Master-detail dropdown using selectonechoice

I have a master-detail releationship between 2 views that I want to display as one table (master) with the detail as a selectonechoice dropdown list column in the master table. The example in "Not Yet Documented ADF Sample Applications" no 71 "Dropdown Lists in Table with Different Choices per Row" explains a method for doing this but it involves querying all the detail records and then using the foreign key in the master to filter the rows in memory, which is not efficient for a large detail view.
Is there a better way?
Hugh Nelson

I think you'll need to use an af:foreach inside your dropdown list components to list the details for each master.

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    Without further details, I'd suggest reviewing the following Section of the Fusion Developers Guide:
    I've done this many times without issue.

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    || ':&APP_SESSION.::&DEBUG.::P'
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    || '_ID,P'
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    Hi Simon,
    Use form then Master Detail Form.
    You can insert, delete, and update rows.
    for example of Master - Details - Details solution (not a form).

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    Job 1
    Job 2
    Job 3
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    Job 2
    Job 3
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    Edited by: bobmagan on Jun 1, 2009 5:29 AM

    Can you check for the settings please.
    Thanks and Regards

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    That depends.
    Are they asking you to put a copy of your actual signature on there or are they asking for a "digital signature"?
    They are different things.

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    (3) SQL editor with syntax highlighting based on currently connected databases.
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    (5) Schema perspective displays the table schema information, including column definitions, primary key, indexes, and foreign keys.
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    (7) Relationship tree view displays the master table records as top-level tree nodes, and the related detail records as child nodes. Click any of these tree nodes will display the corresponding record data in a detail grid.
    (8) Allow users to insert, edit, and delete records in the master and detail grids of the relationship table view and relationship tree view.
    (9) Allow users to define master-detail relationships even between tables in different databases. This enables the relationship table view and relationship tree view to display data relationships between tables in different databases or without pre-defined foreign keys.

    Hi, Martin.
    Maybe you don't need a master detail relationship. Do you need to do changes in your detail block, or just queries?
    If just queries, you can create your second block based on a From-Clause Query, and change the QueryDataSourceName property with a When-List-Changed trigger in your T-List.
    I know this is a little vague but, without knowing what you need to do in the second block, I'm afraid to tell you more.
    Feel free to mail me directly, if you need some pointers about Forms.

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    Thank you for your help.

    I also want to insert into master detail table in single form but when I insert in master form and then go to detail form for inserting value the master data automatically loss when I press detail create insert button. I am Using Two create insert button one for master and one for detail.
    I have also tried this function for solving my problem in other way but the problem is same
    public String cb8_action() {
    // Add event code here...
    BindingContainer bindings =BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
    //OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("CreateInsert");
    //Object result = operationBinding.execute();
    OperationBinding operationBinding1 = bindings.getOperationBinding("CreateInsert1");
    Object result1 = operationBinding1.execute();
    if (!operationBinding1.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
    return null;
    return null;
    Please Help me.

  • Insert new row to master - detail form using bindingsource

    Hi all,
    I have a form to analyse price of product, the form include master (textbox:slip ID,datetimepicker : date) and detail(datagridview:slipID,productID,price..)
    When I insert new row as below code, all inserted to DB but not show on form, I must close and reopen the form the new row will show, how i must to do to fix it 
    please help, thanks
    Select data when form load 
    ds = New DataSet
    damaster = New SqlDataAdapter("select soPTG,ngaybd,ngaykt,khoa = case when sttesign =0 then 'True' else 'False' end from tbl_PTGMaster", conn)
    damaster.Fill(ds, "tbl_ptgMaster")
    dadet = New SqlDataAdapter("select [SoPTG],[Mahang],[gianhap],[thuesuat],[laigop],[giacu],[giamoi] from tbl_PTGDetail", conn)
    dadet.Fill(ds, "tbl_ptgdetail")
    ds.Relations.Add("PTG_rel", ds.Tables("tbl_ptgmaster").Columns("SoPTG"), ds.Tables("tbl_ptgdetail").Columns("SoPTG")).ChildKeyConstraint.UpdateRule = Rule.Cascade
    BindingMaster.DataSource = ds
    BindingMaster.DataMember = "tbl_ptgmaster"
    BindingDetail.DataSource = BindingMaster
    BindingDetail.DataMember = "PTG_rel"
    gridchitiet.DataMember = "tbl_ptgdetail"
    txtptgnumb.DataBindings.Add("text", BindingMaster, "soPTG")
    dtstart.DataBindings.Add("Text", BindingMaster, "ngaybd")
    dtend.DataBindings.Add("Text", BindingMaster, "ngaykt")
    cmdlock.DataBinding.Add("Enabled", BindingMaster, "khoa", True, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged)
    Dim cmdinsert As New SqlCommand("insert into tbl_PTGMaster(SoPTG,ngaybd,ngaykt) values(@SoPTG,@ngaybd,@ngaykt)", conn)
    cmdinsert.Parameters.Add("@soPTG", SqlDbType.Char, 10).Value = txtptgnumb.Text
    cmdinsert.Parameters.Add("@ngaybd", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = dtstart.Value
    cmdinsert.Parameters.Add("@ngaykt", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = dtend.Value
    damaster.InsertCommand = cmdinsert
    damaster.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source)
    cmdinsert = New SqlCommand("insert into tbl_PTGDetail(SoPTG,mahang,gianhap) values(@SoPTG,@mahang,@gianhap)", conn)
    cmdinsert.Parameters.Add("@SoPTG", SqlDbType.Char, 10).Value = txtptgnumb.Text
    cmdinsert.Parameters("@SoPTG").Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput
    cmdinsert.Parameters.Add("@mahang", SqlDbType.Char, 10, "mahang")
    cmdinsert.Parameters.Add("@gianhap", SqlDbType.Decimal, 8, "gianhap")
    dadet.InsertCommand = cmdinsert
    dadet.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source)
    damaster.Update(ds, "tbl_PTGMaster")
    dadet.Update(ds, "tbl_PTGDetail")

    The base idea here is if the record is added successfully you would then get the new primary key then manually add the record to the underlying data source. Does not matter if we are talking a single table or a master-detail setup.
    The following shows the basics 
    All of the above is done without using a DataSet yet the same thing needs to happen with a DataSet, simply focus on the one table.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help, this will help others who are looking for solutions to the same or similar problem.

  • Help needed: modeling master-detail relationship using Object types

    I would like to use object types to model a master-detail relationship. For e.g.
    create or replace type detail_t as object
    (id number,
    name varchar2(20)
    create or replace type details_t as
    table of detail_t
    create or replace type master_t as object
    (id number,
    name varchar2(20),
    details details_t
    If I don't use database object-tables, how can I return multiple master rows of the type above from a PL/SQL procedure? Can I return a cursor of some sort?
    I'm using Oracle 8.1.7.

    After the object types are defined, your data would come from either object tables or object views. In your case, to get multiple master rows, simply query the object view.

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    First of all thank you for your responses. I have some form with fields like name surname sex ..... and a "collector" dropdown box which will be used to collect the data. Here is what I am trying to do. The user fills the fields that I described earlier and press "Add" button so that he can add to a "collector" box do the a same process until he finished doing it. Afterwards the data form the "collector" accompined by other data will be filled to another "collecter" in the same vain. Can JSF provide me to do so.. I mean I can do it with simple Javascript but I want to use JSF with client validation...
    Thank you,

    You should implement Add actions in your backing beans whitch will add to your SelectItem[] new SelectItem with new collected value.

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    This question seems off topic for this forum. Perhaps you could post this in a more appropriate forum like the swing or awt forum. Thank you.

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