Manejar EDI EN sap

Buen dia.
                Mas que un problema, es una duda sobre las capacidades de SAP Business One 8.8, existe un AddOn gratis o de venta, que nos permita manejar EDI?? (EDI -  Electronic Data Interchange).

existe una herramienta de EDI para configurar y crear tus propias plantillas sobre EDICOM. Puedes mirar en
Si necesitas más ayuda, no dudes en contactar conmigo.
Aurelio Rubio

Similar Messages

  • Relation between EDI and SAP MM

    Hello Gurus,
    Is there any relation between SAP MM and EDI...?

    Hello Omkar,
    There is no specific relation between EDI and SAP MM. SAP MM module is for your internal data while Industry EDI is communication media.
    If you create a PO in your system , it is related to your MM part while information with regards to craeted PO is supplied to vendor by EDI _ Electronic data interchange.
    Hope this will help you.
    Amit C kulkarni.

  • Forwarding XML/EDI from SAP Business connector to EDI (cloverleaf)

    We are having issues setting SAP up to work with the business connector and our EDI system - cloverleaf.
    For testing, we would like to:
    1.  Create an idoc in SAP and send it to the Busness Connector.
    2.  Have the busness connector send the doc via XML to our EDI system cloverleaf.
    Currently, I have things setup like so:
    SM59: RFC setup as type T and works fine.
    WE20: Partner Type LS:
    I have 2 message types setup (in outboard: I have "orders" and in Inbound I have the same).
    in WE21: I have a cloverleaf (our EDI system) to run with the RFC destination I setup in SM59.
    On the Business connector, I have the following under routing rules:
    From SAP to the Business connector:
    Sender: 8805
    Reciver: 10000000008
    Message Type: Orders
    ACL Group: none
    Package: default
    Main Flow Services: wm.PartnerMgr.flows.88605.1000000008:ORDERS
    Transport: ALE (R3/IDOC)
    SAP destination: RD1 (our sid).
    FOR my outgoing to our EDI system cloverleaf:
    I am using the sender: * - Not sure if this should be SAP or the BC.
    Reciver:  *  - Our EDI system.  our EDI system is listening on port 49001.
    Message Type: Orders
    Under URL (not sure about this one) 
    I have  http://reg2lxap0725:5555/MessagingSystem/receive/BcAdapter/BC
    I am however stummped on how the URL shold look..
    Now, when we test the above config...  I recive the following results in WE02.
    0000000000003024  25     03 Green Light: IDoc Successful Green     LS/  /SAPBC     ORDERS05     ORDERS     Outbox     CLOVERLEAF
    For some reason, we also have an "inbound" that fails.
    0000000000003025  25     56 Red Light: IDoc Has Errors           KU/  /0000088605 ORDERS05 ORDERS Inbox     SAPRD1
    My main question is however around routing... 
    We are trying to send these to our EDI system which is listening on 49001.
    I am not sure how they want us to setup the routing rules to pass this over to the right port..
    I have also  searched the documentation, and have not found any real step by step guides, so I may be missing a few things..
    Any advice to point me to the right direction is greatly appriciated....
    Thanks  everyone,

    Hello Prateek,
    Thank you very much for your answer. The AdapterGuide was really helpfull.
    Now the routing rule is associated to the correct Service (that was a the problem). So the rule started to process the XML files from the folder (the XML files disappeared immediately after I corrected the rule).
    But now my problem is that on the SAP side there is no inbound IDOCs so it seems the trasmission may failed.
    Moreover under "Routing"-->"Transactions" I don't see these entries with the the current date.
    Our routing rule is simple: "wildcard" "wildcard" "wildcard" "ALE (R/3 IDOC)"--><OUR SAP SYSTEM>
    The SAP connection is working as I can test under "SAP..." menu.
    Is there any other way to monitor what had happened with these XML files? I'm sure the BC processed as the files are gone, but there is no IDOC in the destination SAP...
    Thanks a lot!

