the
Romeo website, is it a similar process to making a rollover
image? Any help much appreciated.

Similar Messages

  • Flash Buttons in Dreamweaver

    Hey Everyone
    So i have these Flash buttons on my website(which is done in
    Dreamweaver), and when i go to 'test' the site... the buttons will
    work when the page first loads(Home)... but if i go to click on a
    link, lets say "Contact", the buttons aren't there anymore! And if
    i go back to "Home" they arent there either!!
    Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions to this
    Thanxs much in advance!!

    >>actually, i do have the OBJECT tags...
    >> but if i go to click on a link, lets say "Contact",
    the buttons aren't
    >> there anymore!
    Do you have the Flash buttons on all web pages was my point.
    In other words,
    did you have the same Flash buttons on the Contact page?
    >>Can someone take a look at my code and see whats
    wrong with it?
    Is the intro_buttons.swf in the web site root folder -- what
    / means? On the
    local drive the / could mean the root folder of the computer
    if you are not
    testing under
    Lon Hosford
    May many happy bits flow your way!
    "EBTurner" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e3bdng$2df$[email protected]..
    actually, i do have the OBJECT tags...
    Can someone take a look at my code and see whats wrong with
    <td colspan="14">
    <object classid="clsid
    rsion=6,0,29,0" width="422" height="25">
    <param name="movie" value="/intro_buttons.swf" />
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <embed src="/intro_buttons.swf" quality="high"
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="422"

  • Flash button bar integration

    Hi there,
    I'm using flash MX2004 to create a navigation bar for a
    project in Director 8.5. I have used the getURL command in Flash to
    transfer information to Director. The buttons are names button1,
    button2 etc. I have put the flash component in Director and tested
    that it is recieving variable button names successfully.
    I want the button bar to change the director movie depending
    on what button is pressed. I am able to have the buttons jump to
    marker but not change movie.
    I'm also trying to implement a roll-over information feature
    ie. when the user rolls the mouse over a Flash button from
    Director, a text box in Director displays information, eg. When the
    user rolls over the "home" button, the information box reads "This
    button takes you to the first page".
    I'm pretty new to Director and randomly scouring the Lingo
    help doesn't seem to be helping me :)
    If anyone has any tips or solutions for my problems it would
    be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    It sounds like you want to have a number of different results
    from these
    flash button events. It also sounds like you have a number of
    buttons in
    the flash sprite.
    As duckets said, you can use the getURL() actionscript method
    to send
    information to Director, either to a behavior attached to the
    sprite or to a movie script.
    Director can interpret a mouse event on the Flash sprite, but
    it can't
    tell which object inside the flash sprite has been effected.
    In other
    words Director knows that the cursor rolled over the sprite,
    just not
    which clip or button was specifically rolled over.
    You will need to set up a strategy for working with these
    flash buttons.
    You will need to decide how much information to send to
    Director and
    when to send that information.
    Actionscript has rollover and rollout events as well as
    mouseDown and
    mouseUp events. So one way to deal with this is to use the
    rollover and rollout events to send information about the
    text display.
    Then use the mouseup event for navigation control.
    One way to simplify the work on the Flash end is to name each
    instance. Then on the rollover, rollout and mouseup events,
    send the
    name of the button instance to Director. You can then use a
    simple case
    statement to parse out the button's instance name and use
    that name to
    tell Director what to do.
    In flash, name your buttons, it could be as simple as "one",
    "two", etc.
    The write a series of functions for those buttons. Maybe
    something like
    -- create an array to hold the names of all of the buttons...
    var buttonArray:Array = new Array(one,two,three,four);
    -- create a set of functions for these buttons...
    for (i in buttonArray) {
    .onRollOver = sendRollOver;
    buttonArray.onRollOut = sendRollOut;
    .onMouseUp = sendMouseUp;
    -- for the rollover event, send a string that contains a key
    word and
    the button name...
    function sendRollOver() {
    var stringToSend:String = "roll$"+ parseButtonName(this);
    -- do similar for the mouseUp event...
    function sendMouseUp() {
    var stringToSend:String = "up$"+ parseButtonName(this);
    -- for the rollout event just send a simple string...
    function sendRollOut() {
    -- this function will strip out the simple button instance
    name from its
    full path...
    function parseButtonName(button) {
    var buttonName:String = string(button);
    var nameParts:Array = buttonName.split(".");
    var shortName = nameParts[nameParts.length -1];
    return shortName;
    Now you have a very simple flash movie that doesn't need to
    be edited
    every time something changes in the Director movie.
    in Director make a behavior that will sit on the Flash
    property thisSprite
    on beginSprite me
    thisSprite = me.spriteNum
    on getURL me,data
    if data = "rollout" then
    member("text display member").text = ""
    end if
    on parseOut(thisString)
    oldDelim = the itemDelimiter
    the itemDelimiter = "$"
    if thisString.item[1] = "roll" then
    case (thisString.item[2]) of
    "one": member("text display member").text =
    "first button string"
    "two": member("text display member").text =
    "second button string"
    -- continue as needed
    end case
    if thisString.item[1] = "up" then
    case (thisString.item[2]) of
    -- similar to above
    end case
    end if
    the itemDelimiter = oldDelim
    Rob Dillon
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Flash 8 professional - making a pause button

