Maquetar en arabe

Buenos días, necesito saber si puedo maquetar en árabe con Cs6, o pasarme a la versión CC, si alguien me puede ayudar con este tema. Gracias

Buenos días
Para maquetar en árabe, debes de cambiar en la versión cc en las preferencias el idioma de Español a Inglés (arabe).
Esto mismo lo puedes ver en un tutorial Trucos y consejos por Ana Mesas: Adobe InDesign CC en árabe, hebreo y escritura RTL (Right to Left)

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    Dear Experts,
    Kindly suggest me how to print arabic characters in BI Publisher.

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  • Hw can i get arabic support in oracleAS using jstl: showing '?????' symbols

    Hello All,
    I am using OracleAS for portal deployment and portlets UI constructed by using jstl.
    i have used spring portlet jstl for the jsp pages.
    when i am trying to change the language, it is showing '?????' symbols.
    I have used correct unicode. i tested in pluto portal server. when i deployed in oracleAS,
    for english not a problem. for arabic it is showing as '????'.
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    <fmt:setLocale value="ar" />
    <fmt:requestEncoding value="UTF-8" />
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    Only Apple Account Security could help at this point. You can try calling Apple Support in Canada - you'll have to find one of the several ways, such as Skype, to call an 800 number from outside of the relevant country - and ask for Account Security and see if they can help. Or you can find a friend who speaks Chinese and ask them to help you talk to Apple Support in China. There are really no other options that I know of.
    Note, by the way, that these are user-to-user support forums. You aren't speaking with Apple when you post here.

  • Pages '08 Arabic doc prints in Tiger, not Leopard

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    I have a Pages '08 doc that is a mix of Arabic and English characters
    Pages often messes up Arabic text, especially when mixed with English, and it is normally recommended to use a different app for such things (Mellel is the best). Is your text known to be correct?

  • Arabic and Chinese characters are showing ??? in PDF

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    Thanks a lot!

    I created xdo.cfg and put it in my JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ folder. the file is configured as below:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <config version="1.0.0" xmlns="">
    <property name="system-temp-dir">/tmp</property>
    <font family="Default" style="normal" weight="normal">
    <truetype path="/fonts/ALBANWTJ.ttf"/>
    But now I'm getting this error while generating pdf file:
    Adobe Reader could not open 'xxx.pdf' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded).
    Is there anything wrong in my xdo.cfg?

  • How to enter numbers in Arabic font in the fields

    Hi Everyone,
    I installed Adobe Reader 10.0.1 multi-Language and I am able to enter Arabic alphabet in the fields, but when I enter numbers in the fileds, it is English. I don't have this issue in MS-Word. i.e., both letters and numbers depend on my keyboard setting and is English or Arabic respectively. The numbers setting in windows in "depend on context" and I think is fine. Do you know how I can fix this issue? Is there any setting in Adobe that overwrights the Windows setting for numbers?
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    I won't say I am very clear about this topic. But I will give an example, which seems to show that number (in the double type) is logically of the form -000.00 while locale spacific String object can be both of the forms "000.00-" and "-000.00"
    // you can show the string below (formatted) on a JLabel with the following
    //<JLabel_instance>.setFont(new Font("Lucida Sans", Font.PLAIN, 22));
    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new java.util.Locale("ar","EG"));
    //NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new java.util.Locale("fr","Fr"));   // compare
    DecimalFormat df=null;
    DecimalFormatSymbols dfs= null;
      if (nf instanceof DecimalFormat) {
          df = (DecimalFormat)nf;
          dfs = df.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
          dfs.setZeroDigit('\u0660');// set the beginning of the range to Arabic digits.. this can be commented out
      String formatted = nf.format(-1234567.89);

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    How To See Numbers In Arabic Instead Of Indian Format [ID 785243.1]
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    Fadi Lafi

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  • How to enter numbers in Arabic?

    Hi All,
    How to write numbers in arabic?
    (how will you in normal papers....assume 123 to be in the arabic numerals here).
    Should it be:
    | -123|
    | 123-|

    I won't say I am very clear about this topic. But I will give an example, which seems to show that number (in the double type) is logically of the form -000.00 while locale spacific String object can be both of the forms "000.00-" and "-000.00"
    // you can show the string below (formatted) on a JLabel with the following
    //<JLabel_instance>.setFont(new Font("Lucida Sans", Font.PLAIN, 22));
    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new java.util.Locale("ar","EG"));
    //NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(new java.util.Locale("fr","Fr"));   // compare
    DecimalFormat df=null;
    DecimalFormatSymbols dfs= null;
      if (nf instanceof DecimalFormat) {
          df = (DecimalFormat)nf;
          dfs = df.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
          dfs.setZeroDigit('\u0660');// set the beginning of the range to Arabic digits.. this can be commented out
      String formatted = nf.format(-1234567.89);

  • How to write numbers in Arabic?

