MBP 10.6/Snow Leopard TO MBA 10.7/Lion move

Hi all
I need to move all data (apps, docs etc) from a MBP running 10.6 to a new MBA running 10.7 next week. Is it as simple as doing a Time Machine backup on the MBP/old one to a USB hard drive and then plugging the USB hard drive into the new MBA and restoring? Any conflicts between 10.6/Snow Leopard and 10.7/Lion stopping me from doing that? Anything I should be aware of?

It's as easy as connecting the two by Firewire cable or by connecting an external hard drive containing a full backup of the old computer (Time Machine or any other file backup utility including Disk Utility clones, CCC clones, etc. will all work.)
Use Startup Assistant's option to transfer data from one of the above options - a TM backup, another Mac, or an external hard drive. You can then migrate your Home folder, third-party applications, application support files, and system preferences.
Just follow instructions. For TM backups see: Migrate Time Machine backup to new Mac in Lion. To use a Firewire setup see Transferring files between two computers using FireWire.

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    I have been told by some that if I go to Lion it would be a risk and slow the computer down, so just wondering what you all think.
    Thanks in advance,

    http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/imac/stats/imac-core-2-duo-2.0-17-inch-spe cs.html
    According to unofficial sources, you can upgrade to 4GB RAM. I've done the same in my late 2006 iMac 20" which is offically upgradable to 3GB, but I stuck 2 x 2gb modules in anyway (mainly as I had one spare from my MPB). It's dead easy to do, I'm in the UK and bought Crucial memory which I've always trusted.
    I believe the Mac will still only use about 3.3GB of the available 4GB RAM, however some people have reported better performance as both modules are the same size and this helps.
    Probably worth getting 2 x 2GB given it's not that expensive. You can always keep your old RAM incase anything goes wrong.
    I'd do this regardless of upgrading to Lion or not, the extra RAM will help.
    BTW, regardless of a lot of the negativity, I love Lion, it speeded up my other 2007 MBP like it was a new machine. The iMac seems okay, although that is showing a few signs of some graphics glitches, but I don't think this is anything to do with Lion, more about overheating.
    Best thing to do, is to clone your existing system (using Disk Utility or SuperDuper or CopyCloner) so that you can boot off that or restore it at anytime without losing anything of your setup.
    Then clean install Lion (there are instructions about on how to do this, and create a bootable USB key). You can then migrate back your user settings from your clone to the Lion install. Or just upgrade Snow Leopard. Depends on whether you believe in fresh installing everything.
    If you don't like Lion, or it's slow or whatever, you can always restore your snow leopard system from the clone.

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    msmedia wrote:
    I do not currently own OS X ML.
    I am currently running OS X (10.6.8 Snow Leopard) on my MacBook Pro. It has a 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor. I want to upgrade to Mountain Lion, but many of my software titles will not operate with ML and I cannot afford to replace some of them (Adobe Creative Suite, for e.g.)
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    I have not done what you want to do, so can only offer some general thoughts in support. Take value from the following where you can. No guarantees.
    If it was me, I would use a disk clone utility (e.g. Carbon Copy Cloner) to image the existing Snow Leopard disk to an external drive. Then verify that the external drive would boot and run Snow Leopard normally.
    I would then purchase and download the Mountain Lion upgrade installer, but not run it. Use Lion Diskmaker to make a bootable USB stick, and perform a clean install of Mountain Lion, replacing the Snow Leopard on your MBP. This way, you make absolutely certain that no third-party drivers or other SL cruft remains to make Mountain Lion unstable. Update to latest ML point release. Fix permissions. Let TimeMachine make a full backup of your ML installation to a different external drive. Then turn of Time Machine.
    In Disk Utility, use the + sign at the bottom of the ML partition to add another GUID, HFS+ Journaled partition for Snow Leopard. Resize to taste. Name it differently from your ML partition. Exhale.
    Now ideally, you would like to reverse the external clone and put it back into the new SL partition. Then fix permissions. And demonstrate that you can boot into individually stable OS X installations. This would save you alot of work. Resist copying your home directory into ML just yet.
    If you cannot successfully achieve the preceding paragraph, you will be faced with a full SL and application reinstall.
    The ~/Library contents for SL and ML are sufficiently different that you do not want to mix them. You may want to salvage Safari bookmarks.plist. And, ML created folders in the home directory may have different permissions or ACL settings than in SL. So, my rule of thumb would be to copy folders that you created in SL, and only the contents of matching named OS created folders such as Music, Pictures, Downloads, etc.
    For each operating system, you probably want the Time Machine settings to exclude the opposite OS X partition. If you use the same host name in Sharing prefs, then you will mix SL and ML backups on the same Time Machine back up drive. If you use different host names, they will be distinct folders in the Time Machine backups.backupdb and allow discrete restores per host. You may also want to gag Spotlight from indexing the opposite OS X partition.