  • Urgent: IDOC to EDI with SAP Conversion Agent

    I have a requiremetn like IDOC to EDI ( Gentran ) scenario.
    We have decided to use SAP Conversion Agent to deal the same.
    Can anybody share their experiences on this kind of scenario.
    Needed step by step information to complete would be appreciated with the full of points.

    check with tis may helpful for you

  • EDI on SAP B1 9.0

    Hello All,
    Do any of you have succeed in setting EDI? I have followed this link about Activating EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) but encounter this issue.
    On step 1, it is stated:
    From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration Integration Service Integration Packages Integration Service-Integration Packages-Setup (All Companies) window.In the Package section, set the status of the EDI.SME to Active and choose Update.
    On my SAP B1, on tab Package, there is no package at all.
    On tab Company, there is an item named EDI, I enabled it.
    On step 2, it is stated:
    Activate the EDI scenario.In Administration System Initialization General Settings Services tab, select the Enable EDI checkbox.
    On my SAP B1, there is no such checkbox.
    Also, although it is not stated on Activating EDI guide, I tried to set Integration Framework, on menu Scenarios, I activated sap.SME.EDI scenarios and check results indicated it has been activated and running OK. But still there is no EDI.SME on package section of step 1.
    So my questions are:
    On step 1, how can I have EDI.SME in package section?
    On step 2, do you know why I don't have such checkbox? Is it because I don't have EDI.SME?
    Thank you for your help.

    I have these Licenses activated for my system i am providing the screenshots here please find it and suggest me.

  • EDI IDoc -SAP XI -ALE IDoc

    Hi All,
    I have a scenario in which EDI IDoc needs to be converted to an ALE IDoc(Basic Type FIDCCP02 ) when sent through SAP-XI.
    I need ur help in the following areas :
    1.Do I have to create the data type for sender ?
    2.How should I mention the File Content Parameters?
    Thanks in advance,

    IF ur sending an IDOC from sender side or receiver side no need to create data type,mesage type and message interface.
    if ur senario is to convert EDI data then u have SEEBURGER which is a middle ware which help to convert and EDI standard into XML.
    if ur using SEEBURGER then u can take the XSD file from seeburger tool and import it into IR,so no need to create datatype and message type.
    Reward Points if Helpful

  • ALE/EDI /IDOCs(sap-abap)

    Hi Friends,
        Could u pls send one simple example of Inbound Interface and Outbound Interface with screen shots  and also programings.
    MY id - [email protected]
    every suitable answers will be reward points.
    Thx and Regds,

    i am sending one pdf file check it.
    also check this link
    reward if helpful

  • Generating EDI from a non-SAP, non-EDI-savvy database to go INTO a SAP sys?

    I am a FileMaker geek.
    I have been asked about developing EDI transaction modalities from within a FileMaker Pro database for facilitating data exchange between the FileMaker db and a SAP environment owned & maintained by the same company.
    It seems like an odd request (these days, most exchange to/from FileMaker and other in-house systems is done "live", writing directly to the rows & columns of the various non-FileMaker tables using standard ODBC drivers;... but ignoring that, I've looked at what EDI is, and does, and I gather that the following are true?:
    u2022 System A's data structure is "flattened" down and then that data is arrayed as a "document" such as an invoice or a purchase order, etc etc....
    u2022 EDI is a venerable and well-established system allowing that resulting "document" to be conveyed, usually to a different company such as a trade partner, (in this case NOT, it will all be internal), which can then, in some fashion, import the data from the "document" into its own very different table structure in what we'll call System B.
    u2022 EDI in some fashion creates a standard, and that standard replaces the need for the folks using System A and the folks using System B to do a lot of cumbersome comparison of "what table and what column in your system represents the unique identifier for invoice and which column is invoice number" etc etc, -- by having both folks "speak EDI" the need to map out those matchups is eliminated.
    Please correct me if I'm on the wrong track up until that point, thanks.  Now, assuming I am NOT wrong, my main questions:
    u2022 File format!  Is the EDI "document" a plain text file that can be assembled and exported from a system that is itself oblivious to EDI, by a developer who is given the schema of how that text document has to "look" to System B?  Or is it binary and/or of sufficient complexity that no one DOES that, that instead some sort of driver or program is generally acquired or purchased that encodes data (say for example tab-delimited ASCII text) into EDI format?
    u2022 Schema?  I know how to flatten relevant information and export it out of FileMaker, but for most such requests I would be given a sample document, e.g., "data that goes into QuickBooks has to be in XML format with the relevant XML headers & data in the following order..." or "data that goes into our MAS 90 should be in tab delimited text with the following column order and without column name as top row..." or "data that is to go into our SAS system should be a plain text file with each column a precise char length padded with the standard space char as need be, in the following order..." etc etc.  Would I be given a similar schema and then just export out of FileMaker and assume that they will convert it (if need be) to EDI format from that, or is the art of spitting out data as an EDI "document" a very different sort of task?
    u2022 Is there a good reason that my initial gut reaction is necessarily WRONG, i.e., that since Company X owns both System A (FileMaker) and System B (their SAP system) and presumably have the hi-level passwords for full access to both, it would make more sense to write directly to the appropriate corresponding tables rows & columns instead of using EDI?  If so can you give me a sense of why they would want to use EDI for this?
    with sincere gratitude, thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Allan Hunter on Feb 3, 2009 2:25 PM elaborated on thread title

