Maximize battery performance

Nowadays phones have a lot of built in features that couldsignificantly lower your battery time.
These tips and tricks shouldhelp you maximize battery performance.
Turning off 3G: If you don´t need a fast data connection or the ability to make video calls.
Turning off GPS: If you don´t need you GPS for navigation or geo-tagging of pictures or videos.
Turning off Bluetooth/IrDA: If you don´t use a Bluetooth/IrDA connection to a headset or any other device.
Turning off WLAN scanning: If you´re not currently looking for a network.
Lower screen brightness/timeout: Lower the screen brightness and timeout.
Keep phone´s FW up to date: FW updates could include better battery management.
Close unused applications: Try to have as few applications as possible running, especially those that use a WLAN or other network connection.
Turn your phone off (or change to "Offline" profile): If you're in an area with no signal for a long period of time. Smartphones (N97, 5800XM etc.) shouldn´t be turned off, because this´ll take more battery than to keep them on and change to "Offline" profile.
Fully discharge from time to time: There is no problem in charging the battery often, although you can improve your battery indicator and the the battery life, by discharging it every 15-20 charges in order recalibrate it.
Set a dark theme: Displays consume more energy when bright colors are shown. Use dark themes and wallpaper images in your device.
If there´s anything you´d like to add to this, feel free to contact me!
If you´re not sure on how to do it with your model just ask within the board, people there are always glad to help!
Thanks to users miamicx4 and phonehacker for their contribiution! 
Message Edited by illinjah on 02-Dec-2009 10:17 AM
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The day we stop improving is the day we stop being good.

hey, i do i get this 'G' to show because i have this H sign in a square thing, and my battery seems to die within a n hour or so and my phne gets very hot so i do i get it to go on the 'G'

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    Seen the tips about conserving battery life on here. Regarding 3g (if that's the right word) can it be turned off on this phone. I presume it is on when the 'G' is showing. If there are anymore tips for this phone would love to have them 
    Thanks abunch 

    hey, i do i get this 'G' to show because i have this H sign in a square thing, and my battery seems to die within a n hour or so and my phne gets very hot so i do i get it to go on the 'G'

  • Battery performance reduced abruptly

    I just bought my MBP 15" with a 2.8 GHz intel core i7 processor, 8 gb in ram, and 500 gb hard drive in december 2010 (6 months ago) and it worked perfectly until after a couple of months later. I decided to restore it and install windows 7 with bootcamp, but after restoring OSX, battery life performance was all of a sudden reduced abruptly. It only had gone about 80 cycles and now battery was not lasting more than 4-5 hours at 5 %. The battery icon on finder went totally crazy, going from 10 hours to 1 in just a second no matter the charge percentage; every time i checked it, it showed a different time. I calibrated it at least 3 times before deciding to go to a service center.
    I took it to an authorized apple service establishment to claim my applecare plan. Neither the battery nor the MBP showed any problems and apple would only blame it on usage, but the service guy did detect something wrong, so he kept trying and after  A LOT of scans and tests, battery finally showed a problem, which allowed him to order a replacement battery.
    When i got my device back, I started noticing the problem was not really fixed, so i kept monitoring the battery performance only to find it was still going wrong. This time I did not bootcamp windows. I finally convinced myself that i was being too tough with my MBP after a few calibrations until battery started to go even crazier than the first time, plus this time, also the hard drive was showing problems since it would take literally about 10 minutes to start and it would never turn off unless I forced it to do so. I took it again to the service station where they ran test and got me a new battery replacement and a new hard drive.
    This is my third battery in less than 6 months, and now I am starting to detect those same symptoms in the battery performance that in the past. This time i decided to take it to technical service before it totally crashed like past times, but since it was a different guy who checked it, he did not detect anything and did nothing to it. I am pretty sure my MBP is totally sick since this time, with only 20 cycles, battery is lasting from 1 to 4.5 hours with minimum usage, but no one seems to know whats wrong with it. I tried asking for a whole MBP new replacement with my applecare extended warranty, but they just keep blaming it to the usage i give to my device (which by the ways has been kept to minimum since the last time I got it back)
    Please any help from anyone? I am kind of desperate and disappointed at this point.

