Mando de tiempos de osciloscopio virtual

Hola, estoy haciendo un osciloscopio virtual con Labview, y mi duda viene a la hora de hacer el mando de time division , ya que , no consigo hacerlo.
Un saludo

I don't speak Spanish, but it sounds like you are asking an extremely general question about a project that you haven't yet started.  There are examples of oscilloscopes created in Labview, including information about timing, throughout the forums.  For example:

Similar Messages

  • Photoshop CS5 no arranca (memoria virtual, privilegios)

    De la noche a la mañana no me arranca el Photoshop CS5 (tampoco InDesign), me salen estos dos mensajes
    No se ha podido abrir un archivo de memoria virtual debido a que el archivo está bloqueado o no tiene los privilegios de acceso necesarios. Utilice el comando ‘Obtener información’ en el Finder para desbloquear el archivo, o cambiar los permisos de este o de las carpetas en las que se encuentra.
    No se ha podido inicializar Photoshop debido a que el archivo está bloqueado o no tiene los privilegios de acceso necesarios. Utilice el comando ‘Obtener información’ en el Finder para desbloquear el archivo, o cambiar los permisos de este o de las carpetas en las que se encuentra.
    He desinstalado, reinstalado, reparado permisos etc, solo consigo abrir-lo desde otro usuario (que he creado para la ocasión)…
    Alguien tiene idea de como resolver que me esta paralizando el trabajo…
    Gracias de antemano
    Mi equipo.
    iMac 2.5. ghz Intel Core i5
    Lion 10.7.2
    12GB memoria

    Tras probar muchas coses decidí no perder mas el tiempo y volver a instalar el sistema.
    Previamente realice una copia del sistema booteable con superduper (una precaución necesaria)
    1- arrancar pulsando la tecla Alt
    2- escoger la opción "recovery" (al instalarse Lion crea una partición en el Disco duro)
    3- escoger el idioma del sistema
    4- reinstalar sistema
    5- esperar el largo procesa (lion vuelve a descargarse mediante internet o sea que según la conexión tarda mas o menos))
    Lion vuelve a instalarse encima del sistema guardando todos los archivos, preferencias etc, por lo tanto no ha sido necesario volver a instalar apps de terceros…eso si conviene pasar la "actualización de sistema" para acabar de actualizar-lo todo.


    Instale photoshop cs en mi equipo (Pentium 4, 80GB de disco, 256 de memoria, Windows XP). Pero cuando instalé el programa , me abrió una ventanita con esta advertencia: "La memoria virtual primaria del Photoshop y el archivo primario Windows en el mismo volumen puede generar rendimiento reducido. Configure en un volumen distinto la memoria virtual de Photoshop, de ser posible en una unidad física distinta".
    En un foro me recomendaron que usara un 65% ademas puse una particion en segundo lugar .Pero el problema no mejoró, cuando uso una herramienta como el Pincel, luego de dos pasadas se me atora (congela)toda la máquina.
    Ya desinstale y volvi a instalar el programas y todo sigue igual es mas tambien istale al version de prueva y pasa lo mismo.
    porfavor diganme que hacer!!!!
    de antemano muchas gracias.

