Mask ip // equivalent to netshade

hi all,
does anyone know a linux equivalent to netshade (mac only), which tunnels your internet connection through different proxys to mask the ip address?
thx & rgds
i just wanna add that of course i tried out tor and jap already, but connection speed there is really a pain in the ass.
Last edited by hcjl (2008-04-04 15:06:41)

Maybe TOR

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  • Programmatic access to shapes

    Hi folks,
    I'm wondering if there's a way to create/manipulate the contents of shape layers through either the javascript scripting api or the sdk.
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    The underlying problem I have is to import custom vector graphics programmatically (they come as neither ai or svg), but do consist of bezier primitives.
    Thank you in advance, Jens

    Hi Jens,
    if you can't use the importer, you can still do something if you know the curves data.
    I can't tell you how it would work in the sdk.
    In AE ExtendScript framework shapes are instances of Shape(), which are objects with 4 properties (for version < CS6) and slightly more since CS6 (for the feather, but for your purpose you can ignore those properties and leave them undefined):
    var shape = new Shape();
    shape.vertices = myVerticesData;
    shape.inTangents = myInTangentsData;
    shape.outTangents = myOutTangentsData;
    shape.closed = true/false;
    where myVerticesData, myInTangentsData, myOutTangentsData are to be defined by you from your shape data.
    You might need to do some sort of conversion if your data don't come out in the same form as AE uses.
    They should be arrays of 2D points/vectors ( [[x0,y0], [x1,y1], [x2,y2] ...]) of the same length.
    myVerticesData[k] is the kth vertex of the shape (a point), myInTangentsData[k] and myOutTangentsData[k] the incoming and outcoming tangents at that vertex (vectors).
    Apparently shape objects are being watched so you can't modify shape vertices individually like this: shape.vertices[k] = [x, y]; It won't work (ignored).
    You must set the shape array attributes in one shot as above.
    If the inTangents or outTangents arrays are not specified they will default to arrays of [0,0].
    Once you have transcripted your shape data into a AE Shape() object, you can use it to set the value of a shape layer path or a mask path.
    - For a shape layer it would be like this:
    var comp = [the comp you want to work with];
    var layer = comp.layers.addShape();
    var group = layer.content.addProperty("ADBE Vector Group");                              // adds a Group (Empty) to the shape content
    var shapeGroup = group.content.addProperty("ADBE Vector Shape - Group");       // adds a (custom) Path to that group = "Imported Shape";
    If you don't want a group, omit that line and do directly var shapeGroup = layer.content.addProperty("ADBE Vector Shape - Group");
    Note: for shape layers you'll probably have to work out the fact that they don't have exactly the same behaviour as bounded layers with respect to coordinates,
    so you'll have to translate all vertices.
    - For a mask:
    var comp = [the comp you want to work with];
    var layer = comp.layers.addSolid([1,0,0], "Imported Shape", comp.width, comp.height, comp.pixelAspect, comp.duration);
    var group ="ADBE Mask Parade"); // equivalently: var group = layer.mask;
    var shapeGroup = group.addProperty("ADBE Mask Atom"); = "Imported Shape";

  • How to use the same mask, stencil, etc., for multiple layers? Photoshop equivalent of masked group?

    Hi I spent more than half an hour to search manual, forums, and Internet and still can't find the answer. Please help!
    For example, in a comp with 5 or more layers I want to use the same mask or stencil or what ever can hide areas of the layers 2,3, and 4 but layer 5 and any other eventual layers below should not be affected.

    Pre-compose the layers you want to mask and apply a track matte to the pre-comp using the mask. Think of pre-composing as an equivalent of creating a layer group.
    Use Set Matte effect on each of the layers you want to mask. This is easiest to do if you apply set matte once and then create an animation preset to apply to the other layers. Just get set matte to do what you want it to do on the first layer, Select Set matte in the ECW or in the Timeline, then go to Animation>Save animation preset. Then select all of the other layers you want to apply the set matte to and apply the preset.
    Put the mask at the bottom of the layers you want to mask and enable the preserve transparency switch, then nest this group in the composition with the other layers.
    Here's another tip. You could define a custom color for all of the layers you want to use the matt on, then use the custom color for a group selection. This may make things easier down the line.

  • Equivalent to PS Unsharp Mask?

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    Thanks, for any feedback you can provide.

    The older sharpening filter (the one that doesn't have 'edge' in the name is fairly similar to USM. Note that using it with a high radius is going to bog down the computer whenever you view the image, much like highlight & shadows adjustments.

