Mastercollectionと windows8 (in Japanese)

Adobe御中 ご担当者様
購入時はwindows vistaにダウンロードして使用させていただいておりましたが、このたびwindows vistaが壊れまして
新たなPCを購入しました。現在北米に在住なのでアメリカのPC(HP - Split x2 Ultrabook 2-in-1 13.3" Touch-Screen Laptop - 4GB Memory - 128GB Solid State Drive - Black/Silver)を購入しました。
このMastercollectionは2台のPCまでインストール可能だったと思いますが、一番新しいPCだとしたらどのPCでしたらインストールできるのでしょうか?(windows7等 なら大丈夫でしょうか?)
せっかくMastercollectionを購入して、もう1台のpCに使えると思うので(新たなPCを買いなおして)使いたいと思っています。その場合、どのぐらいの容量のPCであればダウ ンロード可能でしょうか?

あと購入したPCはこれのSplit x2 Ultrabook?
CS5.5のMasterCollection 必要システム構成
ちなみにこちらはCS6のMasterCollection 必要システム構成(こっちならwindows8いけますね!)
↑のページでチェック Let's go!

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  • How do I use the Japanese fonts in Font Book in a Pages document?

    How does one use the Japanese fonts in Font Book in a Pages document. Pages has its own fonts but I cannot get the Japanese fonts into it.

    To type japanese on a computer you change the keyboard, not the font.  Go to system prefs/keyboard/input sources and add Japanese/Kotoeri to the list, then select Hiragana in the "flag" menu at the top right of the screen, then type.  The font will take care of itself.
    If you have any further questions, just ask.

  • HT5312 I DO remember them but Apple chose to put them in Japanese and I can not change the language on Manage my Apple ID so I do not know if I made an error ,it threw me off , it was the wrong question Where did you fly to on your first Aiplane trip ? th

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    But it does somehow my English security answers do not work on a Japanese Question especialy if I did not choose that question I set  up the multiple choice In English and wrote the answers in English or Roman and set them langauge preferences in English, do you really think you can correctly write english name or word in Japanese they write a police patrol car  pato caa パトカア they do not have r and l .So it is my choice to make my security easy for me and as difficult for others to hack.But they also have patororoo choo meaning ' now patrolling ' so why they have pato caa patrol car and patoro patrol and have thousands of Chinese words kanji they can find patrol.
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    You have to enter the Apple ID and password. You are running into the Activation Lock
    iCloud: Find My iPhone Activation Lock in iOS 7
    Is there a way to find my Apple ID Name if I can't remember it?
    Yes. Visit My Apple ID and click Find your Apple ID. See Finding your Apple ID if you'd like more information.
    How do I change or recover a forgotten Apple ID Password?
    If you've forgotten your Apple ID Password or want to change it, go to My Apple ID and follow the instructions. SeeChanging your Apple ID password if you'd like more information.

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    The view menu you are referring to is an extension of your web browser and is not supported directly through Verizon.  I did find a link below that might provide some insight to your situation.
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supersede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or Plan.

  • Pages'08 super slow with Japanese characters

    I understand that Pages'08-slowness has been discussed on this forum already. I'd like to add my experience and ask for ideas. Maybe somebody else has already solved this problem somehow.
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    Quite a disappointment, as I did not have the same problem with the earlier version!
    I appreciate your comments.

    I should have mentioned this before, but I just noticed that the type lag occurs worst when typing within a table. In a document, I have a table that is four columns by twenty or so rows. When I type or do anything inside the table, the %CPU for Pages is as high as 89%! Outside the table, it's around 20%. In a blank document in Pages, typing takes between 16-20% CPU. Still, that seems like a lot of power, so I checked Word; it uses less than half the CPU, about 7%, while typing in a blank document. Holy cow! (r.i.p. Phil Rizzuto) I did the same test in a new user account and the results were identical.
    I'm thinking this is a Pages problem. So, in Pages preferences, I turned off "Show auto-completion list" - no change. Turning off "check spelling as you type" helps some, but still a noticeable and annoying lag. But I don't want to have to turn off Pages' features just to be able to use it. I also tried deleting the .plist files, didn't help. Maybe I'll try a re-install of iWork.
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    The only thing unique about that keyboard is the symbols painted on the keys.
    All other stuff can be modified in
    System preferences > Languages and Text > ...
    • Language: { English, Japanese, etc. } Note: British, Australian, Canadan, and US are all English for this pane
    • Text: adjusts nuances of sorting, spelling, auto-Quoting
    • Formats: adjusts Currency Symbols and Date ordering
    • Input Sources: Makes the actual Keyboard Mapping changes Note: British, Aus, CAN, and three flavors of US English are all unique English variants

