Managing a growing library

I've searched for the answer to my question with no luck, so here goes.
I've got a growing iTunes library, and when I get a new 80gig video iPod in the next week or so, it's only going to get worse. I want to move my iTunes library from my Powerbook to an attached 400gig external Seagate drive attached by USB 2.0.
Two related questions:
1. How do I go about doing this?
2. How do I then make iTunes on my Powerbook automatically link up to the library on the external drive when iTunes launches or when the iPod is connected for synching?
Thanks for your input.
Powerbook G4 15w/SuperDrive   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   60 gig; 750 mb ram

This link should help.

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    I have three questions about managing my music library, I hope you can help me with them:
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    Wassimn wrote:
    I have three questions about managing my music library, I hope you can help me with them:
    1) Is there a limit of how many entries, songs, albums, art work, can iTunes handle? I have a hunch iTunes is like a database program and am curious about its capacity. I have two 2-TB drives and am wondering what is going to happen when I fill these two drives up. Other than disk space, what are iTunes limitations?
    As far as I know you're going to run out of disc space before you hit any limits. Each object in iTunes has a 64-bit key to access it. That said as your library grows it will get less responsive as bigger indexes take exponentially longer to process.
    2) Talking about these two drives. How can I use both as a source for my iTunes library. Can I have two folders selected as the source of my library? I am not sure if I have enough disk space to hold all my music, but I do also have a 1TB almost empty drive is need be.
    iTunes wants to manage everything inside one big folder. Some idiosyncrasies with the way it manages things if you have to move to a new drive means it is best if you can stick to that plan. If your library grows larger then you'll have to take manual control of where some or all of your content is stored. I use a variation of a script called ConsolidateByMoving which you could adapt for your needs.
    3) OK now comes te real question. I am sure that I have duplicates in my library and I sure would love to clean my library up.Possiby if I do get to clean it up, I can save some disk space and that is always a good thing. Any good techniques, software, techniques to follow while ripping music to help keep my library organized. Please be as detailed as you can.
    When it comes to deduping I've written another script for that called DeDuper, see this thread for background.
    And for some general tips on getting organized in iTunes see Grouping tracks into albums.

  • How can I manage 1 iTunes library with 2 computers (not on same network)?

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    This describes a work/home scenario.  For home/away use, edit the library directly on the portable backup when away, then sync libraries on your return.
    Sync iPod/iPad/iPhone with two computers
    Although it isn't possible to sync an Apple device with two different libraries it is possible to sync with the same logical library from multiple computers. Each library has an internal ID and when iTunes connects to your iPod/iPad/iPhone it compares the local ID with the one the device normally syncs with. If they are the same you can go ahead and sync...
    I have my library cloned to a small 1Tb USB drive which I can take between home & work. At either location I use SyncToy 2.1 to update the local copy with the external drive. Mac users should be able to find similar tools. I can open either of the local libraries or the one on the external drive and update the media content of my iPhone. The slight exception is Photos which normally connects to a specific folder on a specific machine, although that can easily be remapped to the current library if you create a "Photos" folder inside the iTunes Media folder so that syncing the iTunes folders keeps this up to date as well. I periodically sweep my library for new files & orphans with iTunes Folder Watch just in case I make changes at one location but then overwrite the library with a newer copy from the other. Again Mac users should be able to find similar tools.
    As long as your media is organized within an iTunes Music or Tunes Media folder, in turn held inside the main iTunes folder that has your library files (whether or not you let iTunes keep the media folder organized) each library can access items at the same relative path from the library folder so the library can be at different drives/paths on different machines. This solution ensures I always have adequate backups of my library and I can update my devices whenever I can connect to the same build of iTunes.
    When working with an iPhone earlier builds of iTunes would remove any file not physically present in the local library, even if there was an entry for it, making manual management practically redundant on the iPhone. This behavior has been changed but it will still only permit manual management with a library that has the correct internal ID. If you don't want to sync your library between machines on a regular basis just copy the iTunes Library.itl file from the current "home" machine to any other you want to use, then clean out the library entries and import the local content you have on that box.

