Marketing kills

I have been corporate videographer for 17 years in Paris, France.
Do you think HDV marketing kills all the video products market ? I am not talking about the high end HDCAM market. Everything is focused on HDV and like nothing else exist.
I used to receive DV magazine and Videography with very interesting articles about techniques and products reviews : have you seen how thin DV magazine is now, merely 10 pages and 3 articles ? Very funny : the last review in DV magazine is about a hydrogen-fuel battery for camcorder !!! I know that the internet is the new media but on DV.COM nothing new and where are the valuable articles ? We are in the middle of the digital evolution and it’s like everything’s vanished.
A friend of mine, a very good videographer, works for the french national TV stations. He plans to change his very old PD 150 for a new camera, he can’t afford the Sony HDV HVR-Z1E and hesitates to buy the PD170 because he’s affraid to be out of fashion. Does Sony kill himself with HDV ? How many of you use the XDCAM HD ?. In Paris the biggest video supplier didn’t even sell 1 XDCAM HD. I have six 2/3 lenses : no I won’t buy the new XDCAM HD neither use a long GOP codec.
Are you afraid of the damages video product marketing are doing in our business ? Am I thinking wrong ?

Do you think HDV marketing kills all the video products market?<<</div>
Maybe I'm missing the point of your post, but IMHO, to answer your question; no. From the manufacturer's perspective it's matter of simple economics. They'll heavily market whatever they anticipate generating the greatest profits. Otherwise they'd soon be out of business. The fact of the matter is that worldwide, high-end cameras and gear only make up a small percentage of Sony's profits. They market in other ways to the high-end crowd ... DV magazine isn't that market.
HDV just happens to be the current profitable technology so that's where they're throwing their advertising dollars. And if you hadn't noticed (its really hard to miss), most magazines are nothing more than a advertising platform for the manufacturers anyway. That's why they're offered through a free subscription.
A friend of mine, a very good videographer, works for the french national TV stations. He plans to change his very old PD 150 for a new camera, he can’t afford the Sony HDV HVR-Z1E and hesitates to buy the PD170 because he’s affraid to be out of fashion. Does Sony kill himself with HDV?<<</div>
I have no idea what this has to do with your original statement. Sure, HD is the future so ANYONE contemplating a camera purchase will have to face the same decisions. Would you buy a new PPC Mac right now - knowing that all future software development would be for Intel chipped computers only? You'd be buying 'old' technology.
If your friend only needs SD then buying an SD camera would save money and get the job done. Bottom line, that's what it's all about. But if he's considering a move to HD in the near future, then buying an SD camera deserves rethinking. If that is the case, he can always buy an HD or HDV camera and shoot in SD (or downconvert) until he's ready to make the jump. By then, he may be even able to afford an HD monitor and deck.
Are you afraid of the damages video product marketing are doing in our business?<<</div>
What damage? Are you speaking of the proliferation of low cost cameras that can create amazing footage so more and more people become competition for you? If that's it, get used to it. It's happened in every business segment that computer technology can reach.
But if that isn't it, I don't see any 'damage' to the market. If anything, they are many more options (in terms of models, formats, features, etc) available now than there has ever been in the market.
I have six 2/3 lenses : no I won’t buy the new XDCAM HD<<</div>
What's your point? I have a storage shelf full of analog video cameras and still (film) photographic cameras that I can't even give away (I've tried). Fortunately I was able to sell off my darkroom equipment before the digital wave hit. Like I said above, you'll just have to get used to the rate of change in technology - it will neither be easy or constant - the rate of change itself is ever increasing. Currently it's HDV - next week, next month, next year, it will be something else. Look for new technology to roll out faster and faster ... or at least as fast as the manufacturers can profit from it.
Anyway, that's my take on it .... or maybe I just missed the nature of your post.