  • Japanese Data is not getting stored  if passes as Parameter.

    Hello Everyone,
    I have setup of ReDHat Linux 7.1 ( English supporting Japanese too ) with Apache Webserver , Apache Jserv , Gnu -JSP and i have Other server with NT - Japanese with Oracle 8.1.7 Japanese . I have some strege Problem
    I have created one JSP where i am using CharSet as Euc-JP and even for AapacheJserv i am using encoding as Euc-JP. from this JSP page if i tried to insert record with Typed Japanese with in SQL as hardcode value it is working smooth. It stored in oracle as it is.
    BUT if i creates 2 diff JSP for e.g DataEntry.jsp and calling other jsp is InsertRecord.jsp ... with same character set as EUC-JP.
    I am using <% String mnippon_no = request.getParameter("nippon_no"); %>
    and trying to Disply on browser it is showing me Junk character and even storing juck character.
    If i removed character set from my called JSP i.e. InsertRecord.jsp it showing me perfect Japanese Value which i passed but while storing in Databases it is showing Junk character.
    One Imp thing is using Perl and DBD and Oracle developed no of application these are working really smooth on same Server.
    If fact this is the First Jsp Program of my career and that too with Japanese ppl .. So Please help me ..
    Thanks in Advance
    Maruti Chavan

    same problem, data not replicated.
    its captured,propagated from source,but not applied.
    also no apply errors in DBA_APPLY_ERROR. Looks like the problem is that LCRs propagated from source db do not reach target queue.can i get any help on this?
    queried results are as under: source(capture process)
    Capture Session Total
    Process Session Serial Redo Entries LCRs
    Number ID Number State Scanned Enqueued
    CP01 16 7 CAPTURING CHANGES 1010143 72
    2. data propagated from source
    Total Time Executing
    in Seconds Total Events Propagated Total Bytes Propagated
    7 13 6731
    3. Apply at target(nothing is applied)
    Coordinator Session Total Total Total
    Process Session Serial Trans Trans Apply
    Name ID Number State Received Applied Errors
    A001 154 33 APPLYING 0 0 0
    4. At target:(nothing in buffer)
    Total Captured LCRs
    Queue Owner Queue Name LCRs in Memory Spilled LCRs in Buffered Queue

  • Help needed in setting up Japanese Database

    Hi there,
    Help needed in setting up Japanese Database.
    I created database with UTF8 character set on Sun Solaris O/S.
    Oracle version 8.1.7.
    I am accessing the DB through SQL*Plus (Windows client).
    I downloaded the Japanese font on client side and also set the NLS_LANG environment variable to Japanese_Japan.UTF8. Still, I am not able to view Japanese characters. O/S on client side is Windows 2000 professional (English). Is O/S (client) need to be Japanese O/S? When I try to retrieve sysdate, its displaying in Japanese but not all characters in Japanese. Can anyone help me out how to set up the client and is there any parameters to be setup at server side? I also tried to insert japanese characters into table through client, but it displaying as "?????" characters. Any help in this regard is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    your program is working just fine.
    do you know what accept does? if not read below.
    serversocket.accept() is where java stops and waits for a (client)socket to connect to it.
    only after a socket has connected wil the program continue.
    try putting the accept() in its own little thread and let it wait there while your program continues in another thread

  • Insert/update japanese langunage data in a column of datatype varchar2(..)

