Manejar imagenes de 150 dpi en director o flash

Hola amigos, alguien tiene idea si se puede manejar
im�genes de 150 dpi en
Director o Flash, esto es, cargar una foto, escribir un texto
sobre la foto
y luego tener posibilidad de guardar e imprimir, pero OJO la
tendr�a que ser a 150 dpi.
omar r�os pizarro
[ productor multimedia ]
>> tel +51.1.620.6090
>> fax +51.1.620.6094
>> email [email protected]

Supongo que podrias crearte una im�gen a escala y a
72dpi automaticamente
desde php, y cuando guardes, el propio php que regenere los
camios en la de
Bueno esa es la idea principal pero no me he parado a
pensarlo con
� � � � � �
� � � � � � �
� � � � � � �
� � � � � � �

('o��] Saludos
"Omar Rios" <[email protected]> escribi� en
el mensaje
news:e2t7oi$jqq$[email protected]..
> Hola amigos, alguien tiene idea si se puede manejar
im�genes de 150 dpi en
> Director o Flash, esto es, cargar una foto, escribir un
texto sobre la
> foto
> y luego tener posibilidad de guardar e imprimir, pero
OJO la impresi�n
> tendr�a que ser a 150 dpi.
> omar r�os pizarro
> [ productor multimedia ]
>>> tel +51.1.620.6090
>>> fax +51.1.620.6094
>>> email [email protected]

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    kikibian wrote:
    > Why Director and why Flash? What Director can do but
    Flash can't, and vice versa.
    I suggest and just read , there really is just way
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    languages and power.
    Some 'bottom line' things perhaps.
    Director way larger than flash, just the player is so big
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    Check the docs for setVariable()

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    ripps7 wrote:
    > How is Director different then Flash, and which is
    better for game development, web based games or otherwise?
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    Hi Ripps.
    The question of Director vs Flash has been asked many times.
    I have a FAQ page relating to this with links to articles at:
    Here's another link to an article called
    The Best Kept Secret in Town - Application development with
    Macromedia Director
    It also compares Director to Flash from an application
    development point of view.
    The Director Podcast had an episode on Director vs Flash. It
    can be downloaded from:
    The short answer is that Director is superior to Flash in
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    * has a greater range of digital media support
    * supports plugins (Xtras) to allow the software to be
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    Flash is better than Director in some areas. So, if you want
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    choice of tool will depend on what exactly you want it to do.
    To your other question, the current version of Director is MX
    2004. This is version 10. There's a 10.1 and 10.1.1
    update that are free to download. Adobe have announced that
    Director 11 will be released by the end of this year.
    Director Lecturer / Consultant / Director Enthusiast
    email: [email protected]

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    Dan Press
    PrimeTest Automation

    Hi Photon Dan,
    Here is a possible solution. It requires some photo editing. You could take a normal screen shot of your front panel and then import it into a photo editor such as IrfanView. From that point you could resize the image and make it very large. This will make the image quality very poor. At this point you could import the high resolution image from your client and paste it over the poor quality image in the screen shot. Then resize it back to its normal size. You should then be able to select what DPI you would like to print it at and will have a high quality logo. Lots of photo editing but it could give you what you want. 
    Josh Brown
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Director and Flash Paper

