"Conversation" View in SMS Text Messages

I am unable to change the settings in SMS text options to 'conversation' view. I followed the instructions on this help page but I didn't even havesome of the buttons that were mentioned. My other BB's (9300, Bold 9000) defaulted to conversation view

Print the Web report directly to client default printer

I've config out report URL with following parameter to print report output directly to client's printer, but when querying the report, nothing occurs in this printer. I still get the message of "Task done successfully" "http://server:7777/KienReport/

Problem with PDF printing

Hi All, I have recently applied the 63 security notes (pending from one year) recommended by SAP in report RSECNOTE. After applying the note I am facing the problem of printing PDF documents. When I am trying to do print preview, its showing message

Batch combine/merge different folders into 1 image?

I have a large set of images I need to batch process from 2 different folders, I want to combine 2 of the images into 1 psd, add a curve between the 2 layers, then save. These images will ultimatly be imported into Premier for a video so the sequence

URGENT: JAXP Provider org.apache.crimson.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl not foun

Hi all I am having this strage problem. I am using JAXP Apis to do XSLT transformation and everything works fine. But when I try the samething with -Djava.security.manager option and -Djava.security.policy==$WL_HOME/weblogic.policy option set it does

Screensaver not finding pictures - it USED to, but doesn't now

I've used an album of photos for my screensaver for months and months without issue. The photos are in an album in iPhoto. However, this week, I inadvertently switched to a different screensaver. When I reselected my album for a pictures slideshow, t

After blue screen windows vista, firefox directory saved, now need to restore bookmarks - how? OS crash complete failure, read directory from another pc.

Hi, My pc running Vista crashed - memory dump blue screen - total failure to reboot. I retrieved all the directories I had data in and the Firefox program directory from the hard drive. I want to see if I can now retrieve the bookmarks from this dire

I have installed an updated version of flash player on my mac but I still cannot view videos on line

I have installed an updated version of flash player on my mac but I still cannot view videos on line. I am running mac os x 10.6.8 i have an inte processor. What do I need to do?

IPhoto update 'paused'

My recent (last week) iPhoto update is 'paused' and will not complete.  I see other users have had the same issue recently.  Being new to Apple, I am not clear on what to do to resolve this.  Is there a task manager in the Apple environment whereby I

IPhoto, a large library, and Multiple users

I am new to the Mac platform. We have an iMac with four accounts on it. My main photo system right now is a PC. I copy the photos on multiple machines for convenience and because it makes for a great backup. I have a way in which I copy all new photo

How to create 3D Rectangle

Pls help me in doing 3D Rectangle using Java

Project 2013 with Shared Resources(resource pool) stored in O365 SharePoint

I am trying to use both a resource pool and storing all projects files in Office 365 document library. I have 3 project files, one with resources only and 2 for project scheduling. If I store the files on the local machine, when I open both resource

Diff between Compounded chara & Refrence chara

Hi diff between Compounded chara & Refrence chara Thanks Kawal

Changing File Associations

I associated the file type "ASPX" with Mozilla Firefox and accidentally checked "always launch Firefox" for this file type. As a result, whenever I load an ASPX page, Firefox opens a new window and seems to get in a recursive loop, opening window aft

Creative Cloud ToS breaks application interop

I'm noticing that every update comes with another 'accept ToS' prompt and if you haven't accepted and launch from another app or from the context menu from a file, the application launch workflow breaks. Example: New updates trigger ToS. Launch Premi

Lightroom 5 and Photoshop Photography Program

I have installed Lightroom 5 as a testversion and now activated the "Photoshop Photography Program". Photoshop works fine but Lightroom still asks for a serial number that I don't know. How can I get it?

Tween the icon you are over to its normal state

I have this snippet of code I've been running successfuly on my image buttons grouped into one MC. It applies changes to the buttons I am not rolling over, i.e. if I were to roll over a button the rest of the buttons in the group would dim and blur a

Why Won't Organizer Open in Premiere Elements 9?

Organizer has stopped working.  When I click on Organizer from my home page Elements just closes down.  If I open a new or an existing project I cannot access Organizer. It was working but shut down yesterday. Another problem I'm having is the drop d

Re-installing PS CC and other apps

I subscribed to CC last week and downloaded the applicable apps. Today when logging into my computer it was indicated that I had been logged out of the cloud. When I logged in it prompted me to reinstall all these apps again. What does this mean? And

My iPod restored to factory settings and erased all my stuff. When I tried to put everything back it came up with an error. How do I get all my stuff back?

My iPod restored to factory settings. Every time I try to connect to iTunes a error comes up not letting me back my iPod up what should I do? Help ASAP please