    I am using ORACLE DATABASE 11g (EE) and RHEL 5.
    I want to insert/update japanese language data in a column which has the datatype as varchar2(256).
    I tried to change the NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY parameters with 'ALTER SESSION set ...' command but no effect.
    I tried to bounce back ( shutdown and startup ) the DB but still no effect.
    I tried to inset the NLS_LANGUAGE and NLS_TERRITORY in init.ora file but still no use.
    If anybody knows the detail steps which i have mentioned above .... let me know. Might be that i am wrong in my method.
    Can you please guide me how to change the language of DB for a perticular session to japanese ???
    Thanks in advance...
    Edited by: VJ4 on May 9, 2011 6:21 PM

    VJ4 wrote:
    Thanks for the info.
    Yes i tried with UNISTR function and was able to insert the data successfully.
    but the point is that we can't remember unicode for each of the letter. It's their any method that we can directly insert japanese character using an insert.
    As you said :-
    Note that changing database character set is something complicated that requires many steps.
    Can you please provide me some links or some stuffs to study about the detail steps of chaining database character set.
    I have gone through the Oracle online documentation.. if you can pin point any good link in it you can else provide me some other stuff.
    Thanks .You will need to convert your database characterset to AL32UTF8. This is not a trivial exercise if your database already has data in it. See these MOS Docs
    Changing the NLS_CHARACTERSET to AL32UTF8 / UTF8 (Unicode)          (Doc ID 260192.1)
    AL32UTF8 / UTF8 (Unicode) Database Character Set Implications          (Doc ID 788156.1)

  • Converting garbled characters for JAPANESE characters in a custom table

    Hi all,
    I have a custom table that store Japanese characters.
    After my company has upgraded to ECC6.0, this data in the custom table has become garbled and its alot of it garbled.
    Is there any SAP tool that can I use to make the correction on those garbled Japanese characters?
    William Wilstroth

    Hi Nils,
    I really really really had a field day reading and testing around UC... To my dissappointment, I do not have the authorization to use SUMG and SCP too as well as a few of the TCODES...
    I finally told my higher level technical mgnt. that this table might need some changes...
    Has this problem of mine got anything to do with MDMP since its no longer supported in ECC6 and I found one coding that search for MDMP in RSVTPROT...
    My colleagues suggest that the data be corrected from table DBTABLOG... which i find, in my opinion, is not the right way...

  • German Umlaute don't work after upgrading to Yosemite with Japanese Romaji Layout set on U.S.

    Hi everyone,
    previously i could just use [ALT] + [U] and then press [A] / [a] / [U] / [u] / [O] / [o] to generate the german umlaut version.
    After installing Yosemite this does not work anymore, which is kinda frustrating. Cause it forces me to add another keyboard layout and switch when i have to write a german umlaut.
    I was previously using 'Input Source' > 'Japanese' > Enabled Romaji (Romaji layout was set to U.S.) & Hiragana.
    For testing purpose i added the Standard U.S. Layout and writing the Umlaut with the keyboard shortcut still works there. So that's why i think this is a Romaji specific bug.
    Has anyone any idea what's wrong ? Did Apple change something ?
    Best Regards

    Before I stumbled upon this thread, there was no flag at all. I had the character viewer there because pre-Yosemite it was the only way to access emoji (and things like arrows and other special symbols) in many apps (and still is for my Adobe CS5 apps). Additionally, I would use the keyboard viewer from time to time as a way to learn which keys to use for other special symbols (bring up the keyboard viewer and press option or shift-option or other combinations and it would show you a preview of what each key would generate).
    While reading this thread, I added more input sources (US International and US Extended) and would see the flags. The flags replaced the previous character/keyboard viewer menu icon. I switched between each flag to test my issue under each, to no avail.  Then I tried adding the Spanish keyboard but still had the same issue.
    Now I've removed all the input sources except the primary US keyboard. There is no longer a flag in my menu, it's gone back to the character viewer icon.
    The issue is still there. When I type option-r, u, or g, in any app nothing happens at all.
    Unfortunately, neither auto-substitution nor press-and-hold work in Adobe CS5 apps, which is where I need to use these special characters the most.
    Thank you for reaching out

  • HOW can I enter text using Japanese character sets?

