Mavericks Server - DNS wont start

Upgraded from Mountain Lion + Server to Mavericks and all looks good except that the DNS service wont start. Immediately goes to Off as soon as I click on the enable button.
These is the log after flush the DNS and try to restart the service:
Oct 25 13:02:24[91]: ERROR: SMJobSubmit: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kSMErrorDomainLaunchd error 9 - The job dictionary specifies that it is disabled.)
Oct 25 13:02:24 mDNSResponder[66]: SIGHUP: Purge cache
bash-3.2# serveradmin start dns
dns:state = "STOPPED"

Upgraded from Mountain Lion + Server to Mavericks and all looks good except that the DNS service wont start. Immediately goes to Off as soon as I click on the enable button.
These is the log after flush the DNS and try to restart the service:
Oct 25 13:02:24[91]: ERROR: SMJobSubmit: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kSMErrorDomainLaunchd error 9 - The job dictionary specifies that it is disabled.)
Oct 25 13:02:24 mDNSResponder[66]: SIGHUP: Purge cache
bash-3.2# serveradmin start dns
dns:state = "STOPPED"

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              undefined method `downcase' for nil:NilClass
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    To check the local network for some of the common configuration problems, launch and issue the following diagnostic command:
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    That'll report some local configuration information and then either no errors detected and no changes required, or it'll point to whatever configuration errors or issues it might detect.  That doesn't catch everything, but it catches the common errors.
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    Same problem here on my test server -> DNS turn on and instantly turned off
    Solution from raimattern solved the problem
    Got this from another list here and that was the solution:
    The plist that you need to edit (as root) is /var/db/launchd.db/
    There will be a value in there for org.isc.named.
    Set that Disabled value to False.

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    Hi SPV4645,
    The following similar thread solution may work for your case.
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    Please also confirm the File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Network driver has selected.
    The related KB:
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    I’m glad to be of help to you!
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    (28/10/2014 8:38:54 AM) Could not start the network library because of an internal error in the network library. To determine the cause, review the errors immediately preceding this one in the error log. 
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    Done anyone know have we can keep SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 disabled and get SQLServer server to start?

    Hi Don,
    I already have TLS 1.0 Disabled to prevent the BEAST exploit. So the values I have for:
    Both have enabled set to ("Enabled"=dword:00000000).
    If change both of these back to ("Enabled"=dword:00000001)
    to enable TLS 1.0, and restart then SQLServer is able to start again. But we are now vulnerable to the BEAST attack once again.
    If I keep server enabled and disable the client or vice versa and restart. Then SQLServer starts but I
    am unable to connect to it. When I check the Event logs I get the same errors as my original past.
    With your last post, do you mean to backup SCHANNEL and delete it so it gets recreated? If that is the case it will probably work because if I re enable SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0 from here it fix's the issue,  but I then I won't have the exploits patched and
    we need this for some of our customers.
    This is my SCHANNEL Export:
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\SSL 2.0]
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\SSL 2.0\Client]
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\SSL 3.0]
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\SSL 3.0\Client]
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\SSL 3.0\Server]
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0]
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Client]
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.0\Server]

