Mass Journal Upload - Calculate Tax Authomatically

Dear SAPers
We have a requirement to develop a programme to mass upload a journal entry from a spreadsheet. The entry requires VAT postings and therefore the Calculate Tax Authomatically field needs to be selected. Our programmer is finding it difficult to identify the BAPI to be used or the field to select.
Can you help me please. The journal is Dr Expense Accounts with VAT and Cr a Control Account.
Many thnaks for your help.

Hi ,
Ususally there are 2 BAPI that are used for Accounting document posting :
In which in input you wont be able to get the calculate tax automatically tick .
Kindly check the programme RFBIBL00 if that can be of use to you , else you will have to Go for a BDC of FB01 .
Regards ,
Dewang T

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    RFWT0010 is a programme to run for Open items adjustment.
    Let me know the result.

  • Problem with "Tax Code" and "Calculate tax automatically" fields

    Hi again.
    I have made a program which posts account documents through the BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST function module, and, since there were some fields which weren't available for me to fill having the FM by itslef, I have implemented the AC_DOCUMENT BAdI.
    All document data is provided by means of an SAP XI interface, through a Z IDoc.
    When I create the Account Receivable (and/or Payable) structure, I fill, through the BAdI, the BKPF-XMWST (Calculate tax automatically) and BSEG-MWSKZ (Tax code) fields. However, even the resulting posted document does have the Tax Information fields completed (the ones in the BSET table), the BAPI doesn't create the tax position automatically (just like the FB01 or FB60 transactions do). Note that the amounts are sent in their gross value by the interface (that's why the debit and credit sides remain consistent and the document is posted correctly).
    How can I have that position created? Is there a function module which I can call or something?
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    I only use the fm CALCULATE_TAX_FROM_NET_AMOUNT or CALCULATE_TAX_FROM_GROSSAMOUNT in order to get all information I need to transfer to the BAPI. Both fms return the data by table parameter T_MWDAT.
    U can read this table and get all information u need, these code is from my old program, I hope it can help you:
    - Calculate tax data:
              I_BUKRS           = BUK_TO
              I_MWSKZ           = T_BASE-MWSKZ_OUT
              I_WAERS           = _BKPF-WAERS
              I_WRBTR           = T_BASE-WRBTR
              T_MWDAT           = T_MWDAT
          IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    * Load tax item
            LOOP AT T_MWDAT.
              CLEAR W_GL_ITEM.
              W_GL_ITEM-HKONT   = T_MWDAT-HKONT.
              W_GL_ITEM-MWSKZ   = T_BASE-MWSKZ_OUT.
              IF T_BASE-KBETR = T_MWDAT-KBETR.
                W_GL_ITEM-WRBTR   = T_BASE-FWSTE.
                W_GL_ITEM-WRBTR   = T_MWDAT-WMWST.
              W_GL_ITEM-IVA   = 'X'.
              W_GL_ITEM-KTOSL = T_MWDAT-KTOSL.
              W_GL_ITEM-TXJCD = T_MWDAT-TXJCD.
              W_GL_ITEM-KSCHL = T_MWDAT-KSCHL.
              W_GL_ITEM-TXJLV = T_MWDAT-TXJLV.
              W_GL_ITEM-BASE  = T_BASE-WRBTR.
    - Append GL or Tax item for the BAPI
        ITEMNO_ACC = ITEMNO_ACC + 1.
    * GL item
    * Tax item
    Edited by: max bianchi on Nov 25, 2009 7:43 PM

  • When the user press the button Calculate Tax (see attached doc) and click on Tax details then this should be updated automatically. But it does not work it is empty and the user has to update manually.

    When the user press the button Calculate Tax  and click on Tax details then this should be updated automatically. But it does not work it is empty and the user has to update manually.
    All setup looks fine.
    Please let me know what can be done on this?

