Mass Reassignment of Records

An employee no longer works in the CRM tool, I would like a mass reassignment of all records associated to a specific user. Any ideas to do that? All I can think of is doing an export, finding and replacing the owners name with the new employee's name.
Any suggestions?

If you are appointing a new person to take care of same records, Then i will suggest you to user the old user and rename it to newely joined person. You can change each and every information of the user and it will be as good as new user. This way what ever records were in the name of old user will refelect in teh new users name.
Or if your scenario is not like that, then you can change the owner of the records through Mass Update of records.
Follow below given steps to mass update records
1. Search all records which you want to update. In your scenario you might have to create a new list which belongs to that user.
2. go to menu - Mass UPdate
3. Select the owner field and select the new owner name.
Thia way uou can update the owner of the records.
Note - You can update 50 records at a time.
Feel free to ask more.
All The Best

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    The Options are:
    1. LSMW
    2. SCATT
    3. BDC
    It is not recommended through MM17 ot MASS.
    Abap help can be taken to develop the BDC / LSMW accordingly.
    Rajesh Banka
    Reward suitable points.
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    hello Ashley,
    All 3 options are good.
    I personally use CATT for this purpose however it depends on what your trying to update. SU10 is another option but its drawback is that you can use only 1 value at a time. In CATT however you can use different values for different users. Also time involved in creating CATT tool is very less.
    Obviously you have options like BDC/LSMW and ABAP also with you.

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    To actually reassign the plans to new materials you'll need a tool like LSMW, an ABAP, or a third party tool like WinRunner.

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    At least the key fields of the conditiontable
    (here 800) must be filled in structure ls_komg.
    ls_komg-vbeln = '1234567890'.  " document number
    ls_komg-posnr = '000010'.      " item number
    clear wt_komv.
    ls_komv-kappl = 'V '.        " Application V = Sales
    ls_komv-kschl = lc_kschl.    " Condition type
    ls_komv-waers = 'EUR'.       " Currency
    ls_komv-kmein = 'ST'.        " Unit of measurement
    ls_komv-kpein = '1'. 
    ls_komv-krech = 'M'.         " calculation type;
                                  "M = Quantity - monthy price
    ls_komv-kbetr = '1234.56'.   " new condition value
    append ls_komv to lt_komv.
    call function 'RV_CONDITION_COPY'
        application              = 'V'
        condition_table          = '800'      " cond. table
        condition_type           = lc_kschl   " cond. type
        date_from                = '20061101' " valid on
        date_to                  = '20061130' " valid to
        enqueue                  = 'X'        " lock entry
        i_komk                   = ls_komk
        i_komp                   = ls_komp
        key_fields               = ls_komg    " key fields
        maintain_mode            = 'A'        " A= create
                                              " B= change,
                                              " C= display
                                              " D= create
      with reference
        no_authority_check       = 'X'
        keep_old_records         = 'X'
        overlap_confirmed        = 'X'
        no_db_update             = space
        e_komk                   = ls_komk
        e_komp                   = ls_komp
        new_record               = lv_new_record
        copy_records             = lt_komv

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    Thank you in advance,

    If u want to delete records in ZTEST table.
    Then u can do as
    Select * from ztest into table i_ztest.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    Delete ztest from TABLE i_ztest.
    Or if u have any dtae field in the table can do as
    similarly u can give the where conditon with the specified date.
    Do a COMMIT after u delete.
    Also check
    Thanks & Regards,

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    The changes will be recorded in the CDHDR but there will not be any document number
    to have doc number u have to activate the Eng change management
    what ever u do in MASS will get recorded in CDHDR w/o number so check by date u made changes to material and u will see records

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    This is the link related to your question which has mass deletion of records..Check it out
    Award points if useful.

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    As far as I know CNMASS is the standard transaction to carry out mass change of WBS elements,network,activities,activity elements, relationships,milestones.I do not think it will help u in your requirement  rather you can use BDC or LSMW for mass changes. create recording (SHDB) using change transaction ( foe example: IE02) and with the help of an ABAPER you can develop a BDC program for the recording  .Then develop the input file based on the changes for the Equipment masters  .Now exeute the program with the input file.
    Refer :


    Hi Friends,
    I was  face some Interview.
    Please send answers to the questions?
    How many data Fields  and key fields we can create in DSO?
    You can overwrite key fields or Data Fields?
    Which up date we use in Delta queue extraction( v1 or v2 or v3)
    Which message we get when transported request is failed?
    what is the Structural difference between Infoucbe and DSO
    Data Loading is taking huge time when we extract data from source system to BI system/ how to solve?(Before it took 3-4 Hours now data loading takes 4 days)

