Mask and Limit Testing Express VI

Im a bit new at looking at limit testing signals. Im using the Mask and Limit Testing Express VI to mask a signal I acquired previously. See attached VI.
My problem is that we would like to load the limit mask at run time using a file of some sort.
At the moment I am un-able to get any sort of mask loaded using the limit inputs to the Mask and Limit Testing Express VI. Does anybody know how I might do this?
Thanks in advance
Limit Test (SubVI) ‏724 KB
Limit Type.ctl ‏5 KB

Hi and thanks for getting back so soon
True the upper and lower inputs are not connected because I wanted to show a working (all be it without an external mask) VI
the problem is I can't get the upper and lower inputs working in any form If I connect the inputs.  So I guess my question should be,
How do I wire the upper and lower inputs to produce a working mask with the data supplied?
Then how do I use a file to provide the mask data.
Sorry for my lack of clarity and I hope this helps.

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    Calling "mask and limit testing" in a loop doesn't work. The problem
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    Attachments: ‏193 KB

    Dear Martin,
    Thank you for contacting National Instruments. I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your support request.
    From the information you have provided, it sounds like you are running your VI and experiences issues with the lower and upper mask refreshing after subsequent iterations of the FOR loop.
    The �Mask and Limit Testing� Express VI is not intended to function inside a loop; however, you can fortunately modify this Express VI to perform the desired action. To do so, please follow these instructions:
    1) Open the Block Diagram for your �� file
    2) [Right Click] on the �Mask and Limits� Express VI
    a. Select [Open Front Panel]
    b. When prompted to convert to a standart subVI, choose [Convert]
    [Right Click] on the �� Express VI
    a. Select [Open Front Panel]
    4) From the toolbar, select [Window] >> [Show Block Diagram]
    5) You should see two subVI�s named �MatchDT� (white icons with black text)
    a. Wire a [True] Constant to the �Reset 2� input terminal for each of the �MatchDT� subVI�s
    i. To do this, right click each input terminal and select [Create]>>[Constant]
    ii. Make sure the constant value is set to [T] for �true�
    6) Save and Close the subVI�s
    7) Re-run your �� file, and the masking limits should re-initialize upon each loop iteration
    You have successfully customized the VI to function within a loop.
    I hope this helps! Please don�t hesitate to let me know if there�s anything else I can help with or clarify. Have a great day!
    Kind Regards,
    Joe Des Rosier
    National Instruments

  • Mask and limit testing

    When i am trying to use the Mask and Limit testing I am getting " Unable to View Properties"  could you please tell me what will be issue on this.
    Mask and limit testing.png ‏56 KB
    Mask and limit testing.png ‏56 KB

    I would say off hand that the express VI is corrupted.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • Mask & Limit Testing Express vi

    i have a problem with the Mask & Limit Testing vi. I want to connect the upper and lower limits at the terminals outside the vi. The limits are signals like this:
    0            10
    200        30
    30000    200
    The first column is the time in ms the second for example the length in mm.
    How must i connect this limit data?
    greetings Schwede

    Are you trying to test the data to one limit, then to the second, then to the third?  Or are you trying to build two waveforms and then test to them?
    The first is solved by setting up the limits as constants in the Express VI and then wiring in the constants.
    The second is much more difficult as the waveforms need to match in dt and array length.  I think that can be accomplished easier than Jeff is doing it, but I would like a better idea before I spend the time to come up with an example.
    So, several steps with constant levels or a single step with a complex level mask?
    Bob Young
    Bob Young - Test Engineer - Lapsed Certified LabVIEW Developer
    DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Alliance Member
    mailto:[email protected]
    Attachments: ‏67 KB

  • Problem to define limits in Mask & Limit Testing vi

    With Labview 8.0 I can not longer define limit mask by draging points on Define Signal mask screen.
    I used Mask & Limit Testing express vi before with Labview 7.1 and was able move points with cross mouse cursor to define limits envelope around tested signal.
    With new labview this feature is disabled and I have to manualy enter X,Y cordinates for each point.

