Mapping Dimension with a composite primary key in AWM

Hi, I have a dimension with 3 levels in a snowflake scheme. The Primary key (PK) of one of them is a composite pk.
Let's say: table1 (code_t1 (pk), desc_t1), table2 (code_t2 (pk), code_t1 (pk+fk), desc_t2)) and table3 (code_t3 (pk), code_t2 (fk), code_t1 (fk), desc_t3), being table3 the base level table.
I am using AWM
My questions are:
1) can I have a level with a composite PK?
2) if yes, how should I do the mappings using AWM? It seems like you only can have one filed for the source column in the Mapping pane.
3) if no, is there any workaround?
Thank you.

I just tried this in AWM and it is clearly buggy in this area, in part because it is trying to change the underlying representation.
If you export the dimension to XML you should find an entry that looks like this for each level
The 'Query' is the name of the table you are selecting from. For example, your level2 should have
The 'KeyExpression' is the expression that defines the AW dimension member for that level. For example, your level2 should have
KeyExpression= '(TABLE2.CODE_T2 || TABLE2.CODE_T1)'
The 'JoinCondition' defines how to join the table for a child level to that of its parent. For example, your level3 would ideally look like this
But in your case it must be something different, probably 'TABLE3.CODE_T2 = (TABLE2.CODE_T2 || TABLE2.CODE_T1)'.
AWM must derive its Parent field from this JoinCondition in some way, and it appears to mess it up when you use concatenated key expressions. The workaround is to hand edit the XML to specify the JoinCondition correctly for your case and recreate the dimension from that XML. I would then avoid editing this particular mapping in AWM since it will mangle it.

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  • Error While Deploying A CMP Entity Bean With A Composite Primary Key

    Hello all,
    I have a problem deploying CMP Entity beans with composite primary keys. I have a CMP Entity Bean, which contains a composite primary key composed of two local stubs. If you know more about this please respond to my post on the EJB forum (subject: CMP Bean Local Stub as a Field of a Primary Key Class).
    In the mean time, can you please tell me what following error message means and how to resolve it? From what I understand it might be a problem with Sun ONE AS 7, but I would like to make sure it's not me doing something wrong.
    [05/Jan/2005:12:49:03] WARNING ( 1896):      Validation error in bean CustomerSubscription: The type of non-static field customer of the key class
    test.subscription.CustomerSubscriptionCMP_1530383317_JDOState$Oid must be primitive or must implement
         Update the type of the key class field.
         Warning: All primary key columns in primary table CustomerSubscription of the bean corresponding to the generated class test.subscription.CustomerSubscriptionCMP_1530383317_JDOState must be mapped to key fields.
         Map the following primary key columns to key fields: CustomerSubscription.CustomerEmail,CustomerSubscription.SubscriptionType. If you already have fields mapped to these columns, verify that they are key fields.Is it enough that a primary key class be serializable or all fields have to implement Serializable or be a primitive?
    Please let me know if you need more information to answer my question.

    Hi Nikola,
    There are several problems with your CMP bean.
    1. Fields of a Primary Key Class must be a subset of CMP fields, so yes, they must be either a primitive or a Serializable type.
    2. Sun Application Server does not support Primary Key fields of an arbitrary Serializable type (i.e. those that will be stored
    as BLOB in the database), but only primitives, Java wrappers, String, and Date/Time types.
    Do you try to use stubs instead of relationships or for some other reason?
    If it's the former - look at the CMR fields.
    If it's the latter, I suggest to store these fields as regular CMP fields and use some other value as the PK. If you prefer that
    the CMP container generates the PK values, use the Unknown
    PrimaryKey feature.

  • Master Detail Forms with 2 composite primary keys - Is there a workaround?

