Mapping Outlook folders to iCloud

I've setup my iCloud account **** in Outlook 2010 But the Outlook folders don't seem to map correctly to my iPhone. Inbox is ok, but now have 'Trash' (was always there on phone) and Deleted Items (created after setting up Outlook) 'Junk' and 'Junk E-mail', 'Sent' and 'Sent Items' etc
Is there a way of only keeping the original mailbox folders on the phone and having them carried over to Outlook instead of using Outlook's own folder structure. Seems pointless have the duplication, surely 1 'Sent' folder makes sense as would 1 folder for Trash, Junk etc???
Thanks in advance

I don't know much about the iCloud stuff, but the following links may help you:

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    Thank you for your reply. I was not able to drag it onto my desktop from iCloud account but I found the option of exporting the vCard which was not there earlier. I used that option to export it and import it back onto another iCloud account. Your reply did made me go back to see the options. Thanks.

  • How to sync Outlook (Exchange) with iCloud

    Hi there,
    I just want to share an approach that made my day.
    My objective: I want to have my contacts available on iCloud and all attached Macs.
    My issue: The primary source of information is my Exchange account so I have the data available on my iPhone but unfortunately not at home on my Macs.
    My painpoint: A clear segragation (private/business) is not an option for me (BTW: This is true for the calendar as well; if I am out of the office for some private reasons it does not make any sense to have such appointments entered in a different calendar because this would not reflect availability in the office).
    My approach: Look for a solution that allows copying data within Outlook locally. It seems that any "sync option" one is going to install within Outlook simply adds some new folders but actually there is nothing I would really call "syncing". So I did some research for tools that are capable of syncing Outlook folders within Outlook itself. Finally I found a company called CodeTwo ( offering an Outlook plug-in named "FolderSync" for free. I installed this tool and configured the tool to sync my (more or less) local contacts folder with my newly created iCloud contacts folder. And it seems to work!
    However, there are some drawbacks:
    The sync has to be kicked-off manually (via an icon that installs into the ribbon).
    There is no option to select either one-way or two-way syncing (it is always two-way which is not really what I want, I'd prefer one-way Exchange->iCloud).
    You can configure different folders to be synced (will be done in sequence) but you cannot change this sequence afterwards (I started off with the Exchange -> iCloud sync and wanted to add some backup to another local folder upfront if data gets accidentally destroyed in iCloud).
    If the tool runs into a MAPI error (happened several times for some mailing lists or weird contacts) it shows the error and stops (instead of caring on doing whatever can be done; BUT the good news is that if you restart the tool it will continue where it left off so it might take a while but after 5 to 6 times I had all my contacts in iCloud apart those that had issues).
    Anyhow you might check this out for calendars, too (I did this for a sample calendar but had really lots of MAPI errors that required a lot of restarts of the sync). Maybe this will work for Hotmail and other connectors supplied by Microsoft, too.
    And - no - I am not affiliated to this company.

    Thank you for this info!
    I was trying to use an app (ContactsXL) that sets up groups for group messaging. I could not get it to work with Outlook contacts. In retrospect, there may have been a way to make it work and I was just doing something wrong. However, it started me thinking about how my Outlook is on my company laptop and how, if I ever leave this job, how will I take my contacts with me?
    My solution was to sync (or duplicate) all my contacts from Outlook to iCloud, but I could not figure out how to do it. Your suggestion of the Code Two FolderSync plug-in worked nicely. Now all my Outlook contacts also exist in iCloud and the plug-in keeps them up to date when I make changes.
    As to my original issue though, using ContactsXL to create text messaging (and/or email) groups.  It allows you to set up "smart" groups - like everyone whose Company is BMC or such. But when I created a group like this, now each contact that matches the criteria shows up twice! Assumedly one is from Outlook and the other is from iCloud. Fortunately the iPhone is smart enough to know not to send two text messages (or emails) when a contact is added twice, so no big deal.
    But thanks to the OP for the research and suggestions. If I quit my job tomorrow, at least I will take all my contacts with me.

  • Excluding public folders when enumerating Outlook folders

    I have an Outlook plugin that searches all Outlook folders for certain information.
    However, some users have been complaining that the plugin searches public folders as well, which are huge in certain corporations, and that in turn makes the search very slow.
    I now use the following mechanism to search Outlook folders:
    NameSpace nameSpace = outlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI");
    Folders accountFolders = nameSpace.Folders;
    if (nameSpace == null || accountFolders == null)
    return null;
    for (int i = 1; i <= accountFolders.Count; i++)
    MAPIFolder accountFolder = accountFolders.Item(i);
    MailItem res = null;
    res = ScanFolder(accountFolder, mailId, scanUI);
    if (accountFolder != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(accountFolder);
    if (res != null) return res;
    return null;
    if (accountFolders != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(accountFolders);
    if (nameSpace != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(nameSpace);
    I've tried to look at the MAPIFolder object, but I didn't find any flag that could help me distinguish standard folders from public folders. Is there a way to do that?