    Thank you, <b>Amit Kulkani</b>, for your replies.  I'm afraid neither answer is really an answer to my questions.  May I elaborate?
    a) In the first reply post, you write: " if we did not use EDI there might be many mannual error take place in operation.  So In short only the security point of view EDI works better."
    Assuming your target (SAP) tables have rules per each column and per each row, a direct SQL statement should not allow inappropriate information to be entered.  I can accept that perhaps SAP was written without such safeguards, if that is what you are telling me, but in that case any direct data entry process is going to be vulnerable to data entry error.  Or do you mean that no data entry <i>whatsoever</i>, at any point, at any time, occurs other than via EDI?
    b) In the second reply post, you cite these advantages.  Advantages over hand-writing the data on the back of a paper napkin and mailing it in a manila envelope for someone to retype into the system, yes, but how are any of these improved by using EDI instead of a direct connection from FileMaker?:
    u2022 Reduced postage costs  <i>Huh?</i>
    u2022 Reduced expenses <i>what expenses?</i>
    u2022 Speed <i>I would think directly writing to the data would be considerably FASTER than exporting to EDI and then importing from EDI into SAP</i>
    u2022 Elimination of paper documents <i>Who said anything about paper documents?</i>
    u2022 Elimination of labor intensive tasks, such as data entry <i>Yes, what I propose would eliminate that also</i>
    u2022 Greater accuracy of information <i>See above</i>
    Can you re-read my original post and give the same thoughtful consideration, but this time comparing EDI to what I am proposing (direct connection to the SAP tables), <i>not</i> comparing it to sending the data in on a piece of paper to be retyped manually when it arrives?
    Thanks in advance, and thanks again for your answers so far.

  • EDI 820 mapping into SAP

    Can any one give me the step-by-step approach in mapping the EDI 820 (both Inbound steps and Outbound steps) into SAP standard functionality ?
    Maruthi Ram

    Hello Maruthi
    Hi Jeff-
    It is a message type PAYEXT (REMADV), the i-Docs are PEXR2001 and
    Best Regards,
    Mike Kelly
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Jeff Garwick" < To: < < < Sent: Wednesday, 16 February, 2005 05:04 PM
    Subject: [EDI-L] SAP transaction set / EDI 820
    What is the SAP transaction set that supports an inbound EDI 820
    payment/remittance advice?
    Thank you,
    Jeff Garwick
    Bourns, Inc.
    Please use this input as starter for your own detailed search and let us know if you have found an appropriate solution.

  • Mapping handling in third party vs SAP PI for EDI 850

    Hi Experts,
    Can I know Pros and Cons for hanling mapping translations in third party vs handling mapping translations in SAP PI for EDI 850 interface.
    We are already paying money to third party. I just need pros and cons.. we will choose best approch based on your valuable points 
    Appreciate your help.

    Hi Mohan,
    SAP PI is a middleware and all Middlewares work pretty much on the same principles.
    I am assuming that EDI 850 would have some sort of structure, [ to be honest I have not worked on EDI but just read about it] and SAP PI would require you to convert this structure into XML -> the only language SAP PI understands.
    Now, I am sure there are lots of third party adapters available in the market for EDI. PI will give you flexibility to convert this interface into any kind of requirement be it JDBC/FILE/IDOC or anything and vice versa is also true. PI give you this enormous ability to convert to and from any format as long as it is viable.
    Last but not the least, it will provide a robust system with Alerting and Monitoring.
    Cons: You may have to invest on a third party adapter to read the EDI
    You can read the following links for more abt EDI and SAP PI:…
    Step by step interface for IDOC ORDERS05 to EDI 850 using B2B add-on and getting Functional acknowledgement 997 back
    EDI 850 to R/3 scenario
    Thanks & Regards,
    Tejas Bisen

  • Mensajes EDI atraves de SAP

    Estimados amigos:
    hay una empresa europea que me ha hecho esta consulta respecto al SAP quisiera saber a que se refiere que son los mensajes EDI en SAP y si SAP BO puede enviar dichos mensajes y como???