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    I would be grateful for any help with this problem.
    -Dcom.sun.aas.defaultLogFile=C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/logs/server.log
    -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib/endorsed Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/config/server.policy Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/config/login.conf
    -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/config/keystore.jks Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/config/cacerts.jks
    -Djava.ext.dirs=C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/java/jre/lib/ext;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/lib/ext;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/derby/lib
    -Dcom.sun.aas.instanceRoot=C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator
    -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/config
    -Djava.library.path=C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\java\jre\bin\client;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\lib;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\lib;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\java\bin;.;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\lib;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\bin;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\lib;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\bin;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\bin;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WBEM;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;;;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;
    C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/java/lib/tools.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib/appserv-rt.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\activation.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\admin-cli.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-admin.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-assemblytool_es.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-assemblytool_fr.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-assemblytool_ja.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-assemblytool_ko.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-assemblytool_zh.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-assemblytool_zh_CN.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp_es.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp_fr.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp_ja.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp_ko.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp_zh.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp_zh_CN.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-env.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-ext.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-jstl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-rt_es.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-rt_fr.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-rt_ja.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-rt_ko.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-rt_zh.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-rt_zh_CN.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-upgrade.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher_es.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher_fr.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher_ja.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher_ko.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher_zh.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher_zh_CN.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-logging.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\deployhelp_es.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\deployhelp_fr.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\deployhelp_ja.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\deployhelp_ko.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\deployhelp_zh.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\deployhelp_zh_CN.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\dom.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\driveradapter.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee-svc.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee_es.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee_fr.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee_ja.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee_ko.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee_zh.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee_zh_CN.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jax-qname.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jaxr-api.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jaxr-impl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jaxrpc-api.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jaxrpc-impl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jdic_0_9.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jmxremote.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jmxremote_optional.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jsf-api.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jsf-impl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\mail.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\PEtray.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\relaxngDatatype.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\rmissl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\saaj-api.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\saaj-impl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smbase.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smdb2.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\sminformix.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smoracle.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smresource.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smspy.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smsqlserver.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smsybase.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smutil.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\xalan.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\xercesImpl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\xsdlib.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib/install/applications/jmsra/imqjmsra.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/imq/lib/jaxm-api.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/imq/lib/fscontext.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib/ant/lib/ant.jar
    [#|2006-10-06T03:56:13.546+0100|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.util|_ThreadID=10;|property_reader.unknownHost tester: tester
    at com.sun.enterprise.util.ASenvPropertyReader.setSystemProperties(
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.main(
    at com.sun.rave.tray.RavePEMain.main(
    [#|2006-10-06T03:57:32.906+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5035: Timed out after 60000 milliseconds while trying to verify if the JMS service startup succeeded.|#]
    [#|2006-10-06T03:57:32.906+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5037: Check permissions of MQ instance directory C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\imq\var\instances|#]
    [#|2006-10-06T03:57:32.906+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5036: More details may be available in the log file for the JMS service broker instance imqbroker. Please refer to the JMS provider documentation for the exact location of this log file.|#]
    [#|2006-10-06T03:57:32.906+0100|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|UnknownException during startup. Disable quick startup by setting system property to false
    com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException: [C4000]: Packet acknowledge failed. user=admin, broker=
    at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.checkProviderStartup(
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.main(
    at com.sun.rave.tray.RavePEMain.main(
    Caused by: com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException: [C4000]: Packet acknowledge failed. user=admin, broker=
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.writePacketWithAck(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.writePacketWithReply2(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.hello(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.hello(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.hello(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.openConnection(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.init(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.<init>(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.UnifiedConnectionImpl.<init>(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.QueueConnectionImpl.<init>(
    at com.sun.messaging.ConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.admin.jmsspi.JMSAdminImpl.pingProvider(
    at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.waitForJmsProvider(
    at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.checkProviderStartup(
    ... 4 more
    [#|2006-10-06T03:57:32.953+0100|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Exception while stoppping Lifecycle.
    com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException: MQ startup failed :[C4000]: Packet acknowledge failed. user=admin, broker=
    at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.checkProviderStartup(
    at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.onShutdown(
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.main(
    at com.sun.rave.tray.RavePEMain.main(
    [#|2006-10-06T03:57:33.890+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=11;|sending notification to server...server|#]
    [#|2006-10-06T03:57:33.890+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=11;|Server shutdown complete.|#]
    [#|2006-10-06T04:07:13.640+0100|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.util|_ThreadID=10;|property_reader.unknownHost tester: tester
    at com.sun.enterprise.util.ASenvPropertyReader.setSystemProperties(
    [#|2006-10-06T04:07:13.859+0100|WARNING|sun-appserver-pe8.2||_ThreadID=10;|LAUNCHER005:Spaces in your PATH have been detected. The PATH must be consistently formated (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin; ) or the Appserver may not be able to start and/or stop.  Mixed quoted spaces in your PATH can cause problems, so the launcher will remove all double quotes before invoking the process. The most reliable solution would be to remove all spaces from your path before starting the Appservers components.  |#]