  • Managing sole iTunes library with multiple machines on-the-go with database&media on external drive?

    Hi fellows. Trying to organize & revamp my iTunes library & wish to achieve a configuration but lack the expertise to achieve it. My objectives are:
    +1. for my multimedia content to be stored/accessed from an external hard disk+
    +2. to keep the entire iTunes multimedia & all necessary operating files as self-contained as possible,+
    +3. Allow multiple machines to manage import of new content into library, i.e. download new episodes of podcasts, rip new music & movies into the library, sync-ing of iPod even when said machine is nowhere near my external hard disk (this is the tricky one)+
    _Justification for my objectives_
    For objective #3, it's not that I'm trying to be funny. My use case is I've 1 laptop (main machine & always at home) & 1 netbook (brought to school daily). Most of my iTunes usage will be via the stay-at-home laptop; but I may wish to add/manage new content onto my iTunes library/iPod while I'm outside (hence, decoupled from my external hard disk at home).
    I'm not trying to be funny for objective #1 either. I wish to have a streamlined process of retaining & re-instating my iTunes library meta-data across system re-format, i.e. where the iTunes library db files' location may be changed (most obvious being the new "My Music" folder path in Win7 from WinXP)
    _What I'm well aware of_
    I understand that storing/re-locating multimedia on external hard disk is no-kick to iTunes veteran. I also understand that after a new installation of iTunes, I can move the fresh copy of "iTunes_library.itl" & "iTunes_library.xml" files to my external volume & point iTunes to their new address from the 2nd launch onwards. I also understand any new machines I introduce into my environment can be directed to that exact copy of iTunes library database files when I install iTunes & pressing "Shift" key upon their launch. Lastly, I also understand that I will have no access to my multimedia files (for playback) while I'm outside, but I can still add new content, & download new podcasts & remove old content from my library/iPod
    _The question_
    However, what I have difficulty achieving, is launching iTunes on my on-the-go machine(s), without a local copy of the iTunes library database files. I doubt iTunes will be able to launch at all, & if I create a new library (just to launch iTunes), it will not possess content from my main media collection & likely to wipe out my iPod.
    _My novice attempt & its inadequacies_
    My 1st instinct, is to have the iTunes library database files stored in the cloud. More specifically, I can store them files in my DropBox folder/account, & have every machine update to a single latest version of iTunes library database files upon Internet connection. However, this method depends on:
    +* the DropBox application to exist forever,+
    +* assumed the installation path of DropBox (or any applications for that matter) to persist/remain unchanged across future versions of operating systems,+
    +* Will corrupt any un-sync-ed version of my iTunes library database files when I launched iTunes without 1st updating the local cached copy of them database files (suppose I manage my iPod playlists via iTunes on a plane)+
    _Open for recommendations_
    So here I'm, all ears to any fine recommendations you iTunes veterans have to offer. Thanx in advance.

