Massive emails in gmail account on iPhone

Although I have emptied the various folders (inbox, all mail, spam, delete) of my gmail account via my mac, when I check my mail on iPhone, my gmail account on there says I have over 4000 messages waiting. I have no idea how this happened, where these messages are, or, worse, how to get rid of the 4000. Can anyone help? thanks — Pierre

This setting has moved in iOS 7.  Go to the Mail settings and select your GMail account as before, but then tap "Account" and then "Advanced" and you'll see the option for where to send your discarded messages.

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    One thing that might help out.
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    Copied from Google Support:
    Invalid Password Prompt. If you see an error message that reads "Invalid Password", it's likely that you'll need to unlock your account by solving a short CAPTCHA. Go to and, if asked to, fill in your email address, password, and the letters in the CAPTCHA box.

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    relog with the previous account. contacts have a weird connection with identifications and emails and all that. go to settings>mail>recieve mail at___> it should reappear if u connect to itunes
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    Google provides instructions for setting up a Gmail
    account in Mail here:
    Make sure you’ve set up the account as described
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