    Read the PR_MDB_PROVIDER property (DASL name using MAPIFolder.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty, convert it to hex using MAPIFolder.PropertyAccessor.BinaryToString. For the PF store objects,
    PR_MDB_PROVIDER property will be pbExchangeProviderPublicGuid (78B2FA70AFF711CD9BC800AA002FC45A) - you can see that property (and others) in
    OutlookSpy: click IMAPIFolder button.
    Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
    Redemption - what the Outlook
    Object Model should have been
    Version 5.5 is now available!

  • Source of Multiple Calendars in Outlook 2007 and iCloud (iOS7.0.4)

    Source of Multiple Calendars in Outlook 2007 and iCloud (iOS7.0.4)
    My  iPhones (2) and iPad list the following color-coded calendar names when the word "Calendar" is pressed at the bottom of the calendar screen:  All iCloud (no colored dot), Calendar (Blue Dot),  Home (orange Dot), Saved emails (red dot), and Saved emails (2)( green dot).
    Calendar items created on both iPhones are coded with a blue dot and appear on a blue background in iCloud and on the phones.  Calendar items created  on my iPad appear on a green background (saved emails 2)  on my iPad and my iphones. Why isn't the color "Blue"? It appears that entries made on Outlook appear in Saved Emails (red).
    I have not imported or connected with any external calendars.
    This behavior raises the following questions:
    1)  Should entries created  on each device appear in a different color?
    2)  Does the color associated with an entry designate a specific device or a specific type of device?
    3)  Which device is the "Home" device referred to in paragraph 1 above? 
    4)  Why would a Calendar be named with a reference to "saved emails"? From where would it come.
    My understanding about synching with iCloud was that any entry from any iDevice (phone or pad)  or iCloud would appear in both iCloud and  in the calendars of all devices on the same  Apple Account.  Please confirm my understanding or correct it.
    With iCloud as the hub, must I still utilize Microsoft Outlook?  I am retired and no longer need Outlook for work.
    Can I edit any calendar entry in I cloud had have it change it in all the devices, or must it be edited in the device in which the entry was originally made?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I would ditch Outlook like a bad habit.
    Now to answer your questions starting at the bottom.  yes, you can edit any and all iCloud Calendars on  You can rename your calendars, re-color them, create, edit or delete events, etc.
    So you asked a question on why your calendars are named 'saved emails'.  This sounds like something that would be created from Outlook since you can send email to the calendar in Outlook.  If you quit using outlook, you can simply rename the calendars to something more sensible or delete them entirely.
    About calendar colors.  Each calendar you (or your mail program on your behalf) has created gets assigned a name and color.  Each color helps your identify which calendar and event belongs to.  When you create a new event from your iOS device or, you will find a handy little section that says 'calendar' where you can specify to which calendar (or color) you want that event to be on.  You will also find this option when tapping and editing and event on the iOS devices or  If you want all of your devices to default to the same calendar when creating a new event, on your iOS devices go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Scroll to the section that says 'Calendar' in gray (its at the very bottom) and change the 'default calendar' to whatever you want the defualt to be.  You can also change the default in by clicking the gear icon.
    My recommendation: 1) Ditch Outlook. Go to your Control Panel > iCloud and uncheck Outlook. 2) Move all of your events to one or two calendars.  if you don't have a need for multiple calendars, just simplify your life and move them all to one calendar.  You can edit the event and change the calendar, then go back and delete the other calendars that are confusing you with all the different colors.  You can rename, recolor, create and delete calendars form your iOS device by tapping calendar in the bottom of the screen when in the calendars app then tap edit in the top left.  You can also do these same things on  Where ever is easiest for you will work.

  • That's great I can see my iCloud calendar in Outlook, but can't see my Outlook calendar in iCloud???

    That's great I can see my iCloud calendar in Outlook, but I can't see my Outlook calendar in iCloud.
    Any ideas on this one? I don't want to copy the calendar into iCloud, because they wouldn't be in sync. How do I view my Outlook calendar in iCloud so that I can make changes in either place?

    I have good news!!  I was waiting until I had adequate time to try this recommended fix in case I had any problems with it.  Then I decided to enter a new event in my Calender even tho it was showing "No Calenders".  As soon as I entered the new event my whole Calender came back!  Yeeaaa!  I hope this helps someone with the same problem.