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    11:53 PM
    allgono wrote:
    As a person who has kept faith in the communicator range since the 9210, I am waiting for the new release with both hands. Please Nokia, kindly add the following features.
    1. If you can fit 4GB in a N91, can you kindly fit anything over just 1GB to new communicator. Off course, 5GB will be a market killer
    2. 3G support. I do not need to carry a communicator and another ugly and huge phone just for the sake of 3G.
    3. Camera. Only a 2 megapixel camera and above may add some taste.
    4. Good to have HP printer support but for those of us who may be owning other Bluetooth devices, can we have a universal bluetooth driver support for all the other printers. Currently, printing on other bluetooth devices other than HP will work but text will lose formating as well as colour.
    5. Built in support of video applications that make use of the big screen that the device has in store. Real player with a screen size of an S60 device is not quite right.
    6. My last wish is that the new communicator be unveiled soon whilst the money is still in my pocket. I have got enough faith in Nokia and would not want to be fulled by other upcoming devices. Long life communicator!
    I forgot to say my new communicator should also have a touchscreen. I can not believe I forgot that! A keyboard and a touchscreen can only help to kill appreciation of other competing devices like HTC universal, which as you know have got a million names depending on what network you take it from.

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    Hey wmhwilson,
    first of all you are not addressing apple in these forums. We are all just users like you trying to help eachother out. I can almost guarantee they didn't pull the support for the card reader from ipad 3. As i have a nikon camera and d5000 and a card reader running on ipad 3 and i just did a import from the sd card after I read your comments. It could be a bug within your ipad. Try restarting the ipad, if you have everything back up to icloud do a full reset then restore from icloud.
    Second, going off on a tangent about apple and their business practices, in support forums which are user based, really wont get you much help. We come here to help people like you and there are way to many folks who go out venting and we all heard it before and kinda getting bit tired off it.
    Third, before doing proper diagnostics, rebooting, restoring ipad, using different SD card, try using usb connector directy to the camera, don't assume that apple pulled the plug on it. It could be a bug that slipped through testing however I highly doubt it since its working for me.
    So try rebooting, restoring ipad from icloud (if you have back up), try inserting a different SD card. Since you are photographer you must have more then one. Try using the other connector that comes with camera kit.