    I'd be concerned that it might be some other controller component or a bad logic board if other parts are repeated failing, maybe something else is causing them to fail.
    I'm probably flirting with the terms of use here, but I'd recommend trying out small dog electronics in vermont for your repair (google them, don't want to post a link to risk losing the post before you get to see it). I get no compensation from them, I'm just a fan of their work. they're very thorough and if you explain the whole problem and what you've done before, they'll go above and beyond to test and retest after they do work to confirm they've fixed things. they have a mail-in service option too so it doesn't matter where you live. if you haven't resolved this yet, I'd check them out. as an independent apple reseller and repair center, they seem to be more of a consumer advocate than just a fixit genius bar looking to resolve an immediate problem and move on to the next. that said, I've had great experiences with my local genius bars. I'm just saying that maybe someone like small dog would have a better chance to test, fix, and re-test over some time or a few days to confirm a fix before giving it back. I'm thinking it's more than a battery if other components aren't behaving as well. I'm not a tech so I can't suggest what to try, only where I'd try next and expect good results.

  • Decreased Battery Performance when using SL. Apple states I am alone..

    This thread is mainly aimed at people that are using a mid 2009 unibody MacBook Pro 13" or upwards that came pre-installed with Leopard. Since upgrading to Snow leopard have you noticed a significant decrease in how long the battery lasts while using the machine in the same fashion?
    Am I alone? I first reported this issue to the Dutch customer service team back in October 2009 and since then have fought it all the way to make Apple admit that there is a problem with a minority of customers. To this day according to executive customer relations, I am the only person who has reported this issue to them. I find this hard to believe as there is a mass of information/threads/blogs etc on the internet with many people complaining about the same issue.
    The following is an email I sent to the [email protected] email as a last resort.
    Dear Steve,
    I am writing to you as a last resort hoping that my complaint will be dealt with professionally as I have actually given up all hope with the Apple customer service. I do not expect that you will personally read this letter but I just trust that someone will care and pass this to someone that will treat my complaint seriously as I really am losing all faith with Apple.
    I purchased a brand new Macbook Pro 13" mid 2009 model at the end of June 2009. Around 3 weeks after I purchased the machine I received a message from Apple stating that I was eligible for a copy of Snow Leopard as it was compatible with my machine and because I had just purchased a new Mac. I upgraded the Mac to Snow Leopard without any issues. It wasn't until a few weeks later that I noticed a massive reduction in battery performance. When I ran the machine on Leopard I would easily get the advertised 7 hour battery life while doing basic web browsing with all the battery settings set to the Mac default recommended settings. On Snow Leopard I would not get anything more than 4 hours completing the same tasks.
    I contacted Apple about this and was provided with the following reference number XXXXXXXXX I was basically told that I should monitor what I was doing etc and try using the screen on the lowest setting to see if this would improve the performance, it did not. I am a busy man and work in graphic design so unfortunately I put up with the battery issue until my Hard Drive decided to die in April. I contacted Apple again about this and was again provided with a reference number XXXXXXXXXX this time I was asked to do various steps to help fix the machine which did not work. Eventually I had the machine booked in for repair. When the machine was booked in for repair I also stated that I would like the battery issue addressed once and for all as I still only get around 4 hours charge. I was told this would be looked into. After 2 weeks of having no machine (and losing out on work) I received my Mac back with a new Hard drive installed as the old one was corrupted. I asked the Apple employee if my battery had been addressed and it had not. I refused to except my machine back as the battery issue was not resolved. After another 2 weeks of not having my Mac (more loss of work on my account) I received it back this time a new battery and motherboard had been installed.
    I returned to my office and reinstalled Snow Leopard, my Adobe Master Collection and charged to 100% I then tested the machine on battery. Again I received no more than 4 hours using BELOW recommended Mac battery settings. I contacted Apple again by telephone (another 0900 number call at my expense) and was messed around left right and centre. The employee on the telephone did not know what to do so transferred me to one of the Mac level 2 agents. I have never been spoken to so rudely and was even told that the only way I could expect 7 hours battery life from a MacBook Pro 2009 model is to use it with the lid closed. Ridiculous hey? I was also even told by one of the previous customer service agents that I could try using the machine with the battery disconnected. Even more ridiculous considering it is a unibody model.
    At this point I started doing research on the issue and found that I was far from alone with the battery issue. I have found numerous people suffering from the same issue. Below are a few links containing the same issue.
    At this point I decided to try something different, something that was not recommended or mentioned by any Apple employee, sales or technical. I decided to reformat the HD and install Leopard back on the on the machine. I then completed a battery test and low and behold my 7 hours of battery life were fully back. I think this can safely say that the issue is clearly with the OSX and not the hardware.