    Hello All,
    I have been searching for a workaround to the maximum 2 part primary key restriction on the multi-row updates, and master-detail forms, and am hoping that someone can help me. I am using HTMLDB v2. with IE 6 against a 9.2 DB.
    I successfully implemented the workaround of Fred Stoopendaal's (see Updata PK on HTML DB ) and it works fine for single page multi-record updateable forms, but alas I haven't been able to extend it to master detail forms (I think it is something to do with Oracle not allowing the "returning" clause on views).
    Here is what I tried:
    two tables, one with a 2 part composite primary key, which is the master table, and a detail table with 3 part composite primary key -
    --------- BEGIN SQL ---------
    create table master_table
    ( master_col1 number
    , master_col2 number
    , master_col3 varchar2(30)
    , constraint master_pk primary key (master_col1,master_col2));
    create table detail_table
    (detail_col1 number
    ,detail_col2 number
    ,detail_col3 number
    ,detail_col4 varchar2(30)
    , constraint detail_pk primary key(detail_col1,detail_col2,detail_col3)
    , constraint master_detail_fk foreign key (detail_col1,detail_col2) references master_table(master_col1,master_col2));
    create or replace view v_master_table as
    select rowid mata_rowid,mata.*
    from master_table mata;
    create or replace view v_detail_table as
    select rowid deta_rowid,
    (select rowid from master_table mata where mata.master_col1 = deta.detail_col1 and mata.master_col2 = deta.detail_col2) deta_mata_rowid
    , deta.*
    from detail_table deta;
    create or replace trigger mata_ins_upd_trg
    instead of insert or update on v_master_table
    referencing new as new old as old
    for each row
    if inserting then
    insert into master_table (master_col1, master_col2, master_col3)
    values (:new.master_col1, :new.master_col2, :new.master_col3);
    end if;
    if updating then
    update master_table
    set master_col1 = :new.master_col1,
    master_col2 = :new.master_col2,
    master_col3 = :new.master_col3
    where rowid = :old.mata_rowid;
    end if;
    create or replace trigger deta_ins_upd_trg
    instead of insert or update on v_detail_table
    referencing new as new old as old
    for each row
    if inserting then
    insert into detail_table ( detail_col1, detail_col2, detail_col3, detail_col4)
    values (:new.detail_col1, :new.detail_col2, :new.detail_col3, :new.detail_col4);
    end if;
    if updating then
    update detail_table
    set detail_col1 = :new.detail_col1,
    detail_col2 = :new.detail_col2,
    detail_col3 = :new.detail_col3,
    detail_col4 = :new.detail_col4
    where rowid = :old.deta_rowid;
    end if;
    --------- END SQL ---------
    Then I created a master-detail form in Apex on the two views, using the mata_rowid and deta_rowid as primary keys, and mata_rowid=deta_mata_rowid as the link. I realise that using a function to fetch the master rowid within the detail view query is costly, but it was my intention to modify the record fetch queries to use the real FK columns once things were up and running.
    It seems to generate the pages ok, and I can insert/update master table records, but as soon as I modify records in the detail table things go a bit haywire. I can't find any documentation on how the inbuilt MRU/MRD logic works, so can't figure out the issue.
    Can anyone out there tell me what the problem is with the logic above, or if they have come up with a neat solution to this annoying limitation. I know that many will say that I should modify the data model to use surrogate primary keys, but many of the uses for HTMLDB are new interfaces for old schemas, so a workaround that doesn't involve wholesale data model changes would be preferable.
    Thanks in advance,
    Mike Cretan

    Hi, this is likely not the most elegant way...but perhaps the simplest -- and I didn't have much time to play.
    I used Wizard to create two separate Master Detail forms, each with a separate detail table. Thus I ended up with four pages:
    Page "A" - "Selector" page for Master (Report), with Edit link driving to Detail-1
    Page "B" - Editable Master/Detail-1 page (HTML / Report)
    Page "C" - "Selector" page for Master (Report), with Edit link driving to Detail-2
    Page "D" - Editable Master/Detail-2 page (HTML / Report)
    Then I selected the primary key column TWICE on the Report on Page A. Modified the second instance of this column to navigate to Page D (passing primary key) exactly the way the original instance of this column navigates to Page B. Then I deleted Page C.
    Since you can have only one Tabular Entry form per page, this seemed the best way to drive two separate detail tables from a common interface.

  • Table with a composite primary key

    Intermedia Web agent/clipboard documentation has examples etc. on how to generate procedures and get/put data for tables having a single column as the primary key. Is it possible to use Web agent/clipboard to manipulate BLOB/ORDIMAGE data in a table which has 2 or more columns in Primary key. Has anyone done it? I will appreciate any code examples to do this.

    It is possible, but you kind of need to come up with your own mechanism. Normally, when you try to retrieve a photo, for example, using 'id' as primary key, the URL would be something like:
    If you have a table with two columns, 'name' and 'id' as primary key, the URL would like something like:
    'james@23' will be passed to Web Agent as one string, but it is actually passing two values at once - 'james' for name and '23' for id. Here, '@' is used as a separater. In your get_photo procedure, you have to separate these two values by searching for '@'.
    You can use Clipboard Code Wizard for creating a basic procedure for a single column primary key. Then you would have to modify the code so that the procedure can handle multi-column primary key.
    I don't have any code examples for this. Sorry.