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    Thanks for reacting to my question.
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    I was a Windows user for 15 years. I not only designed the computers to market, I was a Network Admin and consultant. Now I use a Mac.
    Funny. I see these stupid threads by the same few folks who can't help but push their macs. And the one or two who tote Windows.
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    The Mac in not superior and saying it is doesn't make you any more superior either but damn y'all sure seem to think so.
    What a joke.
    b You keep up the we versus them - mac vs ps all you want. It does not get anyone anywhere. Solving common issues that effect both side is much more valuable.
    Maybe it makes you feel good to spout your love for one or the other. But Adobe has pretty well tried to get their products to run the same no matter which OS you choose. Adobe seems to understand Macs aren't the only OS choice to run their products. They realize PCs make a huge part of the market. Quibble over 50 percent or 60 percent or what ever you want... the Macs just don't have to support the thousands of titles that PCs do.
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    Hey, sorry but I get so tired of these threads let's just call them out on it....
    What other enlightenment can you fill us with? Mac vs PC. God, give it a rest...
    Leopard was rushed out the door. So was Vista. Smart PC users may be still on XP, Mark because they didn't like Vista just like a lot of people don't like Leopard. WOW. Amazing. The consumer is the main beta tester now for just about any of it. Ramon, you on Leopard yet? CS4? Anything new and up to date?
    So where are with with Snow Leopard? The perfect OS? Who knows.
    And Ann. Bringing up the fact that our PC friendly guy here is not CS4, well... a lot of those with opinions of Macs aren't. Is Ramon? I know you stay up to date Ann but maybe our PC guys can read the other forums just fine and go from there. Like some do here. Hum....
    I just wanted to walk all over this thread. Say my rants and raves. Call people out on their superior attitude of crap. Go kneel to your John Nack and by all means, keep reading his blog and keep us posted. I doubt John want to really hear all of this either.
    This was a whole waste of space and so you know, let's see how long I can type and waste even more. Let's just keep talking and trashing everything I can and see if I can't kill this thread.
    Heck - maybe I should take a different tact and try to get it locked down and closed. May be I should try to get the moderators to do their job and stop this from going too far.
    Just the same old same old. The same usual suspects screaming the same old lines. Ramon, really - was this addressed to us who use macs in the mac forums or to PC users who also keep up with Macs and happen by?
    You know, even trying to kill this thread by ranting now isn't that much fun. Because I think every one but Ann and Ramon and Mark and Buko are tired of the MAC is better than PC routine. JJ, let them say what ever they want. You think anyone is really going to read it? Or read this?
    I stayed up too late tonight and have sleep deprivation. I doubt I will remember typing this. I will remember listing the same 4 names we can list all too often and the same people that opinionate the loudest here.
    b It is a shame though. If they would stay off these topics and stay with being helpful without having to cry superior this or sucky that... they would actually be great to keep around.
    But they just can't help themselves. They will be the first to fire off at you should you disagree with them. They are the one's who are always right and never wrong.
    Anyway, guess I did what I wanted... to try to blow steam, vent, release frustrations or what ever... and in all hopes - I hope I wrote long enough that this thread will just die and go away.
    Tell you what, let's copy and past the whole thing twice to really make one have to scroll down to post anything new...
    OK GUYS>>>
    I was a Windows user for 15 years. I not only designed the computers to market, I was a Network Admin and consultant. Now I use a Mac.
    Funny. I see these stupid threads by the same 6 folks who can't help but push their macs. And the one or two who tote Windows.
    Both systems have their set of problems. But really, who cares what market share are PC vs Mac with regards to Adobe. Big deal.
    Windows has so many more vendors and software programmers to deal with they finally had to coral it in with Vista, their first attempt. Macs failed with clones. Life happens.
    The Mac in not superior and saying it is doesn't make you any more superior either but damn y'all sure seem to think so.
    What a joke.
    b You keep up the we versus them - mac vs ps all you want. It does not get anyone anywhere.
    Maybe it makes you feel good to spout your love for one or the other. But Adobe has pretty well tried to get their products to run the same no matter which OS you choose. Adobe seems to understand Macs aren't the only OS choice to run their products. They realize PCs make a huge part of the market. Quibble over 50 percent or 60 percent or what ever you want... the Macs just don't have to support the thousands of titles that PCs do. At least PCs know how to display web images with sRGB much better. If fact, amazing how a designer still needs to design for PCs ever more so than macs. I still read and hear all the time, you design for PCs first and foremost and then try to cross over to macs. But I guess those here would find that as the PCs are trying to have a superior attitude. NO. They just realize the number of end users. But I guess the same 4-5 mac people here will still have something to say about that statement.
    Hey, I get so tired of these threads let's just all them out on it....
    What other enlightenment can you fill us with? Mac vs PC. God, give it a rest...
    Leopard was rushed out the door. So was Vista. And the consumer is the main beta tester now for just about any of it. Ramon, you on Leopard yet?
    So where are with with Snow Leopard? The perfect OS? Who knows.
    And Ann. Bringing up the fact that our PC friendly guy here is not CS4, well... a lot of those with opinions of Macs aren't. Is Ramon?
    I just wanted to walk all over this thread. Say my rants and raves. Call people out on their superior attitude of crap. Go kneel to your John Nack and by all means, keep reading his blog and keep us posted.
    This was a whole waste of space and so you know, let's see how long I can type and waste even more. Let's just keep talking and trashing everything I can and see if I can't kill this thread.
    Heck - maybe I should take a different tact and try to get it locked down and closed.
    Just the same old same old. The same usual suspects screaming the same old lines. Ramon, really - was this addressed to us who use macs or to PC users who also keep up with Macs and happen by?