    Entiendo que NO aplica con SAP BO, se tendrian que ajustar los planos generados por EDI para cargar a SAP BO.
    Electrónic Data Interchange por sus siglas en Inglés es un estándar mundial de comercio electrónico que nos indica los documentoso transacciones electrónicas globales que podemos estar intercambiando con nuestros clientes, proveedores, etc., que al entrar en un proyectode EDI, se convierten en socios de negocio.
    Estos documentos o transacciones electrónica fueron desarrollados hace más de 20 años por la ONU. Actualmente dentro de EDI existen dos grandes que son:
    u2022ANSI X-12 (Estados unidos)
    u2022EDIFACT (Europa)
    Ambos manejan muchas transacciones electrónica, pedidos, avisos de pagos, facturas, reportes de ventas etc. El propósito inicial de EDI es la reducción de costos, eliminación de errores, agilización de los procesos. La comunicación electrónica de sistema a sistema con la mínima intervención humana para automatizar los procesos, sin importar las aplicaciones de cada cliente, ya que no será necesario que sean las mismas, es decir una empresapodrá tener su sistema empresarial (ERP), como puede ser SAP R/3, BAAN, BPCS, etc. y con EDI ellos se pueden estar intercomunicando

  • Purchase order distrubution using EDI

    Hi, SAP gurus!
    I am trying to set up Purchase order distrubution using EDI. ORDERS idocs will be sent through middleware message broker. I added ORDERS idoc in LS partner profile outbound data and set up medium type 6 for PO output. Something else is missing since I can't add manually output to a purchase order - error message VN032: "Maintain outgoing EDI-connection data for partner"
    "Short Text
    Maintain outgoing EDI-connection data for partner &
    The system could not locate the EDI partner agreements (outbound) for partner .
    System Response
    You cannot use transmission medium 'EDI' with this partner.
    Maintain the EDI partner agreements for partner . Make sure to create entries for output control as well as for outbound parameters."
    What else is needed besides outbound idoc data in partner profiles?
    Maybe I have to do everything completely different?

    If it's an EDI interface, you should be using a trading partner partner profile type (KU or LF) ... a customer or vendor ... not a logical system, although you can use LS it's not really an optimal solution and you need to create more generic configuration to generate your IDocs from your business documents.
    I cover configuration of output control for outbound EDI invoices in a series of blog postings at: and
    I also cover it extensively in my new book from SAP Press "Architecting EDI with SAP IDocs". All steps are covered in the blog postings and the book.
    Good luck.


    EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
          exchange of business documents (e.g. purchase/sales orders, invoices) between business partners (e.g. customer,
          vendor) by means of electronic messages
    ALE (Application Link Enabling)
         integrated business processes across distributed systems with one company (e.g. replication of master data between
         several R/3 systems)
         distribution of master data, transactional data, and control data (i.e. application customizing)
    IDoc (Intermediate Document):
         format in which SAP systems store application documents for transfer
    EDI subsystem/converter
         external system that maps the IDoc format to international standards (e.g. UN/EDIFACT, ANSI X.12)