    hi, can anyone help
    im making a website for music and video and need to find out how i go about making a pause button for audio,.  it has to pause the sound being played and then restart the sound from the point it was paused, can anyone help. drastic situation here - rob

    cheers mate, i got a link and sorted it, thanks for your advice, great help. - rob

  • Can't get flash buttons to work...'Cannot find path' Flash MX 2004

    I am trying to get the flash buttons for my website to work, but every time I do the getURL thing it keeps saying 'Cannot find (directory)'. The website is offline and I'm using Macromedia Flash MX 2004, I also might be able to use Flash 8 but these are the only two versions I have access to.
    The action script for the button is:
    getURL("..\****\****\(Website directory)\(sub directory)\(Website page).html")
    I am making the website in Dreamweaver 8 and this is really holding me back as it's nearly finished but the buttons still don't work.
    Thanks in advance.

    Sorry I should have mentioned tha. The structure is as follows:
    Website name\
    The buttons are contained in the buttons folder and the page I want to link it to is in the templates folder. I have tried putting the button flash file in the website root directory and trying that but it didn't work.
    Hope this helps.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Dreamweaver Flash Buttons Paths

    Hello all,
    I am a novice site designer. My first challenge is to design a navigation bar once and used by all web pages.  I built it using Flash buttons.  The concept works fine in a flat file, but when I'm viewing a web page that sits in a different directory than the flash navigation buttons, the buttons point to a file in the current directory which doesn't exist. I want the buttons to still point to the flash files in the parent directory.
    I'm using Dreamweaver CS2 to create my flash buttons. I'm using PHP include statements to include my flash navigation bar. When I create the php file in another directory, click on flash button, all heck breaks loose. I look at the URL and the link appends the PHP file that the flash button should be pointing to whatever directory my current web page is in.
    It seems like, I should just create each button  as a absolute path,, but it still uses relative path when I'm looking at web page that sits in another directory and appends the navigation link to the current directory although it points to a link in the root or parent directory.
    Do I not know how to create flash buttons using the absolute paths?

    If you want to use Flash for navigation, consider this -
    1. Some people don't have Flash installed - what do they do?
    2. Search engines don't parse Flash links - your site will
    not be spidered
    3. Screen assistive devices don't parse Flash links - what
    will those users
    4. DW cannot maintain links within a Flash movie, so if you
    move or rename
    a linked file, your navigation will break - what will you do?
    It's usually a very bad idea for these reasons...
    Adding in frames makes it even worse - you are in the deep
    stuff here. Why
    are you using frames?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
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    Tutorials & Resources
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    "LeichterLernen" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:er5fua$3am$[email protected]..
    > Hey, I use some standard flash buttons from Dreamweaver
    to navigate. I
    > have two
    > frames in this web. The buttons are in frame "A" and
    refer to a target in
    > frame
    > "B". This worked perfectly fine, even with IE 7 in
    Windows XP it still
    > works.
    > But in Windows VISTA every button opens a new browser
    > Windows VISTA, IE 7, Dreamweaver 8, running the web on
    my HD
    > Thanks in advance.
    > Sky

  • Dreamweaver Flash Buttons / Frame Navigation in VISTA

    Hey, I use some standard flash buttons from Dreamweaver to
    navigate. I have two frames in this web. The buttons are in frame
    "A" and refer to a target in frame "B". This worked perfectly fine,
    even with IE 7 in Windows XP it still works. But in Windows VISTA
    every button opens a new browser windows.
    Windows VISTA, IE 7, Dreamweaver 8, running the web on my HD
    Thanks in advance.

