Mass Upload-Ext Training Results

Hi Friends
I have a issue -we need to upload Ext Training results in SAP LSO ,could any one pls share their ideas on how to upload the results is there any std programm is there or we need to upload manually.

Hi Kumar,
By extrenal trainings, do you mean course type which is of type "External WBT" or "External classroom training"?.
If so, then usually information is exchanged bewteen the SAP & the other external system in a standard way through pre-defined messages.I have worked only through XI for such a scenario. In Exchange Infrastrcuture, there are standard XML kind of data which is used for LSO & external trainings. Through this, the booking,cancellation & other related data are passed on to the SAP system from the external systems.
For this to work, there are a few things that need to be ensured.
The same person should exist in both the systems.
For WBT, the course content is externally hosted & is linked thru infotype 5042 when the course type is created
For classroom trainings, the course(E) & not D is linked with infotype 5042 for external training details.

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  • Mass upload of user photos in EP

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    I have to do a mass upload of user photos in EP. I tried it in two ways.
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    173.XX.XX.XXUserPhotos, I stored the photos and then I used the Mass photo upload iview, which is available inside collaboration demo role.
    2.     I created a new task and given the below parameters,
    1.     Task nameà MyPhotUpload
    2.     Upload from folder à
    3.     Photo Typeà NORMAL
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    b.     Upload from folder à MyNetWrkPath
    c.     Photo Typeà NORMAL
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    Somebody please help me.

    it seems the portal doesn't have permissions to read contents from this physical folder.
    Try to import a sample photo with "apply checked conditions" unchecked in mass upload iView.
    If that doesn't help then try to increase the trace level to INFO for this app in Visual Administrator and see what is causing
    the problems.
    The location is .
    Eventuallly try to import files from local folder instead of network share.
    Hope this helps.

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    Message was edited by: Rambo sawh
    Message was edited by: Rambo sawh

       try the following:
    1. make the variables of receiver as mandatory / ready for input
       based on your query, BW should display the variables of receiver...there you can add if you need more input...
    hope this helps

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    Hello Naddy,
    E-Recruiting offers no standard interface for bulk processing. Everything connected to mass creation of candidates, mass maintenance and also mass upload of attachments have to be developed on your own.
    For any reason no such interface for data migration is provided. Although i have to admit that so far none of my projects decided to technically migrate old data so far. For recruiting the outcome us usually not seen beeing worth the effort you need.
    So you will have to develop your own solution. But for attachments it is not so difficult. I implemented an interface for mass processing result documents of an extenal testtool to link them as attachments to the candidate. Just use cl_hrrcf_attachment_bl. It should provide most necessary functions.
    Best Regards
    Roman Weise

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    I have never seen such recomendations or  benchmarks
    SAP has a homepage for benchmarks:
    the source is the same, then result is the same. all steps in LSMW are the same. you have to map the same fields in any method.
    BAPI may have some more structures than IDOC or batch input. so just minutes more to assign the source structure to the target structure. .
    it is a historical growth or development. It started with batch input to process SAP transactions en mass
    then the IDOCs came to exchange data between 2 SAP systems.
    and then we got the BAPIs to execute SAP transactions even from a non-sap system.
    the result is in all three methods a created material master.
    LSMW is a toolbox which gives you any of the available import methods.
    there are other aspects to be considered in a migration.
    What if you have errors? do you correct them yourself, or do you want the business people to fix them.
    if you want business people to fix wrong data, then a batch import method may be the first option, as you can process it in foreground. It is too much complicated for a Non-IT-person to edit values in IDOCs. (even the performance may be better than a batch input)

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    You can upload millions of records using these function modules.Infact I am doing the same.
    Make sure that the data structures,tables which are passed to the Function modules are cleared for each time and FM's should be in the below mentioned order.

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    Use direct input method using LSMW. The details are as:
    For material master data:
    Object: 0020
    Method: 0000
    Program: RMDATIND
    For material classification
    Object: 0130
    Method: 0002
    Program: RCCLBI03

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    Thanks in advance
    Ravi Kumar

    Thanks For the help. I have used LSMW Direct input method.
    I have used the below format in text file
    Class/mat    batch             class                              char                                 Char Value
    023     Bunny 1011010     ZZ_COTTON_CLASS     ZZ_BALE_QUANTITY     164.95
    023     Bunny 1011011     ZZ_COTTON_CLASS     ZZ_BALE_QUANTITY     164.61
    023     Bunny 1011012     ZZ_COTTON_CLASS     ZZ_BALE_QUANTITY     162.71
    Its giving below error,
    Error Changing Classification Data
    ( CLAP_DDB_UPDATE_CLASSIFICATION: exception    13  )
    023 Bunny 1011010                                      ZZ_COTTON_CLASS
    Error Changing Classification Data
    ( CLAP_DDB_UPDATE_CLASSIFICATION: exception    13  )
    023 Bunny 1011011                                      ZZ_COTTON_CLASS
    Thanks & Regards
    Ravi Kumar

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    Assign yourself to the role
    After that you will have the Link
    "Collaboration Demo\People Centric"
    This gives you the possibility to make a manual or
    mass upload of user photos.