    What is the difference between Display Attribute and
    Navigational Attribute? How to make display attribute and navigational
    How to load flat file data?
    How to load Hierarchy file data?
    What is HACR?
    How to maintain HACR?
    If any issue in HACR then how to resolve the issue?
    What is Baby Cube?
    Why we are creating Aggregates?
    What is the use of Aggregates?
    Is there
    any particular field on that we can create Aggregates or we can maintain
    Aggregate on any field?
    What is
    the different DSO available? And what is the difference between those DSO?
    What is
    replacement path?
    What are
    the extractor types?
    • Application Specific
    o BW Content FI, HR, CO, SAP CRM, LO Cockpit
    o Customer-Generated Extractors
    • Cross Application (Generic Extractors)
    o DB View, InfoSet, Function Module
    2. What are the steps involved in LO Extraction?
    • The steps are:
    o RSA5 Select the DataSources
    o LBWE Maintain DataSources and Activate Extract Structures
    o LBWG Delete Setup Tables
    o 0LI*BW Setup tables
    o RSA3 Check extraction and the data in Setup tables
    o LBWQ Check the extraction queue
    o LBWF Log for LO Extract Structures
    o RSA7 BW Delta
    Queue Monitor
    3. How to create a connection with LIS InfoStructures?
    • LBW0 Connecting LIS InfoStructures to BW
    4. What is the difference between ODS and InfoCube and MultiProvider?
    • ODS: Provides granular data, allows overwrite and data is in transparent
    tables, ideal for drilldown and RRI.
    • CUBE: Follows the star schema, we can only append data, ideal for primary
    • MultiProvider: Does not have physical data. It allows to access data from
    different InfoProviders (Cube, ODS, InfoObject). It is also preferred for
    5. What are Start routines, Transfer routines and Update routines?
    • Start Routines: The start routine is run for each DataPackage after the data
    has been written to the PSA and before the transfer rules have been executed.
    It allows complex computations for a key figure or a characteristic. It has no
    return value. Its purpose is to execute preliminary calculations and to store
    them in global DataStructures. This structure or table can be accessed in the
    other routines. The entire DataPackage in the transfer structure format is used
    as a parameter for the routine.
    • Transfer / Update Routines: They are defined at the InfoObject level. It is
    like the Start Routine. It is independent of the DataSource. We can use this to
    define Global Data and Global Checks.
    6. What is the difference between start routine and update routine, when, how
    and why are they called?
    • Start routine can be used to access InfoPackage while update routines are
    used while updating the Data Targets.
    7. What is the table that is used in start routines?
    • Always the table structure will be the structure of an ODS or InfoCube. For
    example if it is an ODS then active table structure will be the table.
    8. Explain how you used Start routines in your project?
    • Start routines are used for mass processing of records. In start routine all
    the records of DataPackage is available for processing. So we can process all
    these records together in start routine. In one of scenario, we wanted to apply
    size % to the forecast data. For example if material M1 is forecasted to say
    100 in May. Then after applying size %(Small 20%, Medium 40%, Large 20%, Extra
    Large 20%), we wanted to have 4 records against one single record that is
    coming in the info package. This is achieved in start routine.
    9. What are Return Tables?
    • When we want to return multiple records, instead of single value, we use the
    return table in the Update Routine. Example: If we have total telephone expense
    for a Cost Center, using a return table we can get
    expense per employee.
    10. How do start routine and return table synchronize with each other?
    • Return table is used to return the Value following the execution of start
    11. What is the difference
    between V1, V2 and V3 updates?
    • V1 Update: It is a Synchronous update. Here the Statistics update is carried
    out at the same time as the document update (in the application
    • V2 Update: It is an Asynchronous update. Statistics update and the Document
    update take place as different tasks.
    o V1 & V2 don't need scheduling.
    • Serialized V3 Update: The V3 collective update must be scheduled as a job
    (via LBWE). Here, document data is collected in the order it was created and
    transferred into the BW as a batch job. The transfer sequence may not be the
    same as the order in which the data was created in all scenarios. V3 update
    only processes the update data that is successfully processed with the V2
    12. What is compression?
    • It is a process used to delete the Request IDs and this saves space.
    13. What is Rollup?
    • This is used to load new DataPackages (requests) into the InfoCube
    aggregates. If we have not performed a rollup then the new InfoCube data will
    not be available while reporting on the aggregate.
    14. What is table partitioning and what are the benefits of partitioning in an
    • It is the method of dividing a table which would enable a quick reference.
    SAP uses fact file partitioning to improve performance. We can partition only
    at 0CALMONTH or 0FISCPER. Table partitioning helps to run the report faster as
    data is stored in the relevant partitions. Also table maintenance becomes
    easier. Oracle,
    Informix, IBM DB2/390 supports table partitioning while SAP DB, Microsoft SQL
    Server, IBM DB2/400 do not support table portioning.
    15. How many extra partitions are created and why?
    • Two partitions are created for date before the begin date and after the end
    16. What are the options available in transfer rule?
    • InfoObject
    • Constant
    • Routine
    • Formula
    17. How would you optimize the dimensions?
    • We should define as many dimensions as possible and we have to take care that
    no single dimension crosses more than 20% of the fact table size.
    18. What are Conversion Routines for units and currencies in the update rule?
    • Using this option we can write ABAP
    code for Units / Currencies conversion. If we enable this flag then unit of Key
    Figure appears in the ABAP code as an additional parameter. For example, we can
    convert units in Pounds to Kilos.
    19. Can an InfoObject be an InfoProvider, how and why?
    • Yes, when we want to report on Characteristics or Master Data. We have to
    right click on the InfoArea and select "Insert characteristic as data
    target". For example, we can make 0CUSTOMER as an InfoProvider and report
    on it.
    20. What is Open Hub Service?
    • The Open Hub Service enables us to distribute data from an SAP BW system into
    external Data Marts, analytical applications, and other applications. We can
    ensure controlled distribution using several systems. The central object for
    exporting data is the InfoSpoke. We can define the source and the target object
    for the data. BW becomes a hub of an enterprise data warehouse.
    The distribution of data becomes clear through central monitoring from the
    distribution status in the BW system.
    21. How do you transform Open
    Hub Data?
    • Using BADI we can transform Open Hub Data according to the destination
    22. What is ODS?
    • Operational DataSource is used for detailed storage of data. We can overwrite
    data in the ODS. The data is stored in transparent tables.
    23. What are BW Statistics and what is its use?
    • They are group of Business Content InfoCubes which are used to measure
    performance for Query and Load Monitoring. It also shows the usage of
    aggregates, OLAP and Warehouse management
    Communication Structure and Transfer
    • Create and InfoPackage
    • Load Data
    25. What are the delta options available when you load from flat file?
    • The 3 options for Delta Management with Flat Files:
    o Full Upload
    o New Status for Changed records (ODS Object only)
    o Additive Delta (ODS Object & InfoCube)
    Q) Under which menu path is the Test Workbench to be found, including in
    earlier Releases?
    The menu path is: Tools - ABAP Workbench - Test - Test Workbench.
    Q) I want to delete a BEx query that is in Production system through request. Is
    anyone aware about it?
    A) Have you tried the RSZDELETE transaction?
    Q) Errors while monitoring process chains.
    A) During data loading. Apart from them, in process chains you add so many
    process types, for example after loading data into Info Cube, you rollup data
    into aggregates, now this rolling up of data into aggregates is a process type
    which you keep after the process type for loading data into Cube. This rolling
    up into aggregates might fail.
    Another one is after you load data into ODS, you activate ODS data (another
    process type) this might also fail.
    Q) In Monitor----- Details (Header/Status/Details) à Under Processing (data
    packet): Everything OK à Context menu of Data Package 1 (1 Records): Everything
    OK ---- Simulate update. (Here we can debug update rules or transfer rules.)
    SM50 à Program/Mode à Program à Debugging & debug this work process.
    Q) PSA Cleansing.
    A) You know how to edit PSA. I don't think you can delete single records. You
    have to delete entire PSA data for a request.
    Q) Can we make a datasource to support delta.
    A) If this is a custom (user-defined) datasource you can make the datasource
    delta enabled. While creating datasource from RSO2, after entering datasource
    name and pressing create, in the next screen there is one button at the top,
    which says generic delta. If you want more details about this there is a
    chapter in Extraction book, it's in last pages u find out.
    Generic delta services: -
    Supports delta extraction for generic extractors according to:
    Time stamp
    Calendar day
    Numeric pointer, such as document number & counter
    Only one of these attributes can be set as a delta attribute.
    Delta extraction is supported for all generic extractors, such as tables/views,
    SAP Query and function modules
    The delta queue (RSA7) allows you to monitor the current status of the delta
    Q) Workbooks, as a general rule, should be transported with the
    Here are a couple of scenarios:
    1. If both the workbook and its role have been previously transported, then the
    role does not need to be part of the transport.
    2. If the role exists in both dev and the target system but the workbook has
    never been transported, and then you have a choice of transporting the role
    (recommended) or just the workbook. If only the workbook is transported, then
    an additional step will have to be taken after import: Locate the WorkbookID
    via Table RSRWBINDEXT (in Dev and verify the same exists in the target system)
    and proceed to manually add it to the role in the target system via Transaction
    Code PFCG -- ALWAYS use control c/control v copy/paste for manually adding!
    3. If the role does not exist in the target system you should transport both
    the role and workbook. Keep in mind that a workbook is an object unto itself
    and has no dependencies on other objects. Thus, you do not receive an error
    message from the transport of 'just a workbook' -- even though it may not be
    visible, it will exist (verified via Table RSRWBINDEXT).
    Overall, as a general rule, you should transport roles with workbooks.
    Q) How much time does it take to extract 1 million (10 lackhs) of records into
    an infocube?
    A. This depends, if you have complex coding in update rules it will take longer
    time, or else it will take less than 30 minutes.
    Q) What are the five ASAP Methodologies?
    A: Project plan, Business Blue print, Realization, Final preparation & Go-Live - support.
    1. Project Preparation: In this phase, decision makers define clear project
    objectives and an efficient decision making process ( i.e. Discussions with the
    client, like what are his needs and requirements etc.). Project managers
    will be involved in this phase (I guess).
    A Project Charter is issued and an implementation strategy is outlined in this
    2. Business Blueprint: It is a detailed documentation of your company's
    requirements. (i.e. what are the objects we need to develop are modified
    depending on the client's requirements).
    3. Realization: In this only, the implementation of the project takes place (development
    of objects etc) and we are involved in the project from here only.
    4. Final Preparation: Final preparation before going live i.e. testing,
    conducting pre-go-live, end user training etc.
    End user training is given that is in the client site you train them how to
    work with the new environment, as they are new to the technology.
    5. Go-Live & support: The project has gone live and it is into production.
    The Project team will be supporting the end users.
    Q) What is landscape of R/3 & what is landscape of BW. Landscape of R/3 not
    Then Landscape of b/w: u have the development system, testing system, production system
    Development system: All the implementation part is done in this sys. (I.e.,
    Analysis of objects developing, modification etc) and from here the objects are
    transported to the testing system, but before transporting an initial test
    known as Unit testing
    (testing of objects) is done in the development sys.
    Testing/Quality system: quality check is done in this system and integration
    testing is done.
    Production system: All the extraction part takes place in this sys.
    Q) How do you measure the size of infocube?
    A: In no of records.
    Q). Difference between infocube and ODS?
    A: Infocube is structured as star schema (extended) where a fact table is
    surrounded by different dim table that are linked with DIM'ids. And the data
    wise, you will have aggregated data in the cubes. No overwrite functionality
    ODS is a flat structure (flat table) with no star schema concept and which will
    have granular data (detailed level). Overwrite functionality.
    Flat file