    C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/java\bin\java
    -Dcom.sun.aas.defaultLogFile=C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/logs/server.log
    -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib/endorsed Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/config/server.policy Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/config/login.conf
    -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/config/keystore.jks Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/config/cacerts.jks
    -Djava.ext.dirs=C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/java/jre/lib/ext;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator/lib/ext;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/derby/lib
    -Dcom.sun.aas.instanceRoot=C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/domains/creator
    -Dcom.sun.aas.configRoot=C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/config
    -Djava.library.path=C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\java\jre\bin\client;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\lib;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\lib;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\java\bin;.;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\lib;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\bin;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\lib;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\bin;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\bin;C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WBEM;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;;;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;
    C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/java/lib/tools.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib/appserv-rt.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\activation.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\admin-cli.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-admin.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-assemblytool_es.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-assemblytool_fr.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-assemblytool_ja.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-assemblytool_ko.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-assemblytool_zh.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-assemblytool_zh_CN.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp_es.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp_fr.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp_ja.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp_ko.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp_zh.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-cmp_zh_CN.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-env.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-ext.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-jstl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-rt_es.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-rt_fr.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-rt_ja.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-rt_ko.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-rt_zh.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-rt_zh_CN.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\appserv-upgrade.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher_es.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher_fr.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher_ja.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher_ko.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher_zh.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-launcher_zh_CN.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\commons-logging.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\deployhelp_es.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\deployhelp_fr.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\deployhelp_ja.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\deployhelp_ko.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\deployhelp_zh.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\deployhelp_zh_CN.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\dom.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\driveradapter.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee-svc.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee_es.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee_fr.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee_ja.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee_ko.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee_zh.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\j2ee_zh_CN.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jax-qname.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jaxr-api.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jaxr-impl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jaxrpc-api.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jaxrpc-impl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jdic_0_9.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jmxremote.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jmxremote_optional.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jsf-api.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\jsf-impl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\mail.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\PEtray.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\relaxngDatatype.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\rmissl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\saaj-api.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\saaj-impl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smbase.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smdb2.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\sminformix.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smoracle.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smresource.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smspy.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smsqlserver.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smsybase.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\smutil.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\xalan.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\xercesImpl.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib\xsdlib.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib/install/applications/jmsra/imqjmsra.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/imq/lib/jaxm-api.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/imq/lib/fscontext.jar;C:/Program Files/Sun/Creator2_1/SunAppServer8/lib/ant/lib/ant.jar
    [#|2006-10-06T04:07:30.218+0100|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.util|_ThreadID=10;|property_reader.unknownHost tester: tester
    at com.sun.enterprise.util.ASenvPropertyReader.setSystemProperties(
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.main(
    at com.sun.rave.tray.RavePEMain.main(
    [#|2006-10-06T04:08:42.250+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5035: Timed out after 60000 milliseconds while trying to verify if the JMS service startup succeeded.|#]
    [#|2006-10-06T04:08:42.250+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5037: Check permissions of MQ instance directory C:\Program Files\Sun\Creator2_1\SunAppServer8\imq\var\instances|#]
    [#|2006-10-06T04:08:42.250+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.resource.jms|_ThreadID=10;|JMS5036: More details may be available in the log file for the JMS service broker instance imqbroker. Please refer to the JMS provider documentation for the exact location of this log file.|#]
    [#|2006-10-06T04:08:42.250+0100|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|UnknownException during startup. Disable quick startup by setting system property to false
    com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException: [C4000]: Packet acknowledge failed. user=admin, broker=
    at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.checkProviderStartup(
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.main(
    at com.sun.rave.tray.RavePEMain.main(
    Caused by: com.sun.messaging.jms.JMSException: [C4000]: Packet acknowledge failed. user=admin, broker=
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.writePacketWithAck(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.writePacketWithReply2(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.hello(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.hello(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.hello(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.openConnection(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.init(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ConnectionImpl.<init>(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.UnifiedConnectionImpl.<init>(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.QueueConnectionImpl.<init>(
    at com.sun.messaging.ConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(
    at com.sun.messaging.jmq.admin.jmsspi.JMSAdminImpl.pingProvider(
    at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.waitForJmsProvider(
    at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.checkProviderStartup(
    ... 4 more
    [#|2006-10-06T04:08:42.375+0100|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=10;|Exception while stoppping Lifecycle.
    com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException: MQ startup failed :[C4000]: Packet acknowledge failed. user=admin, broker=
    at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.checkProviderStartup(
    at com.sun.enterprise.jms.JmsProviderLifecycle.onShutdown(
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain.main(
    at com.sun.rave.tray.RavePEMain.main(
    [#|2006-10-06T04:08:42.750+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=11;|sending notification to server...server|#]
    [#|2006-10-06T04:08:42.750+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.core|_ThreadID=11;|Server shutdown complete.|#]
    [#|2006-10-06T04:15:24.640+0100|SEVERE|sun-appserver-pe8.2|javax.enterprise.system.util|_ThreadID=10;|property_reader.unknownHost tester: tester
    at com.sun.enterprise.util.ASenvPropertyReader.setSystemProperties(