  • Composite Primary Key Error

    I am using Sun One App Server PE8.
    I have a class with a composite primary key field. When I place the following method in my Home interface:
    public MyEjb findByPrimaryKey(MyEjbPrimaryKey pk) throws FinderException, RemoteException;I get the following error when deploying:
    ejbFindByPrimaryKey(EjbPrimaryKey) is already defined in MyEjb1368202910_ConcreteImpl
        public MyEjbPrimaryKey ejbFindByPrimaryKey (MyEjbPrimaryKey key)However, If i remove this method from the Home interface, i get the following error when running the verification tool:
    Error: No single arg findByPrimaryKey(PrimaryKeyClass) method was found in home interface class [ MyEjb ].However, I can still deploy the EAR successfully.
    Another related symptom of this problem, is if I include the following method in my Home interface:
    public MyEjb findByPrimaryKey(String pkField1, String pkField2) throws FinderException, RemoteException;And call this method, I get the following exception at runtime:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Bean class for ejb [MyEjb] does not define a method corresponding to [Home] interface method [public abstract MyEjb MyEjbHome.findByPrimaryKey(java.lang.String,java
    .lang.String) throws javax.ejb.FinderException,java.rmi.RemoteException]I get these same problems with all EJB's that use composite keys. Has anyone else had this problem?

    This is a CMP bean, with no ejbFindByPrimaryKey in the Bean class. Below, i have included the Home interface and the Bean class (with unneccessary code removed)
    Thanks for looking at this for me.
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.ejb.*;
    public abstract class TopoMapBean implements EntityBean
      private EntityContext entity;
      public TopoMapBean()
      public void setEntityContext(EntityContext ctx)
        entity = ctx;
      public void unsetEntityContext()
        entity = null;
      public TopoMapPrimaryKey ejbCreate(String mapName, String mapNumber, String mnemonic,String edition, String scale)
      throws CreateException
        // call setters...
        return null;
      public void ejbPostCreate( String mapName,
                                                   String mapNumber,
                                             String mnemonic,
                                             String edition,
                                             String scale )
      removed set/get methods
      public void ejbStore() {}
      public void ejbLoad() {}
      public void ejbActivate() {}
      public void ejbPassivate() {}
      public void ejbRemove() {}
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.ejb.*;
    public interface TopoMapHome extends EJBHome
      public TopoMap create(String mapName,
                            String mapNumber,
                            String mnemonic,
                            String edition,
                            String scale
      throws CreateException, RemoteException;
      public TopoMap findByPrimaryKey(String mapNumber, String edition) throws FinderException, RemoteException;
    // doesnt deploy with this signature
    //  public TopoMap findByPrimaryKey(TopoMapPrimaryKey pkey) throws FinderException;
    // have to use this method instead of findByPrimaryKey(String, String) above
      public TopoMap findTopoMap(String mapNumber, String edition) throws FinderException, RemoteException;

  • Multiple composite primary key in Master Table

    Dears ,
    I am try to find any solution about Multiple composite primary key by search in forum , but i didn't success ... i am try to built master detail , the master structure table built with multiple composite primary key , i know that apex 4.2 still support tow primary key , in detail table i solved the problem by depend on rowid , and now i can use multiple composite primary key in detail table , the problem with master table because it's support only tow primary key , there are any solution by manual process or any something else ?
    Abo Yahya

    I've never done this so all I can do is give some suggestions. It takes more effort because you are going beyond what APEX currently supports. That said, you might try searching the forum with this search string:
    key AND table AND instead
    Make sure the ANDs are capitailized in the search criteria. Also, look at this thread {thread:id=395870} and the forum thread asociated with this message {message:id=10542916}.
    Best wishes,