    I have reported this issue to R&D for further investigation, we hope to see it resolved in a future revision of LabVIEW.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
    (ID # 3V09NT1W)
    Since I'll likely be the person fixing this, I went ahead and investigated this and found the cause of the problem, so I can provide a better workaround too.
    One of the VIs used in this dialog has a very easy-to-make mistake in it.  It's a little embarassing, though at least I can say I didn't write the original VI in this case. 
    If you open the following VI:
    vi.lib\express\express shared\
    The "graph relative coords orig" refnum going into the top two property nodes is wired incorrectly.  Visibly it's impossible to tell this until you click once on the wire between the two property nodes.  Notice that it is coming from the input to the first node, not the output of the first node.  Delete this wire and re-wire it from the output of the first one.  This will force the write to happen after the read.
    Interestingly, the VI did not change at all between 7.1 and 8.0, this race condition just got compiled / clumped differently which caused the write to happen before the read in 8.0.
    Message Edited by Jeff B on 03-01-2006 11:11 AM

  • Multiple Numeric Limit Test - Evaluate Post and Status Expression

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    But the comparison does not seem to be using the calculated limits.
    The report file shows the correct calculated Low and High Limits, and shows the measured reading as being in between the Low and High limit, but fails that measurement. I feel the Status Expression is using the default limits that are out of range.
    The post expression looks like this
    In Table 3-4 "Order of Action that a Step Performs", Evaluate Post-Expression (Action #15) is before Evaluate Status Expression (Action #16), but it seems that is not the case.
    Or am I changing the wrong Low and High Limits. Am I just changing the Limits used in the report file and not the limits used for comparison?
    Again the correct low and high limits are in the report but not used for comparison. 

    Digging into the NI step type for Multiple Numeric Limit Test, I find that the comparison is done at Post-Step substep which is before my Post Expression is evaluated to set the correct limits.
    So I have added code to my VI module to set the limits after taking the measurements but before returning to TestStand.

  • Property Loader and Multiple Numeric Limit Test

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    (TS 2013)

    when defining what to export, it is usually easiest/cleanest if you can explicitly define all multiple numeric step measurements as explicit indixes? For example if your MNL step has 2 measurements defined, you'd want to export 4 additional matches...
    ...and so on for more indexes....
    note how the pattern is different from the regular
    by default when you try to export using the '>' buttons for MNL steps, TestStand will usually try to help by generating an incomplete/invalid expression of:
    which it expects you as the user to fix before proceeding, however the '?' is often overlooked, because it's so small!
    some people prefer to simply export the entire Step.Result.Measurement.* to the file because they'd prefer not to define array indexes, but this will log the explicit XML for the container values, which may not be as easy for end users to work with... your mileage may vary. Good luck!

  • Numeric Limit Test - Several arrays and 1 limit set per array

    Hello !
    I am quite new to Teststand and I get stuck with an issue of which the solution should not be that intricate ... (I think ...).
    I would like to use a "Numeric Limit Test" vi (LabVIEW module). This vi returns 3 arrays and I would like to define 1 "min/max" set for each array.
    i.e. :
    ARRAY1 => each element compared to min1 & max1
    ARRAY2 => each element compared to min2 & max2
    ARRAY3 => each element compared to min3 & max3
    For 1 array, I found this solution : I write Locals.ARRAY1[RunState.LoopIndex]  in "DataSource" and all the elements of the array are compared to the limits I have chosen. Of course, when I add 2 arrays, the same limits are compared to those new arrays but I would like to allocate 1 limits set to 1 array.
    Does anyone have an idea of an easy solution ?
    My Teststand code and the little vi are here below if it might help.
    Thank you in advance !
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏11 KB
    Sequence File 1.seq ‏7 KB

    Consider this example.  The trick is Repeat One Measurement on the Data Source tab.
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~
    MultiARray.seq ‏7 KB ‏10 KB

  • Execution order of Multiple Numeric Limit Test?

    What is the execution order of "Multiple Numeric Limit Test" in TestStand 2010?
    I am using a custom steptype of Multiple Numeric Limit Test. I want to manipulate the input parameter. How can I do that. I am not interested in making a new steptype. I am writing in Post-Expressions and the data is manipulated as they should but it is not evaluated. I is evaluated before the Post-Expressions executes.
    For example I am writing: Step.NumericArray[0]= Step.NumericArray[0]*1000/(2.5-Step.NumericArray[0])
    The execution order when looking at the TS manual at page 3-13 is Evaluate Post-Expression before Evaluate Status expression. But it is not what I see. I have also tryed using the more simple Numeric Limit Test and it works as I expect it to according the manual.
    Anyone knows about any workaround for that?

    Hi Ray
    Thanks for your reply
    I have tried writing what you are suggesting: Step.Result.Measurement[0].Data= Step.Result.Measurement[0].Data*1000/(2.5-Step.Result.Measurement[0].Data)
    Still it evaluates the step before the post-Expression. When I am looking at the variables at runtime the Step.Result.Measurement[0].Data is having the correct value but it seems to evaluate the step before the Post-Expressions.
    Any other suggestions?

  • Overriding Result Status of a (Multiple) Numeric Limit Test

    I want to be able to change the pass/fail status of a numeric limit test from a CVI DLL, whilst still displaying the numeric results in the report. I have tried ResultStatus, StatusExpression and many others but they all seem to do nothing or get replaced by the result of the numeric limit evaluation. Is there a method of supressing the numeric limit evaluation or prefferably performing the individual comparisons but overriding the overall result.

