MAYA and Java3D....

Hi, Im about to start work on a 3D game for my dissertation, and want to check Im heading down the right lines. I'm planning on learning and using MAYA to create my 3D models, and import them using the obj loader in J3D. Which is fine. But I also want to use animations. Is there a way to load MAYA anim's straight into java, or do I have to load each frame as an object, and run them in sequence?
Or, is there a completely different way I should be going about this?

Is there a way to load MAYA anim's straight into java,No. See
do I have to load each frame as an object, and run them in sequence?No. See
for appropriate approaches.
for some important issues for you.

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    Thanks for the explanations. What this means in my situation is that tags are an unnecessary way of spending a lot of time making my file system more complicated, without adding any value whatsoever. Without tags, I can find any of my 3,000 files with a few clicks. (On my computer, Spotlight has cobwebs. I very rarely need it, but it's wonderful when I do.) Now that I know how tags work, I can ignore it.
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              3.0//EN" "">
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       Hack design:
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    <field name="velocity" type="MFNode" accessType="initializeOnly">
       <Transform translation="0 0 0"/>
       <Transform translation="0 0 0"/>
    <!-- END HACK -->

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    Hi Sublimeinfluence,
    Judging from your questions I assume you have never used MAYA.
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    Maya files from Mac to PC and back work fine. I suggest you check out the MAc support forum on the Alias/Maya/Autodesk webpage.

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    mkdir /Volumes/test
    chmod a+rwx /Volumes/test
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    I am able to submit a job and have it render all the frames successfuly, once that job is finished, if I try to send anotherone it fails. I have restart every machine and restart services, create the cluster again, and then it will work. Why is this happening? is there a way to fix this?
    When I send it the second time I get the following errors:
    "HOST [computer name] Unix Command error: 211, //Maya exited with status 209"
    Here is a screenshot of the batch monitor displaying some of the errors.

    please take with a grain of salt.
    i am not a professional. i am very new to using qmaster, and clusters. by the way you explained i am nowhere near the professional as you.
    I am an engineer, and have used unix, linux, mac, and windows for a long time along with aix and others.
    this is a total long shot, and i don't know if it is possible, but can you have qmaster run a script when a job is done? maybe you can write a script to run post job success that will restart the services. that way when the job is complete you just have to well.. restart the services instead of having to reboot, and restart service manually.
    it would be nice to see the entire error. if you could extend that column a little so that it shows it that would be helpful.
    i would like to help and keep up with the post. i am trying to learn as much as possible about this technology.
    thanks, and sorry that i don't have a definite answer just a suggestion.
    i base this on what i have seen on my own cluster. MBP and G5 working together with compressor and filters. what i have noticed is that after a job has finished the Activity Monitor shows the compressord daemon to be (Not Responding), but I can send another job and it will work, but the status doesn't change. I know you are using 3rd party software "Maya" so i am wondering if after the job it is doing the same, and then cannot connect to the specific daemon is needed.
    seeing a pic of you Activity Monitor before and after on the machines would helpful as well.

  • Help with maya and Signal 11

    Hi all,
    i managed to install maya on arch 32 bit. Ran it only 1 time and when i rebooted my notebook maya didn't start more!
    When i try to run maya from terminal i receive this msg:
    maya encountered a fatal error
    Signal: 11 (Unknown Signal)
    I googled everywhere but i cannot find any solution. Someone says that i should rename all the files in /usr/lib but didn't work.
    Nobody works with maya on arch?

    This is the full output of the maya error:
    //crash name = /usr/tmp/bozo.20071126.0132
    //cut = 200708030042 /engserv/rbuild/210/build/wrk
    //host name = bozo-laptop
    //remote host =
    //release name = 2.6.23-ARCH
    //version = #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Nov 18 07:43:05 UTC 2007
    //machine name = i686
    //directory = /home/bozo
    Tscreen::loadXWindowsScreenInfo(Tscreen::TwhichMonitor, Trect&)
    TstartupWnd::unStow(Tevent const&)
    /usr/autodesk/maya2008/bin/maya.bin [0x80594d3]
    /usr/autodesk/maya2008/bin/maya.bin [0x8057258]
    /usr/autodesk/maya2008/bin/maya.bin [0x8054e23]
    /usr/autodesk/maya2008/bin/maya.bin [0x80640d6]
    //Memory usage:
    // 16.241 Mb Free Memory
    // 1052.828 Mb Free Swap
    // 6.517 Mb Heap

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