    Hola Ángel:
    Si usaras un Macintosh en lugar de un PC, con mucho gusto te proporcionaría la bibliografía de todo aquello de lo que he echado mano a través de los últimos 22 años de usar ordenadores. Los mastodontes de Siemens y de IBM que ya utilizaba en el curso de mi trabajo hace cuarenta años no vienen al caso. :)
    Una fuente muy importante de conocimiento práctico de Photoshop son los seminarios y talleres organizados por la casa Adobe, así como la participación asidua en los foros de Photoshop en inglés, donde los programadores, ingenieros y hasta el propio creador e inventor de Photoshop y de Camera Raw voluntariamente responden a las preguntas específicas de los usuarios cuando su tiempo libre se los permite.
    Tienes toda la razón en destacar que el manual de instrucciones es increíblemente deficiente, como lo es también el menú de Ayuda que viene con el programa. De eso no cabe duda, y no tiene remedio.
    Como llevo ya 27 años de vivir en los EE.UU., específicamente en el norte de la Alta California, a unos 160 kilómetros de la matriz de Adobe, solamente puedo citarte títulos de libros en inglés. Ignoro si hay traducciones en castellano.
    El más importante se llama «Adobe Photoshop CS Classroom in a Book», editado por Adobe. Trae un CD-ROM (cederrón, que ya lo acepta así la Academia de la Lengua) y viene organizado en lecciones elaboradas por pedagogos muy competentes. Es esencial.
    Muy importante también es «Real World Photoshop CS» de Bruce Fraser y David Blattner.
    Para entender el SO, los libros de David Pogue son imprescindibles, pero en este caso me refiero al sistema Macintosh. La misma editorial, O'Reilly, tiene obras correspondientes para el mundo de Güindous.
    El uso de la memoria física y virtual depende completamente de tu forma de trabajar y la magnitud e índole de tus ficheros.
    En el momento en que tú abres una imagen, Photoshop CS reclama más memoria, física y virtual. Cada que añades una capa a tu imagen, le añades una cantidad igual de bits y bytes al fichero en la memoria, igual al tamaño total de la imagen original. Cada que das una pincelada, pintas una rayita, corriges un color, o alteras de cualquier manera tu imagen, le aumentas una cantidad igual al fichero en la memoria, pues es indispensable para que el programa pueda retroceder si tú decides cancelar uno o más pasos.
    También influye mucho el número de etapas que tengas en tu paleta de Historia. Cada etapa que puedas ver ahí en esa lista representa de hecho una imagen por separado en la memoria, cada una del mismo tamaño del fichero original.
    La memoria virtual de Photoshop te dará mejor velocidad y rendimiento si se encuentra en una unidad de disco por separado (no en una partición o volumen de la unidad de disco de arranque), pues de otro modo la memoria virtual de Photoshop y la del SO están compitiendo continuamente por el uso del único juego de cabezas de lectura y escritura del mismo disco de arranque.
    Si puedes dedicarle todo un segundo disco
    interno a la memoria virtual de Photoshop, pues tanto mejor. También puedes hacer una partición en ese segundo disco simplemente para que se fragmenten menos los ficheros que tengas ahí. Hay que recordar que la memoria virtual del SO forzosamente debe mantenerse en el disco de arranque, no en un disco por separado.
    En los SOs actuales de 32 bits, como lo son tanto el OS X de Macintosh como Windows, el máximo teórico de memoria física que puede usar cualquier programa se limita a unos 1.9GB. Es un principio matemático elemental: un bit queda siempre reservado, por lo que quedan 31 bits utilizables, y 2^31 (dos a la trigésima primera potencia) es igual a 2,147'483,648 (2'147.483.648) o sean 2GB. Hay un margen que los programadores llaman "slop", así que no se utilizan todos los 2GB teóricos.
    Como todo depende de los factores mencionados anteriormente, es imposible tener una tabla de equivalencias o una regla de aritmética para determinar con precisión la memoria requerida en un momento dado en función del tamaño original de tu fichero.
    Los datos que te hemos proporcionados son producto de nuestras experiencias prácticas y de las recomendaciones de los programadores.
    Ahora bien, si tu SO (Windows), tu CPU (Pentium de Intel, o Athlon, etc.), o tu máquina te limitan a una capacidad de 2GB de memoria física, por ejemplo, imagínate nada más lo que pasaría si le asignas 95% a Photoshop: ¡el pobrecito SO se muere de hambre y se te cuelga la máquina!
    En un Mac G5 con 8GB de memoria física, sí le podrías dar un 95%, 99% o hasta 100% de la
    memoria momentáneamente disponible
    , pues Photoshop, como cualquier otro programa no utilizará más de 1.9GB. Fíjate muy bien: ese porcentaje no se refiere a la memoria RAM instalada físicamente sino a la
    memoria momentáneamente disponible
    , o sea lo que queda de esa RAM una vez que el SO y cualquier otro programa que esté funcionando hayan acaparado lo que necesiten. Esa
    memoria momentáneamente disponible
    cambia continuamente, de forma dinámica, cada nanosegundo. No es una cifra fija.
    También hay que tomar en cuenta que debe sobrar un poco de memoria disponible para que el SO pueda respirar, es decir, en cualquier momento el SO puede requerir más memoria de la que había reclamado inicialmente y volver a pedir más RAM.
    Por esos motivos no debes asignarle el 100% ni siquiera el 80% a Photoshop, a menos de que dispongas de por lo menos 4GB de RAM instalada físicamente en tu máquina. Aún así, es aconsejable nunca pasar de un 95%. Hay razones para ello que resultaría larguísimo explicar.
    En mi caso concreto, yo tengo cuatro discos duros internos de 160GB cada uno. La memoria virtual de Photoshop la tengo en una partición dedicada de 50GB en un disco que por el momento está todavía completamente vacío.
    Las imágenes las guardo en discos externos FireWire con capacidad total de más de 900GB.
    Seguramente no he contestado a tus numerosas preguntas, así que no dudes en plantearlas de nuevo.
    Saludos cordiales,