    HarryAustralia wrote:
    I recently updated my ipad wifi only to the new ios 6.1.2 and initially I had the auto cover lock option which can be seen in the Generals tab, but then it stoped working!! Before the update, the auto cover lock worked fine. So after trying all the options, I then did a complete reset on the ipad and now its gone all together from the General tab!! I can no longer see the "auto cover lock" option.
    The iPad cover lock is for when you use a cover with magnets in it to lock and unlock the iPad when you close the cover or open it. Try running a refrigerator magnet along the sides of the iPad and see if that trips the iPad Cover Lock back into the settings.
    That is not the same thing as the iPad Auto Lock setting which allows you to set an allotted time before the iPad goes to sleep.
    You can try resetting all settings to see if the Auto Lock feature retinrs to the iPad.
    Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings. You will have to enter all of your device settings again.... All of the settings in the settings app will have to be re-entered. This can be a little time consuming re-entering all of the device settings again.

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       i dont know whether there is any function module available of no.. but u can get it from FI tables... link is from MIRO u can get the invoice no.. go to BKPF table in that there is a AWKEY filed is there put the MIRO No + Miro Year in that..u can use a select single .. from that u get the FI document .... field is BELNR.. then go to BSET table.. it contain the duty amount put that FI document number , FI year and Compny code and also put Debit/credit indicator as S.. u will list of records with duty.. from that HWBAS is he duty amount field and there is one percentage field.. if it is 12 % in that field its look like 120 as a multiple of 10.  Note this BSET will only be populated if there is any tax involved.. other wise it will be empty(ofcourse it cointian the whole accessable value amount).. i think it will help u..
    Maneesh Chandran

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    Reward Points Guaranteed.

    Ya. Actually I need to know the Discount, Indiviual taxes (Like Freight tax etc) which we see the the "condition" tab of Header Data in ME23N. I have to make a total of them and subtract from (Sum of EKPO-NETWR ) to calculate the ACTUAL PRICE.

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    Try with the below function module.

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    > Hi,
    > Thanx for ur reply, every month we are paying through
    > advance payment for internet connection including
    > service tax and this is fixed amount.
    1. Enter vendor down payment - gross amount (do not calculate tax)
    2. Post a recurring document to your vendor account which will include the lines:
    C Vendor
    D Internet charge expense account
    D tax
    3. Allocate invoice with down payment

  • Calculate tax item field name in bapi .. bapi_acc_document_post

    Hello Friends,
    Im using Bapi>> Bapi_acc_document_post to post vendor and customer invoices, im not getting mapping field for the "calculate tax item(checkbox)" technical name is xmwst in any of the bapi strucuture.
    please tell me in which bapi structure we have to pass this field so that the tax amount should get calculated automatically.