    The numerous "MQ startup failed" msgs in the server log would indicate tcp/ip socket/port blocking, either by a firewall or another running process that has the port that the App Server is configured to use at startup. Please see the FAQ:
    # Why doesn't Application Server start up? at

  • Active directory users and computers wont start on a dc, "the server is not operational"

    In our environment, we have 3 dc's 
    two which run server 2008 (they work perfectly)
    and one never off branch dc that runs server 2008 r2.
    We have been having some problems where we feel the replication isnt up too speed(stuff could take up to 24 hours to replicate) and now when i tried opening active directory users and computers i am met with this error window:
    We have a third party DNS solution.
    How do i troubleshoot this issue?

    dc01 (which replicates perfectly with dc02, and vise versa)
    dcdiag /test:dns
    C:\Users\adminuser>dcdiag /test:dns
    Domain Controller Diagnosis
    Performing initial setup:
    Done gathering initial info.
    Doing initial required tests
    Testing server: Hostingpartner\ourdc01
    Starting test: Connectivity
    ......................... ourDC01 passed test Connectivity
    Doing primary tests
    Testing server: Hostingpartner\ourdc01
    DNS Tests are running and not hung. Please wait a few minutes...
    Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
    Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
    Running partition tests on : Schema
    Running partition tests on : Configuration
    Running partition tests on : int
    Running enterprise tests on :
    Starting test: DNS
    Test results for domain controllers:
    TEST: Delegations (Del)
    Error: DNS server: IP:xx.xx.xx.32 [Broken delegated domain]
    Error: DNS server: IP:xx.xx.xx.32 [Broken delegated domain]
    Summary of test results for DNS servers used by the above domain controllers:
    DNS server: xx.xx.xx.32 (
    2 test failures on this DNS server
    Delegation is broken for the domain on the DNS server xx.xx.xx.32
    Delegation is broken for the domain on the DNS server xx.xx.xx.32
    Summary of DNS test results:
    Auth Basc Forw Del Dyn RReg Ext
    ourdc01 PASS PASS PASS FAIL n/a PASS n/a
    ......................... failed test DNS
    dcdiag on dc01(which can replicate with dc02)
    Domain Controller Diagnosis
    Performing initial setup:
    Done gathering initial info.
    Doing initial required tests
    Testing server: hostingpartner\ourdc01
    Starting test: Connectivity
    ......................... OURDC01 passed test Connectivity
    Doing primary tests
    Testing server: hostingpartner\ourdc01
    Starting test: Replications
    [Replications Check,OURDC01] DsReplicaGetInfoW(PENDING_OPS) failed with error 8453,
    Win32 Error 8453.
    ......................... OURDC01 failed test Replications
    Starting test: NCSecDesc
    ......................... OURDC01 passed test NCSecDesc
    Starting test: NetLogons
    [OURDC01] User credentials does not have permission to perform this operation.
    The account used for this test must have network logon privileges
    for this machine's domain.
    ......................... OURDC01 failed test NetLogons
    Starting test: Advertising
    ......................... OURDC01 passed test Advertising
    Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders
    ......................... OURDC01 passed test KnowsOfRoleHolders
    Starting test: RidManager
    ......................... OURDC01 passed test RidManager
    Starting test: MachineAccount
    ......................... OURDC01 passed test MachineAccount
    Starting test: Services
    ......................... OURDC01 passed test Services
    Starting test: ObjectsReplicated
    ......................... OURDC01 passed test ObjectsReplicated
    Starting test: frssysvol
    ......................... OURDC01 passed test frssysvol
    Starting test: frsevent
    ......................... OURDC01 passed test frsevent