  • OT: VIRTUAL PC se ha liberado

    This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
    Content-Type: text/plain;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    Para quien lo desconozca VIRTUAL PC era el S.O. que
    permit=EDa emular =
    windows en un MAC.
    Hace un tiempo lo compr=F3 Microsoft.
    est=E1 la noticia y un =
    link para su descarga.
    Lucas Sevilla
    Content-Type: text/html;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
    <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2900.3059"
    <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
    <DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS" size=3D2>Para
    quien lo desconozca =
    VIRTUAL PC era el=20
    S.O. que permit=EDa emular windows en un
    <DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS"
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS" size=3D2>Hace un
    tiempo lo compr=F3=20
    <DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS"
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS"
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS" size=3D2>Aca
    .com/mt/archives/021635.php</A> est=E1=20
    la noticia y un link para su
    <P>Lucas Sevilla</P>
    <P><A =
    <P><A href=3D""></A>=20

    This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
    Content-Type: text/plain;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    Si leeis el art=EDculo y mirais en MS vereis que s=F3lo sirve
    para =
    emular otros SO en windows, de hecho los requisitos de SO
    Virtual PC 2007 runs on: Windows XP Professional, Windows XP
    Tablet PC, =
    Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista
    Enterprise, =
    and Windows Vista Ultimate
    De hecho en una presentaci=F3n que he visto lo plantean como
    modo de =
    usar aplicaciones de otros SO en Vista (entre otras
    Bueno, para quien le interese dejo el enlace a la p=E1gina de
    Virtual =
    Saludos, =C1lvaro.
    "YaC" <[email protected]> escribi=F3 en el
    mensaje =
    news:[email protected]...
    Est=E1 bien saberlo aunque.... realmente hay alguien que
    quiera ir en =
    un ferrari con el freno de mano puesto? jejejeje
    "Lucas Sevilla" <[email protected]> escribi=F3
    en el mensaje =
    news:[email protected]...
    Para quien lo desconozca VIRTUAL PC era el S.O. que
    permit=EDa =
    emular windows en un MAC.
    Hace un tiempo lo compr=F3 Microsoft.
    est=E1 la noticia =
    y un link para su descarga.
    Lucas Sevilla
    Content-Type: text/html;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
    <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.6000.16414"
    <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Si leeis el
    art=EDculo y mirais en MS =
    vereis que s=F3lo=20
    sirve para emular otros SO en windows, de hecho los
    requisitos de SO=20
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><EM><FONT color=3D#ff0000>Virtual PC
    2007 runs on: Windows XP =
    Windows XP Tablet PC, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
    Business, =
    Windows Vista=20
    Enterprise, and Windows Vista
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>De hecho en una
    presentaci=F3n que he =
    visto lo=20
    plantean como modo de usar aplicaciones de otros SO en Vista
    (entre =
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Bueno, para
    quien le interese dejo el =
    enlace a la=20
    p=E1gina de Virtual PC: <A=20
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Saludos,
    <BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr=20
    5px; =
    BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
    <DIV>"YaC" &lt;<A=20
    href=3D"mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</=
    escribi=F3 en el mensaje <A=20
    href=3D"news:[email protected]">news:erhti7$i69$1@forums=</A>...</DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Est=E1 bien
    saberlo aunque.... =
    realmente hay=20
    alguien que quiera ir en un ferrari con el freno de mano
    <BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr=20
    5px; =
    BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
    <DIV>"Lucas Sevilla" &lt;<A=20
    href=3D"mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</A>&gt;=
    escribi=F3 en el mensaje <A=20
    href=3D"news:[email protected]">news:erhs8v$gkn$1@forums=</A>...</DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS" size=3D2>Para
    quien lo desconozca =
    era el S.O. que permit=EDa emular windows en un
    <DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS"
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS" size=3D2>Hace
    un tiempo lo compr=F3 =
    <DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS"
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS"
    size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
    <DIV><FONT face=3D"Trebuchet MS" size=3D2>Aca
    .com/mt/archives/021635.php</A> est=E1=20
    la noticia y un link para su
    <P>Lucas Sevilla</P>
    <P><A =
    <P><A href=3D""></A>=20

  • Time division osciloscopio

    HOla, mi pregunta es como puedo diseñar el mando de time division que tiene un osciloscopio,pero quiero diseñarlo en labview y  como tarjeta de adquisicion uso un arduino.
    Gracias por adelantado.