    The "Text, Plates, Insets" section of the LOOKOUT(6.01) Help files states:
    "Click the » button to the right of the Text field to expand the field for multiple line entries. You can enter text using international character sets such as Chinese, Korean, and Japanese."
    Can someone please explain HOW to do this? Note, I have NO problem inputting Hirigana, Katakana, and Kanji into MS WORD; the keyboard emulates the Japanese layout and characters (Romaji is default) and the IME works fine converting Romaji, and I can also select charcters directly from the IME Pad. I have tried several different fonts with success and am currently using MS UI Gothic.ttf as default. Again, everything is normal and working in a predictable manner within Word.
    I cannot get these texts into Lookout. I can't cut/paste from HTML pages or from text editors, even though both display properly. Within Lookout with JP selected as language/keyboard, when trying to type directly into the text field, the IME CORRECTLY displays Hirigana until <enter> is pressed, at which point all text reverts to question marks (?? ???? ? ?????). If I use the IME Pad, it does pretty much the same. I managed to get the "Yen" symbol to display, though, if that's relevant. As I said, font selected (in text/plate font options) is MS UI Gothic with Japanese as the selected script. Oddly enough, at this point the "sample" window is showing me the exact Hirigana character I want displayed in Lookout, but it won't. I've also tried staying in English and copying unicode characters from the Windows Character Map. Same results (Yen sign works, Hirigana WON'T).
    Help me!

    Have you changed the regional setting to Japanese?
    Doug M
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    For those unfamiliar with NBC's The Office, my icon is NOT a picture of me
    language.JPG ‏50 KB

  • Use Japanese as system language, but not have Safari think I'm in Japan!

    Hey everyone,
    In international, I drag Japanese to the top of the list so my whole OS runs in Japanese which is what I want. However, when I run Safari, it automatically goes to Or if I type in, it goes to the Yahoo Japan page. I'm in Canada, not Japan. Is there some way to set it so that I can use Japanese, but that it doesn't think I'm in Japan and display me always Japanese content? Thanks!

    It could be malware redirecting your searches ..
    The Safe Mac » Adware Removal Guide
    The Safe Mac » Genieoe
    The Safe Mac » Mac Malware Guide

  • Could you please tell me why as a Brit resident in Japan therefore having a billing address that is Japanese is forced to only get service from the Japanese online store? Is there not some way of allowing me to select movies and music to buy and download

    Could you please tell me why as a Brit resident in Japan therefore having a billing address that is Japanese is forced to only get service from the Japanese online store? Is there not some way of allowing me to select movies and music to buy and download from other stores. Why do am i forced to try to nread Japanese when I have selected English as my language. The price for Downloads is no different and even if it was I am happy to pay. This also applies to Movie rental which is crazy and extremely restrictive. I a supposed GLOBAL community why does Apple do this.

    You can buy ONLY from the itunes store of your country of residence (As proven by valid billing address of credit card) and ONLY while inside the borders of that country.
    These are the terms of the itunes store.

  • Problem with UTF-8 japanese on Win XP

    I have a Client/server application with a server coded in C++ and runing on HP workstation and the GUI in java runing in a web context via java webstart mechanism on PC machine with win XP sp2 OS.
    when logging into the HP workstation in japanese SHIFT_JIS and downloading the application japanese Charcters are displayed correctly on my PC.
    However when logging into the HP workstation in japanese with UTF-8 encodage and kaunching the application characters aren't displayed correctly only rectangle charcaters are displayed, when launching the GUI on HP workstation it displayed correctly.
    Can any one help me to resolve this problem.

    Both SHIFT_JIS and UTF-8 are character encodings. SHIFT_JIS encodes a superset of JISX-0208 to double-byte codepoints and JISX-0201 to single byte codepoints. UTF-8 encodes all of Unicode.
    The problem here is that you are relying on "default" encoding for a client-server application. This only works when the default encoding is the same on both ends.
    Go through your code, looking for everywhere where you convert to and from Strings, including reading and writing to IO Streams, and replace the methods you are using with equivalent methods that let you specify an encoding.

Maybe you are looking for

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