Map spaces to target field

     I need to map 18 spaces to target field material.
Can someone tell how do i do it?

Better try this way...
(Constant( 18 Sapces  ) ) to -
> Target

Similar Messages

  • In XI Mapping multiple fields mapping to single target field.

    Hi Friends,
    In XI Mapping multiple fields mapping to single target field.
    For example my requirement is :
    Source Fields:(This RFC BAPI Structure)
    Empno                0-1
    EmpName           0-1
    Address             0-1
    Taget Field is:
    Details               0-1
    The above three fields passed to the Details Field. Here i am using Concat function
    But i have one query on that on,Every field having "line Break" required.
    Can you please help me out above this requirement.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Sateesh N.

    If you want a line break between the three fields, then try
    passing a,b,c to the udf and in the udf you would have
    return a+"\n"+b+"\n"+c;

  • Message mapping not generating target fields

    iam doing jdbc--->rfc (bpm) created a one2one message mapping to import rfc table.
    thanks in advance

    Hi Sri Rao,
    Since you have created a one to one mapping, it would be required to map all the fields in your target message to ur source fields. In case there r some target fields which do not relate to your source field, map it onto a constant. This is all that is required to be done from what i understand from your query. In case there r further problems send the source n target data structure n i will be able to help you out better.

  • How to send file content (whole) and map it to target field?

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    so xml would look like this:
    How to set up file sender adapter conversion params? I suppose there will be only one fieldSeparator, which's value will be eof. But how to write this eof?
    Thanx for help,

    Hi Olian,
    you can use below mentioned parameters in your <b>Sender CC</b> under Content Conversion.
    <b>Recordset Structure</b>   Recordset,*
    Recordset.<b>endSeparator</b>  'nl'
    Recordset.<b>fieldNames</b>   Comp,DocType,RefDocNo  etc.
    Recordset.<b>fieldFixedLengths</b>   2,2,8 (give the length of fields values)
    Now in your message mapping your source message type should have one field as per your requirement, now as other mentioned use concat function to concat all source fields. The delimiter of cocat function will be as empty, so that after concatination there will be no spaces in your target file as per your requirement.
    Hope this will solve your problem.

  • Accessing entire payload to map to a target field

         We are working on a scenario where in we need to map the entire payload (along with the xml tags) to a field in the target message structure.
         We explored few options like java mapping wherein we get the entire payload as an input stream , also tried to change the approach with sending the payload as attachment and then making it available for mapping using custom module.
         Request all to please come up with suggestions as to whether this can be done using graphical mapping or xslt mapping.
    Pravesh Puria.

    Use of mapping would depend upon the way u provide the input.
    For graphical mapping, access the payload in UDF.
    For xslt mapping, only when ur sender structure is a made with a single element, u can achieve this.
    If u r sending an xml file with many tags, then to use it as a single field, go for Java mapping

  • File content conversion: Target Field is optional

    I am using FCC in receiver file adapter.
    My file is getting generated.
    In target structure one field is optional and hence target xml element doesnt have value. hence that field is not there in txt file. with this what happens next subsequent field gets shifted to my optional field place and then i get error field length is not correct.
    I want to put 2 spaces if that optional field length is 2 char and then there should be field separator(space) and the subsequent column.
    I am already giving fixedfieldlegnth of all the fields.
    Pl can anyone suggest how to do this.

    Hi Sharada,
    Do your normal mapping to the target field that is optional.
    Use a If function before mapping the field.
    Check if the node is created in usual mapping, else map a constant with 2 spaces.
    DO something like this:
    Mapping ---------------->
                               equalsS ----> if
    constant(empty Value)--->
                      constant(2 spaces)--> then -> tgtField
                       Mapping -----------> else   

  • Message-Mapping: Use same RFC lookup for different target fields

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    Is there a way to execute the RFC lookup just once and then store the result in an internediate variable that I can use for all futher checks for different target fields?
    If this is not possible and I have to apply the RFC lookup for all necessary target fields is it then executed for each target field ? This is exactly what I want to avoid in order not to slow down performance.
    The input parameter (=source field value) would be the same.
    Thank you for your advice!

    Here is a UDF example I have that you could adapt to your needs.
    public String setCounter(String a,String b,Container container){
    /* Store values in global datacontainer
    a: mapping value and return valueparameter
    b: name for stored value parameter
    GlobalContainer myGlobalContainer;
    myGlobalContainer = container.getGlobalContainer();
    myGlobalContainer.setParameter(b.toUpperCase(), a);
    return a;
    public String getCounter(String a,Container container){
       //write your code here
    GlobalContainer gc = container.getGlobalContainer();
    if (gc.getParameter(a) != null) {
      return String.valueOf(gc.getParameter(a));
    } else {
    return "1";

  • Mapping Issue. Parsing problem to target Fields based on condition.