    Starting test: kccevent
    ......................... OURDC01 passed test kccevent
    Starting test: systemlog
    An Error Event occured. EventID: 0xC0002719
    Time Generated: 04/04/2013 15:04:29
    (Event String could not be retrieved)
    An Error Event occured. EventID: 0xC0002719
    Time Generated: 04/04/2013 15:04:50
    (Event String could not be retrieved)
    An Error Event occured. EventID: 0xC0002719
    Time Generated: 04/04/2013 15:10:56
    (Event String could not be retrieved)
    An Error Event occured. EventID: 0xC0002719
    Time Generated: 04/04/2013 15:11:17
    (Event String could not be retrieved)
    ......................... OURDC01 failed test systemlog
    Starting test: VerifyReferences
    ......................... OURDC01 passed test VerifyReferences
    Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
    Starting test: CrossRefValidation
    ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation
    Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
    ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
    Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
    Starting test: CrossRefValidation
    ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CrossRefValidation
    Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
    ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
    Running partition tests on : Schema
    Starting test: CrossRefValidation
    ......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation
    Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
    ......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
    Running partition tests on : Configuration
    Starting test: CrossRefValidation
    ......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation
    Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
    ......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
    Running partition tests on : int
    Starting test: CrossRefValidation
    ......................... int passed test CrossRefValidation
    Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
    ......................... int passed test CheckSDRefDom
    Running enterprise tests on :
    Starting test: Intersite
    ......................... passed test Intersite
    Starting test: FsmoCheck
    ......................... passed test FsmoCheck
    The problematic dc03:
    Dcdiag gives the same output as dcdiag /test:dns
    Directory Server Diagnosis
    Performing initial setup:
    Trying to find home server...
    Home Server = OURDC03
    Ldap search capabality attribute search failed on server NTSDC03, return
    value = 81
    We have an infoblox dns server on ip address xxx.y.y.251.
    first error in event logs on dc03:
    error 1863
    This is the replication status for the following directory partition on this directory server.
    Directory partition:
    This directory server has not received replication information from a number of directory servers within the configured latency interval.
    Latency Interval (Hours):
    Number of directory servers in all sites:
    Number of directory servers in this site:
    The latency interval can be modified with the following registry key.
    Registry Key:
    HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters\Replicator latency error interval (hours)
    To identify the directory servers by name, use the dcdiag.exe tool.
    You can also use the support tool repadmin.exe to display the replication latencies of the directory servers. The command is "repadmin /showvector /latency <partition-dn>".
    i have also go several warning 2088, 2093, 2087.
    And errors 1863 pointing to different directory partitions like schema/configuration/domaindnszones/forestdnszones

  • DNS/Fowarding Servers for OS X Mavericks Server

    Is it okay that my AirPort Extreme AC router takes care of the DNS for OS X Mavericks Server and have the fowarding servers set to the default which is my routers IP?