    datasources does not support 0recordmode in extraction.
    x before, -after, n new, a add, d delete, r reverse
    Q) Difference between display attributes and navigational attributes?
    A: Display attribute is one, which is used only for display purpose in the
    report. Where as navigational attribute is used for drilling down in the
    report. We don't need to maintain Navigational attribute in the cube as a
    characteristic (that is the advantage) to drill down.
    A: But how is it possible? If you load it manually twice, then you can delete
    it by requestID.
    Sure you can. ODS is nothing but a table.
    A) Yes of course. For example, for loading text and hierarchies we use
    different data sources but the same InfoSource.
    A) Data flows from transactional system to analytical system (BW). DataSources
    on the transactional system needs to be replicated on BW side and attached to
    infosource and update rules respectively.
    FULL and DELTA.
    Q) AS WE USE Sbwnn, sbiw1, sbiw2 for delta update in LIS THEN
    No LIS in LO cockpit. We will have datasources and can be maintained (append
    fields). Refer white paper
    on LO-Cockpit extractions.
    Q) Why we delete the setup tables (LBWG) & fill them (OLI*BW)?
    A) Initially we don't delete the setup tables but when we do change in extract
    structure we go for it. We r changing the extract structure right, that means
    there are some newly added fields in that which r not before. So to get the
    required data ( i.e.; the data which is required is taken and to avoid
    redundancy) we delete n then fill the setup tables.
    To refresh the statistical data.
    The extraction set up reads the dataset that you want to process such as,
    customers orders with the tables like VBAK, VBAP) & fills the relevant communication
    structure with the data. The data is stored in cluster
    tables from where it is read when the initialization is run. It is important
    that during initialization phase, no one generates or modifies application
    data, at least until the tables can be set up.
    It holds granular data (detailed level).
    In PSA table.
    The volume of data one data target holds (in no. of records)
    Q) Different types of INFOCUBES.
    Basic, Virtual (remote, sap remote and multi)
    Virtual Cube is used for example, if you consider railways reservation all the
    information has to be updated online. For designing the Virtual cube you have
    to write the function module that is linking to table, Virtual cube it is like
    a the structure, when ever the table is updated the virtual cube will fetch the
    data from table and display report Online... FYI.. you will get the information
    /index.sdn and search for Designing Virtual Cube and you will get
    a good material designing the Function Module
    Can be made of ODS's and Characteristic InfoObjects with masterdata.
    In R/3 or in BW? 2 in R/3 and 2 in BW
    Exist in the InfoObject, transfer routines, update routines and start routine
    Rows and Columns, you can create structures.
    Different Variable's are Texts, Formulas, Hierarchies, Hierarchy nodes &
    Characteristic values.
    Variable Types are
    Manual entry /default value
    Replacement path
    SAP exit
    Customer exit
    You can drill down to any level by using Navigational attributes and jump
    Indexes are data base indexes, which help in retrieving data fastly.
    Help! Refer documentation
    KPI's indicate the performance of a company. These are key figures
    After image (correct me if I am wrong)
    Help! Refer documentation.
    ST22, Number ranges, delete indexes before load. Etc
    There should be some tool to run the job daily (SM37 jobs)
    Profile generator
    What are you expecting??
    Of course
    Refer help. What are you expecting? MultiCube works on Union condition
    Dev---àQ and Dev-------àP
    Q) What types of partitioning are there for BW?
    There are two Partitioning Performance aspects for BW (Cube & PSA)
    Query Data Retrieval
    Performance Improvement:
    Partitioning by (say) Date Range improves data retrieval by making best use of
    database [data range] execution plans and indexes (of say Oracle database engine).
    B) Transactional Load Partitioning Improvement:
    Partitioning based on expected load volumes and data element sizes. Improves
    data loading into PSA and Cubes by infopackages (Eg. without timeouts).
    Q) How can I compare data in R/3 with data in a BW Cube after the daily delta
    loads? Are there any standard procedures for checking them or matching the
    number of records?
    A) You can go to R/3 TCode RSA3 and run the extractor. It will give you the
    number of records extracted. Then go to BW Monitor to check the number of
    records in the PSA and check to see if it is the same & also in the monitor
    header tab.
    A) RSA3 is a simple extractor checker program that allows you to rule out
    extracts problems in R/3. It is simple to use, but only really tells you if the
    extractor works. Since records that get updated into Cubes/ODS structures are
    controlled by Update Rules, you will not be able to determine what is in the
    Cube compared to what is in the R/3 environment. You will need to compare
    records on a 1:1 basis against records in R/3 transactions for the functional
    area in question. I would recommend enlisting the help of the end user community
    to assist since they presumably know the data.
    To use RSA3, go to it and enter the extractor ex: 2LIS_02_HDR. Click execute
    and you will see the record count, you can also go to display that data. You
    are not modifying anything so what you do in RSA3 has no effect on data quality
    afterwards. However, it will not tell you how many records should be expected
    in BW for a given load. You have that information in the monitor RSMO during
    and after data loads. From RSMO for a given load you can determine how many
    records were passed through the transfer rules from R/3, how many targets were
    updated, and how many records passed through the Update Rules. It also gives
    you error messages from the PSA.
    Q) Types of Transfer Rules?
    A) Field to Field mapping, Constant, Variable & routine.
    Q) Types of Update Rules?
    A) (Check box), Return table
    Q) Transfer Routine?
    A) Routines, which we write in, transfer rules.
    Q) Update Routine?
    A) Routines, which we write in Update rules
    Q) What is the difference between writing a routine in transfer rules and
    writing a routine in update rules?
    A) If you are using the same InfoSource to update data in more than one data
    target its better u write in transfer rules because u can assign one InfoSource
    to more than one data target & and what ever logic u write in update rules
    it is specific to particular one data target.
    Q) Routine with Return Table.
    A) Update rules generally only have one return value. However, you can create a
    routine in the tab strip key figure calculation, by choosing checkbox Return
    table. The corresponding key figure routine then no longer has a return value,
    but a return table. You can then generate as many key figure values, as you
    like from one data record.
    Q) Start routines?
    A) Start routines u can write in both updates rules and transfer rules, suppose
    you want to restrict (delete) some records based on conditions before getting
    loaded into data targets, then you can specify this in update rules-start
    Ex: - Delete Data_Package ani ante it will delete a record based on the
    Q) X & Y Tables?
    X-table = A table to link material SIDs with SIDs for time-independent
    navigation attributes.
    Y-table = A table to link material SIDs with SIDS for time-dependent navigation
    There are four types of sid tables
    X time independent navigational attributes sid tables
    Y time dependent navigational attributes sid tables
    H hierarchy sid tables
    I hierarchy structure sid tables
    Q) Filters & Restricted Key figures (real time example)
    Restricted KF's u can have for an SD cube: billed quantity, billing value, no:
    of billing documents as RKF's.
    Q) Line-Item Dimension (give me an real time example)
    Line-Item Dimension: Invoice no: or Doc no: is a real time example
    Q) What does the number in the 'Total' column in Transaction RSA7 mean?
    A) The 'Total' column displays the number of LUWs that were written in the
    delta queue and that have not yet been confirmed. The number includes the LUWs
    of the last delta request (for repetition of a delta request) and the LUWs for
    the next delta request. A LUW only disappears from the RSA7 display when it has
    been transferred to the BW System and a new delta request has been received
    from the BW System.
    Q) How to know in which table (SAP BW) contains Technical Name / Description
    and creation data of a particular Reports. Reports that are created using BEx
    A) There is no such table in BW if you want to know such details while you are
    opening a particular query press properties button you will come to know all
    the details that you wanted.
    You will find your information about technical names and description about
    queries in the following tables. Directory of all reports (Table RSRREPDIR) and
    Directory of the reporting component elements (Table RSZELTDIR) for workbooks
    and the connections to queries check Where- used list for reports in workbooks
    (Table RSRWORKBOOK) Titles of Excel Workbooks in InfoCatalog (Table
    Q) What is a LUW in the delta queue?
    A) A LUW from the point of view of the delta queue can be an individual
    document, a group of documents from a collective run or a whole data packet of
    an application
    Q) Why does the number in the 'Total' column in the overview screen of
    Transaction RSA7 differ from the number of data records that is displayed when
    you call the detail view?
    A) The number on the overview screen corresponds to the total of LUWs (see also
    first question) that were written to the qRFC queue and that have not yet been
    confirmed. The detail screen displays the records contained in the LUWs. Both,
    the records belonging to the previous delta request and the records that do not
    meet the selection conditions of the preceding delta init requests are filtered
    out. Thus, only the records that are ready for the next delta request are
    displayed on the detail screen. In the detail screen of Transaction RSA7, a
    possibly existing customer exit is not taken into account.
    Q) Why does Transaction RSA7 still display LUWs on the overview screen after
    successful delta loading?
    A) Only when a new delta has been requested does the source system learn that
    the previous delta was successfully loaded to the BW System. Then, the LUWs of
    the previous delta may be confirmed (and also deleted). In the meantime, the
    LUWs must be kept for a possible delta request repetition. In particular, the
    number on the overview screen does not change when the first delta was loaded
    to the BW System.
    Q) Why are selections not taken into account when the delta queue is filled?
    A) Filtering according to selections takes place when the system reads from the
    delta queue. This is necessary for reasons of performance.
    Q) Why is there a DataSource with '0' records in RSA7 if delta exists and has
    also been loaded successfully?
    It is most likely that this is a DataSource that does not send delta data to
    the BW System via the delta queue but directly via the extractor (delta for
    master data using ALE change pointers). Such a DataSource should not be
    displayed in RSA7. This error is corrected with BW 2.0B Support Package 11.
    Q) Do the entries in table ROIDOCPRMS have an impact on the performance of the
    loading procedure from the delta queue?
    A) The impact is limited. If performance problems are related to the loading
    process from the delta queue, then refer to the application-specific notes (for
    example in the CO-PA area, in the logistics cockpit area and so on).
    Caution: As of Plug In 2000.2 patch 3 the entries in table ROIDOCPRMS are as
    effective for the delta queue as for a full update. Please note, however, that
    LUWs are not split during data loading for consistency reasons. This means that
    when very large LUWs are written to the DeltaQueue, the actual package size may
    differ considerably from the MAXSIZE and MAXLINES parameters.
    Q) Why does it take so long to display the data in the delta queue (for example
    approximately 2 hours)?
    A) With Plug In 2001.1 the display was changed: the user has the option of
    defining the amount of data to be displayed, to restrict it, to selectively
    choose the number of a data record, to make a distinction between the 'actual'
    delta data and the data intended for repetition and so on.
    Q) What is the purpose of function 'Delete data and meta data in a queue' in
    RSA7? What exactly is deleted?
    A) You should act with extreme caution when you use the deletion function in
    the delta queue. It is comparable to deleting an InitDelta in the BW System and
    should preferably be executed there. You do not only delete all data of this
    DataSource for the affected BW System, but also lose the entire information
    concerning the delta initialization. Then you can only request new deltas after
    another delta initialization.
    When you delete the data, the LUWs kept in the qRFC queue for the corresponding
    target system are confirmed. Physical deletion only takes place in the qRFC
    outbound queue if there are no more references to the LUWs.
    The deletion function is for example intended for a case where the BW System,
    from which the delta initialization was originally executed, no longer exists
    or can no longer be accessed.
    Q) Why does it take so long to delete from the delta queue (for example half a
    A) Import PlugIn 2000.2 patch 3. With this patch the performance during
    deletion is considerably improved.
    Q) Why is the delta queue not updated when you start the V3 update in the
    logistics cockpit area?
    A) It is most likely that a delta initialization had not yet run or that the
    delta initialization was not successful. A successful delta initialization (the