  • 2008 event equivalent of 2003 Netlogon 5807 event

    I have a custom Opsmgr rule that alerts me when our Network team has made a new subnet and not told us about it.
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    Does anyone know if such an event is still logged, and if so, what is the source/number?
    Example of the old event from a Win2003 DC:
    Event Type:         Warning
     Event Source:         NETLOGON
     Event Category:         None
     Event ID:         5807
     Date:                 1/10/2003
     Time:                 10:59:53 AM
     User:                 N/A
     Computer:          DC1
     During the past 4.18 hours there have been 21 connections to this Domain Controller
     from client machines whose IP addresses don't map to any of the existing sites in the
     enterprise. Those clients, therefore, have undefined sites and may connect to any
     Domain Controller including those that are in far distant locations from the clients.
     A client's site is determined by the mapping of its subnet to one of the existing
     sites. To move the above clients to one of the sites, please consider creating subnet
     object(s) covering the above IP addresses with mapping to one of the existing sites.
     The names and IP addresses of the clients in question have been logged on this
     computer in the following log file '%SystemRoot%\debug\netlogon.log' and,
     potentially, in the log file '%SystemRoot%\debug\netlogon.bak' created if the former
     log becomes full. The log(s) may contain additional unrelated debugging information.
     To filter out the needed information, please search for lines which contain text
     'NO_CLIENT_SITE:'. The first word after this string is the client name and the second
     word is the client IP address. The maximum size of the log(s) is controlled by the
     following registry DWORD value 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\
     Netlogon\Parameters\LogFileMaxSize'; the default is 20000000 bytes. The current
     maximum size is 20000000 bytes. To set a different maximum size, create the above
     registry value and set the desired maximum size in bytes.

    I’d like to 
    confirm the number of the IP range.
    If a new range of IP addresses is added to the network, it needs to create a subnet object in Active Directory to correspond to the range of IP addresses.
    To create a subnet object, you must have the following information:
    The site to which the subnet is to be associated.
    The network address or any IP address in the range.
    The subnet mask.
    The term "subnet" in AD DS does not have the strict networking definition of the set of all addresses behind a single router. The only requirement for an AD DS subnet
    is that the address prefix conforms to the IP version 4 (IPv4) or IP version 6 (IPv6) format.
    Please refer the following links to untie the doubts:
    Managing Sites
    Appendix B - Procedures Reference
    Understanding Sites, Subnets, and Site Links
    Chapter 4 – Subnetting
    Hope this helps!

  • Equivalent datatype in Oracle for datetime of SQL Server

    Hello Everyone,
    I'm very much new to Oracle. I have been working with SQL Server since 3yrs. Currently I'm working with Oracle 11g.
    What is the equivalent datatype in oracle for datetime in sql server with which has the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS?
    I tried with timestamp and date which didnt solve my prob.... Please help me in using the equivalent datatype for the format provided above...
    Bhanu Yalamanchi.

    Oracle date format can be anything you want, either by default at the session level or preferably explicitly using to_char and a format mask.
    Format masks are documented here.
    SQL> create table t (d date);
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into t values (sysdate);
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * from t;
    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS';
    Session altered.
    SQL> select * from t;
    2011-07-19 08:27:59
    SQL> select d, to_char(d, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), to_char(d,'Day') from t;
    D                   TO_CHAR(D, TO_CHAR(D
    2011-07-19 08:27:59 2011-07-19 Tuesday
    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-YY';
    Session altered.
    SQL> select d, to_char(d, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from t;
    D         TO_CHAR(D,'YYYY-MM-
    19-JUL-11 2011-07-19 08:27:59

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 10959: Adding support for FXG 2. 0 additional blend modes that do not have a SWF equivalent.

    Revision: 10959
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-10-09 13:38:19 -0700 (Fri, 09 Oct 2009)
    Log Message:
    Adding support for FXG 2.0 additional blend modes that do not have a SWF equivalent. For the optimized FXG case, we now generate an ActionScript SymbolClass and set the corresponding blend shader. This requires checking in the additional shader classes and PBJ files, but note we do not yet use them in MXML graphics.
    Note: This change does not address luminosity masks.
    QE notes: Please update FXG opt. testsuites for additional blendModes.
    Doc notes: No
    Bugs: N/A
    Reviewer: Paul
    Tests run: checkintests, mustella spark/core/fxg
    Is noteworthy for integration: Yes, this change includes support for the additional blendModes of FXG 2.0 (though only for the optimized FXG case, and not MXML graphics).
    Modified Paths:
    Added Paths:

    Ive resolved vertical refresh and resolution issues by declaring VideoRam value in fglrx section of my xorg.conf.

  • Equivalent of forms60_user_date_format key in forms 9.04?

    in Forms 6i, the date format can be set using the forms60_user_date_format key.
    Is there a equivalent in Forms 10G (9.0.4)? thanks.