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    Hi Expertise,
    I need to create a mass upload program for appraisal document creation for manager and his multiple employee
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    Please help me out.
    Best regards,

    Hi Priyaranjan,
    I think you can take the abap'ers help in creating the program. But u need to provide them the exact functionality and the required specifications in creating the appraisal document.
    Even tcode also u can get it prepared by Abap'ers.
    Thanks and Regards

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    Hi Expertise,
    I need to create a mass upload program for appraisal document creation for manager and his multiple employee
    at a time using tcode appcreate.
    Please help me out.
    Best regards,

    I have done appraisal document creation for bulk using txt file.
    this fm used for single for creation in standard tcode (phap_prepare):  'WZ_HRHAP_0DOC_WZ01_START'.
    So create ztcode  usinh this fm for single form then record BDC for this tcode and called this tcode in that bdc for bulk creation .
    While recording for single I have used manual option instead of automatic .

  • Mass upload of commodity code VEU4

    While doing Mass uploading of commodity codes using VEU4 for Non European Clountry, for the Additional Info field NIHON , system by default generates =2 but our requirement it has to have a default value=0 which is to be used for both Import and Export.
    How to make the field NIHON value=0?
    Is it in the Text file or somewhere in the config?

    Hi Jurgen,
    Thanks Very much, it helped.
    Actual my requirement is to load the Commodity codes with the Field NIHON = 0 so that the commodity can be used for both Import and Export.
    If I upload the text file in VIU4, by default system takes to NIHON = 1,
    If I upload the text file in VEU4, by default system takes to NIHON = 2.
    As mentioned in the OSS 1034696
    If you confirm the dialog box with 'Yes', the system checks whether the 'Additional information' indicator of the old entry and the new entry are set differently. If this is the case, the system sets the 'Additional information' field to value 0 (Receipt / Import and Dispatch / Export).
    Hence I have to execute the file in VIU4 or VEU4 for the first time to mass load of the commodity code ( by default it takes 1 or 2)
    So to change the value from 1 or 2 to 0, need to execute the same file second time with YES in the dialog Box for the same data.
    Note sure why SAP is so rigid here in this field NIHON as the same can be one of the Selection field.
    Edited by: Vengata Raghavan on Aug 12, 2011 4:54 PM
    Edited by: Vengata Raghavan on Aug 12, 2011 4:55 PM

  • Mass Upload doesn't work

    Hi everybody,
    i am trying to upload user photos via mass upload iview. Therefore i create a folder (c:\photos). In this folder i have two files
    a) with the line: Anton=1011
    b) 1011.jpg
    I use the iView for Massupload from content provided by sap -> collaboration -> demo role -> iviews. I create a task with the following properties:
    Task name:           Mappupload
    Upload from Folder:           c:\photos
    Photo type:           NORMAL
    Apply checked conditions:      (no checked)
    Use Mapping:           (checked)
    After starting the task the photo was not updated and there was nothing in the application log!?
    What could be the problem? I can add the file manually but not through mass upload.
    Has anybody use a mass upload?
    Edited by: seed_mopo on Sep 26, 2008 11:04 AM

    Pls Use these threads:
    Hope it would be helpfull

  • Mass Upload of condition records in APO system.

    Hi All,
    I wanted to mass upload condition records in to the APO system for the transaction /N/SAPCND/AO11 from an external file.
    Is there any FM available?
    If FM is not available...which one is the best way to do this?
    LSMW?? or BDC???
    Please guide me..
    Babu Kilari

    At least the key fields of the conditiontable
    (here 800) must be filled in structure ls_komg.
    ls_komg-vbeln = '1234567890'.  " document number
    ls_komg-posnr = '000010'.      " item number
    clear wt_komv.
    ls_komv-kappl = 'V '.        " Application V = Sales
    ls_komv-kschl = lc_kschl.    " Condition type
    ls_komv-waers = 'EUR'.       " Currency
    ls_komv-kmein = 'ST'.        " Unit of measurement
    ls_komv-kpein = '1'. 
    ls_komv-krech = 'M'.         " calculation type;
                                  "M = Quantity - monthy price
    ls_komv-kbetr = '1234.56'.   " new condition value
    append ls_komv to lt_komv.
    call function 'RV_CONDITION_COPY'
        application              = 'V'
        condition_table          = '800'      " cond. table
        condition_type           = lc_kschl   " cond. type
        date_from                = '20061101' " valid on
        date_to                  = '20061130' " valid to
        enqueue                  = 'X'        " lock entry
        i_komk                   = ls_komk
        i_komp                   = ls_komp
        key_fields               = ls_komg    " key fields
        maintain_mode            = 'A'        " A= create
                                              " B= change,
                                              " C= display
                                              " D= create
      with reference
        no_authority_check       = 'X'
        keep_old_records         = 'X'
        overlap_confirmed        = 'X'
        no_db_update             = space
        e_komk                   = ls_komk
        e_komp                   = ls_komp
        new_record               = lv_new_record
        copy_records             = lt_komv

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