  • Kill User Sessions in Enterprise

    I was told that there was some code here that would allow me to kill user sessions in BOE XI 3.1 SP3. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    If you have access to Service Market Place, you can search for KB 1468652. 
    It includes the following information, the code snippets are java code, you will just need to convert it to .NET:
    This method was not supported in version XI R2, but it is supported in version XI 3.1.  The steps are:
    1. Retrieve the connection objects using the following query and determine the SI_ID of the connection you want to terminate.
    Do not delete any connections that use the server-token authentication method as those are used to communicate between servers (e.g. between the page server and cache server).
    2. Once you know the SI_ID, retrieve that specific infoobject and delete it.
    IInfoObjects oSessions = (IInfoObjects) iStore.query("SELECT SI_ID from CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS WHERE SI_ID =" + sessionID);
    IInfoObject oSession = (IInfoObject)oSessions.get(0);
    iStore.commit (oSessions);

  • ITunes 10 and windows 7 only works whem manually killing bonjour services,

    Hallo world,
    The only way i can get iTunes 10 to work on my windows 7 (AMD) machine is to first kill the bonjour services manually using services.msc.
    no fun, after the upgrade it took me 2 days to figure this out.
    Anyone know a structural solution or is this an error that will be repaired in the next release.
    Message was edited by: jcdebock

    Does your ASUS also have an ethernet NIC card?
    By looking at the Bonjour service, the dependency tab shows Bonjour is dependent on TPCIP. And therefore, the brand of NIC card installed with its drivers or firmware.
    I was thinking along those lines...several folks are having this problem and I wondered if it was a certain brand or release of NIC card. I'm sure Apple did not test every NIC card on the market. They'd never get anything released.

  • AppStore doesn't know there are updates unless you kill it?

    I noticed on the web that Fring had updated their iPhone app. I went to the App Store (via the iPhone) and it said all my apps were up to date. I thought, that's odd and tried again, same thing. It was not until I went into the recently used apps tray, killed the App Store, exited the tray and select the App Store icon again that if finally found 9 updates to Apps I own. So, if you never kill it you will never know there are App updates? Really?

    Interesting... It may be an intermittent issue then, similar to how I get black squares in the camera roll and pictures that don't show up. That is until the app is killed or the phone is rebooted.
    I should mention that I don't believe I had rebooted my phone in several days so this App was backgrounded and each time I'd bring it up to look for updates I'd have none. If the same thing has been happening to you, you might want to try killing the App in the recently used tray and selecting it again from your home screen.
    I really am starting to feel like this was sort of rushed to market. This stuff was not tested well, or was released with these issues known (even worse). Maybe there are Apps that cause it to get into this state, some that are not working properly in iOS4?

  • E61 - Killer features - Seriously under-realised.

    E61 - Killer features - Seriously under-realised.
    Don't get me wrong, the E61 is a fantastic device & easily the best smartphone I've owned to date but some of it's BEST features seem very oddly thought out:
    Access Point Groups:
    + This feature is nothing short of revolutionary. The ability to set up a preferred use of networks (wireless at home & the office or 3G when I'm out) Outstanding!
    - But at present it is ONLY possible to select it as the *default* connection method for email & syncing. It SHOULD be possible to use this feature as the *default* for web browsing & every other internet application?
    Message notification.
    For an integrated device the notification system is seriously disjointed.
    + The Standby screen (or day view). After much searching through menu's I found the option to turn on message display in the Standby screen. Lovely.
    - Why is it only possible to have the day view show txts OR emails? And why when you select one of these, does it display the top two messages This is worse than useless.... despite the glaring fact you may not want the first line of your private texts clearly displayed on the front of your phone.
    It SHOULD show only unread message's: Txts AND emails & only the senders name.
    The LED:
    + Potentially a fantastic feature.
    - But again for an integrated phone, it will ONLY work for emails.
    It SHOULD work for all unread messages. Txts & emails.
    + Despite being marketed as a business phone it is a powerful multimedia device too.
    - What is the point of including mp3 & video software with a mono ear piece?
    Nokia SHOULD at least have supplied the short Popport to 35mm headphone jack that is available all over ebay. Heck if they didn't want to put it in the box, they could at least offer it as an accessory on their online store.
    Love the phone but REALLY hoping that a firmware update will resolve some of the above.