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    Some older addresses that sync from Outlook no longer showup on my ipad and iphone.  Data is in Outlook and in Icloud contacts.  Any suggestions?  Some of the newer addresses seem to sync but the older ones (family) addresses are not.  The data is showing up in Outlook and in icloud but doesn't show up in my contacts after a sync.

    Hi dlzimmie,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.  This article has some troubleshooting for contacts syncing issues that may help:
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Contacts
    - Ari

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    I went into system settings and tried to delete the Icloud account.  The warning comes up:  This will delete all IMAP notes on your device.  Will this also delete the notes in On My iPad?

  • How do you create a folder/folders in iCloud?

    I am wondering if you can create folders on iCloud.  I am a West Virginia University Student studying Accounting.  I really like the iWork Suite of products and the ability to take notes in class on my iPad.  However, I am getting a great deal of documents from downloading information from professors from the main campus server as well as having to look up information.  I carry both my MacBook Pro and iPad because the iPad will not run Flash which is essential in using Pearson's MyAccounting Lab and several other products.  I would like to better organize the documents that I have created so that I can bring up a folder pertaining to a class and have those documents in that folder.  Right now they all are on iCloud and I have many there and it takes a while to drudge through all of them.  I am sure there is probably a way to do this, I haven't figured it out yet.
    Can someone help me?

    iPhoto only shows the existing albums. You create the albums in the Photos app - show the albums in "Photos" and press the "+" button to create a new album and to name it. Then open your camera roll and select images to add to the new album.

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    reminders do not work on pc (windows 7) stopped working in outlook 2010 after icloud installed

    Have you tried a re install of iCloud Control Panel ?

  • Can I create folders in iCloud?

    I have not used iCloud very much because I can't tell where my documents are.  I know that sounds silly and I do know literally where they are.  But it seems you cannot interact with them via a finder window.  You must go through individual applications.  However, I created a new document on my mac mini recently and when I opened my laptop several hours later it was sitting there ready to be worked on.  This is a great feature and I am interested in using it further but not if I can't create folders and organize iCloud like the rest of all my files.   Does anyone have any insights on Apple's plans for this?

    I'm not sure about Apple's plans, but see the thread below for information on creating folders in iCloud.

  • Outlook Contacts to iCloud

    My boss imported all of his outlook contacts to his icloud contacts.  I need to make groups for him and apple told us we have to do that through icloud on my pc.  icloud won't drag and drop contacts to the group - the error message reads that this action is not supported by the browser.  I have tried google chrome, internet explorer, and safari and am having no luck.  The webpage also locks up as soon as I get in there and try to drag and drop.  Can anyone help me solve this problem?

    Yes, you can though that will be by means of an additional program called “Akruto”! It’s similar to iTunes app however the difference is that using “Akruto” you’ll be able to sync your Outlook contacts to iCloud.

  • How can i import external data into folders in iCloud?

    I currently have all my iPhoto folders stored on a external harddrive (removed from iPhoto) and would like to put them in iCloud. The unfortunate thing is that i have an Macbook Air, and not enough memory to put all the folders back in iPhoto to have them uploaded to iCloud.
    - i have tried iCloud Drive, but this doesn't create folders..

    You can create folders on iCloud Drive, like you create folders in Finder on your hard drive.
    Just open iCloud Drive in Finder and enter ⌘N to create a new folder. Then drag your photos to that folder and rename the folder.
    Only the special folders created by the standard apps do not allow to create deeply nested folders inside  these folders.
    The unfortunate thing is that i have an Macbook Air, and not enough memory to put all the folders back in iPhoto to have them uploaded to iCloud.
    If you want to move the photos to iCloud Drive to save space on your MacBook Air, that will not work.  For any file you store on iCloud Drive there will be a shadow copy on your Mac, so you cannot save space on your MacBook Air this way. You need as much spce on your MAcBook Air as you are using in iCloud.  Maybe this will change in future MacOS X versions, but right now you will have all iCloud files stored locally as well.
    See:   iCloud Drive FAQ

  • Issues with syncing my Outlook 2013 with icloud 4.0

    I am running Windows 8.1, Outlook 2013 and iCloud control panel 4.0. When trying to sync my calendar and contacts I get an error message "Apple Outlook DAV Config has stopped working". Windows looks for a correction, doesn't find anything and closes the program. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling iCloud. Always get the same error.

    Hello Zbolt,
    Security software on your system may be preventing this component from operating normally. The article linked below details the location of each component (including AppleOutlookDavConfig.exe) so that they may be added as an exception in your security software's configuration to allow them to run unimpeded.
    iCloud: Making sure that iCloud works with security software in Windows

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