Mark data on map

id like to do something similar to this
As a basic starting point
Id like to have a world map graphic where anyone can add a flag to a location on the map and then type a comment which will be linked to that flag.
Users can view the map with all the added flags on and choose to read the comments by clicking an existing flag.. and then hopefully add there own flag for their location and write a comment.
I understand this might be quite difficult as i dont have any advanced programming experience (only actionscript 2.0). But im really not sure where to start or how this can be done.
Does anyone have any ideas?
thanks allot in advance.

Abe2 wrote:
id like to do something similar to this
As a basic starting point
Id like to have a world map graphic where anyone can add a flag to a location on the map and then type a comment which will be linked to that flag.
Users can view the map with all the added flags on and choose to read the comments by clicking an existing flag.. and then hopefully add there own flag for their location and write a comment.
I understand this might be quite difficult as i dont have any advanced programming experience (only actionscript 2.0). But im really not sure where to start or how this can be done.
Does anyone have any ideas?
If you want to do it in Java then you'll need to learn Java before you can do it.
Eventually you'll do some stuff with paintComponent and MouseListeners but that's off in the future. For now [_start here_|]

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    According to your description, my understanding is that you got an error when you created a KPI in Dashboard Designer.
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    Forum Support
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    [email protected]
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    Your user info says iPad. This is the OS X Numbers forum. Assuming you are using OS X… Be sure the file is named with a .csv suffix.
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    Ni hao
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    How to Resplve this issue.
    Manoj Kauhsik

    Dear Earl,
    Thanks to reply me.
    I am not using Utility to upl;oad Excel Sheet Data.
    i am go through .i have create an application to upload data from Excel Sheet.
    There is an option DATA UPLOAD when we create new Page so i have choose this option and create Pages with follow all instraction .By using this option i want to an Feature in my Application to Upload Data .
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