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    iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
    MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
    Xserve (Early 2009)
    MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
    Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
    Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)

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    Use any number of free alternatives to your nearly decade old version of MS Office.
    LibreOffice (donation-supported)
    NeoOffice (free)
    OpenOffice (free)
    In addition to the above I also recommend Apple's Pages ($19.99). I use OpenOffice and Pages and have been completely Microsoft - free for years. Life is better without Microsoft.

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    Once you get yourself back to Snow Leopard, if you still want to upgrade somewhat, I would suggest the following:
    1. Get an external hard drive that you can use for experiments with new OS versions. You could partition it into 2 or 3 partitions. You could then clone your existing Snow Leopard system to one partition using Carbon Copy Cloner (well worth $40) or SuperDuper ($25).
    2. Buy OS X Mountain Lion for $20, through the Apple online store (I don't think it's available through the App Store). Apple has decided to make it very difficult for anyone to get Mavericks unless they have already downloaded it.
    You will receive two e-mails from Apple, one containing a PDF with a redemption code, and one with the password you will need to unlock the PDF. Using the code, you will download Mountain Lion from the App Store, where it will appear among your Purchased items.
    After ML finishes downloading, its installer app will launch itself. When you see this launch screen, QUIT the install app immediately! Go to your applications folder, find the Install OS X Mountain Lion app, and copy it to a safe location outside of your Applications folder. Keeping one or more copies will allow you to reinstall without unnecessary aggravation if you later need or want to do that. At this point, you can re-launch the Installer in the Applications folder and let it run. You can install it on a clean partition on your external HD, or you can allow it to upgrade the Snow Leopard clone you created on your external drive, or you can do both. This should allow you to test how everything works for as long as you like.
    3. If you left yourself a free partition on your test drive, try a clean install of Yosemite and set everything up from scratch (do not migrate anything). This will allow you to see whether your problems with it were related to something in your Snow Leopard system.

  • Is it possible to install Lion on the second hard disk on my Mini (2010) Snow Leopard Server, and switch between Lion and Snow Leopard? I like those voices Lion has in speech.

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    When baltwosaid NO emphatically, that was described as CORRECT ANSWER. Ditto in the caeses of the radically different answers from  Camelotand Matt Clifton
    Could it be that CORRECT ANSWER needs better defining by Apple?
    That apart, yes, switching might involve rebooting. About the voices, well, I was the other day adding voice to a commentary in a video I was working on. There's only American English accent in SL — Lion I believe has British ones as well.
    Why not, I wondered, try to install Lion purely for academic interest, maybe with an SD card (Sandisk Ultra II, 16GB) as Tom Nelson says is possible at http://macs.about.com/od/macoperatingsystems/ss/Perform-A-Clean-Install-Of-Os-X- Lion-On-Your-Mac.htm

  • I have Mac OS X 10.5.8. How do I upgrade to Snow Leopard to upgrade to Mountain Lion?

    I have Mac OS X 10.5.8. How do I upgrade to Snow Leopard to upgrade to Mountain Lion?

    Your machine is likely too dated to run 10.8 at all , or if it does will run slow.
    It won't run your PPC based software or hardware drives for external hardware.
    10.6 will run your PPC software and likely is best for that machine performance speaking, Software Update to 10.6.8 and stay there.
    You better do your research first.
    Things to consider before upgrading OS X
    Or else get this
    Why is my computer slow?
    and then have to do this
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6
    or this
    How to revert your Mac to Snow Leopard
    but before you do anything, you really need to do this
    Most commonly used backup methods

  • How do you download snow leopard onto a mac with lion

    i just recently purchased a mac pro 13.3 inches and it came with lion, but lion doesnt run power pc apps so i went and bought snow leopard because i was addvised by and apple support member that i could install it onto a partition and choose to run it. days later i get the disk and call in but this oither member says i cant. can anyone here tell me how i can do this because i know you can but the apple guys just tell me that its not addvised and send me here. thank you

    Although you have accepted the negative answer as solving your problem, there is a positive one:
    Install Snow Leopard into Parallels 7 in Lion:
                             [click on image to enlarge]
    Full Snow Leopard installation instructions here:

  • HELP!! i have a ton of videos of my boys stored in iPhoto..They played fine on my old OSX system (leopard).  However, I just upgraded to snow leopard and then to mountain lion and now i can't open my videos at all anymore.  HELP!!

