MAX (Measureme​nt & Automation Explorer) ne voit pas ma carte NI USB-6501

Sur un PC sous window 7 j'avais une carte NI qui a cessé de fonctionner, je viens de la changer et j'ai le même problème.
La carte n'est pas visible par le logiciel MAX : 
Est-ce que vous avez une idée du problème ?
J'ai changé de port USB, testé avec un autre cable : rien
Juste un truc : quand je débranche la carte MAX tente un rafraichissement donc il détecte bien les changements sur le port USB
Merci d'avance pour vos retours

Bonjour et merci pour votre réponse.
Le problème est réglé (encore merci) et voici le détail : 
> - Faire Outils -> réinitialiser les données de configuration
Ok je l'ai fait, j'ai rebooté mais ça n'a rien changé :-(
> - Faire Outils -> Configuration NI DAQmx -> Réassigner les noms de périphériques aux valeurs par défaut
Je n'ai pas cette option dans NI MAX : 
> - Si le problème n'est toujours pas résolu, faire une réparation de MAX à partir
> de "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\NIUninstaller\uninst.exe"
Et j'ai même trouvé le truc qui a tout fait planté : l'antivirus qui a identifié un fichier comme cheval de troie
Donc j'ai ignoré ce fichier et tout refonctionne comme avant.
Donc maintenant, je vais regarder les fichiers mis en quarantaine avant de tout casser sur ma machine :-)

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    Is this a new controller?  First time connecting?  Does the controller have an IP address set? 
    The Windows firewall may interfere with detecting a cRIO if it's the first time.  Make sure your fire wall is off and try MAX again.

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    field of view.png ‏2437 KB

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    They are in the ivi.ini file, typically located in the \VXIpnp\WinNT\niivi directory. Substitute your OS name for "WinNT".

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    Please help.
    Michael Froehlich

    Duplicate Post
    Keep discussion here
    National Instruments
    WSN/Wireless DAQ Product Support Engineer

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    FieldPoint Explorer is no longer used to configure FieldPoint systems. However, I do not think that the configuring your system in FieldPoint Explorer is causing the error.
    FieldPoint systems are now setup in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX).  Information on setting up FieldPoint systems in MAX can be found in the MAX help under: Installed Products>> FieldPoint. Also, I recommend upgrading to the latest FieldPoint driver and version of MAX.  The FieldPoint VI's will be slightly different when you upgrade, so there is a good chance that this will eliminate the error.
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    Go to Solution.

    Try the solution that is presented in this KnowledgeBase article.
    Sara Lewandroski
    Applications Engineer | National Instruments

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    MAX.jpg ‏86 KB

    You do need a scale (oh, setting one up with slope=9.8 and offset around 0 ought to get mV/g to mV/M^2 pretty effectivly)

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    Greetings nintel
    This type of NI-MAX exception is associated with a corruption in some files of the NI-MAX and has been solved in the past by either removing a MAX database corruption or repairing the installation of NI-MAX. Have you tried going to Control Panel>>Programs and Features>>NI Software and repairing NI Measurement & Automation Explorer? Please let us know if any of those steps solve the problem. Have a nice day.
    Luis J.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Why are you trying to control MAX from LabVIEW? You do not need to do this to communicate with instruments. Rescanning for instruments in MAX is also irrelevant as far as communicating to instruments from LabVIEW. What kind of GPIB controller are you using? It sounds to me like the problem is more likely to be there.

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    "Error -2147220733 occurred at DAQ Assistant.  Possible Reason(s): "
    with no possible reasons listed.  I tried restarting the program.  I tried restarting the computer.  I verified connections.  Searched for the above stated error number on,, and in the MAX help files, and found absolutely nothing.  I have no clue what to do.  Any help would indeed be very much appreciated.

    Hi there,
    This is my first time on here and I've only been using this software for a couple of days so it's possible I'm making a trivial error but I thought I'd post here anyway as I can't find anything on the net about my problem.
    I also get an error while trying to save:
    Error -2147220733 occurred at DAQ Assistant
    Possible Reason(s):
    Requested Code: -2147220733
    But mine comes about in different circumstances to the one in the original post on this thread by Kahless. I was editting a VI logger task and within that I was trying to edit an NI-DAQmx Task. I was trying to change the clock settings, specifically I was attempting to change the Rate (Hz) from the 1k default to just 20, or 200. I got the error while trying to save so changed it back to 1k, but the error persisted even though I'd set it back to what it was.
    I thought at first it might be simply that I was trying to edit an NI-DAQmx task within VILogger, so I tried making the ammendment directly but the problem was still there. 
    Any ideas?
    Many thanks.

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    First, I simply tried to remove the motion controller (it's a NI PCI-7334) from the MAX tab which did not work. Then, I tried to repair the installation of all NI tools but this didn't help either.
    I'm working with NI Motion 8.4 and MAX 5.4.0f0 on Windows XP.
    Do you have any idea how to solve this problem? Currently, I cannot run the motor at all.
    edit: I just realize that the controlller is listed as PXI-7334 in the Windows Device Manager but in fact it is a PCI-7334. Would this explain the problem?
    update: Forcing the installation of the PCI-334 driver does not make any difference.

    Hi Jürgen,
    you can find the description of occurence and solution for this error here.
    Please try it.
    When it dosen't solve your issue please contact me again.
    Kind Regards,
    Philipp K.
    Applications Engineer | NI-Germany

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    Haven't seen it, but I'd recommend uninstalling it and reinstalling it.  It could just be a corrupt installation.

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    I would like to have an executable which is ready to run after the run of the installer...
    Can somebody help me out?

    I don't have the proper things in front of me at the moment, but here is a guess as to what your problem might be.
    When you use a FP IO Address, the default root for the address is Fieldpoint, which is the last iak file that was saved\opened in MAX. I think that if you change this in your program to a different file (there is a second tab in the IO address window where you can do this), it should force the program to go to the specific iak file.
    Try to take over the world!

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