    HOla, mi pregunta es como puedo diseñar el mando de time division que tiene un osciloscopio,pero quiero diseñarlo en labview y  como tarjeta de adquisicion uso un arduino.
    Gracias por adelantado.

  • Problem with DNS and/or Virtual Host (works from inside, not from outside)

    I am running several web sites (as virtual hosts) successfully on one Xserve (192.168.200), which are accessible internally and from the Internet (via forwarding port 80 on our firewall).
    Now I am trying to add another web site (, which however is running on a Mac mini (also on the same subnet as the Xserve) at 192.168.100. What I did is make an additional entry under the Xserve's DNS for the domain ( (+ Machine..., pointing to (I also made the necessary changes to the Mac mini's httpd and hosts configuration--no problem there).
    Now, here's the strange thing: All computers on the subnet, whose DNS points to the Xserve, can see and browse fine. No problem. The computers ask the Xserve for the IP of the host in question, the Xserve says, "192.168.100", the request goes to the Mac mini, and it serves the web site as expected.
    But this doesn't happen if the request comes from the Internet. Instead of seeing the Mac mini, the client sees the default web site of the Xserve... So it appears that somewhere, the virtual host part of the HTTP request is lost between our firewall and the Xserve.
    Any ideas? Thanks.

    It's not going to.
    You say you've setup port forwarding on the firewall. Port forwarding only cares about the port number (80). It knows nothing about the nature of the request (e.g. the hostname that the web request is for). Therefore all extenal connections on port 80 get sent to the XServe. The newmini doesn't see the traffic at all.
    If you only have a single public IP address you can only forward port 80 traffic to a single machine. Your options are to either use a different port number, or configure the XServe to proxy the connection to the mini (so now the traffic goes router -> XServe -> Mini -> XServe -> router), although that might not do what you want since it still places load and dependencies on the XServe.

  • Report issue on Virtual cube with services

    I'm following a how-to document to report on a virtual cube using a custom function module and everything seems to be OK except it is dumping at the following line which is included in the How To document "How Tou2026Implement a virtual InfoProvider with Services".
    Both <l_s_data> and E_T_DATA  are of same data types as discussed in the how-to document.
    append <l_s_data> to E_T_DATA
    These are the declarations which are same as HowTo document
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_s_data> TYPE ANY.
    Did any one face this issue. Greatly appreciate any insight into this issue. We are on BW 3.0B.
    the dump i'm getting is ...
    Data objects in a Unicode program are not convertible.
    Error analysis                                                                               
    The statement    "MOVE src TO dst"   requires the operands "dst" and "src" to be comvertible.                                                                             
    Since this statement occurs in a Unicode program, the special  convertibility rules for Unicode programs apply.
    Hari Immadi
    SEM BW Analyst

    In the debugging this is what I found out.. Any further insight?
    Virtual cube has only 1 characteristic Z_CRNUM & only 1 keyfigure Z_SR
    Report has only Z_CRNUM & Z_SR
    <L_S_DATA> has following record & value
    component      type     length     contents
    K____504     P     9     1.000
    S____504     C     18     16EA4D-R
    K____504 is the technical name of Z_SR in virtual provider.
    S____504 is the technical name of Z_CRNUM in virtual provider.
    E_T_DATA (type standard table) has following structure with a total of 5 fields.
    S____504    K____504           &KEYEND 1ROWCOUNT   Z_SR
    Hari Immadi
    SEM BW Analyst

  • How Create Virtual Directory On Oracle Application Server 10g on RHEL 5

    Dear Sir
    i have deployed my application on OAS 10g on RHEL 5 ,,now since my application is calling some pro*c programs and then they generate some text based reports on fixed folder named
    now i simply have to open these text based reports on web browser
    but for that i need to create virtual directory name : " /pcreport " without code
    kindlly help as its working on my developer suit 10g i created a virtual directory in my application server by making following entry in "orion-web.xml" file
    <virtual-directory virtual-path="/pcreport" real-path="/u/treas/temp" />
    kindlly help

    (My paths shown, yours will be different)
    In a text editor :
    Alias /pcreport/ "/u01/app/oracle/product/midtier/forms/pcreport/"
    <Directory "/u01/app/oracle/product/midtier/forms/pcreport/">
    Options Indexes
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    Create the pcreport directory.
    Add a simple test page
    vi /u01/app/oracle/product/midtier/forms/pcreport/test.html
    <title>Simple test page </title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    margin-left: 20%;;
    margin-right: 20%;
    border: 1px dotted gray;
    padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
    Best Regards

  • Is there a way to create a virtual network using C# and the Azure SDK/API?