    I then contacted Apple customer service by phone (more 0900 numbers at my expense) I spoke to a senior Applecare advisor called XXXXX XXXXXXXX and explained my issue in full. I told xxxxxxx that I wanted this matter looking into and that I wanted a machine that would give me what is advertised using Snow Leopard, as know where on the Apple site or in the Snow Leopard documentation does it state ' Expect to lose 3 hours '
    I provided xxxxxxxx with a system info file and he sent it the Apple engineering team. A week went by and I received an email from him with the report from engineering. Engineering basically blamed it ALL on 3rd party applications, they even blamed it on the weather widget stating that it is constantly updating and will drain power. My remote access software was also blamed which was not even running in the background.
    1: The weather widget updates when you select it not constantly.
    2: The weather widget is by DEFAULT installed on a machine so thus would be classed as an Apple product in my opinion.
    That evening I decided to reformat my HD and reinstall Snow Leopard. This time I installed ONLY Apple software updates and nothing else. I then tested the battery again (getting very boring now) using the same settings as previous tests. This time I managed to have 4 hrs and 15 mins. Just 15 minutes more than what I had previously had. I then contacted xxxxxxx again and provided him with another system information file from the clean install. I explained that I had tested this with just the airport on and basic web browsing on various sites (my exact words) Another week went by and I received a call from xxxxxxx with his report from engineering. He said that Engineering wanted to know if I had tested this with basic web browsing or sat on Youtube or other flash based video streaming sites for 4 hours as this could reduce the battery life.
    As you could imagine I was furious. I repeated myself to xxxxxxx about my tests and was told that he would go back to engineering. I received another call from xxxxxxx stating that engineering are looking into it. I asked how long it would take for an answer on this and we agreed on a 2 week time frame. It is now over 2 weeks and I have sent 2 emails to xxxxxx and still have not received a reply.
    This issue has been going on since October 2009 when I first reported it. We are now in July 2010 and I am still suffering with this, as you can imaging this is unacceptable and not what one would expect from a company like Apple. My complaints summarized are below, I believe the obvious speak for themselves.
    1: There is no disclaimer on the Apple site stating that Snow Leopard will decrease the performance of a battery on a machine that did not come preinstalled with Snow Leopard. Neither is this information provided on the installation PDF instructions that come with the Snow Leopard disc.
    2: If there were such a disclaimer on the Apple site then why would I have my battery and motherboard replaced by the Apple repair team when there was clearly nothing wrong with them in the first place. Why was I never told this by any agent on the phone or in the Mac store? The answer seems clearly that this information is not available to the public or to Apple staff which is a big waste or my time as well as theirs.
    3: I have missed out on work because of having my Mac in for repair for a total of 4 weeks. As mentioned above there was clearly no need to have had the battery or motherboard replaced.
    4: I have spent money calling the 0900 numbers on numerous occasions simply getting passed around from Apple employee to Apple employee and still have no answer to my problem.
    5: I have wasted so much of my own time clean erasing my hard drive including zero out of sectors and reinstalling operating systems, not to mention other software and Apple updates. All of this comes to many hours of total wasted time at my expense when I could have been working.
    Where we stand now is that I am on the verge of taking legal proceedings with the Dutch Consumentenbond as this machine is not suitable to run with the Snow Leopard OSX when Apple advertise that it is.
    I expect either a full refund of my MacBook Pro 13" mid 2009 or an exchange for a Macbook Pro 13" that comes with Snow Leopard preinstalled with the disc in the box. I also expect to be compensated for my loss of time, money I have spent on the phone to Apple and the loss of work while the machine was in for unnecessary repair.
    I am really at the end of my patience with this issue and feel that I have been much more than fair with my reports, honesty and patience.
    I trust to hear from somebody soon regarding this issue so that we can finally put it to a close once and for all in a professional manor.
    I received a phone call within 14 hours of sending the email from executive customer relations. They came back with new information from engineering but did not think it was acceptable as engineering were now blaming my battery decrease on the assumption that my apartment might be too hot this causing the CPU to run at a higher temperature making the battery decrease quicker. We both agreed that it was an unacceptable answer.
    The day after I received another call from them stating that engineering had now finished tests and came to the conclusion that when testing on Leopard and Snow Leopard on the MacBook Pro 2009 there was no difference in battery run time whats so ever. I found this hard to believe so asked exactly how the test was conducted. Was it conducted in the same fashion that I had spent the last 9 months talking about. ' Using below default energy saving settings with only airport on while completing basic web browsing '???
    They confirmed this was not the case, engineering had basically turned the machines on, turned the screen right down to 1 bar and left them on screen saver over night. As you can imaging I was speechless (for a few seconds)
    Apple seem consistent on NOT admitting that there is an issue with battery performance for a minority of customers. As is stands now engineering in Europe have now passed the case over to engineering in the US for further ' in-depth ' tests.
    I know there are people out there that are suffering the same issues as myself and I welcome you to please contact me with your experiences. As the more of us that complain about this make it harder for Apple to deny this and brush it under the carpet.
    Please feel free to reply to this thread or email me directly on [email protected]