    From 10g Forms ( Help:
    User Date/Datetime Format Property
    Holds the current date or datetime format mask established by the environment variable FORMS90 USER DATE FORMAT or FORMS90 USER DATETIME FORMAT.
    There are two separate properties: User Date Format and User Datetime Format. These properties will return values even when these environment variables aren't set.
    Applies to application.
    Set Not settable from within Oracle Forms.
    Related topic
    About format masks for dates

  • Subnet/wildcard masks in ACS 5.1

    We are trying to migrating from ACS 4.2 to 5.1. Abandoned trying to use the migrate utility when we ran into errors trying to use it and TAC said it was an unsupported utility.  Amazing that no where in the manual did I see "Unsupported" mentioned.
    One of the main things we are trying to do is to use a subnet or wildcard mask like we did in 4.2.  For example, I have a network group rule in 4.2 that would allow 10.*.255.* to be authenticated by Tacacs using a particular given secret.  I dont see a way that I can do this in ACS 5.1.  I have to go from one rule for all of my edge routers to almost 100 rules since there doesnt appear to be a way to do this.  I understand that the * is no longer supported but there doesnt seem to be a way to use a wildcard mask to minimize the number of rules it looks like I will have.  This is just for the routers.  I also have a host of switches, AP's and specialized network devices that I need to use a different shared secret for each type of device.   In some cases  I may have more than one type of network device int he same subnet range and need a different shared secret.
    Would appreciate any suggestions.

    ACS 5.x does not support wildcards in the address field. You will have to use subnet masks instead.
    You can set up a default device, which may or may not be what you need in your case. This would be the equivalent of entering *.*.*.* on ACS 4.x

  • LR "equivalent" to Photoshop USM Local Contrast Enhancement???

    I've been playing with LR 1.0 and I can't seem to find any sort of "equivalent" way of getting the results I get from the Unsharp Mask "Local Contrast Enhancement" effect. I've tried working with the curves, the exposure sliders, the contrast slider, etc., but nothing I do gives me the effect I get with a USM LCE effect, which I can achieve in Photoshop very quickly.
    I fully realize that I'm simply "used to" a certain way of working, and that there are other options and methodologies for post processing in LR that I'm not yet accustomed to. With all the research that has gone into LR, there is obviously a way of processing that leads to a similar end result as what I'm used to, but so far, I just can't get results out of LR as good as what I'm used to with PS.
    Can anyone give me any suggestions on this?

    That isn't working for me. The closest control I can find to the LCE effect is the "Contrast" slider (which would of course make sense since it's "contrast"), but this is an approximation at best. For some shots, the end result is nothing like the effect I get with LCE.

  • Translating months to Spanish equivalent

    Hey all -
    Simple yet elusive problem. I have a query looping over a
    list of articles for one of my websites. Some of these articles are
    in Spanish. Next to each article title is the date of the article.
    I'm using a standard DateFormat to do this:
    #dateformat(query.ArticleDate, "mmmm yyyy")#
    That ArticleDate is a smalldatetime data type in my SQL
    Server. Is there anyway to avoid a complex CFIF (or cfswitch)
    checking the results of #dateformat(query.ArticleDate, "mmmm
    yyyy")# and replacing them with the Spanish equivalent?

    longboardfin wrote:
    > That ArticleDate is a smalldatetime data type in my SQL
    Server. Is there
    > anyway to avoid a complex CFIF (or cfswitch) checking
    the results of
    > #dateformat(query.ArticleDate, "mmmm yyyy")# and
    replacing them with the
    > Spanish equivalent?
    set the locale to your preferred locale, for example (cf7):
    <cfset oldLocale=setLocale("es_ES")>
    then simply format it using the one of the LS methods:
    #lsDateFormat(query.ArticleDate, "mmmm yyyy")#
    though i strongly urge you to stick w/the standard masks
    SHORT)--you'll never be able to parse that custom mask back
    to the original
    datetime object if you ever have to.

  • "Applying" a mask?

    How does one perform in Fireworks the Photoshop equivalent of "applying" a mask? That is the layer mask is actually merged with the pixel data and then the mask element is discarded.
    Please advise.

    Never mind. I figured it out. You simply proceed to "delete" the mask and then you are given the option to apply the mask at that point.
    Thanks for all your suggestions everyone, I love you man!

  • Mask & Brush behavior?

    I'm curious to find out the exact behavior of a brush or mask..   Im wondering if the mask/brush set the settings at the exact number specifyied or alter them by a given amount.  I'm also curious if the local adjustments will allow the numbers to go >100<
    Here is the scenario
    I add clarity on an image at 100.
    Then i paint clarity -100
    At this point is the area be hind the paint, clarity 0 or clarity 100?
    then i mask clarity at -100 over the brush,
    at this point is the area behind the brush and mask clarity now -100 or -200
    I mask yet another mask over the existing brush and mask
    at this point is the area at -100 or -300?