  • How to persist an entity with Composite primary key

    Problem Statement:-
    Entity A have many to one relation with Entity C
    Entity B have many to one relation with Entity C
    Entity C have a composite primary key of (Entity A PK & Entity B PK)
    A --< C
    B --< C
    the entites are automatic generated by Dali tool
    public class C implements Serializable
         private C.PK pk;
         private int attribute;
         public static class PK implements Serializable
              public int A_Id;
              public int B_Id;
    public class A implements Serializable
         private int AId;
         private Set<C> C_Collection;
    public class B implements Serializable
         private int BId;
         private Set<C> C_Collection;
    i made a session Bean which add a new entity C
         A a = em.find(A.class, AId);
         B b = em.find(B.class, BId);
         C c = new C();
         C.PK pk = new C.PK();
    when running this code an exception is raised
    Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.8 (Build 060830)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'A_ID' in 'field list'Error Code: 1054
    Call:INSERT INTO C (attribute, Aid, A_ID, B_ID, Bid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
         bind => [2, 6, 6, 1, 1]
    this is logic as Table "C" has only 3 coloumns only "attribute" , "Aid" , "Bid"
    but the mapping is different as it adds the composite PK attributes to the insert statement
    if there is a sample code or how to solve this issue it would be great

    Hello Juwen,
    The problem is you are registering an object, assigning it a null pk, and then commiting the uow/transaction. TopLink uses registered objects to keep track of changes you make inorder to persist those changes on commit. So the simple fix is to not commit the UnitOfWork - call release() on it instead.
    Another solution is to use the session copyObject api. The simple form that only takes an object will work similar to registering the object as it will copy all persistent attributes but it will leave the primary key null. You can also use this method to specify a copyPolicy to customize the process. Using this method will be a bit more efficient, since a UOW makes both a working copy and a back up copy of objects registered, inorder to keep track of changes. Using the copyObject api will only make a single copy.
    Best Regards,

  • Urgent - ESB: DB Adapter with composite primary keys no returning any data

    I have a DB Adapter in the ESB that inserts/updates/selects data to/from a table with 2 columns as primary keys, but table has several columns.
    1. Initially, the db table had constraints for the composite primary key, The DB adapter had valid data coming in, but no result data.
    2. Then I removed the db constraints on the composite primary key, and selected the 2 columns in the DB adapter wizard. Still, valid data is going in, since I am outputing to a file prior to call this node, but no result data is appearing. The result XML is empty.
    Do I need to do something in Toplink for this?
    The table spec is below. the ACCT_FIELD and ACCT_CODE columns make up the composite primary key.
    The following xml is the request to the DB adapter:
    <top:AffDataSyncReadDBAdapterSelect_accountField_accountCodeInputParameters xmlns:top="">
    Log output:
    JCA: esb:///ESB_Projects/STRIPES-AFF-Data-Intg_AFF-Data-Integration/AffDataSyncReadDBAdapter.wsdl [ AffDataSyncReadDBAdapter_ptt::AffDataSyncReadDBAdapterSelect_accountField_accountCode(AffDataSyncReadDBAdapterSelect_accountField_accountCode_inparameters,Af
    DataSyncWipCollection) ] - No XMLRecord headers provided
    JCA: <oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBInteraction executeOutboundRead> Executing query with arguments [8, 0003917]
    bind => [8, 0003888]
    JCA: <oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBInteraction executeOutboundRead> Read the following objects: []
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    The Toplink has no errors. Now I changed my table with only a single primary key, but for some reason, I am still getting no data.
    JDeveloper / SOA Suite (only using ESB) with Oracle DB 10g
    1. What does No XMLRecord headers found mean?
    2. Notice the last log item; Read ... []
    Here are the log contents:
    Invoking next service "AffDataSyncReadDBAdapterSelect_recordId" with payload :
    <top:AffDataSyncReadDBAdapterSelect_recordIdInputParameters xmlns:top="">
    JCA: esb:///ESB_Projects/STRIPES-AFF-Data-Intg_AFF-Data-Integration/AffDataSyncReadDBAdapter.wsdl [ AffDataSyncReadDBAdapter_ptt::AffDataSyncReadDBAdapterSelect_recordId(AffDataSyncReadDBAdapterSelect_recordId_inparameters,AffDataSyncWipCollection)
    ] - No XMLRecord headers provided
    JCA: esb:///ESB_Projects/STRIPES-AFF-Data-Intg_AFF-Data-Integration/AffDataSyncReadDBAdapter.wsdl [ AffDataSyncReadDBAdapter_ptt::AffDataSyncReadDBAdapterSelect_recordId(AffDataSyncReadDBAdapterSelect_recordId_inparameters,AffDataSyncWipCollection)
    ] - Starting JCA LocalTransaction
    JCA: esb:///ESB_Projects/STRIPES-AFF-Data-Intg_AFF-Data-Integration/AffDataSyncReadDBAdapter.wsdl [ AffDataSyncReadDBAdapter_ptt::AffDataSyncReadDBAdapterSelect_recordId(AffDataSyncReadDBAdapterSelect_recordId_inparameters,AffDataSyncWipCollection)
    ] - Invoking JCA Outbound Interaction
    JCA: <oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBInteraction executeOutboundRead> executing the NamedQuery: AffDataSyncReadDBAdapter.AffDataSyncWip.AffDataSyncReadDBAdapterSelect
    JCA: <oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBInteraction executeOutboundRead> Parsing header record element.
    JCA: <oracle.tip.adapter.db.TopLinkLogger log> client acquired
    JCA: <oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBInteraction executeOutboundRead> Executing query with arguments [80003888]
    bind => [80003888]
    JCA: <oracle.tip.adapter.db.DBInteraction executeOutboundRead> Read the following objects: []
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  • How to Work with Composite Primary Key