    I don't see a clear way to create an Azure Virtual Network using the SDK.
    I have all the methods to create the virtual network configuration, but no way to submit it:
    IList<string> VirtualNetworkAddressPrefixes = new List<string>();
    IList<string> LocalNetworkAddressPrefixes = new List<string>();
    IList<NetworkListResponse.DnsServer> DNSServers = new List<NetworkListResponse.DnsServer>();
    IList<NetworkListResponse.Subnet> Subnets = new List<NetworkListResponse.Subnet>();
    NetworkListResponse.Gateway Gateway = new NetworkListResponse.Gateway();
    IList<NetworkListResponse.LocalNetworkSite> LocalSites = new List<NetworkListResponse.LocalNetworkSite>();
    IList<NetworkListResponse.Connection> Connections = new List<NetworkListResponse.Connection>();
    DNSServers.Add(new NetworkListResponse.DnsServer() { Name = "TestDNS1", Address = "a.b.c.d" });
    Subnets.Add(new NetworkListResponse.Subnet() { Name = "Subnet-1", AddressPrefix = "a.b.c.d/cidr" });
    Subnets.Add(new NetworkListResponse.Subnet() { Name = "GatewaySubnet", AddressPrefix = "a.b.c.d/cidr" });
    Connections.Add(new NetworkListResponse.Connection() { Type = LocalNetworkConnectionType.IPSecurity });
    LocalSites.Add(new NetworkListResponse.LocalNetworkSite()
    Name = "On-Prem",
    Connections = Connections,
    VpnGatewayAddress = "a.b.c.d",
    AddressSpace = new NetworkListResponse.AddressSpace() { AddressPrefixes = LocalNetworkAddressPrefixes }
    Gateway.Sites = LocalSites;
    Gateway.Profile = GatewayProfile.ExtraLarge;
    NetworkManagementClient netMgmtClient = new NetworkManagementClient(CloudCredentials);
    NetworkListResponse netlistresp = GlobalSettings.mainWindow.netMgmtClient.Networks.List();
    .Add(new NetworkListResponse.VirtualNetworkSite()
    Name = "TestVirtualNetwork",
    AddressSpace = new NetworkListResponse.AddressSpace() { AddressPrefixes = VirtualNetworkAddressPrefixes },
    DnsServers = DNSServers,
    Subnets = Subnets,
    AffinityGroup = "East US",
    Gateway = Gateway,
    Label = "LabelValue"
    I have also created the entire XML response and sent it to the NetworkManagementClient -> Networks.SetConfiguration() method, but it appears this command expects the virtual network to already be in existence. If anyone could give guidance, it would be

    As discuss above , we have to create the XML response  ,before that first you have to
    GetConfiguration() details of existing virtual network. 
    string.format("@<NetworkConfiguration xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns=''>
                <Dns />
                <VirtualNetworkSite name=""{0}"" Location=""{1}"">
                <Subnet name=""Subnet-2"">
                </VirtualNetworkSite>",Networkname,location)+(@"<VirtualNetworkSite name=""demodsf1"" Location=""West Europe"">
              <Subnet name=""Subnet-1"">
          </VirtualNetworkSite>  </VirtualNetworkSites>
    you have to append the node for existing node with new values , i got it its adding new virtual network 
    Best regards,

  • How can I cancel the "Recreate All Virtual Dekstops" for a pooled collection in 2012 R2?

    I currently have a system single-server installation of VDI, using 2012 R2 Standard as the server, using pooled collections of Windows 8.1.  In general, everything works very well, but I've been searching in vain for ONE command.  When
    I make a change to the master template in Hyper-V, Checkpoint it, then go into the Remote Desktop Services, go the appropriate collection and initiate a "Recreate All Virtual Desktops", how would I cancel that?
    It's happened on more than one occasion, where I make a change or an update to the template, and then push out the 25 new Virtual Desktops, and then the client comes back asking for a "little" change....but I'm stuck pushing it out until
    all 25 desktops have been recreated.  There must be a way to interrupt this process (probably leaving a few VM Desktops in an unstable state...which I don't care too much about as it's a pooled collection), update the template, and push it out again with
    the "Recreate All Virtual Desktops".  I do have the concurrency set so it recreates 5 at a time, but that noticeably impacts the users, and I don't want to just push out all 25 at a pop and interrupt everyone's work.  Any ideas?