    corresponding request must have QM status 'green' in the BW System) is a
    prerequisite for the application data being written in the delta queue.
    Q) What is the relationship between RSA7 and the qRFC monitor (Transaction
    A) The qRFC monitor basically displays the same data as RSA7. The internal
    queue name must be used for selection on the initial screen of the qRFC
    monitor. This is made up of the prefix 'BW, the client and the short name of
    the DataSource. For DataSources whose name are 19 characters long or shorter,
    the short name corresponds to the name of the DataSource. For DataSources whose
    name is longer than 19 characters (for delta-capable DataSources only possible
    as of PlugIn 2001.1) the short name is assigned in table ROOSSHORTN.
    In the qRFC monitor you cannot distinguish between repeatable and new LUWs.
    Moreover, the data of a LUW is displayed in an unstructured manner there.
    Q) Why are the data in the delta queue although the V3 update was not started?
    A) Data was posted in background. Then, the records are updated directly in the
    delta queue (RSA7). This happens in particular during automatic goods receipt
    posting (MRRS). There is no duplicate transfer of records to the BW system. See
    Note 417189.
    Q) Why does button 'Repeatable' on the RSA7 data details screen not only show
    data loaded into BW during the last delta but also data that were newly added,
    i.e. 'pure' delta records?
    A) Was programmed in a way that the request in repeat mode fetches both
    actually repeatable (old) data and new data from the source system.
    Q) I loaded several delta inits with various selections. For which one is the
    delta loaded?
    A) For delta, all selections made via delta inits are summed up. This means, a
    delta for the 'total' of all delta initializations is loaded.
    Q) How many selections for delta inits are possible in the system?
    A) With simple selections (intervals without complicated join conditions or
    single values), you can make up to about 100 delta inits. It should not be
    With complicated selection conditions, it should be only up to 10-20 delta
    Reason: With many selection conditions that are joined in a complicated way,
    too many 'where' lines are generated in the generated ABAP
    source code that may exceed the memory limit.
    Q) I intend to copy the source system, i.e. make a client copy. What will
    happen with may delta? Should I initialize again after that?
    A) Before you copy a source client or source system, make sure that your deltas
    have been fetched from the DeltaQueue into BW and that no delta is pending.
    After the client copy, an inconsistency might occur between BW delta tables and
    the OLTP delta tables as described in Note 405943. After the client copy, Table
    ROOSPRMSC will probably be empty in the OLTP since this table is
    client-independent. After the system copy, the table will contain the entries
    with the old logical system name that are no longer useful for further delta
    loading from the new logical system. The delta must be initialized in any case
    since delta depends on both the BW system and the source system. Even if no
    dump 'MESSAGE_TYPE_X' occurs in BW when editing or creating an InfoPackage, you
    should expect that the delta have to be initialized after the copy.
    Q) Is it allowed in Transaction SMQ1 to use the functions for manual control of
    A) Use SMQ1 as an instrument for diagnosis and control only. Make changes to BW
    queues only after informing the BW Support or only if this is explicitly
    requested in a note for component 'BC-BW' or 'BW-WHM-SAPI'.
    Q) Despite of the delta request being started after completion of the
    collective run (V3 update), it does not contain all documents. Only another
    delta request loads the missing documents into BW. What is the cause for this
    A) The collective run submits the open V2 documents for processing to the task
    handler, which processes them in one or several parallel update processes in an
    asynchronous way. For this reason, plan a sufficiently large "safety time
    window" between the end of the collective run in the source system and the
    start of the delta request in BW. An alternative solution where this problem
    does not occur is described in Note 505700.
    Q) Despite my deleting the delta init, LUWs are still written into the
    A) In general, delta initializations and deletions of delta inits should always
    be carried out at a time when no posting takes place. Otherwise, buffer
    problems may occur: If a user started the internal mode at a time when the
    delta initialization was still active, he/she posts data into the queue even
    though the initialization had been deleted in the meantime. This is the case in
    your system.
    Q) In SMQ1 (qRFC Monitor) I have status 'NOSEND'. In the table TRFCQOUT, some
    entries have the status 'READY', others 'RECORDED'. ARFCSSTATE is 'READ'. What
    do these statuses mean? Which values in the field 'Status' mean what and which
    values are correct and which are alarming? Are the statuses BW-specific or
    generally valid in qRFC?
    A) Table TRFCQOUT and ARFCSSTATE: Status READ means that the record was read
    once either in a delta request or in a repetition of the delta request.
    However, this does not mean that the record has successfully reached the BW
    yet. The status READY in the TRFCQOUT and RECORDED in the ARFCSSTATE means that
    the record has been written into the DeltaQueue and will be loaded into the BW
    with the next delta request or a repetition of a delta. In any case only the
    statuses READ, READY and RECORDED in both tables are considered to be valid.
    The status EXECUTED in TRFCQOUT can occur temporarily. It is set before
    starting a DeltaExtraction for all records with status READ present at that
    time. The records with status EXECUTED are usually deleted from the queue in
    packages within a delta request directly after setting the status before
    extracting a new delta. If you see such records, it means that either a process
    which is confirming and deleting records which have been loaded into the BW is
    successfully running at the moment, or, if the records remain in the table for
    a longer period of time with status EXECUTED, it is likely that there are
    problems with deleting the records which have already been successfully been
    loaded into the BW. In this state, no more deltas are loaded into the BW. Every
    other status is an indicator for an error or an inconsistency. NOSEND in SMQ1
    means nothing (see note 378903).
    The value 'U' in field 'NOSEND' of table TRFCQOUT is discomforting.
    Q) The extract structure was changed when the DeltaQueue was empty. Afterwards
    new delta records were written to the DeltaQueue. When loading the delta into
    the PSA, it shows that some fields were moved. The same result occurs when the
    contents of the DeltaQueue are listed via the detail display. Why are the data
    displayed differently? What can be done?
    Make sure that the change of the extract structure is also reflected in the
    database and that all servers are synchronized. We recommend to reset the
    buffers using Transaction $SYNC. If the extract structure change is not
    communicated synchronously to the server where delta records are being created,
    the records are written with the old structure until the new structure has been
    generated. This may have disastrous consequences for the delta.
    When the problem occurs, the delta needs to be re-initialized.
    Q) How and where can I control whether a repeat delta is requested?
    A) Via the status of the last delta in the BW Request Monitor. If the request
    is RED, the next load will be of type 'Repeat'. If you need to repeat the last
    load for certain reasons, set the request in the monitor to red manually. For
    the contents of the repeat see Question 14. Delta requests set to red despite
    of data being already updated lead to duplicate records in a subsequent repeat,
    if they have not been deleted from the data targets concerned before.
    Q) As of PI 2003.1, the Logistic Cockpit offers various types of update
    methods. Which update method is recommended in logistics? According to which
    criteria should the decision be made? How can I choose an update method in
    See the recommendation in Note 505700.
    Q) Are there particular recommendations regarding the data volume the
    DeltaQueue may grow to without facing the danger of a read failure due to
    memory problems?
    A) There is no strict limit (except for the restricted number range of the
    24-digit QCOUNT counter in the LUW management table - which is of no practical
    importance, however - or the restrictions regarding the volume and number of
    records in a database table).
    When estimating "smooth" limits, both the number of LUWs is important
    and the average data volume per LUW. As a rule, we recommend to bundle data
    (usually documents) already when writing to the DeltaQueue to keep number of
    LUWs small (partly this can be set in the applications, e.g. in the Logistics
    Cockpit). The data volume of a single LUW should not be considerably larger
    than 10% of the memory available to the work process for data extraction
    (in a 32-bit architecture with a memory volume of about 1GByte per work
    process, 100 Mbytes per LUW should not be exceeded). That limit is of rather
    small practical importance as well since a comparable limit already applies
    when writing to the DeltaQueue. If the limit is observed, correct reading is
    guaranteed in most cases.
    If the number of LUWs cannot be reduced by bundling application transactions,
    you should at least make sure that the data are fetched from all connected BWs
    as quickly as possible. But for other, BW-specific, reasons, the frequency
    should not be higher than one DeltaRequest per hour.
    To avoid memory problems, a program-internal limit ensures that never more than
    1 million LUWs are read and fetched from the database per DeltaRequest. If this
    limit is reached within a request, the DeltaQueue must be emptied by several
    successive DeltaRequests. We recommend, however, to try not to reach that limit
    but trigger the fetching of data from the connected BWs already when the number
    of LUWs reaches a 5-digit value.
    Q) I would like to display the date the data was uploaded on the
    report. Usually, we load the transactional data nightly. Is there any easy way
    to include this information on the report for users? So that they know the
    validity of the report.
    A) If I understand your requirement correctly, you want to display the date on
    which data was loaded into the data target from which the report is being
    executed. If it is so, configure your workbook to display the text elements in
    the report. This displays the relevance of data field, which is the date on which
    the data load has taken place.
    Q) Can we filter the fields at Transfer Structure?
    Q) Can we load data directly into infoobject with out extraction is it
    Yes. We can copy from other infoobject if it is same. We load data from PSA if
    it is already in PSA.
    a) We can set the time.
    a) VPN…………….Virtual
    Private Network, VPN is nothing but one sort of network
    where we can connect to the client systems sitting in offshore through RAS
    (Remote access server).
    Prepare Project Plan and Environment
    Define Project Management
    Standards and
    Define Implementation Standards and Procedures
    Testing & Go-live + supporting.
    Go to TCode sm66 then see which one is locked select that pid from there and
    goto sm12
    TCode then unlock it this is happened when lock errors are occurred when u
    Q) Can anybody tell me how to add a navigational attribute in the BEx report in
    the rows?
    A) Expand dimension under left side panel (that is infocube panel) select than
    navigational attributes drag and drop under rows panel.
    In current systems (BW 3.0B and R/3 4.6B) these Tcodes don't exist!
    A) Transactional InfoCubes differ from standard InfoCubes in that the former
    have an improved write access performance level. Standard InfoCubes are
    technically optimized for read-only access and for a comparatively small number
    of simultaneous accesses. Instead, the transactional InfoCube was developed to
    meet the demands of SAP Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM), meaning that,
    data is written to the InfoCube (possibly by several users at the same time)
    and re-read as soon as possible. Standard Basic cubes are not suitable for
    Q) Is there any way to delete cube contents within update rules from an ODS
    data source? The reason for this would be to delete (or zero out) a cube record
    in an "Open Order" cube if the open order quantity was 0.
    I've tried using the 0recordmode but that doesn't work. Also, would it
    be easier to write a program that would be run after the load and delete
    the records with a zero open qty?
    A) START routine for update rules u can write ABAP code.
    A) Yap, you can do it. Create a start routine in Update rule.
    It is not "Deleting cube contents with update rules" It is only
    possible to avoid that some content is updated into the InfoCube using the
    start routine. Loop at all the records and delete the record that has the
    condition. "If the open order quantity was 0" You have to think also
    in before and after images in case of a delta upload. In that case you may
    delete the change record and keep the old and after the change the wrong
    Q) I am not able to access a node in hierarchy directly using variables for
    reports. When I am using Tcode RSZV it is giving a message that it doesn't
    exist in BW 3.0 and it is embedded in BEx. Can any one tell me the other
    options to get the same functionality in BEx?
    A) Tcode RSZV is used in the earlier version of 3.0B only. From 3.0B onwards,
    it's possible in the Query Designer (BEx) itself. Just right click on the
    InfoObject for which you want to use as variables and precede further selecting
    variable type and proce