    In case anyone is interested in these sorta thing:
    UPDATE #4: Unfortunately, if you discover you tagged something wrong after importing the songs, even when you correct the tags, iTunes will not re-organize the folder hierarchy, as long as “Keep iTunes Music folder organized“ is UNchecked, even if the songs were imported via the “Automatically add to iTunes folder” channel.
    Example: I imported a folder of Andy Lau songs into my library, unbeknownst to me, some of the songs had their “Artist” tagged as “Andy Lau“, while some had theirs tagged as “Liu De Hua“. Naturally, the 1st time round I imported them, 2 separate folders were instantiated as to iTunes, those were names of 2 distinct artists (this is expected, & acceptable behaviour). The downside is, even if I re-tagged all those songs with “Andy Lau” as the artist, iTunes will no longer re-organize & consolidate all them songs into a single “Andy Lau” artist folder (because I’d “Keep iTunes Music folder organized” UNchecked remember?)
    Well, you may suggest that I check that option when managing my future library & uncheck it right before launching/using my main, current library. The thing is, iTunes preferences persist across libraries, & one day I will forget to uncheck that option, launch my main library & lose all my current music folder structure to iTunes’ re-organization (which I don;t want, as of yet). Which brings me to another update:
    UPDATE #5: My future iTunes library has “I:/iTunes_Media” as iTunes’s “Home” folder. This setting persists even when I switch back to my main, current library. Which means, if I’d my external volume connected while launching/using my main, current library, all new content will end up in that folder on the external volume! Which messes up the whole scheme of things! Arghz!
    UPDATE #6: Here’re some updates with regards to ID3 tags:
    * the “Album Artist” in Windows (7) Explorer = the “Album Artist” field in iTunes 9
    * Modifying a ID3 tag field using Windows (7) Explorer will update BOTH the v1 & v2.3 version of the ID3 tags on the song (if the song has both versions of tags embedded & if the field exists in both tag versions). If you update the tags via iTunes, only the v2.3 tags get updated. This is surprising.
    * the “Contributing Artist” field in Windows (7) Explorer = the “Artist” field in iTunes 9 & the “Artist” field in ID3v1 tags (changes in tany of the 3 fields will affect the other 2 respectively)
    o However, iTunes Media folder organization will only adhere to the value saved in the “Album Artist” field [if you change the value of "Contributing Artist" in Windows (7) Explorer, the "Artist" field in iTunes or the "Artist" field in a song's ID3v1 tags, no folder re-organization will occur]
    UPDATE #7: Some updates with regards to workflow:
    Decided to retain all non-music content within a sub-folder named “non-music” beneath the main album folder (& take strict precautions to import songs only). The exception is “m3u” playlist files. Have read elsewhere if you import a folder of songs & there’s an “m3u” playlist inside, your library may have duplicates and/or the tags of those songs you just imported could be screwed, etc.

  • How do i manage 1 iphoto library on 2 external drives?

    I'm trying to find the most efficient way to manage 1 iphoto library across 2 external drives. In case one of my external drives dies, I'll have a backup.
    I know how to copy my iphoto library onto another drive, but my question is how to manage the 2 drives when i add photos/videos to them from my iphone.
    Currently, I import photos/vids from iphone onto 1 drive. Then unmount the external drive and hook up another drive. I direct iphoto to use the new drive as it's library and then import the photos/vids again onto the second drive. I make sure the event is named the same, so I have the same iphoto setup across both drives. Then i delete the photos/vids from my iphone.
    Is there a more efficient way to do this? Or software that can do this in one step?
    Thanks in advance for any help! 

    You want to have a backup of your working library on your MacBook Pro on each of two external HDs, correct? 
    If yes then use a backup application like Synk or Synk Pro that can incrementally backup the library, i.e. copy only those new of modified files.  If you go to and do a search for "backup" you'll get a list of potential candidates.
    Then all you need to do is connect EHD#1 and run the backup app to update the library then connect EHD#2 and do the same.  It only takes several seconds to make the incremental backup.  Synk Pro can be configured to automically start the backup when the external drives are connected.  I'm not sure but believe some of the other backup apps could do the same.

  • Can I manage my iTunes Library from my iPhone?

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    I tend to sync via WiFi because I often don't have access to the computer used to manage my library (it is used for streaming films to the TV).
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    Is this feasible?  If so how can it be achieved?
    Any help appreciated

    iTunes only supports transferring purchased items from iOS devices for copyright reasons.  To learn how to do this, take a look at
    For any music not purchased from iTunes, Apple does not support transferring that content and you can check with third-parties for more information.

  • I prefer to arrange my photos by title but when I shut down Iphoto, my photos rearrange by date.  This is not acceptable for my growing library of snanned black and white ancestral photos. How do I get photos in events to stay in place ?