    Have you tried Stop-RDVirtualDesktopCollectionJob ?  Something like below:
    Import-Module RemoteDesktop
    Stop-RDVirtualDesktopCollectionJob -CollectionName "PooledCollectionName" -ConnectionBroker ""

  • How to load a virtual tour in Flash Catalyst ?

    I want to know if is it possible to load on FC 5.5 a Virtual Tour imported in .swf and created from Autopano Tour Pro.
    I tried but I don't find any issue possible, if somebody could tell me if I can do this or I I have to give up !

    Hi Alex,
    I wasn't able to make that SWF load from within an FC project, either.  FC does support embedding of SWFs, but there may be some addional logic that sets this SWF up that doesn't function well when called from within another SWF.
    This isn't a perfect solution, but you could have an FC button or action open an URL (where your virtual tour swf resided).
    Good luck!

  • Error While Creating Windows Server 2008 SP2 32-BIT Virtual Machine

    I am facing an error while creating a Virtual Machine on the Cloud. The Error is below:
    Error (610)
    Virtual Machine Manager was unable to find a value for the required Sysprep parameter ProductKey.
    Recommended Action
    Add the missing Sysprep parameter either to the answer file or to the operating system configuration, and then try the operation again.
    My Template does not have the Product Key defined.  The OS is Windows Server 2008 SP2 32-BIT.  Is defining Product Key absolutely necessary?  I have other Templates for other Operating Systems and they are working fine.  Only facing problem
    with this.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    In the SCVMM world a 'template' is composed of the following: a VHD with an OS that has been generalized (sysprep), virtual hardware profile (settings), and an OS profile.
    The OS profile is required to have a product key.  A MAC activation key at the minimum.  But the key is required.
    If you deploy a VM from a VHD, the same customization assumptions are not at play.  Which is why it succeeds.  (there is no template in this case, there is also no requirement that the OS in the VHD be sysprep'd).
    SCVMM has rules.  And lots of things don't make sense until you begin to understand them and play within them. (I am not saying that the SCVMM rules are a good thing, just saying they exist)
    Brian Ehlert
    Learn. Apply. Repeat.

  • OIM Installation stuck at "Finalizing virtual Product Data Registry

    Oracle Database is installed on server and I will be connecting to that one while installing OIM
    I installed WebLogic Server 10.3.3 on my machine,started Admin Server
    Then I tried to install OIM
    But Installation is not getting complete.
    Its stuck at this point.
    Finalizing Virtual Product Data Registry
    This Operation may take a few moments.Please wait.........
    and below that there is a progress bar which is showing 100%
    One more thing I would like to tell you that When I specify the location of jdk(i.e C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_18), it gave me error
    "The Selected JDK Version is not supported by Oracle Identity Manager"
    Oracle isentity Manager may not function correctly if you continue installation with this unsupported version of JDK.
    Do you want to poceed with this unsupported version.?
    So I installed JDK 1.5 on my machine ,gave path of JDK1.5,It also gave the same error
    Then tried with JDK 1.6,then SDK EE 1.6......but all gave the same errors.
    So I finally I use the one came with WebLogic server i.e C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_18
    and on prompting of following error
    "The Selected JDK Version is not supported by Oracle Identity Manager"
    Oracle isentity Manager may not function correctly if you continue installation with this unsupported version o JDK.
    Do you want to poceed with this unsupported version.?
    I chosen Yes

    What does the setup_weblogic.log says?