    Hi All,
    How to write numbers in arabic?
    (how will you in normal papers....assume 123 to be in the arabic numerals here).
    Should it be:
    | -123|
    | 123-|

    Try the following.
    DecimalFormat formatter_ar=null;
    Numberformat form = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(new Locale("ar","EG"));
    if(form instanceof DecimalFormat) formatter_ar = (DecimalFormat)form;
    String str = formatter_ar.format(-123.45);

  • Arabic characters are not getting displayed in oracle pdf output

    I am trying to print arabic characters in report output but junk characters are getting displayed in output.
    Using 10g report builder, added the arabic labels in report layout.
    Followed below steps:
    1. Set NLS_LANG=ARABIC_United Arab Emirates.AR8MSWIN1256
    2.Set REPORTS_PATH to the system font directoy such as C:\SYSROOT\Fonts
    3.transferred the arialbd.ttf to $ORACLE_HOME/guicommon/tk/admin/AFM
    4.Open uifont.ali under$ORACLE_HOME/guicommon/tk/admin, set the font alias
    entries at [PDF:Subset] section.
    Arial...Bold.. = "arialbd.ttf"
    5. open datap462.ppd under $ORACLE_HOME/guicommon/tk/admin/ppd, set the font information like
    *Font Arial-Bold: Standard "(001.001)" Standard ROM
    6.added following entries:
    Add this under the following section
    ## setting for Reports Runtime
    export REPORTS_PATH
    b) Add this in the end of the file
    PRINTER=dds62; export PRINTER
    tk90_PRINTER=dds62; export tk90_PRINTER
    tk90_PRINT_STATUS=echo; export tk90_PRINT_STATUS
    After having all these steps, still my report output is coming with junk characters.
    Please help me on this and this is very urgent requirement for me and i am trying on this since 3 days.

    Try to set the Font Subsetting like below in the file uifont.ali
    * = "arialbd.ttf"
    If it works after this modification, the problem will be related to the Font Aliasing
    Troubleshooting Guide for Font Aliasing / Font Subsetting / Font Embedding Issues (Doc ID 350971.1)

  • Problem with Arabic characters

    I don't know if this is the correct place to post the question, but here it goes...
    I have an SQL 2005 database, connected via a Linked Server to an Oracle Database.
    I have a table in SQL that contains arabic characters, and I need to insert it into an Oracle table.
    These characters appear as "????" after being inserted in the oracle table.
    I guess I hace some collation/characterset problem, but cannot finf the solution.
    The column where the arabic characyers are saved in SQL is defined as:
         [Remarks] [nvarchar](1000) NULL,
    And default SQL server collation is: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
    When I do a select on this table, it can see arabic correctly.
    The sql sentence in SQL server that moves the data to oracle is:
    INSERT INTO openquery(Oracle_DB, 'select Ticket_NO,Remarks from webportal.webcc_escal_det')
         (Ticket_NO,Remarks )
         SELECT Ticket_NO, Remarks
         FROM Details(nolock)
    Thanks in advance!!

    I think first you should check your character set
    For oracle to display correctly, you need to change your character set that caters to Arabic

  • Writing in Arabic in InDesign CS3

    A customer asked us to reproduce a card in Arabic.
    We have the scan of the card in .jpg
    Now, I enabled Arabic in the keyboard layouts,
    in International inputs and I do have arabic fonts that work.
    The problem I have (I am only able to recognize Arabic letters, I do not speak Arabic)
    is that even if the text is right aligned, the characters are added from the right,
    not the left. In other words, the text is right aligned but as I add characters
    they add themselves to the right of the characters that's already there.
    How do I do this?
    P.S. I noticed in Keyboard viewer (Mac OS Menu) that the Arabic letters are only shown
    in one form (individual letters) and I know that in Arabic letters are written differently whether
    there are in front, in the center or at the end (left) of the word. How do I know which character to choose if I'm not Arabic!

    There is this small utility software that will enable non Adobe ME applications to accept Arabic text. Just type your short Arabic text in arPIX pro, then copy and paste the text into InDesign. Text will stay as text after pasting in InDesign.
    Software is found here

  • Truncating arabic data/text when deployed on 10gAS, where as Eng is Ok

    When I run a report using report builder everything is fine. But when I deploy that same report on Application server & when I run from browser, the arabic data in the report is getting truncated ! where as English text/data is ok.
    To solved this problem I have to expand each text / item in report builder. But why with arabic only? And how the report is working fine when run using Report Builder? For some reports even after expanding still gets truncated while deployed on Application server.
    I think the FIX is around PDF. when report is deployed on AS, then output is generated in PDF & then above problem is encountered. Where as executed in Report Builder, output is generated in previewer which is fine.
    please help
    Edited by: Mubeen on Mar 18, 2009 2:56 AM

    I have experiecnce with this problem... and unfortunatly ther's not solution.
    Some trigger (like when-mouse-enter or when-mouse-live) don't work with form deployed on web. I suppose that these triggers are not supported in deployd on web because the "client" browser shuld be constantly comunicate with the runtime engine.

  • Oracle Reports 11.1.2 junk Arabic characters in PDF

    Hi guys,
    When I generate a report with Arabic characters, they appear as junk characters.
    I did the following:
    Include C:\WINDOWS\Fonts in REPORTS_PATH (in the Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OH258674538 )
    Open uifont.ali and set the font alias:
       "Arabic Transparent"...Bold.. ="arialbd.ttf"
       "Arabic Transparent"="arialbd.ttf"
    Installed Arabic keyboard in Windows server that hosts Reports server
    Changed the location to United Arab Emirates in Windows
    Run the report with DESTYPE=FILE and DESFORMAT=PDF
    I also tried to change the font name of the field that contains the Arabic data in the report to things like: Tahoma, Arial, Courier New, but with no luck.
    Environment Specs:
    OS: Windows 2008 R2
    Oracle Reports 11.1.2 (installed on the top of Weblogic
    Thanks in advance.

    you have to touch following files.
    convert your true type font to afm and copy ttf/afm files to respective directory

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     What to do for writing in Arabic on my Facebook

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