    That won't work.  There is no DNS server in an AirPort Extreme, nor in a Time Capsule.  The Apple WiFi boxes and most other low-end gateway boxes will only contain a DNS resolver.  When in a NAT'd network, the DNS resolver will simply forward the DNS queries to off-LAN DNS servers.  The resolver has no concept of LAN-local host names or IP addresses; of what's happening in the NAT'd address space that's in use.    (Various mid-grade gateway boxes do have DNS capabilities, and open source options such as DD-WRT do have a DNSmasq-based server, and these boxes can suffice for the needs of OS X Server.  If there's a way to configure host names and host IP addresses for random boxes on your LAN, then the box you're using should work.  If not, it's a resolver, and won't work for a NAT'd network.)  Off-LAN DNS servers will almost certainly not provide correct translations for hosts with private-block addresses.  OS X Server requires proper forward and reverse DNS translations, or things get weird.  Here's how to set up local DNS on OS X Server. 

  • Mavericks Server Calendar and Contacts  services won't start.

    Recently the calendar and contacts services stopped working.  Client computers started getting errors like this:
    "The server responded with an error https://[some UID and a lot of other info]... is not a location that supports this request."
    It was suggested by Apple tech support to do a free install/rebuild, but that's not really an option simply because of the wiki.  I've previously spent months trying to migrate wikis from Mountain Lion Server to Mavericks server; never coming across a working solution and ending up having to copy/paste every page from the old server to the new server.  Apple had no working solution for migration wikis and instead suggested a reference to a Krypted site URL (which also didn't work).
    Other services are working just fine, but here are the symptoms we're experiencing:
    Calendar service has reported a code 0 at one point, but did not continue the error
    Calendar service has reported a code -1 at one point, but did not continue the error
    Calendar service in can be toggled on, but the service never starts and stays offline even though the toggle switch is "on".
    Calendar service full status in is stuck in starting
    Calendar and Contacts services seem to take a while to load the status pane in
    Client computers get repeated, non-stop, connection error dialogue boxes in
    Occasionally when I try to see the Contacts service status by select it, I get "A networking error occurred while trying to communicate with the server" - this is using on the server itself, not from a client computer.
    It seems the two primary problems are starting the services and therefore connecting to them.  Other services such as wiki and filesharing are working fine.
    Any ideas folks?
    BTW - my Time Machine backup did nothing to help the situation.




    darren --
    Please don't use all-caps.  It's considered "yelling," and rude
    Please tell us what model and year  Mac you are using (About This Mac> More Info)
    and what OS you are currently on. (About This Mac.)

  • Weblogic server wont start

    **OS : RHEL 4.5**
    **java: JDK 1.6.0_32**
    **I installed and configured weblogic server (10.2.3) and created a domain through windows pc (client machine).**
    **Installed OFM WebTier and yet to configure.**
    **I have set up env variables and tried to start WebLogic server from a client maching by issuing "nohup ./"**
    **After issuing this command it takes a lot of time, hence I did ctrl c**
    **In nohup.out, I could see weblogic changing from standby to starting.**
    **After that, I am pasting the lines below.**
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:21 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "reports:Reports_Servlet_Response" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:21 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "reports:Remote_Bridge_Elements" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:22 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "portaltools:Response" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:22 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "oracle_soainfra:total_faults" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:22 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "activitygraph:Response" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:22 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "portal:portal_page_engine_response_codes_delta" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:22 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "portal:portal_page_engine_response_codes" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:22 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "portal:portal_page_engine" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:22 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "domain_oracle_oim:jdbc" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:22 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "webcache:request_filter_denied_stats" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:22 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "analytics:Response" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:22 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "oracle_federation:protocol_profiles_rollup" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:22 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "oracle_federation:protocol_profiles_events_rollup" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:02:22 AM CDT> <Warning> <oracle.dms.collector> <BEA-000000> <Metric table "oracle_federation:protocol_profiles_protocol_phase_events_rollup" has no key column. It will not be collected.>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:06:13 AM CDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000388> <JVM called WLS shutdown hook. The server will force shutdown now>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:06:13 AM CDT> <Alert> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000396> <Server shutdown has been requested by <WLS Kernel>>
    <Jun 6, 2012 1:06:13 AM CDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to FORCE_SHUTTING_DOWN>
    Weblogic wont' start. i checked by "hostname:port/em". I couldn't connect.
    Please advice.
    Thank you