    You can try the Financial Posting Interface (FIPI).
                c_typehead  TYPE stype_pi VALUE 'K',
                c_typepos   TYPE stype_pi VALUE 'P',
                c_waers     TYPE waers    VALUE 'EUR',
                c_blart     TYPE blart    VALUE 'ZN',
                c_debit     TYPE bschl    VALUE  '40',
                c_credit    TYPE bschl    VALUE  '50',
                c_inddebit  TYPE shkzg    VALUE  'S',
                c_indcredit TYPE shkzg    VALUE  'H'.
    FORM append_ftpost
                      USING    p_stype   TYPE stype_pi
                               p_count   TYPE count_pi
                               p_fnam    TYPE bdc_fnam
                               p_fval    TYPE any
                      CHANGING pt_ftpost TYPE tt_ftpost.
      DATA: ls_ftpost LIKE LINE OF pt_ftpost.
      CLEAR ls_ftpost.
      ls_ftpost-stype = p_stype.
      ls_ftpost-count = p_count.
      ls_ftpost-fnam  = p_fnam.
      ls_ftpost-fval  = p_fval.
      APPEND ls_ftpost TO pt_ftpost.
    ENDFORM.                    "append_ftpost
    FORM post_document
                        USING    p_bukrs   TYPE bukrs
                                 p_gjahr   TYPE gjahr
                                 p_monat   TYPE monat
                                 p_tip     TYPE zga_nomtipcont
                                 p_saknr   TYPE saknr
                                 p_bktxt   TYPE bktxt
                                 pt_pos    TYPE tt_pos.
      DATA: lt_blntab TYPE tt_blntab,
            lt_ftpost TYPE tt_ftpost,
            lt_fttax  TYPE tt_fttax,
            ls_blntab LIKE LINE OF lt_blntab.
      REFRESH: lt_blntab,
          bukrs          = p_bukrs
          gjahr          = p_gjahr
          monat          = p_monat
          tipcont        = p_tip
          _wait          = 'X'
          foreign_lock   = 1
          system_failure = 2
          OTHERS         = 3.
      IF sy-subrc IS NOT INITIAL.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      PERFORM fill_bkpf USING    p_bukrs p_gjahr
                                 p_monat p_bktxt
                        CHANGING lt_ftpost.
      PERFORM fill_bseg USING    p_saknr p_bktxt
                        CHANGING pt_pos lt_ftpost.
          i_function = 'C'
          i_mode     = 'N'
          i_update   = 'S'.
          i_tcode  = 'FB01'
          e_msgid  = sy-msgid
          e_msgno  = sy-msgno
          e_msgty  = sy-msgty
          e_msgv1  = sy-msgv1
          e_msgv2  = sy-msgv2
          e_msgv3  = sy-msgv3
          e_msgv4  = sy-msgv4
          e_subrc  = sy-subrc
          t_blntab = lt_blntab
          t_ftpost = lt_ftpost
          t_fttax  = lt_fttax.
      IF sy-subrc IS NOT INITIAL.
        MESSAGE i021(zga_nom).
    *  Grabación en tabla de log y mensaje
        READ TABLE lt_blntab INTO ls_blntab INDEX 1.
        IF sy-subrc        IS INITIAL AND
           ls_blntab-belnr IS NOT INITIAL.
          PERFORM insert_log USING p_bukrs
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno
              WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
          session_not_processable = 1
          OTHERS                  = 2.
          bukrs   = p_bukrs
          gjahr   = p_gjahr
          monat   = p_monat
          tipcont = p_tip.
    ENDFORM.                    " post_document
    FORM insert_log
                    USING p_bukrs TYPE bukrs
                          p_gjahr TYPE gjahr
                          p_monat TYPE monat
                          p_tip   TYPE zga_nomtipcont
                          p_belnr TYPE belnr_d.
      DATA: lv_belnr TYPE belnr_d,
            ls_log   TYPE zga_nomlog.
      CLEAR: lv_belnr, ls_log.
      ls_log-bukrs   = p_bukrs.
      ls_log-gjahr   = p_gjahr.
      ls_log-monat   = p_monat.
      ls_log-tipcont = p_tip.
      ls_log-belnr   = p_belnr.
      SELECT SINGLE belnr INTO lv_belnr
        FROM zga_nomlog
        WHERE bukrs   = p_bukrs AND
              gjahr   = p_gjahr AND
              monat   = p_monat AND
              tipcont = p_tip.
      IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
        UPDATE zga_nomlog FROM ls_log.
        INSERT zga_nomlog FROM ls_log.
    ENDFORM.                    "insert_log
    FORM get_posting_date
                          USING    p_gjahr TYPE gjahr
                                   p_monat TYPE monat
                          CHANGING p_date  TYPE dats.
      DATA: lv_date TYPE dats,
            lv_month TYPE tfmatage.
      IF p_monat <= '12'.
        CONCATENATE p_gjahr p_monat '01' INTO lv_date.
            i_date               = lv_date
            i_months             = '1'
            e_date_end_of_period = p_date.
        CONCATENATE p_gjahr '1231' INTO p_date.
    ENDFORM.                    "get_posting_date
    FORM fill_bkpf
                     USING    p_bukrs   TYPE bukrs
                              p_gjahr   TYPE gjahr
                              p_monat   TYPE monat
                              p_bktxt   TYPE bktxt
                     CHANGING pt_ftpost TYPE tt_ftpost.
      DATA: lv_posting_date TYPE dats,
            lv_dats TYPE char10.
      PERFORM get_posting_date USING    p_gjahr p_monat
                               CHANGING lv_posting_date.
      WRITE lv_posting_date TO lv_dats.
      PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typehead '1'
                                     'BKPF-BUKRS' p_bukrs