    Nokia won't listen to us and believe me the E65 is going to be my last Nokia phone!
    I started a petition, it was removed by Mr. ajak who seem to be working for Nokia, all i got from him is the following answer:
    "I am sure there is lots of people out there that feel their particular issue is the most urgent. i can assure you that issues are being worked on and fixes will be released when a working fix is available.
    As one fo my fellow mods has advised, the issue has already been passed on"
    I think he would better posted an ETA on the petition as a reply rather than removing it and pm'ing me.
    Have you though about people who already signed it? dont they deserve an answer??!
    The situation is getting worse.
    Excuse me for my poor english
    ADD E65 TO NSU!

  • Kernel Panicing Killed My New Mac Pro

    Okay so I had a good solid reliable iMac G5 computer for almost three years and decided to upgrade to a Mac Pro because I edit using Final Cut Studio and wanted something with more power behind it. Everything started smoothly enough when i first plugged it in. Then I started getting the dreaded grey shield coming down over the screen and a message saying I had to restart, (basically crashing and losing any information I hadn't saved previously). The panic.log would sometimes list a kernal panic but occasionally say just something like....
    Maaaaaccccchine ckkkkaaaeck capaaaaabilitiiiiiiiiies
    ....all misspelt. I carried on using the machine and it would kernel panic more and more so called Apple Tec and went through EVERYTHING to try to get it working again. This included the Hardwear test, resetting, reloading the Operating System...I mean everything! Memory RAM was taken out swapped around, different hard drives used for the main drive.
    Eventually sent to an Apple Service centre, who thought it was one of the drives, replaced it, sent back...turned on and guess what?! Kernel Panic again!!! So sent back, they checked everything, the Bluetooth adaptor, Airport card, memory, drives, even the logic boards....still panicing. So finally after 3 WEEKS of this back and forth the Mac was sent back to Apple and a completely new one is hopefully not far away. This will have basically taken a month out of my work, and I've lost several high paid jobs from it....A COMPLETE NIGHTMARE! So if you start having Kernel Panics, and you get that strange message, just beware. You may be in for trouble.
    My question is, has anyone else had this problem ?

    I think I read about problems with 8-core model lately, which in some cases, can have a later OS build than even 10.4.10 and I would not be surprised to see a 10.4.11 even.
    When the Mac Pro came out there were 3 different builds until we all got to update to a common 10.4.8 which really helped and improved performance. And some SMC and EFI updates thrown in, and one for Nvidia.
    Could be somewhat similar for the 8-core is my thought.
    As for power requirements, the PSU may be 'asking' for more than needed on wake from sleep, and of course the 4-core * 2 Xeon is 'efficient' but still asks for more than 200W. Add in 10W for each DIMM, some more for each drive, 75-130W for Radeon. Then throw in disk drives, modem/router and a couple displays!
    Enough so that finding a reliable UPS was as hard as finding one for a Quad G5. Not easy for some, but 1000VA or above. (I have no idea what type of current UK is on either).
    I run with all the fans kicked up to 800 rpm (default is 499-599) which keeps things ventilated and brings DI(MM temp down 10ºC.
    I would be worried about the LaCie.
    Early on a few people had a USB problem on the back port of their keyboard. (The other left side was okay). So it seems even USB cables sometimes don't work.
    Firewire drives and devices have been a problem; or it was the FW ports, either front or back, or running slower than they should. Consumer electronics on Firewire can be troublesome. Maybe one reason why Apple moved to USB2 on iPods, though might have been more about market and cost and more systems have USB.
    Because it happens at home and not Apple Store is why I would focus on the wiring and current, and find a circuit just for the Mac Pro for now. Maybe get something to test outlet, ground, and a Kill-A-Watt or something.

  • Android Market

    Is anyone else having problems loading the Android Market? I am on the "worst phone ever" Droid Eris and I continue to get that a server error has occurred. I have tried rebooting phone, using both mobile data and wifi, and even a factory reset. 2.1 has completely killed my phone. I am just wondering if other people are having problems loading the market.