    Thomas A Reed wrote:
    I mean this in the kindest way but please read the post
    Please, nobody's going to waste their time reading all that! I don't know what you possibly could have said about this issue that took up so much space, but if you can't express it more concisely, it's probably not worth reading.
    I have used SL on both a unibody MBP and an older MBP. On the older MBP, when I upgraded from Leopard to SL, I got a noticeable increase in battery life immediately. I have no such comparison on the unibody MBP, since it had SL installed to begin with, but I'll put it this way: I haven't come close to running out of power on it. I used it once for about 4 hours and still had more than a 1/3 charge. I could have easily used it for another couple hours, at least. And this was with a 17" MBP, which uses more power than your 13", and without much in the way of battery-saving going on. (Screen at full brightness, AirPort on and in use, Bluetooth on, etc.)
    It's difficult to say that SL is the problem when it clearly isn't for everyone. What your problem is, I don't know, but maybe if you posted a more concise question you'd get some answers.
    I think ..
    This thread is mainly aimed at people that are using a mid 2009 unibody MacBook Pro 13" or upwards that came pre-installed with Leopard.....
    at the beginning of the thread I made it pretty clear, if you are not affected by this then I'm happy for you, but then the thread is clearly not aimed at you. I can guarantee that I have tested this exactly the same way I did with Leopard and there is a significant decrease. I also know there are people out there that have gained battery life but there have also been many threads containing people who have lost battery life.

  • 10.6.4 shorten my battery performance

    After upgrade to 10.6.4, I found the battery performance does not perform as before.
    It used to have 9hrs (displayed in menu bar) that I can work with.
    However, after 10.6.4, the battery indicator shows 7hrs only at same working environment (safari, iwork, msn, endnote, and some small research software, and 50% screen brightness).
    Is this my self-suspicion or it is the problem comes with 10.6.4?