    Its easy enough to check, to some extent:
    Set it up one way, and copy to "before" settings ("right"-click in edit-history), then change and hit '\' to compare.
    If you crank the zoom up to 8:1 or 11:1, then its easier to see individual pixel differences.
    My experience with Clarity is that its additive within limits, but reaches some limit - I only checked very briefly:
    some findings:
    Global Clarity +100 and local clarity -100 is same as global clarity 0 and local clarity 0.
    Interestingly though, global clarity of 0 and local clarity of -100 not same as the vice of that versa.
    In fact, I found a negative global of -50 is about equivalent to a local of -60, although not exactly. So, the behavior of negative local clarity is not the same as negative global clarity - maybe Jeff Schewe knows more...
    Also, you can stack clarity in locals to some extent, but then it reaches the limits of its algorithm...
    There is another recent thread discussing the relationship between local & global sharpen settings you may want to peruse if you havent already.
    I havent tried the other settings.

  • Equivalent VISA settings?

    I'm trying in vain to properly interface with an RS-232 instrument. I have the documentation for the serial commands, but can't get it working properly. The sending of data doesn't seem to work at all. I can get legible data from the instrument, but it seems to be ignoring any specific commands I send.....
    The following is performed by the software delivered with the instrument (protocolled using Portmon)...
    IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_BAUD_RATE Serial1 Rate: 19200
    IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_LINE_CONTROL Serial1 StopBits: 1 Parity: NONE WordLength: 8
    _HANDFLOW Serial1 Shake:1 Replace:43 XonLimit:1024 XoffLimit:1024
    IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_QUEUE_SIZE Serial1 InSize: 4096 OutSize: 2048
    I can't get the EOF, EVT, Xonlimit and Xofflimit values to match these. Perhaps my problem with communication has to do with this difference? Is there a similar function to WAIT_ON_MASK within VISA?
    Can I call the windows Serial commands, and execute IOCTL commands from within LabVIEW? Or better still, are there equivalent VISA commands I haven't found yet?
    Using LV 6.1 and 8.2.1 on W2k (SP4) and WXP (SP2)

    Thanks for the answer Dennis,
    I've got it working, but don't ask me why.
    I've changed the stop bit settings from 1 bit (described in the instrument manual) to 2 bits and Voila, it works. By capturing the communication using Portmon, it still seems different (Stop bit parameter shows "Error"), but the main thing is that the communication works.
    I've also done some more reading on RXFlag and others, and I'm beginning to suspect that VISA handles all of this itself, thus removing the neccessity (Ability?) to manage this myself. The original software also seems to be working with Events (I presume RXFlag is set upon data receipt), which I don't seem to be able to find or implement in VISA. Again, I reckon this is controlled already by VISA (Or e
    ven Windows...).
    If anyone has any further information which might help me understand this, I'd be very happy. In the meantime, the problem is solved, and I'm working away on the program.
    Using LV 6.1 and 8.2.1 on W2k (SP4) and WXP (SP2)

  • Masking Limitations

    In a nutshell I need to add and remove parts of a mask using
    The idea is varied sized white pixels 'appear', fade off,
    leaving part of an image viewable. This proceeds until the whole
    image is displayed.
    I've done a little script which attaches the white squares
    and rectangles at various sizes, the movieclips then play, fading
    off and then removing themselves. This however is where the wheels
    come come off.
    As I need the image underneath to be revealed (the same shape
    and size as the white box/pixel), a block the same shape has to be
    added to the image mask, thus revealing a small block of the image.
    I tried creating a mask movieclip (mc_mask) and attaching the
    same blocks to it and setting the _visibility = false, the idea the
    blocks would be set to true as the animation progressed. This
    failed as the attached clips didn't seem to do any masking at all.
    So next I tried manually dropping loads of these squares into
    the mc_mask manually, but unfortunately only the first square acts
    in a masking capacity. The rest seems to be ignored.
    Is there a way to attach multiple movie clips together to
    form a mask that will behave correctly? Can this technique be used
    to achieve this effect? Or am I barking up the wrong tree. I did
    wonder if I should be perhaps using the drawing API to somehow draw
    the equivalent shape as a mask. But that's something I've never
    attempted before.
    If anyone has any ideas how this effect maybe achieved or an
    alternative technique. As there are elements in the background I
    can't 'cheat' and use coloured panels over the top of the image to
    fake the mask effect.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks for your time,

    Ah this seems like it might have an answer: /Page1.html

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