    I prefer to arrange my photos by title but when I shut down Iphoto, my photos rearrange by date.  This is not acceptable for my growing library of snanned black and white ancestral photos. How do I get photos in events to stay in place ?

    I actually am illiterate on the use of the finder to to view photos in folders.  I guess I will go to a class at the local Apple store for a lesson on the uses of finder .
    My method of viewing my photos are through events in I photo.
    1. Download  from camera or scan  in from old photos.
    2  I organize photos into events by occasion, or happenings in a certain year, or a group of photos with memorabilia of a certain person from childhood and on. etc.
    3.  Because Iphoto does not allow rearranging as I was able to do in my old PC with Corell,  I drag all of the photos to an " album" on the left side of sceen.  
    4.  I arrange photos in "order" after which I number each photo in sequence. I do this for a few of reasons.
              - if a photo is accidentally deleted I know it.  I can usually remedy this by checking my trash or
              - I can sort by title without complications and this holds in "album"
    5.  The pictures will re arrange automatially to match the album in I photo.
    6.  This worked great in I-photo 09 but now in mountain lion the pictures in events go back to "
    sort by date" and will not hold "sort to Title"each time I photo is closed down.  What a nuicance it is to have to go  to view and click "title"  again and again every time Iphoto is opened.
    7. Can I go back to Photo 09? . 

  • Itunes management of large library

    I would like to use itunes to manage my media library (16,000+ files on a network share). However, I'm finding it frustrating to add new files, and to make sure that all my files are imported.
    I would let itunes manage the library, but I don't like the way it names files and I can't seem to find a way to change it (I want Artist - Album - # - Title.mp3 format, subdir'd into \artist\album\ tree. Itunes just uses ##-title.mp3, not good enough for me)
    If I get a lot of new files at once, I don't want to have to manually drag & drop folders one-at-a-time into the itunes window and wait while it does a bunch of stuff I don't care about (gapless playback, etc.).
    I want a way to fire off a process that will find new files and import them in the background. I don't want iTunes to have to rescan the whole filesystem, or to have to rebuild the library using i.e. Libra every time I want to add files.
    Any ideas?

    iTunes' music library management is horrible, imo..
    there's no "watch folders" function that you have in winamp, and any time you
    make any changes to file names/folder structures in the library, you're pretty
    much screwed unless you remove the files from the library and then re-add them.
    I've found it best to add the folders to the library (you can add the top folder
    of the directory tree)... and then leave them alone as much as possible!
    This suhks, because I rely alot on the libraries capability to track the number
    of times that a track has been played, when it was added etc etc..
    if you remove the tracks, when you re-add them the history is cleared
    I've had much heartache with this "feature" ie bug.. i'm hoping future releases will have a "monitor added folders for changes" feature or something similar.
    Any help from a guru who has a script to solve this?
    Message was edited by: madAndroid

  • Apply Information Rights Management to document library with edit permission to site admin or Member Group in O365

    Apply Information Rights Management to document library with edit permission to site admin or Member Group in O365.
    so that one or few limited users can update or edit documents in IRM applied document library

    Based on your description, my understanding is that you want to apply Information Rights Management to a document library.
    Here is a link about how to set up Information Rights Management (IRM) in SharePoint admin center, you can use as a reference:
    Here is a link about how to apply Information Rights Management to a library, you can use as a reference:
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Managing large iTunes library across multiple storage devices