    Hi All,
    I'm working with Toplink JPA. Here I have A problem with inserting into database table which have composite Primary Key.
    What I'm doing is, I have two tables. to maintain many to many relation between these two tables I created another intermediate table which consists of foreign Keys (reference) of above two tables.
    Now these two foreign Keys in the Intermediate table made as composite Primary Keys.
    When I'm trying to the data in the Intermediate table I'm getting the foreign Keys values are null..
    could anyone suggest me how to work with composite Primary Keys

    I have the same problem, I have 3 tables with a join table joining them all. I have created an intermediate table entity. When I go to create a an entry, it says that I cannot enter null into "ID". Here is the SQl toplink generates:
    bind => [null, null, null]
    Here are the classes:
    -----------------------Join Table-----------------------------------------------
    @Table(name = "Z_AUTH_USER_AUTHORIZATION")
    public class AuthUserAuthorization implements Serializable{
    private AuthUserAuthorizationPK compId;
    // bi-directional many-to-one association to AuthAuthorization
    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinColumn(name = "AUTHORIZATION_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID", nullable = false, insertable = false, updatable = false)
    private AuthAuthorization authAuthorization;
    // bi-directional many-to-one association to AuthContext
    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinColumn(name = "CONTEXT_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID", nullable = false, insertable = false, updatable = false)
    private AuthContext authContext;
    // bi-directional many-to-one association to AuthUser
    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @JoinColumn(name = "USER_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID", nullable = false, insertable = false, updatable = false)
    private AuthUser authUser;
    ---------------------------------------User table--------------------------------------------------------------
    @Table(name = "Z_AUTH_USER")
    public class AuthUser implements Serializable, IUser{
    @SequenceGenerator(name = "AUTH_USER_ID_SEQ", sequenceName = "Z_AUTH_USER_ID_SEQ")
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "AUTH_USER_ID_SEQ")
    @Column(name = "ID", unique = true, nullable = false, precision = 10)
    private Integer id;
    // bi-directional many-to-one association to AuthUserAuthorization
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "authUser", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private java.util.Set<AuthUserAuthorization> authUserAuthorizations;
    -----------------------------------Context table-----------------------------------------------------------------
    @Table(name = "Z_AUTH_CONTEXT")
    public class AuthContext implements Serializable, IContext{
    @SequenceGenerator(name = "AUTH_CONTEXT_ID_SEQ", sequenceName = "Z_AUTH_CONTEXT_ID_SEQ")
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "AUTH_CONTEXT_ID_SEQ")
    @Column(name = "ID", unique = true, nullable = false, precision = 8)
    private Integer id;
    // bi-directional many-to-one association to AuthUserAuthorization
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "authContext", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private java.util.Set<AuthUserAuthorization> authUserAuthorizations;
    ----------------------------Authorization table-------------------------------------------------
    @Table(name = "Z_AUTH_AUTHORIZATION")
    public class AuthAuthorization implements Serializable, IAuthorization{
    @SequenceGenerator(name = "AUTH_AUTHORIZATION_ID_SEQ", sequenceName = "Z_AUTH_AUTHORIZATION_ID_SEQ")
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "AUTH_AUTHORIZATION_ID_SEQ")
    @Column(name = "ID", unique = true, nullable = false, precision = 8)
    private Integer id;
    // bi-directional many-to-one association to AuthUserAuthorization
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "authAuthorization", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private java.util.Set<AuthUserAuthorization> authUserAuthorizations;
    I have tried to create the new entity several ways. I have tried to create one with the default constructor then set this entity on each of the other entities, I have also tried to pass in the entities to the join entity and set them there, but this doesn't work. Any help would be very appreciated!