  • I would sell my PS3 and buy an Apple TV if... could view/record Freeview or Freesat (UK).
    At the moment I have the PS3 with PlayTV, which works well, but I find myself hardly ever playing games on it any more, and using it mostly for music, photos, videos and TV. At the moment, we are really missing the online movie rental side of things, typically my wife and I will decide to rent a movie on the evening we want to watch it, but by the time we get to the Blockbuster in town, they don't have what we want. At the moment, I'm renting on iTunes, transferring to my iPhone and playing on the device through the TV... however I would prefer a more convenient and HD solution.
    Apple TV could be a huge hit in the UK, it would fill the gap between home-produced media (photos, home movies), Music playback, broadcast TV, HD viewing and on-demand Movie rentals without being location specific (a la Virgin) and without warranting huge subscription fees and horrible user interfaces (a la Sky). A Flash-supported browser would be sweet too for YouTube and iPlayer (don't know if this is already the case).
    I like the idea of being able to search for a Movie/TV show using Apple TV, it checks the broadcast EPGs as well as iPlayer and the iTunes Store and presents the option of recording the broadcast, streaming from iPlayer or buying/renting the item. If I choose to record it, it would then be the icing on the cake if I could then transfer it back to my iTunes library on my Mac, or directly to an iPhone/iPod in h.264 format.
    It would be media bliss... what would I pay for this? I would expect to pay about the same as a second-hand PS3 with PlayTV.
    How would I expect Apple to achieve this? I would expect that an Apple TV with greater HDD capacity and the TV tuner as an option that, the Tuner could have separate model numbers for different regions and standards... so for the UK, there would be two modules, one for Freeview (DVB-T) and one for Freesat (DVB-S2). Plus a software update. The Tuner modules could even house hardware h.264 encoder so that what's recorded is in an iTunes friendly format (unlike the PS3 which records everything in MPEG2... useless for transferring to a portable device).
    The Cherry on the icing would be the ability to rip my DVD collection into iTunes... but that's another discussion.
    Message was edited by: GlynC