    Hi Anandha,
         Differences :
              ALE(Application Link Enabling)  refers to the losely coupled systems whereas the EDI speaks about the Electronic Document Exchange. We need to enable ALE in order to use the EDI feature. ALE builds the bridge and EDI is the means by which the data moves in and out of the SAP system just like vehicles moving over the bridge. IDOC(Intermediate Documents) are the data containers which will be moving in and out of SAP carrying data.
    Thus summarising we need to establish ALE between the systems in order to use EDI between them. In case we need to use EDI between SAP and someother target system then we need a EDI subsystem which understands these IDOCs and converts into the format understood by the target system.
    EDI and ALE are typical use cases for IDocs. R/3 uses IDocs for both EDI and ALE to deliver data to the receiving system. ALE is basically the scheduling mechanism that defines when and between which partners and what kind of data will be exchanged on a regular or event triggered basis. Such a set-up is called an ALE-scenario.
          The philosophical difference between EDI and ALE can be pinned as follows: If we send data to an external partner, we generally speak of EDI, while ALE is a mechanism to reliable replicate data between trusting systems to store a redundant copy of the IDoc data. The difference is made clear, when we think of a purchase order that is sent as an IDoc. If we send the purchase order to a supplier then the supplier will store the purchase order as a sales order. However, if we send the purchase order via ALE to another R/3 system, then the receiving system will store the purchase order also as a purchase order.

  • EDI billing outputs are capturing credit memos as well as invoices

    I am a newcomer to the company I am currently with, and to this forum, and I have 6 years of experience in EDI and SAP SD.
    I am working on a project to determine why our EDI billing outputs are capturing credit memos as well as invoices, and attempting to send them by EDI, causing failures in our Seeburger translator.  Most customers donu2019t want credit memos by EDI. My goal is to track backwards and determine what portion of the EDI process in SAP is pulling credit memos rather than just invoices.  I suspect that someone intentionally made changes in the past to put this in place, but we need to have a message type that includes invoices and credit memos, to be attached to specific partners that want this, and another more standard message type that sends only invoices. 
    The message control for the example partner specifies Message Type ZURH (customized by this company for some reason), Application V3 (which seems standard), and process code SD09 (which seems standard).  Could someone help me to navigate to an area where I may be able to find out what parameters are used to determine what transaction types are pulled to be sent out by EDI for billing?  I suspect that the issue may be in Application V3, but I am unable to find any help to view u2018Applicationsu2019, because application is such a widely used word. 
    How can I display/change Application V3, in order to check itu2019s contents?
    Any other ideas why credit memos may be included would be appreciated, and I always appreciate having the transaction codes mentioned as well.
    Thank you in advance for your assistance. 
    Application V3 (what specifies what transaction type this pulls?)
    Message Type ZURH,
    Process Code SD09.
    Access Sequence used is ZSD1 Billing Documents (Access Sequence ZSD1 does not appear in transaction V/48 (?))
    Transmission Medium is 6 EDI.
    The program is RSNASTED, and the FORM Routine is EDI_PROCESSING.

    Thanks for the suggestions.
    I checked transaction VV33 u201CDisplay Output Condition Records: Billingu201D for Output Type ZURH, Key Combination Sales Org/Payer, and I find the example customer  linked to ZURH, as I would expect (5010013645     BEST BUY CANADA  Vendor #41448     PY          6     1). 
    I donu2019t see any data about specific transaction types such as credit memos or invoices, so I may not be looking in the right place.  I donu2019t find entries under any other key combination.  How would I check if Output Condition records are maintained for credit memos?
    In regards to the output type being assigned to the credit memo billing type (ZG2U), Iu2019m afraid I donu2019t know how to check that either. 
    In NACE, I see that u2018Proceduresu2019 list the CTyp (?), and procedure US0001 is the only one that includes credits and debits. I donu2019t recognize the Ctyps ZDN0 and ZCN0. The billing type is ZG2U, which I don't see in any of the Procedures:
    10     1     RD00     Invoice
    20     2     ZPRO     Proforma Invoice
    30     1     ZCAN     Canadian Cust. Inv
    40     1     ZCOM     Commercial Invoice
    50     1     ZDN0     Debit Note
    60     1     ZCN0     Credit Note
    How would I be able tell which u2018Procedureu2019 is being used for Application V3, and how would I change that to another Procedure for testing?

  • EDI Integration---Using Seeburger Adapter

    Hi All,
    I have a below requirement.
    >SAP and vice versa.
    I am new to EDI integration,i would like to know the procedure steps to do the above scenario.
    Thanks in advance,

    How you want to communicate with the EDI system... If it is using AS2 adapter, then you need to purchase it from seeburger and configure it in the sender side and receiver side it'll be Idoc adapter. And in the ESR you need to import the xsd of EDI document under external definitions and map it to the idoc.Please refer the below links it may help you.
    Handling EDI interfaces using Seeburger BIC modules

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