    Hi.  I understand that you are having issues accessing the Android market and I can certainly look into this for you.   Have this been only going on after the 2.1 update?   Did you download any applications after the update? 
    Waiting on your reply

  • Does adobe plan to kill dreamweaver?

    I love Dreamweaver and have been turned off from Go Live
    since Adobe first released it. However, all the suites and bundles
    seem to neglect Dreamweaver. This might not be the right forum for
    this question, but I'm hoping someone from Adobe will chime in. I
    hesitate to buy both a bundle and then tack on the extra cost for
    Dreamweaver (that's how much I don't want to use GoLive). I there a
    substitution option? Should I just accept the death of Dreamweaver
    and move on?

    I do. There are some very nice features in GL.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "PizzaGood" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ec5bg2$dml$[email protected]..
    > "may integrate pieces of GoLive into it" .....I hope
    > "Bill Horvath" <[email protected]> wrote in
    > news:ec5a72$c95$[email protected]..
    >> Adobe won't kill Dreamweaver. It has a greater
    market share than GoLive.
    >> They may integrate pieces of GoLive into it, but the
    foundation will most
    >> likely be DW. Of course anything you hear in this
    forum is speculation,
    >> so
    >> take it with a grain of salt.
    >> --
    >> Extending Knowledge, Daily
    >> CommunityMX - Free Resources:
    >> No registration req'd for free content
    >> "achastain" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    >> news:ec52qo$3dq$[email protected]..
    >>> I love Dreamweaver and have been turned off from
    Go Live since Adobe
    >>> first
    >>> released it. However, all the suites and bundles
    seem to neglect
    >> Dreamweaver.
    >>> This might not be the right forum for this
    question, but I'm hoping
    >> someone
    >>> from Adobe will chime in. I hesitate to buy both
    a bundle and then tack
    >>> on
    >> the
    >>> extra cost for Dreamweaver (that's how much I
    don't want to use GoLive).
    >>> I
    >>> there a substitution option? Should I just
    accept the death of
    >>> Dreamweaver
    >> and
    >>> move on?

  • Losing connetion pools when killing off sessions on the database

    We are using webLogic version 6.1 as our app. We are currently experiencing a problem with the connection pools to our databases.
    Problem: We have some jobs that run on our databases through connections pools via webLogic. When we kill the session of the job on the database side, all the connections using that connection pool from webLogic to that database is lost. We tried to re-target the connection pool through the console but this fails to work, thus requiring a bounce to the webLogic system.
    Is there an explanation for this, moreover is there a solution to resolve this as this seems unacceptable in a live production situation.
    Thanks and regards
    William Sung
    Coporate Investment Banks & Markets
    44 (0)20 7779 1357

    William Sung wrote:
    We are using webLogic version 6.1 as our app. We are currently experiencing a problem with the connection pools to our databases.
    Problem: We have some jobs that run on our databases through connections pools via webLogic. When we kill the session of the job on the database side, all the connections using that connection pool from webLogic to that database is lost. We tried to re-target the connection pool through the console but this fails to work, thus requiring a bounce to the webLogic system.
    Is there an explanation for this, moreover is there a solution to resolve this as this seems unacceptable in a live production situation.
    Thanks and regards
    William Sung
    Coporate Investment Banks & Markets
    44 (0)20 7779 1357Hi. What DBMS is this, and what JDBC driver are you using? Also, show me the pool
    definition. I may be able to help the situation, but I don't think that killing DBMS sessions
    out from under applications is anything anyone should do in a production system.

