Mapping from hell!!!!!

hi, I am using a mapping to connect a key to an array[]. When I want to get the array back how do I have an array.
putting the key with the array
ht.put(key, array);
getting the array back
Card newArray = new Card[n]; (where n is the number of elements in that array)
newArray = ht.get(key);
I have tried it like this but am not sure if it will work. can you help me

You just need the reference to the array, but you are creating a new. Try this (you need to cast the Object you get):
Card[] newArray = (Card[])ht.get(key);

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    but did you import the jar archive to 7.1 first?
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    Double click on Transformation Mapping -> Go to Extras -> Tabular Overview-> Right Click - > Export to Microsoft Excel.
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    Thank you and best regards,

    Hi Wolfgang,
    very interesting idea?
    I would activa a dummy message mapping. than I would have a look in the file directory of the java-stack and try to find out the name of the *.class or *.jar file.
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    Regards Mario

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    Nikolai -
    I just tried this as well. I went from source to staging area which is setup as a target schema. That worked fine.
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  • Advanced mapping from IDOC to SOAP with reversed 3 level context change

    Hi everyone.
    I am having a though time mapping the HRMD_A01 IDOC into a SOAP message. The reason is that the reciever expects an xml structure where the root node is cost center instead of employee which is the case in the IDOC.
    Mapping from:
    IDOC (1..1)
       E1PLOGI (1..unb)
         SEGMENT (String)
         OBJID (String)
         E1PITYP (1..unb)
           E1P0001 (1..unb)
             SEGMENT (String)
             KOSTL (String)
    To this structure:
    List (1..1)
      CostCenters (1..unb)
        KOSTL (String)   ----> Mapped against KOSTL above
        Employees (1..unb)
          OBJID (String)   ----> Mapped against OBJID above  
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    My conclusion is that I need an advanced mapping and I have created one which collects all KOSTL for the IDOC context, deletes duplicates, and creates the CostCenters segment. This is now working. But my problem is that I can't create the employees segment in the right place. They are only created once under the first CostCenters node.
    Here's the java-code for mapping between KOSTL and CostCenters/KOSTL:
    public void costCenters(String[] var1, ResultList result, Container container) throws StreamTransformationException{
      Set set = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(var1));
      String[] array2 = (String[])(set.toArray(new String[set.size()]));
      for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) {
    Any ideas on how to proceed?
    Best Regards

      Do the mapping like below.
      UDF should be select as context.
    List (1..1)
      CostCenters (1..unb)
        KOSTL (String)   ----> Mapped against KOSTL above
        Employees (1..unb)
          OBJID (String)   ----> Mapped against OBJID above
    KOSTL(RightSelectChange the context to E1PITYP)--UDF--Removecontext--CostCenters
    KOSTL(RightSelectChange the context to E1PITYP)--UDF--SplitbyValue(Each Value)--KOSTL
    OBJID----------------------------------------------Use One As Many---SplitByValue (EachValue)----------OBJID
    KOSTL(RightSelectChange the context to E1PITYP)--UDF---
    KOSTL(RightSelectChange the context to E1PITYP)--UDF---
    Edited by: prakasu on May 20, 2009 3:28 PM

  • Mapping from 2d to 3d

    Can someone please give me a link or explain to me how or the logic behind mapping from 2d to 3d. I was told that you have to create a perspective plane. How do you do this?
    Any input will be a help.

    I don't think there's anything called a perspective plane. But here's how 3D graphics work. If you want to draw something that looks like an object that is sitting in 3D space some distance behind the screen, you have to figure out what part of it the user would see when looking through each individual pixel of the screen, and then set the pixel to that color. Essentially, you'd like to "flatten" the 3D object onto a 2D plane (the screen). This transformation is called a projection. One simple way to do it would be to drop a perpendicular from each point on the object to a point on the screen, and draw that bit of the object there. This is called orthogonal projection. However, this isn't realistic. In reality, people have eyes which are located at a particular point in space, close to the screen. (For simplicity, assume the user has 1 single, infinitesimally small eye). The rays from the eye to each point on the screen are not parallel, so you can't just "flatten" an object onto the surface, but rather you have to "push" it along a cone from the eye. (Try drawing a picture of an eye, a screen, and an object behind it). One effect of this is that an object will seem smaller the farther it is from the user. In fact, by knowing how far the user is from the screen and how far the object is from the screen, you can figure out exactly where each point in 3D space goes by using simple triangle similarity (again, draw a picture). This is called perspective projection, and in the end, after all the math, it basically amounts to dividing the x, y coordinates of a point by its z coordinate (if your screen is the (x,y) plane and its center is at (0,0,0)).
    Try to look for a book on computer graphics for a better explanation. There can be quite a bit of math involved if you want to make a full 3D system with non-fixed camera position and direction.

  • Problem in copying a mapping from OMB+..soln needed asap

    I am trying to copy a mapping from OMB+.
    This is a simple copy in the same module....but its giving the following error. can somebody help me in this...
    OMB01059: Object copy failed. Nothing to rename.
    OMB01059: Object copy failed. Nothing to rename.

    found the solution..
    Its the problem with length of the mapping name.
    When its copying, OWB generates a new mapping prefixed with 'COPY_OF_' to the original mapping name and then renames it.
    In the above case, Its exceeding the limit and therefore abbreviating the copied mapping to 'COPY_OF_M_STG_BP_AP_INTL_SUBS_1'
    and when trying to rename the mapping, its unable to find the object.
    Soln...limit the mapping names to 18-20 characters to allow copying from OMBPLUS.

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