  • Composite Primary Key Mapping error

    I have the following code:
    public class PreviousStepEJB3PK implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 3024775815042084864L;
    public Long id;
    public Long previousId;
    public PreviousStepEJB3PK() {
    public PreviousStepEJB3PK(Long id, Long previousId) { = id;
    this.previousId = previousId;
    public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (other instanceof PreviousStepEJB3PK) {
    final PreviousStepEJB3PK otherPreviousStepPK = (PreviousStepEJB3PK) other;
    final boolean areEqual = ( && otherPreviousStepPK.previousId.equals(previousId));
    return areEqual;
    return false;
    public int hashCode() {
    return super.hashCode();
    @Table(name = "OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV")
    @NamedQuery(name = "findById",
         query = "select object(o) from PreviousCurrentStepEJB3 o where = ?1")
    public class PreviousCurrentStepEJB3 implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1717698904412346878L;
    @Column(name = "ID", nullable = false)
    private Long id;
    @Column(name = "PREVIOUS_ID", nullable = false)
    private Long previousId;
    public PreviousCurrentStepEJB3() {
    I´m using eclipse to deploy my application over an OC4J. When I launch the deploy I have the following error:
    07/07/05 11:42:47 Caused by: Exception [TOPLINK-7150] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.8 (Build 060829)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException
    Exception Description: Invalid composite primary key specification. The names of the primary key fields or properties in the primary key class [] and those of the entity bean class [class] must correspond and their types must be the same. Also, ensure that you have specified id elements for the corresponding attributes in XML and/or an @Id on the corresponding fields or properties of the entity class.
    07/07/05 11:42:47      at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException.invalidCompositePKSpecification(
    07/07/05 11:42:47      at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.MetadataValidator.throwInvalidCompositePKSpecification(
    07/07/05 11:42:47      at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.accessors.ClassAccessor.validatePrimaryKey(
    07/07/05 11:42:47      at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.accessors.ClassAccessor.process(
    07/07/05 11:42:47      at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.MetadataProcessor.processAnnotations(
    07/07/05 11:42:47      at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerSetupImpl.processORMetadata(
    07/07/05 11:42:47      at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerSetupImpl.predeploy(
    07/07/05 11:42:47      at oracle.toplink.essentials.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerFactoryProvider.createContainerEntityManagerFactory(

    I ran into a similar problem. I was able to work around it by putting the @Id annotations on the accessors for the primary key fields rather than on the fields themselves. This seems like a bug to me.

  • OC4J 9.0.4 Deadlock: CMR with composite primary key

    I just encountered a Deadlock in a CMR/CMP application involving a session bean and two entity beans, one of which (Item) has a composite primary key, comprising a foreign key to the second entity bean. The exception is thrown after ejbPostCreate() completes succesfully and the new row is committed to the ITEM table. I have provided the trace (verbosity = 10) below. The EJB Dev Guide does not offer too much detail on Deadlock conditions, so any input and suggestions are most welcome.
    regards and thanks
    javax.ejb.EJBException: Deadlock detected: thread 8 thread 8state
    = thread 8
    id = 8
    thread = RMICallHandler-5
    user = [JAZNUserAdaptor:]
    runAsUser = null
    waitingState = null
    waitingForState = thread 8
    waitingForResource = Item server.ItemPK@bdc9b3
    notified = false
    interruptMessage = null
    rmiHandler = com.evermind.server.rmi.RMICallHandler@97617
    cmtConnections = null
    cmtConnectionCount = 0
    inDataSourceSensitiveRegion = false
    applicationThread.httpHandler = null
    contextContainer = OrderSB EJBHome
    transaction = null
    is waiting for resource entity Item server.ItemPK@bdc9b3 held by thread 8 thread 8state
    = thread 8
    id = 8
    thread = RMICallHandler-5
    user = [JAZNUserAdaptor:]
    runAsUser = null
    waitingState = null
    waitingForState = thread 8
    waitingForResource = Item server.ItemPK@bdc9b3
    notified = false
    interruptMessage = null
    rmiHandler = com.evermind.server.rmi.RMICallHandler@97617
    cmtConnections = null
    cmtConnectionCount = 0
    inDataSourceSensitiveRegion = false
    applicationThread.httpHandler = null
    contextContainer = OrderSB EJBHome
    transaction = null
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.AbstractEJBObject.startCallLocal(
    at ItemLocal_EntityBeanWrapper18.setNomen(
    at server.OrderSBBean.addItems(
    at OrderSB_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper2.addItems(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$