    Indeed, Apple IS a content provider, they also sell hardware! I can imagine that the Apple TV would simply fly off the shelf if this kind of functionality was included. The future success of iTunes depends on popularising Apple hardware within the home, especially when it comes to on-demand video. Being able to record TV is what the majority of people would regard as the main feature of the device. In fact, it would be very much in-line with my perception of Apple's current strategy... demonstrate the key 'selling' feature of the device as the headliner then when the consumer buys the hardware, all the other brilliant functionality presents itself and intices the consumer to 'want more' by imposing a sense of opportunity. Apple TV would reach the masses by headlining "Record TV, then sync straight to your iPhone/iPod". Then Apple could spin up a whole wad of cash by suggesting and selling TV episodes that they've missed, downloaded from iTunes.
    I appreciate what the current iteration of Apple TV achieves, and I envy it over my PS3 for its simplicity... Despite not owning one, I think the idea of being able to 'push' and 'sync' content to your device as opposed to streaming it over a network is a much welcomed feature... DLNA has caused nothing but trouble for us and obviously requires another device to be switched on in order to serve up the content. Not very power friendly, reliable or convenient. You can of course copy content to the PS3, but then if you make an edit to a video, photo or playlist you need to manually re-download it again.

  • Pinwheel when I try to move the cursor in the timeline or playback video

    every time i try to move the cursor in the time line, or even playback my footage fcp immediately starts pinwheeling! i can't get anything done. i'm working off an external hard drive (g-drive) that still has around 200gb of space left, i've switched computers and the problem persists -- which leads me to believe it's the external drive causing the problem. any advice? i'm using fcp 7.0.2 -- help!