    HELP!! i have a ton of videos of my boys stored in iPhoto..They played fine on my old OSX system (leopard).  However, I just upgraded to snow leopard and then to mountain lion and now i can't open my videos at all anymore.  HELP!!

    Can you tell us about one or more of the video files - what are they?  QuickTime?  MP4?  Something else?  How did you create the video files in the first place?
    I do a lot of video and when I upgraded to Snow Leopard I discovered that many of the QT videos that I had created previously (via iMovie & Final Cut) would not play correctly in QuickTime X - the bizarre behavior was that QT X acted as if my video files were only audio files!  I reported this to Apple at the time but never heard anything back, and there hasn't been any change in later updates to QT X.
    The solution was to (re)install QuickTime 7.  But first look in your Applications > Utilities folder.  When you upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard, the installer normally moves the old QT 7 program to your Utilities folder.  If it's there, try using QT 7 to play one of your video files.    If QT 7 is not there, you can download and install it from here  Make sure you are running at least OS X 10.6.3 before you install QT 7.  It's even better if you make sure you are running 10.6.8 which was the last release of Snow Leopard.

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    Hi folks,
    1.  I have a 6 year old iMac running Snow Leopard (can't upgrade to Lion)
    2. Just bought a new iMac running Lion.
    3.  I want to migrate all accounts, files, apps, etc from old iMac to new iMac (about 150 Gb worth)..
    4. I would normally connect both iMacs either with an Ethernet cable or via wi-fi network and run Setup Assistant to move everything to the new iMac.
    Based on my experience doing this on other Macs I have, I know it's gonna take 8 to 10 hours to migrate everything over to the new iMac so I'm looking for ways to migrate so my iMac isn't tied up all day and I don't have to spend all day in front of the computer making sure all is o.k.  So, if I make a bootable clone on a separate portable drive using SuperDuper, can I hook that drive up (instead of old iMac) to my new iMac and run Setup Assistant that way?  That would free up the old iMac to use while the new iMac crunches away copying all those files from the portable drive.  Will that work? Has anyone done this successfully?  Any cautions or things to watch for?
    Thanks everyone,

    Thanks for the info, but I want to use an external FireWire drive as the target disk, not the old iMac.  I'd need to keep the external FireWire drive connected to the old iMac in order to use the screen, keyboard, mouse, etc.  Could I just connect the FW drive to the new iMac and then start up the new iMac in hopes it would "recognize" the external FireWire drive through Setup Assistant?

  • I have Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Can I skip Lion and upgrade to Mavericks?

    I have Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Can I skip Lion and upgrade to Mavericks?

    Yes, if your computer is compatible with Mavericks.

  • I migrated everything from my Snow Leopard iMac to my new Lion iMac and now whenever I launch an Adovbe app like Photoshop the Adobe Manager pops up and wants my serial numbers or to start a trial version. I don't have my CS5 serial

    I migrated everything from my Snow Leopard iMac to my new Lion iMac and now when I launch anything in CS5 like Photoshop the Adobe Manager pops up and wants my serial numbers or to start a trial version. I don't have my CS5 serial numbers but wouldn't they migrate over with everything else?

    but wouldn't they migrate over with everything else?
    Are these PowerPC apps that ran on Rosetta with Snow Leopared?
    If so you need to read these articles...
    Lion upgrade questions and answers:  Apple Support Communities
    What applications are not compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 "Lion"? What upgrade or substitute options are available for common incompatible applications? @ EveryMac.com

  • HT1338 My macbook came with snow leopard, if  I upgrade to Lion will I be able to use my restore disks in the future and if I do use my disks that brings me back to snow leopard, Will itunes remember I purchased Lion or will I have to purchase a second ti

    My macbook came with snow leopard, if  I upgrade to Lion will I be able to use my restore disks in the future and if I do use my disks that brings me back to snow leopard, Will itunes remember I purchased Lion or will I have to purchase a second time ?

    At this point, you can no longer download Lion (10.7) from the App Store, only Mountain Lion (10.8) - make sure all your applications are fully compatible if you decide to upgrade.
    Yes, you can restore 10.6 using your restore disc should you wish to - and the App Store (not ITunes) will have a record of all your purchases, since it's linked to your AppleId.

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