    FWIW, I have not noticed much difference in battery life with my white 2008 MacBook after updating it to 10.6.4.
    I don't usually have the menu bar icon set to display time remaining because as noted by another poster it is just an estimate that changes often depending on what I'm doing. For example, with a fully charged battery, I see about a 5 ½ hour estimate with no apps running but as soon as I start Hulu Desktop & connect to its servers over Airport, the estimate almost immediately drops to about 3 hours & declines from there. But if I quit the app, the estimate jumps back up. If I then let display sleep kick in for a minute or two & then wake the screen, I immediately but briefly see an estimate of over 7 hours! For that reason, I leave the icon set to display percent of battery power remaining.
    This behavior has been about the same since I got the MB with Leopard installed & remained so through all versions of Snow Leopard, 10.6.4 included.
    One thing to check is your battery's condition. (As described in Mac OS X 10.6 Help: Battery conditions, this is very easy to do with Snow Leopard.) If it doesn't say "Normal" it may need service or replacement.
    Another thing to check is if all your power related system preferences are still set to what they were before applying the update. Sometimes an update will reset one or more of them to a default or unexpected value.
    Also, it might help to share battery info like charge cycle count, a rough indicator of how much the battery has been used & its remaining capacity to hold a charge. See Determining Battery Cycle Count for more about that. FWIW, my 2008 MacBook isn't used much & has only gone through 58 charge cycles. As recommended in Apple - Batteries - Notebooks, I occasionally let it discharge completely.

  • Battery performance on vista v osx

    Hi there
    I have a macbook which runs vista and osx and am finding that the battery performance on vista is pretty poor compared to running osx - has anybody else experienced this and what would be causing it?

    try turning off all the eye-candy on Vista (that means turn off Aero), it will save your battery, it's because it's also making your CPU/GPU work harder.

  • How to properly use iphone 5s battery performance

    Will my iphone 5s battery performance still be at maximum (full performance and capacity) if I charge it at any percent like 57%? I always thought charging it any time will weaken the battery life so i'll have to charge it more frequently as time goes by.
    Also, is charging my iphone 5s in the car and/or through a computer the same thing as charging through an outlet?

    JCHAAAANG wrote:
    Also, is charging my iphone 5s in the car and/or through a computer the same thing as charging through an outlet?
    No. The iPhone wall adapter supplies 1 amp. Most computers and built-in car usb ports only supply 1/2 amp. So it will take twice as long to charge using those. And, if the iPhone is actively being used (such as using it as a GPS in a car) it won't charge at all, because the battery will be draining as fast as it is charging.
    You can get higher current adapters for cars (I just got an InCase 2.4 amp car adapter yesterday at an Apple store), and some newer computers can supply 1 amp (including all Macs since 2011). There is no iPhone  benefit to an adapter that supplies more than 1 amp because the charging circuit in the phone limits the charge rate to 5 watts (1 amp @ 5 volts). An iPad, however, can use up to 2.1 amps (12 watts).

  • 64 bit battery performance

    Anybody else notice decreased battery performance under 64 bit mode? Also, the battery indicator seems to be all over the place....going from 4:35 down to 3:30, all while only internet usage. Now it jumped to 5:28. I'm on a full charge and just performed 2 battery calibrations in a row.
    Model Name: MacBook Pro
    Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,2
    Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Total Number Of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache: 6 MB
    Memory: 4 GB
    Bus Speed: 1.07 GHz
    Boot ROM Version: MBP52.008E.B05
    SMC Version (system): 1.42f4

    1. The right time to buy any new computer is *whenever you need it.* No matter what you buy, it will always be supplanted in its manufacturer's lineup within a few months to a year by something with more speed and features, perhaps at a lower price. Don't let this bother you; if you do, it will make you crazy.
    2. The RAM and hard drive are very easily upgraded at any time without any impact on warranty. No other internal upgrades are possible. The battery in current MBPs is not user-replaceable, so carrying a spare battery to switch into the machine during a 12-hour plane ride, for example, is not an option.
    3. Battery life is extremely variable depending on how you use the machine. No generalization is possible except that you are unlikely to see the maximum time mentioned in Apple's ads.
    5. A simple adapter provides HDMI out.

  • IOS 8 update causing drastic decline in iPhone 5 battery performance.

    Since the IOS 8 update, my iPhone 5's battery performance has drastically declined. Anyone else having this issue?

    does the battery monitor not tell u what is using it? go into settings for it.
    dunno where your based but in the uk we have 4g but not everywhere so with 4g enabled on the phone it keeps searching for a better signal so turn that off. Try turning off mobile data when your not using it to see if that prolongs the battery. Like an issue I have if there is a data connection issue then the phone will be doing a lot of "trying to connect" and using up battery fast.