    If you want to use Flash for navigation, consider this -
    1. Some people don't have Flash installed - what do they do?
    2. Search engines don't parse Flash links - your site will
    not be spidered
    3. Screen assistive devices don't parse Flash links - what
    will those users
    4. DW cannot maintain links within a Flash movie, so if you
    move or rename
    a linked file, your navigation will break - what will you do?
    It's usually a very bad idea for these reasons...
    Adding in frames makes it even worse - you are in the deep
    stuff here. Why
    are you using frames?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
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    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "LeichterLernen" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:er5fua$3am$[email protected]..
    > Hey, I use some standard flash buttons from Dreamweaver
    to navigate. I
    > have two
    > frames in this web. The buttons are in frame "A" and
    refer to a target in
    > frame
    > "B". This worked perfectly fine, even with IE 7 in
    Windows XP it still
    > works.
    > But in Windows VISTA every button opens a new browser
    > Windows VISTA, IE 7, Dreamweaver 8, running the web on
    my HD
    > Thanks in advance.
    > Sky

  • No more Flash Buttons in Dreamweaver CS4?

    The removal of Flash button extensions are pretty pathetic.  How much development money and time does it take to include and already existing feature?
    Also, if no one uses them (Ya I was told in a previous post I seen)  The why is Microsoft Expression Web including something sort of like them in their software!
    The removal of these, after I have bought the already overpriced CS4 from CS3, has prompted me to look at other software development tools.
    I been using Dreamweaver since the 1.0 version but now I'm starting to use Expression Studio for my development needs.  I think it sucks that simple navigation buttons and includes are removed when they are included in even $20 pieces of Web Development software.
    Some idiot actually posted that if someone needs to use navigation extensions, then they should use the CS3 for adding them!  Why upgrade then?
    For all the money your charging for your software it should make coffee for me too!

    I have locked this thread.  It's not really a discussion - just a rant.  and it's a duplicate of a previous post.

  • Flash Buttons in Dreamweaver CS3

    I'm trying to place some flash buttons on my Dreamweaver site
    and when I insert a flash button, all I get on my page is a Flash
    icon. What do I need to do to get my buttons to show up? I would
    appreciate any help you can give. Thank You.
    P.S. I'm on a Mac with OS 10.4 (tiger)

    If you want to use Flash for navigation, consider this -
    1. Some people don't have Flash installed - what do they do?
    2. Search engines don't parse Flash links - your site will
    not be spidered
    3. Screen assistive devices don't parse Flash links - what
    will those users
    4. DW cannot maintain links within a Flash movie, so if you
    move or rename
    a linked file, your navigation will break - what will you do?
    It's usually a very bad idea for these reasons...
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "gringodogi" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fb4biu$eet$[email protected]..
    > I'm trying to place some flash buttons on my Dreamweaver
    site and when I
    > insert
    > a flash button, all I get on my page is a Flash icon.
    What do I need to do
    > to
    > get my buttons to show up? I would appreciate any help
    you can give. Thank
    > You.
    > P.S. I'm on a Mac with OS 10.4 (tiger)

  • Flash buttons don't work

    I created my template in Dreamweaver and 9 other pages from
    the template. Now I inserted flash buttons in the original template
    and linked them to all other pages. Buttons work in the original
    template but not in any of other pages, even though I updated the
    pages with all the changes. What am I doing wrong??? I am losing my
    mind here.
    Any help appreciated.

    Flash buttons don't work in any real sense of the word,
    anyhow. Why are you
    using them?
    If you want to use Flash for navigation, consider this -
    1. Some people don't have Flash installed - what do they do?
    2. Search engines don't parse Flash links - your site will
    not be spidered
    3. Screen assistive devices don't parse Flash links - what
    will those users
    4. DW cannot maintain links within a Flash movie, so if you
    move or rename
    a linked file, your navigation will break - what will you do?
    It's usually a very bad idea for these reasons...
    This problem is due to the fact that you are placing the
    buttons into a
    Template file. In this case, and assuming you want to inherit
    all the
    problems, make the links to the buttons ROOT RELATIVE.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "zxh5079" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ga1gp6$qos$[email protected]..
    >I created my template in Dreamweaver and 9 other pages
    from the template.
    >Now I
    > inserted flash buttons in the original template and
    linked them to all
    > other
    > pages. Buttons work in the original template but not in
    any of other
    > pages,
    > even though I updated the pages with all the changes.
    What am I doing
    > wrong???
    > I am losing my mind here.
    > Any help appreciated.
    > Thanks!