    copy/psting for nohup.out.
    I started with a fresh server
    Installed RHEL 4.5
    Configured pre-reqs for installing weblogic.
    Installed Weblogic server
    Installed FMW WebTier
    Configured Weblogic Server and trying to start.
    Did I miss any step here.
    Thank you in advance
    [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '11' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=0x080c0400 nid=0x30d0 in Object.wait() [0x708ba000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80620da0> (a
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x80620da0> (a
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '10' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=0x080e8000 nid=0x30cf in Object.wait() [0x7090b000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80620e50> (a
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x80620e50> (a
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '9' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=0x080e6400 nid=0x30ce in Object.wait() [0x7095c000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80620f00> (a
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x80620f00> (a
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '8' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=0x080e4c00 nid=0x30cd in Object.wait() [0x709ad000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80620fb0> (a
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x80620fb0> (a
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '7' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=0x70a62400 nid=0x30cc in Object.wait() [0x709fe000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80621060> (a
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x80621060> (a
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '6' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=0x7213cc00 nid=0x30cb in Object.wait() [0x70b9d000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80621110> (a
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x80621110> (a
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=0x71673c00 nid=0x30ca in Object.wait() [0x70bee000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x806211c0> (a
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x806211c0> (a
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '4' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=0x72152800 nid=0x30c9 in Object.wait() [0x72296000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80621270> (a
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x80621270> (a
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '3' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=0x70c8d400 nid=0x30c8 in Object.wait() [0x7269f000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80621320> (a
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x80621320> (a
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=0x727c7c00 nid=0x30c7 in Object.wait() [0x72f55000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x806213d0> (a
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x806213d0> (a
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=0x741a7c00 nid=0x30c6 in Object.wait() [0x73856000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80621480> (a
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x80621480> (a
    "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'" daemon prio=10 tid=0x72132800 nid=0x30c5 in Object.wait() [0x738a7000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80621530> (a
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    - locked <0x80621530> (a
    "Timer-1" daemon prio=10 tid=0x72127800 nid=0x30c4 in Object.wait() [0x73d5f000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80621658> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
    - locked <0x80621658> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
    "Timer-0" daemon prio=10 tid=0x70c80400 nid=0x30be in Object.wait() [0x74394000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80020198> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
    - locked <0x80020198> (a java.util.TaskQueue)
    "Low Memory Detector" daemon prio=10 tid=0x74b00c00 nid=0x30b9 runnable [0x00000000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
    "C1 CompilerThread0" daemon prio=10 tid=0x080bcc00 nid=0x30b8 waiting on condition [0x00000000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
    "Signal Dispatcher" daemon prio=10 tid=0x080bb400 nid=0x30b7 waiting on condition [0x00000000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
    "Finalizer" daemon prio=10 tid=0x080ac800 nid=0x30b5 in Object.wait() [0x74f33000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x80020368> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
    at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    - locked <0x80020368> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
    at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
    at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$
    "Reference Handler" daemon prio=10 tid=0x080a7c00 nid=0x30b4 in Object.wait() [0x74f85000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x800200a8> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    at java.lang.ref.Reference$
    - locked <0x800200a8> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock)
    "main" prio=10 tid=0x0805b800 nid=0x30b2 in Object.wait() [0xb76bf000]
    java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (on object monitor)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    - waiting on <0x800200e0> (a weblogic.t3.srvr.SubsystemRequest)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.SubsystemRequest.rendezvouz(
    - locked <0x800200e0> (a weblogic.t3.srvr.SubsystemRequest)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.SubsystemRequest.action(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.SubsystemRequest.start(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerServicesManager.startService(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerServicesManager.startInAdminState(
    - locked <0x959cb4a8> (a java.lang.Class for weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerServicesManager)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initializeAdmin(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.startup(
    at weblogic.Server.main(
    "VM Thread" prio=10 tid=0x080a4000 nid=0x30b3 runnable
    "VM Periodic Task Thread" prio=10 tid=0x74b03000 nid=0x30ba waiting on condition
    JNI global references: 1727
    def new generation total 78720K, used 6833K [0x75580000, 0x7aae0000, 0x80020000)
    eden space 70016K, 8% used [0x75580000, 0x75b09a90, 0x799e0000)
    from space 8704K, 13% used [0x7a260000, 0x7a382b88, 0x7aae0000)
    to space 8704K, 0% used [0x799e0000, 0x799e0000, 0x7a260000)
    tenured generation total 174784K, used 81106K [0x80020000, 0x8aad0000, 0x95580000)
    the space 174784K, 46% used [0x80020000, 0x84f548c8, 0x84f54a00, 0x8aad0000)
    compacting perm gen total 158720K, used 158546K [0x95580000, 0x9f080000, 0xb5580000)
    the space 158720K, 99% used [0x95580000, 0x9f0548e0, 0x9f054a00, 0x9f080000)
    No shared spaces configured.