  • Is there anyone with *better* battery performance on the 3GS?

    OK, there are a lot of posts complaining about the 3GS battery life. I'm now curious to find out if there's a bad batch of batteries, or if it's a software issue involving all iPhone 3GS.
    My question: is there anyone out there who's getting better battery performance on the 3GS when compared to the 3G, as advertised by Apple?
    I understand that there are at least 3 kinds of battery issues showing up in this forum:
    1. abysmal battery life caused by Exchange Push acting up
    2. defective battery
    3. "it seems a little worse than the 3G, something must be wrong"
    There's nothing that can be done for categories 1 and 2, and I think it's interesting to talk about case 3.
    Could it be that the 3GS battery indicator is simply more linear (and better calibrated) than the one on the 3G? I am one of those people experiencing subjectively worse battery life on my 3GS when compared to the 3G. But then I stopped and asked myself how I actually measure this.
    Well, the difference is that the 3G stays at 100% much longer, then starts to go down very quickly. The 3GS, on the other hand, doesn't like staying at 100% and starts going down earlier but slower. But if I let them both drain, the performance at the end of the day will probably seem similar.
    I tried to drain my 3GS with some heavy Safari surfing over WiFi and 3G, 30 minutes of 3G calls, using some third party apps, and with a 1-hour Peggle play. Then I finally played some videos, and it went dead after 5 hours of usage and 15 hours of stand by.
    Is that the performance that can be expected, or can we hope for more? I never did the same test on the 3G, because I never noticed the battery meter going down like that, but I'm pretty sure it would turn out quite similar.
    What do you think?

    Battery performance depends on what you have running on your iPhone.
    e.g. If you have Brightness set to high (or full) with Auto Dimming Disabled, Locations Services, Push Notification (set Fetch to Manually), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi (ask to join networks enabled too) and 3G all enabled your battery will get used a lot quicker, especially if you use Third Party Apps on top of all these other things.
    If however you activate Wi-Fi when you want to use it, or Bluetooth etc as your needs require, battery performance will be better (as in your battery will last longer before requiring a charge). If you are on a low 3G coverage area, why have your iPhone constantly trying to join a 3G network? Switch 3G off and use the conventional carrier (2G) until you return to an area where you know 3G coverage is better.
    I know these measures are less convenient than just having everything switched on, but if you want to maximise battery use between charges try activating the features you require when you require them, then disable them when you don't require them instead of having everything switched on permanently.
    I have noticed when Push is enabled (3G has to be enabled also), it absolutely canes the battery

  • What does Apple mean by "For best battery performance, leave your device connected to a power source until the restore is complete."

    I just recently returned an IPad air and exchanged it for another. I first set up this new one as a new IPad but then deleted all content and settings right away (since I wasn't getting the progress I had made in apps and games) in order to restore it from my previous IPad Air. I then checked after on how to backup via icloud and saw this line under the subtitle of how to restore from a backup, "For best battery performance, leave your device connected to a power source until the restore is complete." What does Apple mean by "for best battery performance"? Im just a bit worried of issues.
    p.s. And yes I did have it connected to the power. And the ios is the default ios for new IPad Airs.

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    It only means you should restore whilst it is connected to a power supply, so that your battery doesn't go flat during the process.

  • Does increasing RAM affect battery performance?

    I have a question about increasing the amount of RAM in a MacBook Pro (latest model unibody 15" i7 processor).
    If I increase the amount of RAM in this laptop from 4Gb to16 Gb, should that in and of itself result in a decrease in battery performance? This is assuming no increase in number of active programs, etc.
    A friend of mine was told by an Apple employee that just increasing the total RAM in a laptop would result in the battery draining more quickly. I am no computer genius, but that does not sound right to me? After all, why should the battery work harder if the excess RAM is not being used at the time.
    Any input would be welcomed.