    Hi All,
    File to Idoc scenario.
    My file looks like below.
    HD 89650 28/01/11 "Presciber tan"
    AF "disc-rsn"
    RK "007287001" A
    KE disc-code "007287"
    KE addr-num "001"
    DF fax-num ""
    DF in-out "I"
    DF phone-2 "23221"
    AF "drs"
    RK "007287" A
    KE dr-num "00221"
    KE addr-num "001"
    DF affil "OPSM"
    DF rec-stat "A"
    DF phone-2 "12444"
    AF "disc-rsn"
    RK "dr-addraddress-1 17287|1EN" A
    KE disc-code "008287"
    KE field-name "address-1"
    KE element " 1"
    DF in-out "I"
    DF phone-2 "1232"
    DF post-code "3109"
    DF provider-num "5349201J"
    DF rec-stat "A"
    T         24
    I need to capture and create target segments only for the values "AF "disc-rsn"".And pass all the relavant rows (RK,KE,DF...) which are under "AF "disc-rsn"" to the target fields.
    I'm struggling to parse the value to the output structure as RK,KE,DF will be present under anywhere like "AF drs", "AF disc-rsn" etc.
    I'm able to create the target segments (2 Zdisc segments as 2 "AF disc-rsn" present in the file), but unable to parse the field values to the target fields.
    Ex: DF phone-2 is present in 8th, 15th,22nd row. I need to pass only 8th and 22nd rows to the target fields.
    After content conversion, My Source XML looks like below.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <MT_DiscountDetails>
    - <HD>
      <HDRow>89650 28/01/11 "Presciber tan"</HDRow>
    - <AF>
    - <RK>
      <RKRow>"007287001" A</RKRow>
    - <KE>
      <KERow>disc-code "007287"</KERow>
    - <KE>
      <KERow>addr-num "001"</KERow>
    - <DF>
      <DFRow>fax-num ""</DFRow>
    - <DF>
      <DFRow>in-out "I"</DFRow>
    - <DF>
    Is there any way I can acheive my  mapping based on the above condition?? Kindly suggest me.
    Thank you for your time.

    Not required. Using Java function. Solved the issue.

  • Issue in mapping the same source and target fields

    Hi All,
    I am working on PI 7.0 and currently I am connecting to PI 7.0 via citrix desktop . Problem here is : in the mapping , direct mapping option that is available to map the same source and target fields is disabled . I do know that this is due to some java version issue .
    What I want to know is there any possibilty of solving this issue without installing an updated java version ?
    Vinay P.

    I've faced the same for many times and all of that were due to Java version.
    1st of all, you have to check the authorizations you have. If you have enough (DEVELOPER_J2EE, CONTENT_ORGANIZER_J2EE, and so), and - obvious but very often forgotten - you have to assure you're trying to change it in the message mapping change mode On.
    Then, last shot should be downgrade your Java version.
    The 1.4.2 JRE version allow you to use not only the Mapp the Identical field but also Dependencies, Clear Mapping and some other tools/buttons. As mentioned above, if there's a fix in the new Java releases, I do not know (hope so) and would appreciate if you could let us know.

  • Send Multiple field values to Single Target field in Message Mapping

    My  Requirement is to Map Multiple fields to Single field in Target side.I have to send all the values concatenated and pass the same to target Field in Message Mapping.
    We can use Concat function,but more that 15 fields are there.If using concat,the mapping will be complex.
    Is there any way to simplify this requirement or we can use any UDF for this,kindly suggest.

    >>>We can use Concat function,but more that 15 fields are there.If using concat,the mapping will be complex.
    I don't think it's complex but  just that it occupies more mapping area
    Just write a simple UDF - a one line code and pass all your input variables.
    return var1+var2+var3+var4+...+var15;

  • Display queue for Target field in Message Mapping

    Hi Folks,
    If i check my Target Field (DT_Req) (Display queue) in Message Mapping, I am getting 2 values like ie [] that means my test result in MM, i should get 2 times DT_Req field.
    Is it right?
    Plz give some idea how this display queue works on each field?
    Edited by: Prabaharan on Sep 10, 2008 12:22 AM
    Edited by: Prabaharan on Sep 10, 2008 12:24 AM

    In my scenario occurrence of that
    target field is    0...unbounded
    and in my display queue.. Initially it is
    suppress, [], suppress, suppress, suppress,suppress,suppress,suppress,suppress,suppress, [],suppress
    in my result i could get only one DT_req field.
    Plz throw some idea on this?

  • Target Field Mapping E1EDK03

    Hi Mapping Gurus,
    my scenario is flat file (fixed length) to IDoc (inbound)
    Source Structure is
    - Recordset (1..unbounded)
         -- POHeader (1.1)
              --- Date1
              --- Date2
    I need to map the Date1 and Date2 fields to 2 occurrences of E1EDK03 segment each having different qualifiers
    Target Field:
    IDOC (1..unbounded)
    --IDDAT ("022")    --> Date1
    --IDDAT ("002")   ---> Date2
    How can I achieve this using graphical mapping only?
    I searched the forums and i'm still a little confused with context handling, so kindly help me out

    I need to map the Date1 and Date2 fields to 2 occurrences of E1EDK03 segment each having different qualifiers
    IDOC (1..unbounded)
    --IDDAT ("022") --> Date1
    --IDDAT ("002") ---> Date2
    You may even need to implement a if-logic to map Date1 to 022 and Date2 to 002.

  • Retreive IDOC number and map it to a field in Target XML

    Hi Experts,
    IDOC to file scenario
    I have a requirement where I have to retreive the number of the IDOC generated and map it to a field ID in the target XML.
    Do i have to use a UDF for this? can ne one pls explain?

    Hi Ravi,
    You dont need use a UDF for this.
    this is a very simple requiremen.
    You can get the IDOC number from source IDOc
    under EDI_DC40 node field name DOCNUM.
    This DOCNUM fielsd will contain the IDOC number
    Map this DOCNUM field from source IDOC to target XML structure.

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    thanking you

    sridhar loganathan wrote:
    > Hi all
    >         I am using IDOCS, ORDERS05, in which i have shipment country in header level and Item level,
    > so in my mapping i must check if i shipment exist in item level , if it exists it should pass to target field, and if doesnot exist it should pass the header level data , is it possiable in graphical mapping , please help me
    > thanking you
    > Sridhar
    lets call the item level shipment as itemshipment and the header level as headershipment.
    the logic will be;
    itemshipment --- *exist* *if -- then* - TargetField
                                        *else* - headershipment

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    The answer to your question would be in the oracle implementation guide Appendix D - Oracle Marketing List Import Field Reference

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