    if i shoot in h264 i ALWAYS have to convert to prores?
    If you work in Final Cut Pro, yes.
    h.264 is a highly temporally and spatially compressed format designed for DELIVERY. It is extraordinarily resource intensive and causes all sorts of unpredictable project failures when edited directly. FCP does not support it directly. To take advantage of FCP's power, it must be converted to a natively supported format - ProRes for example.
    That the sleazy cam producers have glommed onto it as a way of recording their output on really minimal media is more a statement of their desire to make things cheap than their desire to make things easy for you, the editor. When you consider that the great mass of crap recorded on these cams will (thankfully) never see the light of day, their position makes sense.

  • Indifferent behaviour of non database CHECKBOX in Forms6i

    I've the following kind of UI in forms 6i:
    There's a multi record data block to which i have added a non database checkbox(just an UI item). Depending
    on whether the checkbox is checked i need to mass update the records, if unchecked then no need of updating
    the attributes. The mass update happend on pressing a button. WHEN BUTTON PRESSED FOR THE buton has the
    following code:
    if :CONTROL.TRANS_TIME is not null or :CONTROL.TRANS_UOM is not null or
    END IF;
    END IF;
    end if;
    The user the specifies the values for mass updates in the botton part, text fields for which are in the
    control block namely :CONTROL.TRANS_TIME and :CONTROL.TRANS_UOM.
    The problem is that it doesnt work if the first record is unchecked i.e the flag :SET_TRANSS.UPDATE_FLAG is 2.
    Stangely when i see the diagnostics i find the value for :SET_TRANSS.UPDATE_FLAG as null.
    Why despite keeping the value when unchecked for the checkbox as 2 the value is null.
    After setting the value of :SET_TRANSS.UPDATE_FLAG to 2 through diagnostics everything goes fine.
    What can be the cause??

    I think my code is fine. Only problem's with the checkbox that's not having value 2 when unchecked.
    The Properties of the checkbox are:
    Value when checked: 1
    Value when unchecked: 2
    Checkbox mapping of other values: Unchecked
    Initial Value: 2
    Datatype: NUMBER
    LENGTH: 1
    Database Item: NO
    Any clues people??

  • Interview help

    Hello Everybody ,
       iam having interview for bi/bw support consultant and interview specs consists of data management techniques,improving and maintaining sap bi monitoring to support issues and understanding of BCC SAP solution and how its bw/bi configuration support the business.knowledge of wad.please send me the expected questions and answers though iam searching sdn using specs.