    Hi Adobe forums,
    I've just about putting the finishing touches together for an
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    movies > xtras but this doesn't seem to solve the problem. To
    handle the opening of this file I've also downloaded and installed
    BuddApi as well.
    Here's the code I use to open the swf file:
    property pFile
    global gDelimiter
    on getPropertyDescriptionList
    description = [:]
    addProp description,#pFile, \
    [#default:"test.swf", \
    #format:#string, \
    #comment:"Type the full filename to open: Example: test.swf"]
    return description
    on mouseEnter me
    -- sets the cursor to the hand
    cursor 280
    on mouseLeave me
    -- sets the cursor to default
    cursor -1
    on mouseUp me
    --- setting the file path to go to, you need to put your
    folder name or file structure in.
    --- the moviepath is the path to the actual .exe file. So you
    just need to
    --- add the structure from that point on. In the below case
    there is a
    ---folder called "pdf_files" in the same directory as the
    sPath = the moviePath & "swf_files" & gDelimiter
    & pFile
    --- & is simply appending each item, so it is appending
    pdf_files to the
    ---existing path, and then appending
    --- gDelimiter which is either a \ or : and then finally
    appending the name of
    ---your file
    baOpenFile(sPath, "Maximised")
    --- buddyAPI command you will have to download and install
    buddy API
    ---Xtra. It is free, do a google search for BuddyAPI and the
    site will come
    ---up, simply download the appropriate version and place in
    your Xtras
    cursor -1
    If anybody could point me in the right direction I would be
    very grateful.

    Thats the strange thing, at work all machines are set up the
    same way via an image ripped down to them when they are first
    configured. Part of the standard desktop image is the Flash Plugin.
    For some strange reason the .swf file isn't recognised on the
    CD. Drag the associated file to the users computer and the file is
    I'll give the error reporting alert a try and feedback the
    results. It might be that I just have to embed the Flash Paper
    within the Director Projector.
    If anybody else has any ideas I would be very grateful.

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    I worked 3 years doing Director/Flash integration so it is
    with confidence I can say there is no way to embed Shockwave movies
    (output of director) inside of a swf (output of flash). The reason
    it only works with a swf inside a shockwave movie is because
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    player inside Director. Essential Director there is a mini Flash
    Player; if that makes sense. Flash is not powerful enough to have a
    mini shockwave player inside of it.
    However I have an idea that might help. There is a way to get
    Flash and Director to talk to one another without being inside of
    one another. This could provide the abiliy to make things seem as
    if the Director content is in a model window being controlled by
    your swf. To do this you will need to use LocalConnection Objects.
    You can find out more about LocalConnection Objects @
    I hope that helps.

  • I'd like to hire someone to create a simple interactive game in director or flash

    I can do some simple things with lingo and actionscript, but I have been given the task to create an interactive game that will be interfaced through a touchscreen. This is beyond my scope and would like some advice on where to turn for help. I have (briefly) explored some of the sites that advertise this type of service and so far they expect a huge budget and very long development timeframe.
    I really am looking for some basic stuff, a timer, a kept (high) score, random placement of (objects), an interface to scroll left and right allowing a larger game area than the 1280x1024 the touchscreen allows, collecting semi-hidden objects, jigsaw-type assembly of objects on another background scene using only the "found" pieces, etc.
    I supply all graphic elements, and only need the programming - in such a way that I can change the graphics if necessary.
    I do have a budget, and could use some advice on who may be available at a reasonable cost to my client.
    Thank you,
    James Patrick
    - I am very flexible to make this more simple. I would appreciate advice as this is on the fast track.

    I've done this many times for a variety of clients, and specifically for touch-screen kiosks. The basic difference with the touch-screen is to go in mouse
    -show vs. mouse-hide mode, and to keep the buttons and controls big enough for fingers.I also use a hidden menu (or control panel) button in my kiosk applications, so the user can change settings easily without having to use a mouse/keyboard.
    I generally do the game development in Flash, but I use Director as a shell (import the Flash files into Director) for the purpose of checking system requirements (RAM, video codecs, etc) and other system controls, which of course can't be done in Flash. Director also has more capabilities in terms of deploying the application. I can send you some sample games I've developed over the years.
    I may be able to assist you on a temporary contact basis, although we'd have to discuss scope to determine if your needs are a match for my capabilites and schedule. Let me know how to contact you offline.

  • Does director require flash player to be installed

    Hi All,
    I have developed a director application where i use flash
    content(swf's) for my UI. Is there any need to install flash
    players in the machine where i run my director exe.
    Because in the run time i am loading combox contents from an
    xml array. The problem which i face is that when i click on the
    dropdown i a getting hanged.
    Can any one help me on this.