    I'm trying to find a way to manage a very large library of about 1 TB, which obviously won't fit on my MBP hard drive.  I want my movies and tv shows on an external drive, but would like my music, podcasts, etc on my internal drive.  I would like to ability to see all items when in iTunes, and would like the ability synch any of the items when synching my iPods, iPhone, or iPad.
    I know I can go into the preferences and select the advanced tab and deselect the Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library and then put my media on an external storage device.
    My question is this... when I download new movie or tv shows from iTunes, where will it put them?  Will it put them in my iTunes media folder, or will it put them on the external drive, or someplace else?
    Wouldn't it be easier if Apple would allow you to designate where you wanted to put your videos versus or audo content?  it just seems so "unintuitive" for a company that prides themselves on being easy to use, and of course, "just working"
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance... Scott

    iTunes hasn't really caught up with Apple's seeming trend towards devices that are smaller and smaller and the glut of media that requires large storage.  I guess in the end it might be expected one goes to cloud storage of some sort.
    I have never bought anything from iTunes Store but I guess it will still download to someplace indicated in preferences for your media folder location even if you have turned off copy to for other methods of adding media.  Two options then.  Either make that place your internal drive and move files to the external as you download them, or make it the external drive and work with special handling of music files on the internal.  You can override iTunes copying items if you hold down the option key while dragging the item to itunes.

  • How to manage only 1 library in a network

    I'm using both a iMac and a MacBook. I want to manage only 1 iTunes Library. I have put my library into Timecapsule because I have lots of room. TC is also my wireless router.
    However, when I play music on my computer, I got music timeouts (sounds cut for a few seconds) which is really annoying. Could I overcome this problem somehow?
    If I place my iTunes library into the "share folder" then accessible from both computer, would that be better in terms of sound quality? If so, would that take room on my MacBook or iMac?

    There is quite a bit of data that is stored in the System Properties. Run this little test app and it'll display all of the System Properties, what you are looking for may be contained in there:
    public class Test {
        public static void main(String[] args) {

  • Will Photo Library Manager help without library file

    I recently upgraded to Leopard and added ilife to upgrade my iphoto from a reeaaally old version. I imported photos from the old version and Iphoto was working fine a couple weeks ago. Today, however, when I tried to open it, I got the Choose Your Library message. There is no library listed, nor can I find one. I have not done anything to iphoto or the library file since it was last opened and working fine. Will Photo Library Manager help if there is no library file? Is the albumdata.xml file in the iphoto database or is it somewhere else in my computer? Surely the files are there somewhere! What else can I do? I have a back-up but it has run since I last opened iphoto and I can't find a library file in there either. What is the library file called? Maybe I'm not looking for the write thing...
    Thanks for your help. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

    Did you use Spotlight to try to find your library. If the library was inadvertantly moved to certain areas of the HD Spotlight will not find it. Download and run Find File to search for "Library6.iPhoto". If you get a hit it's a good chance it's the library. Good Luck.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier versions) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. There are versions that are compatible with iPhoto 5, 6, 7 and 8 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    NOTE: The new rebuild option in iPhoto 09 (v. 8.0.2), Rebuild the iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup" makes this tip obsolete.

  • Use macbook to manage 1 itunes library in a server

    Hi all, I'm planning my move to MAC but need the answer to some key questions before.
    I'm planning on having a itunes installed on a mac mini (server) connected to an external USB hard-drive holding all my music. I don't want to use this server itself (via mouse, keyboard, screen), I want to use it exclusively via my macbook/wifi (which will hold no music itself).
    Is this possible? to have only one itunes library in the server and fully use and manage it via the macbook. Also I would need to move files and run programs on the server via macbook.
    To throw in another variable... what if instead of a mac mini server, it was a regular PC with windows XP? would all this be possible too?
    If this information is somewhere else, please point me out and I'll read it.
    THANKS in advance for your input, it is greatly appreciated.