    I just encountered a Deadlock in a CMR/CMP application involving a session bean and two entity beans, one of which (Item) has a composite primary key, comprising a foreign key to the second entity bean. The exception is thrown after ejbPostCreate() completes succesfully and the new row is committed to the ITEM table. I have provided the trace (verbosity = 10) below. The EJB Dev Guide does not offer too much detail on Deadlock conditions, so any input and suggestions are most welcome.
    regards and thanks
    javax.ejb.EJBException: Deadlock detected: thread 8 thread 8state
    = thread 8
    id = 8
    thread = RMICallHandler-5
    user = [JAZNUserAdaptor:]
    runAsUser = null
    waitingState = null
    waitingForState = thread 8
    waitingForResource = Item server.ItemPK@bdc9b3
    notified = false
    interruptMessage = null
    rmiHandler = com.evermind.server.rmi.RMICallHandler@97617
    cmtConnections = null
    cmtConnectionCount = 0
    inDataSourceSensitiveRegion = false
    applicationThread.httpHandler = null
    contextContainer = OrderSB EJBHome
    transaction = null
    is waiting for resource entity Item server.ItemPK@bdc9b3 held by thread 8 thread 8state
    = thread 8
    id = 8
    thread = RMICallHandler-5
    user = [JAZNUserAdaptor:]
    runAsUser = null
    waitingState = null
    waitingForState = thread 8
    waitingForResource = Item server.ItemPK@bdc9b3
    notified = false
    interruptMessage = null
    rmiHandler = com.evermind.server.rmi.RMICallHandler@97617
    cmtConnections = null
    cmtConnectionCount = 0
    inDataSourceSensitiveRegion = false
    applicationThread.httpHandler = null
    contextContainer = OrderSB EJBHome
    transaction = null
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.AbstractEJBObject.startCallLocal(
    at ItemLocal_EntityBeanWrapper18.setNomen(
    at server.OrderSBBean.addItems(
    at OrderSB_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper2.addItems(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$

  • Toplink Essentials + Composite Primary Key Mapping Error

    Exception [TOPLINK-7150] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.8 (Build 060829)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException
    Exception Description: Invalid composite primary key specification. The names of the primary key fields or properties in the primary key class [] and those of the entity bean class [class] must correspond and their types must be the same. Also, ensure that you have specified id elements for the corresponding attributes in XML and/or an @Id on the corresponding fields or properties of the entity class.
    Is it a Toplink bug?
    I have the following code:
    public class PreviousStepEJB3PK implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 3024775815042084864L;
    public Long id;
    public Long previousId;
    public PreviousStepEJB3PK() {
    public PreviousStepEJB3PK(Long id, Long previousId) { = id;
    this.previousId = previousId;
    public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (other instanceof PreviousStepEJB3PK) {
    final PreviousStepEJB3PK otherPreviousStepPK = (PreviousStepEJB3PK) other;
    final boolean areEqual = ( && otherPreviousStepPK.previousId.equals(previousId));
    return areEqual;
    return false;
    public int hashCode() {
    return super.hashCode();
    @Table(name = "OS_CURRENTSTEP_PREV")
    @NamedQuery(name = "findById",
    query = "select object(o) from PreviousCurrentStepEJB3 o where = ?1")
    public class PreviousCurrentStepEJB3 implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1717698904412346878L;
    @Column(name = "ID", nullable = false)
    private Long id;
    @Column(name = "PREVIOUS_ID", nullable = false)
    private Long previousId;
    public PreviousCurrentStepEJB3() {
    I´m using eclipse to deploy my application over an OC4J. When I launch the deploy I have the following error:
    07/07/05 11:42:47 Caused by: Exception [TOPLINK-7150] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.8 (Build 060829)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException
    Exception Description: Invalid composite primary key specification. The names of the primary key fields or properties in the primary key class [] and those of the entity bean class [class] must correspond and their types must be the same. Also, ensure that you have specified id elements for the corresponding attributes in XML and/or an @Id on the corresponding fields or properties of the entity class.
    07/07/05 11:42:47 at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException.invalidCompositePKSpecification(
    07/07/05 11:42:47 at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.MetadataValidator.throwInvalidCompositePKSpecification(
    07/07/05 11:42:47 at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.accessors.ClassAccessor.validatePrimaryKey(
    07/07/05 11:42:47 at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.accessors.ClassAccessor.process(
    07/07/05 11:42:47 at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.metadata.MetadataProcessor.processAnnotations(
    07/07/05 11:42:47 at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerSetupImpl.processORMetadata(
    07/07/05 11:42:47 at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerSetupImpl.predeploy(
    07/07/05 11:42:47 at oracle.toplink.essentials.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerFactoryProvider.createContainerEntityManagerFactory(

    I ran into a similar problem. I was able to work around it by putting the @Id annotations on the accessors for the primary key fields rather than on the fields themselves. This seems like a bug to me.