  • Install R12 on a Virtual Machine hosted on Windows Vista

    I wanted to install Oracle EBS R12.1.1 on Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit but used to get .\jre\nt\1.6.0\bin\java error. Hussein Sawwan
    helped and said that this is not certified. He adviced me to create a VMWare Server. Following is my experience. I hope it is helpful. Any
    suggestions, additions are more than welcome. Thanks to all who helpmed me especially Hussein Sawwan, Helios, Gareth Roberts.
    I used to get .\jre\nt\1.6.0\bin\java error after the installation would zoom through 33%. That was because my staging area was not correct. The staging area should be just next to c:\ or whatever be the root directory (or drive). No space or special characters in folder name. My current structure is as follows:
    c:\r12stage. Under r12stage I have following folders and subfolders
    oraAppDB -- 49 Disks
    oraApps -- 11 Disks
    oraAS -- 3 Disks (This comes from the Rapid Install Tools)
    oraDB -- 5 Disks
    startCD -- 1 Disk plus other folders. Just copy startcd from the unzipped download and paste to r12stage area.
    I then created a virtual machine using VMWare Server (free download but need to register to get the serial number). Because I installed
    vmware server on Vista Home Premium 64 bit Host OS, I have to boot my machine by pressing F8 and then select Disable Digital Signature
    Enformcement. Thanks to Gareth Roberts for this tip. Create a vm and install Windows 2003 by selecting the .img file (first cd) by selecting Use ISO image and then path of the windows 2003 cd 1 (zipped file). start the virtual machine, that will install windows 2003 and then ask for location of 2nd cd. On the host machine, where the second win 2003 zip file resides, unzip the second zip file and name the folder as cd2. share this folder to the __vmware_user__ and from the virtual machine, map network drive to \\hostmachinename\cd2. Select this as the location of cd2 and complete the installation. Install MKS Toolkit from and visual c++ from Microsoft website. for information on this please refer to the following URL. Thanks to Muhammad Habib
    After installation is done and Windows Update is run, share the r12stage directory on the host machine to the vmuser and launch rapidwiz.cmd from the command prompt and follow the instruction. For internet connection from the VM use Ethernet as NAT.
    If the installation errors halfway through, clean up your VM by following instructions in document id 292424.1 in MetaLink. If you dont have access to Metalink then I summarize the steps briefly over here.
    Launch the Registry Editor.
    Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software key.
    Select the Apache Group subkey and delete it.
    Select the Oracle subkey and delete it.
    Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Current Control Set\Services.
    Carefully select and delete each service beginning with Oracle. For example, delete "Oracle Apache Server PROD_<nodename>".
    When you are finished, exit the Registry Editor.
    Navigate to the Environment Variables editing screen according to your system setup. For example, right-click My Computer and select
    Properties. From the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button.
    Select the following system variables if created during the failed installation, and delete them: DISCO_JRE, DISCO_VBROKER, JSERV,
    Select the Path variable, but do not delete it. Carefully edit it and remove any component with "Oracle" in the name, or that otherwise
    references the failed install. For example, delete "E:\11.5.10\test\visora\8.0.6\bin;".
    Save and exit System Properties.
    Open a command window and navigate to the C:\Program Files\ directory. Delete the Oracle subdirectory.
    If your Oracle Inventory directory was not C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory and was therefore not deleted in the previous step, locate it
    and delete it.
    Restart your machine
    It is now safe to remove the Oracle filesystem that was partially installed during the failed installation. Go to the base install directory,
    or top-level directory under which you installed either the Database Server (DATA, DB) or the Applications Tier Server (APPL, ORA, COMN)
    directories, or both. Note that you may choose to rename a directory before you delete it. This allows you to use the same directory name and start a new installation even before you finish the delete filesystem operation. For example, if you placed your filesystem in a "test" directory under
    C:\> E:
    E:\> cd 11.5.10
    E:\> rename test oldtest
    E:\> del /s /q oldtest
    In another window:
    C:\> cd <stage install directory>
    Q:\> rapidwiz.cmd
    After cleaning up if you still get error like RW-50004: Error Code received when running external process. Check log file for
    details. Running database Install driver for VIS instance, after 13% complte step 1 of 5 then I suggest that you re-create the machine and follow the above steps again. Including installing win 2003, mks tool kit , vc++, etc. It will be a success.
    Starting concurrent manager takes up enormous memory and slows down everything, so if you dont need it then dont ever start it. APPS password is apps and sysadmin user is sysadmin.
    Good luck.
    Mahesh Acharya

    I had Vista 64-bit machine, installed Ubuntu in VMWare. Installed Oracle apps on 32-bit Ubuntu under VMware and was able to access Oracle apps. But, it is very very slow. It hangs sometimes and takes 15-20mins to display Ubuntu screens. Am I missing something here. I have a 4GB RAM and VMWare can not use all the 4GB. It may be using 2GB of 4GB. Am I missing something?