    Hi priya
    Here are some Q&A.
    Normally the production support activities include
    R/3 Job Monitoring
    B/W Job Monitoring
    Taking corrective action for failed data loads.
    Working on some tickets with small changes in reports or in AWB objects.
    The activities in a typical Production Support would be as follows:
    1. Data Loading - could be using process chains or manual loads.
    2. Resolving urgent user issues - helpline activities
    3. Modifying BW reports as per the need of the user.
    4. Creating aggregates in Prod system
    5. Regression testing when version/patch upgrade is done.
    6. Creating adhoc hierarchies.
    we can perform the daily activities in Production
    1. Monitoring Data load failures thru RSMO
    2. Monitoring Process Chains Daily/weekly/monthly
    3. Perform Change run Hierarchy
    4. Check Aggr's Rollup
    To add to the above
    1)check data targets are ready for reporting,
    2) No failed or cancelled jobs in sm37 monitors and Bw Monitor.
    3) All requests are loaded for day, monthly and yearly also.
    4) Also to note down time taken for loading of critical info cubes which are used for reporting.
    5) Is there any break in any schedules from your process chains.
    As the frequent failures and errors , there is no fixed reason for the load to be fail , if you want it for the interview perspective I would answer it in this way.
    a) Loads can be failed due to the invalid characters
    b) Can be because of the deadlock in the system
    c) Can be because of previous load failure , if the load is dependant on other loads
    d) Can be because of erroneous records
    e) Can be because of RFC connections
    These are some of the reasons for the load failures.
    Why there is frequent load failures during extractions? and how to analyse them?
    If these failures are related to Data, there might be data inconsistency in source system. Though we are handling properly in transfer rules. We can monitor these issues in T-code -> RSMO and PSA (failed records) and update.
    If we are talking about whole extraction process, there might be issues of work process scheduling and IDoc transfer to target system from source system. These issues can be re-initiated by canceling that specific data load and ( usually by changing Request color from Yellow - > Red in RSMO). and restart the extraction.
    What is the daily task we do in production support.How many times we will extract the data at what times.
    It depends... Data load timings are in the range of 30 mins to 8 hrs. This time is depends in number of records and kind of transfer rules you have provided. If transfer rules have some kind of round about transfer rules and updates rules has calculations for customized key figures... long times are expected..
    Usually You need to work on RSMO and see what records are failing.. and update from PSA.
    What are some of the frequent failures and errors?
    As the frequent failures and errors , there is no fixed reason for the load to be fail , if you want it for the interview perspective I would answer it in this way.
    a) Loads can be failed due to the invalid characters
    b) Can be because of the deadlock in the system
    c) Can be because of previous load failure , if the load is dependant on other loads
    d) Can be because of erroneous records
    e) Can be because of RFC connections
    These are some of the reasons for the load failures.
    for Rfc connections:
    We use SM59 for creating RFC destinations
    Some questions
    1)     RFC connection lost.
    A) We can check out in the SM59 t-code
    RFC Des
    + R/3 conn
    CRD client (our r/3 client)
    double click..test connection in menu
    2) Invalid characters while loading.
    A) Change them in the PSA & load them.
    3) ALEREMOTE user is locked.
    A) Ask your Basis team to release the user. It is mostly ALEREMOTE.
    2) Password Changed
    3) Number of incorrect attempts to login into ALEREMOTE.
    4) USE SM12 t-code to find out are there any locks.
    4) Lower case letters not allowed.
    A) Uncheck the lower case letters check box under "general" tab in the info object.
    5) While loading the data i am getting messeage that 'Record
    the field mentioned in the errror message is not mapped to any infoboject in the transfer rule.
    6) object locked.
    A) It might be locked by some other process or a user. Also check for authorizations
    7) "Non-updated Idocs found in Source System".
    8) While loading master data, one of the datapackage has a red light error message:
    Master data/text of characteristic ZCUSTSAL already deleted .
    9) extraction job aborted in r3
    A) It might have got cancelled due to running for more than the expected time, or may be cancelled by R/3 users if it is hampering the performance.
    10) request couldnt be activated because there is another request in the psa with a smaller sid
    11) repeat of last delta not possible
    12) datasource not replicated
    A) Replicate the datasource from R/3 through source system in the AWB & assign it to the infosource and activate it again.
    13) datasource/transfer structure not active.
    A) Use the function module RS_TRANSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL to activate it
    14) ODS activation error.
    A) ODS activation errors can occur mainly due to following reasons-
    1.Invalid characters (# like characters)
    2.Invalid data values for units/currencies etc
    3.Invalid values for data types of char & key figures.
    4.Error in generating SID values for some data.
    15. conversio routine error
    solution.check the data format in source
    16.OBJECT CANOOT BE ACTIVATED.or error when activating object
    check the consistency of the object. data found.(in query)
    check the info provider wether data is there or not and delete unsucessful request.
    18.error generating or activating update rules.
    1. What are the extractor types?
    • Application Specific
    o BW Content FI, HR, CO, SAP CRM, LO Cockpit
    o Customer-Generated Extractors
    • Cross Application (Generic Extractors)
    o DB View, InfoSet, Function Module
    2. What are the steps involved in LO Extraction?
    • The steps are:
    o RSA5 Select the DataSources
    o LBWE Maintain DataSources and Activate Extract Structures
    o LBWG Delete Setup Tables
    o 0LI*BW Setup tables
    o RSA3 Check extraction and the data in Setup tables
    o LBWQ Check the extraction queue
    o LBWF Log for LO Extract Structures
    o RSA7 BW Delta Queue Monitor
    3. How to create a connection with LIS InfoStructures?
    • LBW0 Connecting LIS InfoStructures to BW
    4. What is the difference between ODS and InfoCube and MultiProvider?
    • ODS: Provides granular data, allows overwrite and data is in transparent tables, ideal for drilldown and RRI.
    • CUBE: Follows the star schema, we can only append data, ideal for primary reporting.
    • MultiProvider: Does not have physical data. It allows to access data from different InfoProviders (Cube, ODS, InfoObject). It is also preferred for reporting.
    5. What are Start routines, Transfer routines and Update routines?
    • Start Routines: The start routine is run for each DataPackage after the data has been written to the PSA and before the transfer rules have been executed. It allows complex computations for a key figure or a characteristic. It has no return value. Its purpose is to execute preliminary calculations and to store them in global DataStructures. This structure or table can be accessed in the other routines. The entire DataPackage in the transfer structure format is used as a parameter for the routine.
    • Transfer / Update Routines: They are defined at the InfoObject level. It is like the Start Routine. It is independent of the DataSource. We can use this to define Global Data and Global Checks.
    6. What is the difference between start routine and update routine, when, how and why are they called?
    • Start routine can be used to access InfoPackage while update routines are used while updating the Data Targets.
    7. What is the table that is used in start routines?
    • Always the table structure will be the structure of an ODS or InfoCube. For example if it is an ODS then active table structure will be the table.
    8. Explain how you used Start routines in your project?
    • Start routines are used for mass processing of records. In start routine all the records of DataPackage is available for processing. So we can process all these records together in start routine. In one of scenario, we wanted to apply size % to the forecast data. For example if material M1 is forecasted to say 100 in May. Then after applying size %(Small 20%, Medium 40%, Large 20%, Extra Large 20%), we wanted to have 4 records against one single record that is coming in the info package. This is achieved in start routine.
    9. What are Return Tables?
    • When we want to return multiple records, instead of single value, we use the return table in the Update Routine. Example: If we have total telephone expense for a Cost Center, using a return table we can get expense per employee.
    10. How do start routine and return table synchronize with each other?
    • Return table is used to return the Value following the execution of start routine
    11. What is the difference between V1, V2 and V3 updates?
    • V1 Update: It is a Synchronous update. Here the Statistics update is carried out at the same time as the document update (in the application tables).
    • V2 Update: It is an Asynchronous update. Statistics update and the Document update take place as different tasks.
    o V1 & V2 don’t need scheduling.
    • Serialized V3 Update: The V3 collective update must be scheduled as a job (via LBWE). Here, document data is collected in the order it was created and transferred into the BW as a batch job. The transfer sequence may not be the same as the order in which the data was created in all scenarios. V3 update only processes the update data that is successfully processed with the V2 update.
    12. What is compression?
    • It is a process used to delete the Request IDs and this saves space.
    13. What is Rollup?
    • This is used to load new DataPackages (requests) into the InfoCube aggregates. If we have not performed a rollup then the new InfoCube data will not be available while reporting on the aggregate.
    14. What is table partitioning and what are the benefits of partitioning in an InfoCube?
    • It is the method of dividing a table which would enable a quick reference. SAP uses fact file partitioning to improve performance. We can partition only at 0CALMONTH or 0FISCPER. Table partitioning helps to run the report faster as data is stored in the relevant partitions. Also table maintenance becomes easier. Oracle, Informix, IBM DB2/390 supports table partitioning while SAP DB, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2/400 do not support table portioning.
    15. How many extra partitions are created and why?
    • Two partitions are created for date before the begin date and after the end date.
    16. What are the options available in transfer rule?
    • InfoObject
    • Constant
    • Routine
    • Formula
    17. How would you optimize the dimensions?
    • We should define as many dimensions as possible and we have to take care that no single dimension crosses more than 20% of the fact table size.
    18. What are Conversion Routines for units and currencies in the update rule?
    • Using this option we can write ABAP code for Units / Currencies conversion. If we enable this flag then unit of Key Figure appears in the ABAP code as an additional parameter. For example, we can convert units in Pounds to Kilos.
    19. Can an InfoObject be an InfoProvider, how and why?
    • Yes, when we want to report on Characteristics or Master Data. We have to right click on the InfoArea and select “Insert characteristic as data target”. For example, we can make 0CUSTOMER as an InfoProvider and report on it.
    20. What is Open Hub Service?
    • The Open Hub Service enables us to distribute data from an SAP BW system into external Data Marts, analytical applications, and other applications. We can ensure controlled distribution using several systems. The central object for exporting data is the InfoSpoke. We can define the source and the target object for the data. BW becomes a hub of an enterprise data warehouse. The distribution of data becomes clear through central monitoring from the distribution status in the BW system.
    21. How do you transform Open Hub Data?
    • Using BADI we can transform Open Hub Data according to the destination requirement.
    22. What is ODS?
    • Operational DataSource is used for detailed storage of data. We can overwrite data in the ODS. The data is stored in transparent tables.
    23. What are BW Statistics and what is its use?
    • They are group of Business Content InfoCubes which are used to measure performance for Query and Load Monitoring. It also shows the usage of aggregates, OLAP and Warehouse management.
    24. What are the steps to extract data from R/3?
    • Replicate DataSources
    • Assign InfoSources
    • Maintain Communication Structure and Transfer rules
    • Create and InfoPackage
    • Load Data
    25. What are the delta options available when you load from flat file?
    • The 3 options for Delta Management with Flat Files:
    o Full Upload
    o New Status for Changed records (ODS Object only)
    o Additive Delta (ODS Object & InfoCube)
    SAP BW Interview Questions 2
    1) What is process chain? How many types are there? How many we use in real time scenario? Can we define interdependent processes with tasks like data loading, cube compression, index maintenance, master data & ods activation in the best possible performance & data integrity.
    2) What is data integrityand how can we achieve this?
    3) What is index maintenance and what is the purpose to use this in real time?
    4) When and why use infocube compression in real time?
    5) What is mean by data modelling and what will the consultant do in data modelling?
    6) How can enhance business content and what for purpose we enhance business content (becausing we can activate business content)
    7) What is fine-tuning and how many types are there and what for purpose we done tuning in real time. tuning can only be done for infocube partitions and creating aggregates or any other?
    8) What is mean by multiprovider and what purpose we use multiprovider?
    9) What is scheduled and monitored data loads and for what purpose?
    Ans # 1:
    Process chains exists in Admin Work Bench. Using these we can automate ETTL processes. These allows BW guys to schedule all activities and monitor (T Code: RSPC).
    PROCESS CHAIN - Before defining PROCESS CHAIN, let us define PROCESS in any given process chain. Is a procedure either with in the SAP or external to it with a start and end. This process runs in the background.
    PROCESS CHAIN is set of such processes that are linked together in a chain. In other words each process is dependent on the previous process and dependencies are clearly defined in the process chain.
    This is normally done in order to automate a job or task that has to execute more than one process in order to complete the job or task.
    1. Check the Source System for that particular PC.
    2. Select the request ID (it will be in Header Tab) of PC
    3. Go to SM37 of Source System.
    4. Double Click on the Job.
    5. You will navigate to a screen
    6. In that Click "Job Details" button
    7. A small Pop-up Window comes
    8. In the Pop-up screen, take a note of
    a) Executing Server
    b) WP Number/PID
    9. Open a new SM37 (/OSM37) command
    10. In the Click on "Application Servers" button
    11. You can see different Application Servers.
    11. Goto Executing server, and Double Click (Point 8 (a))
    12. Goto PID (Point 8 (b))
    13. On the left most you can see a check box
    14. "Check" the check Box
    15. On the Menu Bar.. You can see "Process"
    16. In the "process" you have the Option "Cancel with Core"
    17. Click on that option. * -- Ramkumar K
    Ans # 2:
    Data Integrity is about eliminating duplicate entries in the database and achieve normalization.
    Ans # 4:
    InfoCube compression creates new cube by eliminating duplicates. Compressed infocubes require less storage space and are faster for retrieval of information. Here the catch is .. Once you compress, you can't alter the InfoCube. You are safe as long as you don't have any error in modeling.
    This compression can be done through Process Chain and also manually.
    Tips by: Anand
    Indexing is a process where the data is stored by indexing it. Eg: A phone book... When we write somebodys number we write it as Prasads number would be in "P" and Rajesh's number would be in "R"... The phone book process is indexing.. similarly the storing of data by creating indexes is called indexing.
    Datamodeling is a process where you collect the facts..the attributes associated to facts.. navigation atributes etc.. and after you collect all these you need to decide which one you ill be using. This process of collection is done by interviewing the end users, the power users, the share holders etc.. it is generally done by the Team Lead, Project Manager or sometimes a Sr. Consultant (4-5 yrs of exp) So if you are new you dont have to worry about it....But do remember that it is a imp aspect of any datawarehousing soln.. so make sure that you have read datamodeling before attending any interview or even starting to work....
    We can enhance the Business Content bby adding fields to it. Since BC is delivered by SAP Inc it may not contain all the infoobjects, infocubes etc that you want to use according to your company's data model... eg: you have a customer infocube(In BC) but your company uses a attribute for say..apt number... then instead of constructing the whole infocube you can add the above field to the existing BC infocube and get going...
    Tuning is the most imp process in BW..Tuning is done the increase efficiency.... that means lowering time for loading data in cube.. lowering time for accessing a query.. lowering time for doing a drill down etc.. fine tuning=lowering time(for everything possible)...tuning can be done by many things not only by partitions and aggregates there are various things you can do... for eg: compression, etc..
    Multiprovider can combine various infoproviders for reporting purposes.. like you can combine 4-5 infocubes or 2-3 infocubes and 2-3 ODS or IC, ODS and Master data.. etc.. you can refer to for more info...
    Scheduled data load means you have scheduled the loading of data for some particular date and time you can do it in scheduler tab if infoobject... and monitored means you are monitoring that particular data load or some other loads by using transaction RSMON.
    1.Procedure for repeat delta?
    You need to make the request status to Red in monitor screen and then delete it from ODS/Cube. Then when you open infopackage again, system will prompt you for repeat delta.
    Goto RSA7->F2->Update Mode--->Delta Repetation
    Delta repeation is done based on type of upload you are carrying on.
    1. if you are loading masterdata then most of the time you will change the QM status to red and then repeat the delta for the repeat of delta. the delta is allowed only if you make the changes.
    and some times you need to do the RnD if the repeat of delta is not allowed even after the qm status id made to red. here you have to change the QM status to red.
    If this is not the case, the source system and therefore also the extractor, have not yet received any information regarding the last delta and you must set the request to GREEN in the monitor using a QM action.
    The system then requests a delta again since the last delta request has not yet occurred for the extractor.
    Afterwards, you must reset the old request that you previously set to GREEN to RED since it was incorrect and it would otherwise be requested as a data target by an ODS.
    Caution: If the termianted request was a REPEAT request itself, always set this to RED so that the system tries to carry out a repeat again.
    To determine whether a delta or a repeat are to be requested, the system ONLY uses the status of the monitor.
    It is irrelevant whether the request is updated in a data target somewhere.
    When activating requests in an ODS, the system checks delta repeat requests for completeness and the correct sequence.
    Each green delta/repeat request in the monitor that came from the same DataSource/source system combination must be updated in the ODS before activation, which means that in this case, you must set them back to RED in the monitor using a QM action when using the solution described above.
    If the source of the data is a DataMart, it is not just the DELTARNR field that is relevant (in the roosprmsc table in the system in which the source DataMart is, which is usually your BW system since it is a Myself extraction in this case), rather the status of the request tabstrip control is relevant as well.
    Therefore, after the last delta request has terminated, go to the administration of your data source and check whether the DataMart indicator is set for the request that you wanted to update last.
    If this is NOT the case, you must NOT request a repeat since the system would also retransfer the data of the last delta but one.
    This means, you must NOT start a delta InfoPackage which then would request a repeat because the monitor is still RED. For information about how to correct this problem, refer to the following section.
    For more information about this, see also Note 873401.
    Proceed as follows:
    Delete the rest of this request from ALL updated data targets, set the terminated request to GREEN IN THE MONITOR and request a new DELTA.
    Only if the DataMart indicator is set does the system carry out a repeat correctly and transfers only this data again.
    This means, that only in this case can you leave the monitor status as it is and restart the delta InfoPackage. Then this creates a repeat request
    In addition, you can generally also reset the DATAMART indicator and then work using a delta request after you have set the incorrect request to GREEN in the monitor.
    Simply start the delta InfoPackage after you have reset the DATAMART indicator AND after you have set the last request that was terminated to GREEN in the monitor.
    After the delta request has been carried out successfully, remember to reset the old incorrect request to RED since otherwise the problems mentioned above will occur when you activate the data in a target ODS.
    What is process chain and how you used it?
    A) Process chains are tool available in BW for Automation of upload of master data and transaction data while taking care of dependency between each processes.
    B) In one of our scenario we wanted to upload wholesale price infoobject which will have wholesale price for all the material. Then we wanted to load transaction data. While loading transaction data to populate wholesale price, there was a look up in the update rule on this InfoObject masterdata table. This dependency of first uploading masterdata and then uploading transaction data was done through the process chain.
    What is process chain and how you used it?
    A) We have used process chains to automate the delta loading process. Once you are finished with your design and testing you can automate the processes listed in RSPC. I have a real time example in the attachment.
    1. What is process chain and how you used it?
    Process chains are tool available in BW for Automation of upload of master data and transaction data while taking care of dependency between each processes.
    2. What is transaction for creating Process Chains ?
    RSPC .
    3. Explain Colector Process ?
    Collector processes are used to manage multiple predecessor
    processes that feed into the same subsequent process. The collector
    processes available for BW are:
    AND :
    All of the direct predecessor processes must raise an event in order for subsequent processes to be executed
    OR :
    A least one predecessor process must send an event The first predecessor process that sends an event triggers the subsequent process
    Any additional predecessor processes that send an event will again trigger
    subsequent process (Only if the chain is planned as “periodic”)
    EXOR : Exclusive “OR”
    Similar to regular “OR”, but there is only ONE execution of the successor
    processes, even if several predecessor processes raise an event
    4. What are application Process ?
    Application processes represent BW activities that are typically
    performed as part of BW operations.
    Examples include:
    Data load
    Attribute/Hierarchy Change run
    Aggregate rollup
    Reporting Agent Settings
    5. Tell some facts about process Chains
    Process chains are transportable Button for writing to a change request when
    maintaining a process chain in RSPC
    Process chains available in the transport connection wizard (administrator workbench)
    If a process “dumps”, it is treated in the same manner as a failed process
    Graphical display of Process Chain Maintenance requires the 620 SAPGUI and SAP BW 3.0B Frontend GUI
    A special control background job runs to facilitate the execution of the of the other batch jobs of the process chain
    Note your BTC process distribution, and make sure that an extra BTC process is available so the supporting control job can run immediately
    6. What happens when chain is activated ?
    When a chain gets activated It will be copied into active version The processes will be planned in batch as program RSPROCESS with type and variant given as parameters with job name BI_PROCESS_<TYPE> waiting for event, except the trigger The trigger is planned as specified in its variant, if “start via meta-chain” it is not planned to batch
    7. Steps in process chains ?
    Go to transaction code-> RSPC
    Follow the Basic Flow of Process chain..
    1. Start chain
    2. Delete BasicCube indexes
    3. Load data from the source system into the PSA
    4. Load data from the PSA into the ODS object
    5. Activate data in the ODS object
    6. Load data from the ODS object in the BasicCube
    7. Create indexes after loading for the BasicCube
    Also check out theese links:
    Help on "Remedy Tickets resolution"
    production support issues
    Production Support
    Production support issues
    Business Intelligence Old Forum (Read Only Archive)
    For common data load errors check this link:
    Re: In production Support , how i can acquire the knowledge
    Re: How to resolve tickets  its urgent
    Re: production support issues
    production support
    check it out
    /thread/152949 [original link is broken]
    production support issues
    production support issues
    Production Support Issues
    /thread/153963 [original link is broken]
    Issue log on SAP- BW Production support
    issues in production support
    Production support issues
    /thread/155620 [original link is broken]
    Production support issues
    Production support issues
    production errors
    Re: HI,wht r de errors in Support in BW
    Production Support
    /message/3267132#3267132 [original link is broken]
    Assign points if useful
    Hari Reddy

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