  • How to define Composite primary key for a Table

    Hi ,
    I am basically more into Java Programming , with little bit knowledge on Oracle as DataBase .so please excuse for my silly doubts .
    Can anybody please tell me how to define a Composite Primary Key on a Table .
    Thanks in advance .
    Edited by: user672373773 on Sep 25, 2009 8:54 AM

    Here is an example right out of the Oracle documentation and the syntax for adding PK since you mention adding a composite PK.
    Example creating composite index
    Syntax for adding a PK (composite or not)
    alter table oooooooo.tttttttt
    add constraint tttttttt_PK
    primary key (sample_column2,
    using index
    tablespace IDXSPC
    pctfree 05
    initrans 04
    maxtrans 08
    storage (initial 16k
    next 16k
    maxextents 32
    pctincrease 0);
    -- dictionary management with restricted storage, change as desired.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Composite Primary Key using  cmp

    How can an Entity Bean with Composite Primary Key using Container Managed Persistance (CMP) be Deployed using in WebLogic Server 8.1
    pls help me

    Your text is a bit confusing, but I think the answer is yes (it can be used).  However, it would help to see the DDL that you are using (or that you propose to use) to avoid any misunderstandings. And please be specific about whether you are referring
    to COLUMNS that are part of a primary key versus the primary key itself (whether it is composed of one column or multiple columns).
    Lastly, why not just try it and see.

  • Querying on the basis of some attribute of composite primary key

    I am looking for suggestion about querying just on the basis of one attribute of the composite primary key.
    TO exemplify,
    I have a 6 attributes example A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6.
    A1,A2 and A3 together, serve as composite primary key.Now,because of the need of the project,I want to do querying on the basis of any A1,A2 or A3.One way I could think of is to have secondary indices on each of A1,A2,A3.
    Can some one explain me roughly how to go about it?
    I am a new user of BerkeleyDB Java Edition,hence not sure what would be a good way to do it.I understand one way to do it,would be to keep A1,A2,A3 in the Key class and A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6 in the value class as well.Then create secondary indices on the A1,A2 and A3 individually.
    Can someone suggest a more efficient way?
    Will appreciate any suggestions.

    Exactly as you said. Create secondary indices on each attribute you want to index off of. I don't use the Java interface, but what you pretty much need to do is form your secondary key like so:
    skey: pkey_individual_attribute
    skeysize: pkey_individual_attribute_sizeHow to do this is documented in the BDB Java API docs:
    For example:
        class MyKeyCreator implements SecondaryKeyCreator {
            public boolean createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase secondary,
                                                DatabaseEntry key,
                                                DatabaseEntry data,
                                                DatabaseEntry result)
                throws DatabaseException {
                // DO HERE: Extract the secondary key from the primary key and
                // data, and set the secondary key into the result parameter.
                return true;
        SecondaryConfig secConfig = new SecondaryConfig();
        secConfig.setKeyCreator(new MyKeyCreator());
        // Now pass secConfig to Environment.openSecondaryDatabaseThe extractor function used to construct the secondary index is passed the primary key and primary data - therefore all the data is available to you with no need to duplicate the key within the data itself. While the standard example is to use some part of the primary data to form a secondary key - there's absolutely nothing against using only a part of the primary key to form a secondary key instead. The only thing you have to do is slice up said primary key and construct the "result" parameter to be a single attribute. The backend API already knows which composite key this secondary entry will be associated with and as such will implicitly form the data (or as you called it "value") section of the index (which will be the composite primary key passed to it).
    The primary key/data should consist of the composite A1,A2,A3 with only A4,A5,A6 as data.
    The secondary->get() call (within the Java API) takes a key and provides back the primary key and primary data (basically the same as the db->pget() call in the C API). Since you've already indexed individual attributes, based off of the composite key, into their own respective databases - you just query from one of your secondary indexes with whatever specific attribute as the key. You then use the filled in primary key and primary data to work off of.

Maybe you are looking for

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