  • Need help using flash buttons

    Can anyone help me with flash buttons? I am trying to build
    my first website, and my five flash buttons (inside a 5 col. table)
    for page navigation work fine in testing all 5 web pages with
    mozilla firefox, and they look the same on the index page when
    testing with IE-7. However when I begin navigating to other pages
    in IE-7, the flash buttons disappear, and the 5 cols in the table
    where each flash button was placed now are not equal sizes anymore
    like they are on the index page. In my files area on the right, I
    notice 3 out of the five buttons I created have about 15 to 20
    "generations" shown there, with numbers 1 through 15 or even more
    to qualify them tacked on to the end of the names. Where do these
    come from, and why are 2 out of the five only have 1 "generation"
    each? I never expected this, and I think it has something to do
    with the problem, but maybe not. Please help me if you can!

    If you want to use Flash for navigation, consider this -
    1. Some people don't have Flash installed - what do they do?
    2. Search engines don't parse Flash links - your site will
    not be spidered
    3. Screen assistive devices don't parse Flash links - what
    will those users
    4. DW cannot maintain links within a Flash movie, so if you
    move or rename
    a linked file, your navigation will break - what will you do?
    It's usually a very bad idea for these reasons...
    Your problem is caused by navigating away from the previewed
    page. In
    general, this is not a good thing to do, since root relative
    links will not
    work as expected when you do that (locally).
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
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    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "dreamnovice" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Can anyone help me with flash buttons? I am trying to
    build my first
    > website,
    > and my five flash buttons (inside a 5 col. table) for
    page navigation work
    > fine
    > in testing all 5 web pages with mozilla firefox, and
    they look the same on
    > the
    > index page when testing with IE-7. However when I begin
    navigating to
    > other
    > pages in IE-7, the flash buttons disappear, and the 5
    cols in the table
    > where
    > each flash button was placed now are not equal sizes
    anymore like they are
    > on
    > the index page. In my files area on the right, I notice
    3 out of the five
    > buttons I created have about 15 to 20 "generations"
    shown there, with
    > numbers 1
    > through 15 or even more to qualify them tacked on to the
    end of the names.
    > Where do these come from, and why are 2 out of the five
    only have 1
    > "generation" each? I never expected this, and I think it
    has something to
    > do
    > with the problem, but maybe not. Please help me if you

  • CS3 Web Standard SE. Can't edit Flash buttons

    I have an issue where I am unable to edit Flash buttons or
    Flash text that have been created in DW CS3.
    I am using CS4 Web Standard SE. A colleague of mine is using
    the same software and also unable to edit these.
    Until now I thought it was maybe a trial issue but have today
    activated the software. But the issue remains.

    > Until now I thought it was maybe a trial issue but have
    today activated
    > the
    > software. But the issue remains.
    It's not a Trial issue. It's a conscious design decision by
    Adobe announced
    in Aug 07.
    Flash buttons and Flash text have always been ill conceived
    features for
    Adobe recognised this by dropping them from DW CS4.
    If you still want to keep them and edit them, use DW CS3.
    However, consider using CSS styled buttons instead.
    John Waller

  • Dreamweaver, flash button help

    hi i am createing a website using dream weaver and my
    navigation bar has flash buttons as the links to other pages i have
    created, i have the buttons working fine but the users have to
    Double click on the button for the next page to be displayed. Is
    there away that the users will only have to click the flash button
    once for the new page to load up?
    i am using Dreamweaver 8, and the code for one of my buttons
    is like this
    classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0"
    width="100" height="23" align="absmiddle">
    <param name="movie" value="HomeButton.swf" />
    <param name="quality" value="high" /><param
    name="BGCOLOR" value="#333333" />
    <embed src="HomeButton.swf" width="100" height="23"
    align="absmiddle" quality="high" pluginspage=""
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" bgcolor="#333333"
    can any one help me with this please