  • Killer Motherboard? (v. long post)

    Please bear with me, this is a long story. First, my setup.
    - MSI Neo4 Platinum SLI (Diamond board, Platinum SLI BIOS, that's the way it came to me)
    - Enermax 535W (dual-rail +12V, each at 18A)
    - XFX 6600GT PCIe
    - A64 3000+
    - 2x512MB Corsair
    After about 5 months of use, my 6600GT blew up. Before that, I would have the occasional messed-up texture in HL2, but by and large the card was performing fine. Temperatures were also okay. I never OC'ed any part of my system.
    One fine day, Guild Wars simply froze, and I had to hard-reset my system. I rebooted, and from then on, things got from bad to worse. Every Direct3D or OpenGL app would freeze the system within 1-3 seconds of entering 3D mode. Windows would freeze after anywhere between 1 minute to several hours of operation. Occasionally, the BIOS POST screen would be completely messed up. Of course, I tried all the software solutions (drivers, Windows, etc.). Memtest86 ran flawlessly. Within a couple of days, things got even worse. The BIOS POST screen would display garbage *every time*.
    I tried a friend's X300SE on my system and it worked beautifully. I stress tested it for several hours, and everything was fine. Of course, you could argue that the X300SE draws far less power than the 6600GT, but considering the fact that I have a 535W Enermax PSU, I did not think I had a shortage of amperage. After this experiment, I sent my card out for an RMA, and am now awaiting its return.
    The Story
    Now, the real issue. When my card started showing its first signs of frying (i.e., after every game started freezing within a 1-3 seconds of starting up), I opened up my case and looked for anything loose. And lo and behold! The infamous SLI switch card was loose. The clip had fallen off, and the card was jutting out of the horizontal at an angle, although it was still well inside the slot. I had no idea how long it had been that way.
    Figuring that I had discovered the cause of the problem, I retrieved the stupid clip, pushed the card back in, and re-affixed the clip. (footnote 1) After placing the switch card back into its original position (footnote 2), I powered up my system, and...
    Phhhhhttt! Something tripped! The PSU cut itself off immediately, and to my horror, I could smell the familiar stench of a short circuit. The smell was not too strong but was definitely there. Unfortunately, it disappeared before I could localize it. I went over my entire system for a couple of hours trying to locate any signs of burning or de-colorization, but couldn't find anything at all.
    I then did the unthinkable -- I reset my PSU and powered my system back up. And... everything was back to "normal", as it had been before I had opened up my case. My graphics card was still toast: games would crash, Windows would freeze, and the BIOS POST screen would be garbled. After a couple of days, I plugged in my friend's X300SE, and you know the rest of the story.
    To summarize, there were 3 incidents, which could be completely unrelated to each other, or intricately connected:
    1. My graphics card fried.
    2. The SLI switch card was loose.
    3. Something in my system tripped and toasted when I "reseated" the SLI card, but everything seemed to be working perfectly fine afterwards.
    So, the big question for me -- and the reason I am posting this on this particular forum -- is this: Could my motherboard a killer? Could it be the one responsible for frying my graphics card? Somebody at NVnews suggested that I should RMA the motherboard along with my graphics card. I did not feel that that was necessary. I did not find anything wrong with my motherboard per se, and so I did not think that it was technically or ethically correct to unnecessarily RMA it.
    But now, with my card about to return, and -- with a brand spanking new BFG 7800GTX in my hands right now -- how can I be sure that my motherboard is safe? My original plan was to stress test the board with the replacement 6600GT for a few weeks before plugging the GTX in, but even then, how can I be sure? Have you guys ever had any incidents of a motherboard frying a graphics card, specifically an MSI motherboard, and even more specifically, the most expensive MSI motherboard available on the market?
    Any hints, clues or advice would be greatly appreciated. What would you have done in my situation?
    1. Back then, I had no idea that the clip is not supposed to hold the card forcibly, the card is supposed to "click" into place on its own. Not that it would have made any difference, had I known -- even after finding out about this, I was unable to seat the card properly. I can't seem to understand the technique.
    2. My mobo arrived with the SLI switch in SLI position. I had pried it out and pushed it in NON-SLI position, but again, I had held it down forcibly with the clip. My system worked perfectly fine in this state for 5 months.

    If you would like check out the Re-Energize from MSI and you can probably get a new motherboard that will be compatiable with 2 7800 gtx,  a transistor or something is in the way so in the long run you might want to do this anyway just check out and its listed there.  You send your motherboard back you get a new one that is able to work with 2 7800gtx. 

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