    I have a Mid 2010 MacBook Pro with a 250GB hard drive that is almost 80% full. The "genius" told me the excruciatingly slow downs were due to a too full hard drive, but didn't mention memory. I remembered later that I had never upgraded from the original 4GB RAM. This is the only computer around that era that will take 16GB RAM, so I decided to max it out three days ago. Performance has increased dramatically, but battery life has halved. The original battery was giving me about seven hours, now only about three or four. Right this minute the only open apps are Safari and the activity monitor, and my total memory usage is 6.76GB. The top three users of memory are
    1.01 GB
    0 bytes
    0 bytes
    64 bit
    0 bytes
    0 bytes
    1.01 GB
    0 bytes
    0 bytes
    0 bytes
    350.1 MB
    0 bytes
    0 bytes
    64 bit
    0 bytes
    0 bytes
    364.1 MB
    348.7 MB
    9.8 MB
    0 bytes
    190.3 MB
    0 bytes
    0 bytes
    64 bit
    0 bytes
    0 bytes
    191.2 MB
    192.6 MB
    5.7 MB
    0 bytes
    Parent process of kernal task is kernal task (0), parent process of MediaLib and IconSvc is launchd (1). Note, those three together use more than one-third of the original 4GB RAM. The hard drive was constantly being used for virtual RAM until I upgraded. Try opening iMovie under those consitions and you will see a lot of spinning lollipop. I would hardly call opening Safari and iMovie together overusage. I think anyone should upgrade and to the maximum, but I think it will definitely affect battery life. And kappy, i kind of wonder if rtmitchell's field is communication or human relations, since rtmitchell was so courteous and clever. Don't know. I am no computer genius eiher. Don't need an answer, just want to let everyone know my own experience with RAM draining battery. Hope you'll be nice if you answer.

  • MacBook Pro late 2011 Battery Performance drop dramatically

    MacBook Pro late 2011 Battery Performance drop dramatically
    9 months 94 cycles and its health is now at 89%

    Does the system still run off the battery only? Does it run for a few hours off the battery only? Then No it is not defective and no Apple will do nothing for you and No Applecare does not cover Consumable items which the battery is one of those.
    The only time Apple MAY, and that is BIG MAY, replace the battery is within the first year and only if Apple Deems the battery to be defective. Fat chance of that as long as the system runs off the battery for any length of time.

  • How to reverse last update - Battery Performance W...

    I stupidly updated my Lumia 800 with the latest version a couple of days ago after receiving multiple messages to do so and from Orange UK as well.
    Since the update my battery performance is significantly worse!  I used to get about 1.5 days at least, but for the last 2 days I have disconected the phone from charge at 6am and by 2pm the Battery Critical warning as come on.
    How do you reverse a previous update ?!!?

    Before the last update my battery life was about 26 hours+
    Since updating my battery life is now a maximum of 17 hours.
    What happened?
    And yes I know how having things switched on can affect battery life. I have stripped off apps and have none running in the background. Everything is kept an absolute minimum. Battery life just disappears before my eyes. Before the last update it was fine.

  • Poor Battery Performance on MacBook With Snow Leopard

    Upon installing Snow on my MacBook Unibody, my battery performance has degraded from approximately 5 hours on a full charge to now less than 2.5 hours. Has anyone else experienced such? I am set up for maximum power saving in battery mode and mainly surf the web and use Pages on occasion while on battery mode. Upon allowing the battery to drain, it indeed lasted only 2.5 hours with just web surfing. I tried a few startups and repaired disk permissions, yet the menu continued to show 2.5 hours on a full charge. Advice anyone?

    Snow Leopard has been a power hog so far. I have the same settings and applications, etc. as with running just Leopard. I went from 5-7 hours on my black MacBook (that's with running videos, etc.) to now just barely 2 hours.
    I just bought a brand new MacBook Pro a couple of days ago and it only lasts a few hours. Nowhere near the boost they advertise.
    Either my old Black MacBook just had an awesome battery or the new software upgrade ***** juice. I am getting ready to wipe the upgrade. I was satisfied with Leopard and Tiger. I rather have all day performance than having to drag the cord out everywhere like you do with a PC. I expect a PC to suck juice and give me only 45min. battery, but not my MacBook.

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