    What will happen to those who do not have Flash installed?
    What will search
    engines (which don't read Flash links) do to spider your
    site? What will
    screen assistive devices (which don't read Flash links) do to
    navigate your
    site? What will you do when you move or rename a linked page
    (DW cannot
    manage the links)?
    Most experienced people don't use Flash navigation for these
    > Double click
    It's IE-only behaviour as a result of changes Microsoft made
    year to their browser, regarding how Active Content (Flash,
    Quicktime etc)
    is handled, after losing a high profile court case.
    See also
    If you're running Dreamweaver 8.0.2, the fix is already built
    into DW's
    If not, try
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "tricky_utd" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > hi i am createing a website using dream weaver and my
    navigation bar has
    > flash
    > buttons as the links to other pages i have created, i
    have the buttons
    > working
    > fine but the users have to Double click on the button
    for the next page to
    > be
    > displayed. Is there away that the users will only have
    to click the flash
    > button once for the new page to load up?
    > i am using Dreamweaver 8, and the code for one of my
    buttons is like this
    > <object
    > codebase="
    > rsion=5,0,0,0" width="100" height="23"
    > <param name="movie" value="HomeButton.swf" />
    > <param name="quality" value="high" /><param
    > value="#333333" />
    > <embed src="HomeButton.swf" width="100" height="23"
    > align="absmiddle" quality="high"
    > pluginspage="
    > ion=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    > </object>
    > can any one help me with this please

  • ActionScript on Flash buttons

    I am just getting back into using Captivate 2.0 to create
    some online training and I need some assistance using
    JavaScript/ActionScript in Flash buttons. I created a series of
    buttons that are part of a single Flash .swf file. I'm using these
    buttons as kind of a "main menu" and I would like each of the
    individual buttons in the exported Flash .swf file to perform one
    of the following functions:
    - Open another Captivate project in the same (parent) browser
    window, or...
    - Jump to a specific slide in the current project
    I layed out all the buttons in a single .swf file so I
    wouldn't have to import individual buttons into my Captivate
    project. So how do I define the ActionScript for each button in
    Flash to achieve these functions?
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Hey Brian,
    You can easily open another .HTM file using Javascript, but
    doing so generally won't allow you to do any tracking of results.
    Successful results tracking pretty much requires that an LMS is
    launching each file. That said, opening a new file requires only
    the following line of Javascript, where the path can be either
    relative or absolute:
    window.location.href = "<path to new file>";
    As for jumping to a specific slide in a given file, Adobe
    Community Expert Paul Dewhurst contributed to a discussion topic in
    these forums that references using an undocumented internal
    Captivate array to navigate to a specific slide via Actionscript.
    You can check it out here: =1149498&highlight_key=y&keyword1=variable

  • Replacing Flash Buttons/ Preview Issues

    I have old Flash Navigation Buttons on my website from years ago. I have been trying to replace them. What would be some good and simple ways to do this? It appears that the programs (DW5, DW6, and DWCC) won't let me do this. For example, I deleted the flash button that says "About" and then typed in new word "About" instead and linked it in a simply way to the "About" page.
    However, when I preview this in browsers, my flash button/s are still appearing in the preview window browser, even though already deleted many times in my Design View. The preview page has also showed all sorts of disorganization and chaos for these deletions of old navigation buttons which are not consistent with what is displaying on my working Design copy window. Any suggestions? (Mac Os X 10.8.4)

    Thank you all for your suggestions! I have emptied my cache, cookies, and refreshed my browser window. It looks like one button "Resources" in the left navigation panel managed to disappear from all pages on the website-- yet I only made changes to a select few pages. However, many of the changes I made are not showing up yet on the test page.
    I am not that familiar with code view so I use Design view mostly. Yet, I did split the view and see the selected area in the code responsible for a flash button. I tried to delete that in code view, as well.
    Here is my test page. In design view, I left most of the old navigation buttons intact, except for the bottom three.
    I tried to eliminate the bottom three flash buttons and replaced with linked words "About", "Resources", and "Home" (see below). Yet, on the web page, only the "Resources" button has disappeared, and the words I typed in to replace are not displaying yet.

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