  • Creation of virtual directory for EPMA during configuration

    Hi Experts,
    I was trying to install and configure the EPM products on a POC machine with Windows 2008 R2. I was able to install and configure some products and i was facing issue with the EPMA configuration where it struck during "Creation of EPMA virtual Directory". I can see the virtual directory created but not sure why this is not finishing up and just struck at this level, deployment is all fine. Attached the config log for any reference
    I have enabled Windows authentication in IIS 7 and disabled Basic authentication
    Please let me know if anyone has come across this issue and thanks for your help
    [2012-11-14T11:33:51.278-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01496] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] IIS version is 7
    [2012-11-14T11:33:51.278-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01516] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] Removing virtual directory: hyperion-bpma-server
    [2012-11-14T11:33:51.278-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01427] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.ant.AbstractAntConfigurator] Executing target: removeVirtualDir
    [2012-11-14T11:33:52.729-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01508] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] Creating virtual directory: hyperion-bpma-server(2:2), configRoot: C:\OracleEPM\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\Foundation\BPMA\AppServer\DimensionServer\WebService
    [2012-11-14T11:33:52.729-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01504] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] Creating application pool: DefaultAppPool
    [2012-11-14T11:33:52.745-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01427] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.ant.AbstractAntConfigurator] Executing target: createApplicationPool
    [2012-11-14T11:33:56.769-08:00] [EPMCFG] [NOTIFICATION] [EPMCFG-01001] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] trace: Updating .Net version of application pool...
    [2012-11-14T11:33:56.769-08:00] [EPMCFG] [WARNING] [EPMCFG-01001] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] trace: .Net version v2.0 will be used
    [2012-11-14T11:33:56.769-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01427] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.ant.AbstractAntConfigurator] Executing target: updateApplicationPoolManagedRuntime
    [2012-11-14T11:33:58.142-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01510] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] Using default application pool for hyperion-bpma-server
    [2012-11-14T11:33:58.142-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01427] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.ant.AbstractAntConfigurator] Executing target: createVirtualDir
    [2012-11-14T11:34:00.997-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01427] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.ant.AbstractAntConfigurator] Executing target: installAspDotNet
    [2012-11-14T11:34:02.573-08:00] [EPMCFG] [NOTIFICATION] [EPMCFG-01499] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] Going to allow Web Service Extension.
    [2012-11-14T11:34:02.573-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01427] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.ant.AbstractAntConfigurator] Executing target: enableWebServiceExtension
    [2012-11-14T11:34:04.008-08:00] [EPMCFG] [NOTIFICATION] [EPMCFG-01500] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] Web Service Extension allowing complete.
    [2012-11-14T11:34:04.008-08:00] [EPMCFG] [NOTIFICATION] [EPMCFG-01499] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] Going to allow Web Service Extension.
    [2012-11-14T11:34:04.008-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01427] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.ant.AbstractAntConfigurator] Executing target: enableWebServiceExtension
    [2012-11-14T11:34:05.552-08:00] [EPMCFG] [NOTIFICATION] [EPMCFG-01500] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] Web Service Extension allowing complete.
    [2012-11-14T11:34:05.552-08:00] [EPMCFG] [NOTIFICATION] [EPMCFG-01499] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] Going to allow Web Service Extension.
    [2012-11-14T11:34:05.552-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-01427] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.ant.AbstractAntConfigurator] Executing target: enableWebServiceExtension
    [2012-11-14T11:34:07.050-08:00] [EPMCFG] [NOTIFICATION] [EPMCFG-01500] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.cis.config.ant.iis.IISConfigurator] Web Service Extension allowing complete.
    [2012-11-14T11:34:07.050-08:00] [EPMCFG] [TRACE] [EPMCFG-07380] [oracle.EPMCFG] [tid: 23] [ecid: 0000Jg0PMStFw005zzL6iW1Gcyyx000005,0] [SRC_CLASS:] Getting IIS7 Default site name

    Why did you modify analytics.ear ?
    Should'nt you make changes here : Middleware_Home>\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1
    Follow this note : OBIEE 11g: How To Access Custom Files Through URL By Creating Virtual Directory In Weblogic Server? [ID 1408240.1]
    And you should be able to deploy that virtual directory and access it after authentication.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hello, I repost this from "Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard > Account and Login" since it was advised to me overthere. Sorry if your already read this one before. I have a problem defining environment variables that should be visible to all my user processes, n

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    Hello, my name is Judy Hermosillo, and I recently got a new computer. On my old computer I had Microsoft office, which included, PowerPoint, word, and excel. I was just wondering how I set that up in my new computer, which would be the one im using n

  • OBH2  & FBN1

    dear all i am have one issue. i have made a invoice and accounting document is not released. i tried to released manually no number range is there for the year 2010 (example). when i tried using FBN1 it says ENTER INTERVALS WITHOUT OVERLAP. Then i us