  • MySQL server wont Start

    I had all my local setup running and my databases backups and local connections working fine, since i did the last security update my MySQL server wont Start and so all my Localhost or host, on my sites and CocoaMySql, "Reason: internal Error". when starting it from my System preferences.
    Any recomendations?
    thanks indeed!

    On the client (where of course you have a version
    of mysql) you could have the same problem if you
    upgrade the system.
    As far as I know the socket problem never happened in
    the client version of the OS (at least I never had it
    or read about anyone who had it).
    The problem is know, see:
    and at the same link:
    "Apple uses the same php module on Client" and it's also true in certain installation of mysql.
    the problem regards the location of the file
    The problem of the location of mysql.sock, as I said
    before, is something that has only been reported on
    the server version, although CocoaMySQL (specially
    the version) has problems connecting to mySQL 4.1.x.
    The problem with Cocoamysql regards the fact that not every user configure the root user and his password.
    Make the configuration after the mysql installation often resolve the problem, of course that is not every times the only problem you could have.

  • Lanman Server Wont Start

    My Lanman Server wont start and I get an error: Windows could not start the server service on local computer  error 193: Oxc1
    I made sure the path to executable matched that in the registry value, and even tried putting quotation marks around the value as was suggested in another article, but that just gave me a different error.
    I'm stumped and completely unable to share any files on the network, particularly the crm database needed by others in my office.
    Any ideas?

    According to the description about the error message:
    193 (0xC1): %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
    Generally speaking, this error message caused by a application installation path error that cause the problem.
    To troubleshoot the problem, firstly, you can try to make a clean boot for your system to test if the problem caused by 3rd program or service. Refer to the link below for more details:
    Secondly, you can try to use Process Monitor to make a capture when the problem occures, this could help us make a deep troubleshooting with this problem.
    Process Monitor:
    Start Monitor before the problem occures, when this problem occured, stop Process Monitor and check the trace.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

  • HELP--- HTTP Server wont start,

    I disabled the Webgate protecting port 8080 thats being used by OAM now my HTTP server wont start. Thoughts on getting it started. Here's the Enterprise manager HTTP_Server log entry.
    08/04/10 21:18:53 Start process
    [Thu Apr 10 21:18:57 2008] [debug] mod_oc4j.c(1667): Initializing OC4J connection cache size to 40
    [Thu Apr 10 21:18:57 2008] [debug] mod_onsint.c(1202): mod_onsint: after parsing OpmnHostPort directive, got a hostport with host:, port:7200 and is_ssl:0.
    [Thu Apr 10 21:18:57 2008] [debug] www\src\modplsql\sosd\swwwap.c(1279): mod_plsql: plsql_create_server_config called
    fopen: No such file or directory
    Apache.exe: could not open document config file c:/program

    I believe you have disabled the web gate in the OAM.But when a web gate is installed, it writes to the HTTP server httpd.conf file to as a part of installation and to redirect the requests on that server to the OAM. So Now if you revert back to the original conf file are the edition before the installation of web gate and try to start the same, you should be fine.

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  • IPhone 5 restore boot loop, need help!?

    okay so here is the deal. I am travelling at the moment so my iphone is VERY important, yesterday i attempted to update my phone from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2. i plugged in my iphone 5 to my macbook pro and let it download and update. sadly it failed and now m