                            CHANGING pt_ftpost.
      PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typehead '1'
                                     'BKPF-MONAT' p_monat
                            CHANGING pt_ftpost.
      PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typehead '1'
                                     'BKPF-BLART' c_blart
                            CHANGING pt_ftpost.
      PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typehead '1'
                                     'BKPF-BUDAT' lv_dats
                            CHANGING pt_ftpost.
      PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typehead '1'
                                     'BKPF-BLDAT' lv_dats
                            CHANGING pt_ftpost.
      PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typehead '1'
                                     'BKPF-WAERS' c_waers
                            CHANGING pt_ftpost.
      *PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typehead '1'*
                                     *'BKPF-XMWST'  'X'*
                            *CHANGING pt_ftpost.*
      PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typehead '1'
                                     'BKPF-BKTXT' p_bktxt
                            CHANGING pt_ftpost.
      PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typehead '1'
                                     'BKPF-XBLNR' p_bktxt+0(16)
                            CHANGING pt_ftpost.
    ENDFORM.                    "fill_bkpf
    FORM fill_bseg
                          USING  p_saknr   TYPE saknr
                                 p_bktxt   TYPE bktxt
                        CHANGING pt_pos    TYPE tt_pos
                                 pt_ftpost TYPE tt_ftpost.
      DATA: ls_pos      LIKE LINE OF pt_pos,
            ls_ftpost   LIKE LINE OF pt_ftpost,
            lv_item     TYPE buzei,
            lv_wrbtr    TYPE wrbtr,
            lv_saknr    TYPE saknr,
            lv_bschl    TYPE bschl,
            lt_poscont  TYPE TABLE OF zga_nompospost,
            ls_poscont  LIKE LINE OF lt_poscont,
            ls_poscontaux LIKE LINE OF lt_poscont.
      CLEAR: ls_pos, ls_ftpost.
      REFRESH lt_poscont.
      LOOP AT pt_pos INTO ls_pos.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_pos TO ls_poscont.
        APPEND ls_poscont TO lt_poscont.
      SORT lt_poscont BY saknr.
      lv_item = '002'.
      LOOP AT lt_poscont INTO ls_poscontaux.
        ls_poscont = ls_poscontaux.
        AT NEW saknr.
          CLEAR: lv_wrbtr,
        CASE ls_poscont-shkzg.
          WHEN c_inddebit.
            lv_bschl = c_debit.
          WHEN c_indcredit.
            lv_bschl = c_credit.
        IF ls_poscont-saknr IS INITIAL.
          lv_saknr = p_saknr.
          lv_saknr = ls_poscont-saknr.
        IF ls_poscont-indhkont = abap_true.
          lv_wrbtr = lv_wrbtr + ls_poscont-wrbtr.
          PERFORM fill_bsegpos USING   lv_bschl lv_saknr
                                       ls_poscont-wrbtr p_bktxt
                                       ls_poscont-kostl ls_poscont-prctr
                              CHANGING pt_ftpost.
          CLEAR: lv_wrbtr,
          lv_item = lv_item + 1.
        AT END OF saknr.
          IF ls_poscont-indhkont = abap_true.
            PERFORM fill_bsegpos USING   lv_bschl lv_saknr
                                         lv_wrbtr p_bktxt
                                         ls_poscont-kostl ls_poscont-prctr
                                CHANGING pt_ftpost.
            lv_item = lv_item + 1.
    ENDFORM.                    "fill_bseg
    FORM fill_bsegpos
                        USING    p_bschl   TYPE bschl
                                 p_saknr   TYPE saknr
                                 p_wrbtr   TYPE wrbtr
                                 p_bktxt   TYPE bktxt
                                 p_kostl   TYPE kostl
                                 p_prctr   TYPE prctr
                                 p_pos     TYPE buzei
                        CHANGING pt_ftpost TYPE tt_ftpost.
      DATA: lv_wrbtrstr TYPE char16.
      WRITE  p_wrbtr TO lv_wrbtrstr
                    CURRENCY c_waers NO-SIGN.
      PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typepos p_pos
                               'BSEG-BSCHL' p_bschl
                      CHANGING pt_ftpost.
      PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typepos p_pos
                                     'BSEG-HKONT' p_saknr
                            CHANGING pt_ftpost.
      PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typepos p_pos
                                     'BSEG-WRBTR' lv_wrbtrstr
                            CHANGING pt_ftpost.
      PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typepos p_pos
                                     'BSEG-SGTXT' p_bktxt
                            CHANGING pt_ftpost.
      IF p_kostl IS NOT INITIAL.
        PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typepos p_pos
                                      'COBL-KOSTL' p_kostl
                             CHANGING pt_ftpost.
      IF p_prctr IS NOT INITIAL.
        PERFORM append_ftpost USING    c_typepos p_pos
                                      'COBL-PRCTR' p_prctr
                             CHANGING pt_ftpost.
    ENDFORM.                    "fill_bsegpos
    Edited by: Javier Meavilla Olivas on Feb 25, 2010 1:25 PM

  • BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_POST - can it calculate taxes

    Hi folks,
    I've serious problems with this BAPI. Thing is that I get document data for posting via IDoc INVOIC01.
    Now I want to map this data into structures of BAPI BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_POST to post document via RFC in another system. Idoc data don't contain tax data.
    I expected that this BAPI can calculate tax, but it seems like I have to calculate tax one my own. This logic is to difficult.
    Is there a way to start the BAPI so that it calculates the tax internally and creates the line items accordingly???
    Thanks and best regards, Thomas

    Hi folks,
    I've serious problems with this BAPI. Thing is that I get document data for posting via IDoc INVOIC01.
    Now I want to map this data into structures of BAPI BAPI_ACC_INVOICE_RECEIPT_POST to post document via RFC in another system. Idoc data don't contain tax data.
    I expected that this BAPI can calculate tax, but it seems like I have to calculate tax one my own. This logic is to difficult.
    Is there a way to start the BAPI so that it calculates the tax internally and creates the line items accordingly???
    Thanks and best regards, Thomas

  • Function module to calculate tax

      I want to calculate tax for Invoice document.Is there any function module available to calculate tax??Please let me know

    Hi Shradha,
    plese check below FM:

  • Issues in mass data Upload

    Hi All,
            Hope you all are doing fine.
            I have to do master data upload for my next project. I have gone through LSMW, DX-WB, Recording etc. and now I am quite comfortable with all of these.
            As i have tested these tools for maximum 8-10 records, I am interested in hearing from you all, your experiences regarding actual data upload where volume is high and data may be difficult to verify manualy.  Particularly I am interested in how to make upload faster,Error free,consistent(No record being posted twice etc.)
            Your inputs would be higlhly appreciated.
            Thanks a lot for patient reading.
    Bye and Regards.

    Hi navdeep,
    the mass data upload depending on tht data u want to upload, there ara several function module to upload data like create reservation or upload long text inspection method tell me what the data u want to upload
    Best Regard
    Waleed Sadat

  • How to calculate tax in me49 price

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                I want to change the standard me49 transaction. the reason is this the rate value it is giving is without excise and tax means flat rate. but i hav to showhere the rate including  tax excise etc etc. Can you please give me brief description in this,thx in advance

    You don't need to calculate tax by yourself.  The proper tax code will take care it.

  • Could I Manually calculate tax in MIRO

    1, We know that we can use auto-calculate tax function in Tcode MIRO.
    2, But there is a little difference of tax between actual invoice and auto-calculated by SAP.  Meanwhile the tax field is disable if we use auto-calculate tax function. So, we want to manually enter this tax instead of auto-calculated. and then add one adjustment item. this way is OK?

    While entering MIRO, please uncheck auto tax calculation check box, then system will allow you to put manually tax amount.
    Hope this helps.

  • Calculate tax in MIRO

    I want "Calculate tax" check box in miro to be ticked and in display mode.
    How to do it?

      You can set transaction variant for your requirement using T.code SHD0 and that too only if the requirement is needed for all LIV postings. In SHD0 you can enable the tick and set the field in display mode. If the requirement is not for all postings then you copy the MIRO trtansaction USING T.Code OMW9 and set the transaction variant for that new t.code. But if you want to create a new t.code its upto you to check all other requirements.
    Reward if useful.

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