    Jorge83 wrote:
    Hi all, I'm planning my move to MAC but need the answer to some key questions before.
    a wise choice, Jorge83 ! welcome to Apple discussions and the bright side of computing.
    I'm planning on having a itunes installed on a mac mini (server) connected to an external USB hard-drive holding all my music. I don't want to use this server itself (via mouse, keyboard, screen), I want to use it exclusively via my macbook/wifi (which will hold no music itself).
    Is this possible? to have only one itunes library in the server and fully use and manage it via the macbook. Also I would need to move files and run programs on the server via macbook.
    yes. you may need to have mouse, keyboard and monitor connected to the mini for the initial setup. but once that is done, you can access/control the mini vis +screen sharing+ from your MacBook.
    To throw in another variable... what if instead of a mac mini server, it was a regular PC with windows XP? would all this be possible too?
    it would not be a simple as with the mini (there's no screen sharing possible between Mac and PC AFAIK) but it should be an option, yes. i can't provide any steps for that scenario but perhaps another user can.
    good luck and happy holidays !

  • Best way to manage large photo library

    I currently use iPhoto to manage my 14,000+ images, but I am experiencing a few problems with it and wonder if ALR is a better alternative. My computer is running more and more slowly every time I add more to the library. I am worried it will crash the computer or make other applications inoperable, but am not sure what is the best way for me to manage the library.
    My concerns are:
    1. I have the files backed up on an external drive, but I don't want to also remove them from iPhoto because (I think) I will lose the captions I have entered for each image and the folders in which they are organized.
    2. I want to increase my library of images (plus captions) and allow it to be utilized in the near future by others at my workplace by putting the library, I suppose, on an external hard drive. Can that work with ALR?
    Thank you, in advance, for suggestions.

    LR2 is a much better storage and retrieval system than iPhoto. Plus, the LR2 editing features are simple and powerful. iPhoto has a file size threshold that is much lower than LR2.
    My LR2 database is 122,000 images (has been 150k) and does just fine.
    Other users are problematic with LR2; it is a single computer application with no network capabiity. Yes, you can have the database on an external drive and pass it around, but that kind of thing would not be convenient.
    Chris Crumley

  • Managed vs. referenced library??

    I am test driving aperture and have been using Photoshop- Bridge to organize my photos. That is to say I keep them organized in folders which I create for each project. Each folder has a name that means something to me and is dated. I rarely cannot find a specific photo shoot. If I let Aperture organize the library will I have trouble finding the origional Master image. That is what I never liked with iPhoto. Would you recommend continuing to use my files which are on an external drive, as a referenced library, or should I just have Aperture create a Managed library out of my files?? Thanks.

    This particular topic is driving me crazy because you all seem to take the opposite sides on this subject.
    Here is my current setup and workflow. Can I get suggestions of the best ways to use aperture within these parameters
    I have an imac dual core intel about 3 years old (imac7,1). It has six gb of ram and I just installed a new 2 TB internal drive. It currently has about 330 gb used.
    I have attached to it the following drives: a 1 TB usb drive for time machine, a 2nd 1 TB USB drive which is a scratch disk for stuff I don't back up, and a 500 GB FireWire 800/400, usb which is partitioned in two. One partition is where I store a cloned back up via superduper and the other is where I have stored some test master photo files while I figure out the best way to use aperture.
    I also use backblaze to back up the internal drive to the cloud. I am currently backing up about 250 GB.
    I have around 20k photos on the internal drive inside iPhoto 11. I haven't touched those yet.
    My photo workflow for new shots is to download the pictures to the external firewire drive then import the jpeg (I usually shoot in raw + jpeg) to aperture as a referenced import then cull the bad shots and then import the masters as referenced also. I also import the jpeg files to iphoto (so they are backed up).
    I am going to have backup issues due the new 2 tb drive with the super duper clone (only have 500 gb available to the firewire drive. I could do the back up to the 1 tb usb drive instead and use the 500 gb firewire drive as my external drive for movies and photo masters. IF I do that then I’m going to have to backup everything again to backblaze (takes about six weeks to back up 250 gb). If I do that then I am living on the edge because I will only have one backup of my photo masters. That scares me.
    The whole process scares me so much I have touched the iphoto library yet..
    Ideas? Remember to KISS.

Maybe you are looking for