    You would have to do the overriding in TestStand. On your Test Step, open the Properties page and go to the Expressions tab. At the bottom you will see the Status Expression box. This is where the limits are compared to the measured value to determine pass/fail. You could modify the code here to have Step.Result.Status be either "passed" or "failed". The actual numeric value measured would not be changed.
    - tbob
    Inventor of the WORM Global

  • Notice -- Fix for Multiple Numeric Limit Test Status in TestStand 2.0.1

    Dear TestStand Customer:
    National Instruments is committed to product quality and customer
    satisfaction. As part of our commitment, we want to ensure your success
    with our products by delivering industry-leading support and immediate
    information regarding issues potentially affecting you. We discovered an
    issue in TestStand 2.0.1 that may affect the integrity of some test
    results. This issue affects TestStand users meeting both of the following
    1. You are using sequence files with instances of the multiple numeric
    limit test that were saved in TestStand 2. 0.
    2. You have recently upgraded these sequence files from TestStand 2.0 to
    TestStand 2.0.1.
    For the complete problem overv
    iew, please visit
    In order to immediately remedy this problem on current TestStand 2.0.1
    installations, download the corrective patch at To prevent
    this issue from occurring in future installations of TestStand 2.0.1
    development and deployment systems, we are creating a new TestStand CD,
    version 2.0.1f1, which we plan to send to all existing TestStand 2.0.1 and
    Developer Suite Test Edition customers with TestStand 2.0.1 during the next
    two to three weeks. If you have a TestStand 2.0.1 CD, please replace it with
    the new TestStand 2.0.1f1 CD.
    Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. We remain
    committed to your success and will continue to inform you of any issues
    potentially affecting you in the future. If you have any questions, please
    call me at (512) 683-5880 or email me at mailto:[email protected]
    Best re
    Richard McDonell
    TestStand Product Manager
    National Instruments
    (512) 683-5880 Office
    (512) 683-5569 Fax
    mailto:[email protected]

    This issue has been resolved in TestStand 3.0. For more information on TestStand 3.0, please visit and enter "teststand3".
    Richard McDonell
    NI TestStand Product Manager
    National Instruments

  • Multiple numeric limit test

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    when I do the export of the property using the property loader utility, the data is in avery difficult format to read.
    Can you suggesst some alternative?

    Hi Gopal,
    Besides using the Property loader step, you could use an expression to access the measurement set. To do this, right-click on the step and go to Properties>>Expressions, and the measurements are under Step>>Result>>Measurement. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
    Ebele O.
    National Instruments

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    PostStepFailureCallback is the one you want to start with. The only difference is where you get the data from the Step.Results.
    For the Limits etc you will need to look in the Measurement property. Also, beware that you are dealing with an array of data.
    Ray Farmer

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  • The images imported to my stage turn up as blank and render every image previous to the rogue imported image as red squares that fill the perimeters of the image which then renders the publishing and scene testing features in flash useless, what can i do

    I have been working on animating a scene in flash for a few weeks and recently I have encountered a problem with importing my images on to the stage where the images I import do not turn up, however the key frame that I attempted to import the image onto shows that it is occupied by an image and every frame previous to the key frame that just imported an image that does not show turns up as a red square that fills the original perimeters of the image, there is no solution to this problem any where on the forum and the adobe technical support staff will not help me find a solution to this problem what can I do to get Flash running normally again and fix this problem?????
    Also after the first time i publish a preview after i begin using flash, flash renders the publishing and scene testing features as useless and claims that there is no HTML template found, or if the images if i import any images onto the stage that come up blank and render every image previous to that image as a red square and then try and publish a preview  flash renders the publishing and scene testing features as useless and claims that there is no HTML template found. What can I do to fix this problem??? there is no solution on the web anywhere to this problem either.

    I don't know if Flash has a memory limit of its own. The memory for your Flash file is based on the available memory on your computer.
    There is a limit on the number of frames that you can have in any given timeline. I think that it's about 15000 frames, but that's a guess. Flash does all of its work at runtime, this means that no part of your animation is pre-compiled like it is in a video file. So the more objects that you have on the stage, the more work Flash has to do. It follows that the more objects that there are to animate, the more work your processor and the video card have to do.
    Here's a list of articles on memory management that might be useful:
    Garbage collection internals for Flash Player and Adobe AIR | AdobeDeveloper Connection
    actionscript 3 - What are good memory management techniques in Flash/as3 - Stack Overflow
    AS3 Memory Management Tips

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