    Your program works correctly in authoring mode, yes? Your
    works correctly on one computer and not on another, yes? You
    get no
    errors when the program starts up?
    Your projector will use the xtras that you included with your
    They should work as expected.
    This line of Actionscript can't possibly work: getURL("lingo:
    There are many quote characters that aren't escaped. Can you
    what all of those "+" are for in there?
    That change function would be a lot more clear if you put the
    selectedItem's values into variables and then used those
    Using _root to reference the base level of a Flash movie is
    always a bad idea. This may be the cause of the problem. I'm
    not sure
    what the hierarchical structure is for a Flash movie when
    it's been
    imported in to a Director movie, but it may be that _root
    becomes the
    Director movie, not the main timeline of the Flash movie. You
    might try
    using a relative path to that function and see if there's a
    Rob Dillon
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Covert Director to Flash

    Is there any way to convert a Director project .dir to a
    Flash project .fla?

    short answer: no.
    long answer: manually, by hand. Very time consuming.

  • Director to Flash

    I have some Mac director 7 movies I'd like to make play in flash cs 5.5. Can anyone help me do that, can it be done?

    You can play Flash in Director but not the reverse. If your Director movies can be exported as digital video, you could then import the video into Flash. You would lose all interactivity in the Director movie though.
    Flash is good for what it does, but then it doesn't really do much. It is not nearly as robust as Director.

  • Directories and Flash

    I'm creating a Flash site where we'll be customizing our
    Flash files with a sales rep's name, email, phone, and photo, but
    everything else will be the same. We may end up with hundreds of
    these reps eventually and I'm trying to think of an efficient way
    to create this. I was thinking of just creating a new directory for
    each new rep (i.e. - where washington
    is the name of the sales rep, then the next rep's would be - etc.).
    In each directory I've created text file that contains
    vaiables: name &&phone&&email&&... and the
    Flash files read those in fine. But instead of having all the files
    in each directory, it would be great to have the flash files look
    up a directory to run the external movieclips and FLVs so that I
    just create one of each and the only files I'd need in the rep's
    directory are the txt file, the jpeg photo and maybe the contact
    file that pulls in the photo.
    1. How do I make flash look down one directory to the rep's
    txt file and photo but still find all the other external SWFs and
    FLVs in the same directory.
    2. Is there a better way to be trying to do this? Perhaps a
    database, etc.?
    3. Where can I find resources for learning how to do this?
    Thanks for the advice!

    Thanks, Dave. I like your site, by the way.
    I'm actually thinking now that maybe I'm approaching this
    wrong. Can I just keep all flash in one directory and all txt docs
    with the rep's info in that same directory. Then, if someone goes
    to, we redirect to the root (where all
    the flash files are) and send a variable with that url that says to
    load washington.txt variables. Anyone know if that is a doable
    thing and how I should do it?
    I have a script that calls the variables from info.txt in
    each directory:
    loadVariables ("info.txt", this);
    Could I just make "info" be a variable so that it is
    "varinfo" and my script would be:
    loadVariables (""+varinfo ".txt", this);
    Then have Flash read the variable sent from the URL so that
    it switches varinfo to washingtion in that script and loads the
    variables from the file washington.txt. Sound okay? Now how do I do
    get Flash to read a variable sent with a URL and how do I make the
    redirect send the URL? Redirect URL would be something like: --- would that work? If so,
    how do I "catch" it in Flash?

  • ID5.5 image dpi cut from 300 to 150 in save as ps, acrobat to pdf

    When I submitted book interior to printer, they said some images were 150 dpi. I checked the ID file links, and they showed them as 300 dpi. My process to pdf was: from ID, save as postscript file, then use Acrobat Pro with the PDFx1a2001 profile to create the pdf. Any thoughts on where in this process the images would be downgraded to 150 dpi? Here is the file as ID shows it:
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Not really.
    Take care, Mike

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