MBP battery capacity at 59%

My MBP battery has suddenly decided to go from its original capacity at 5500 mAh to 3256 mAh.
I've tried draining the battery completely and charging it up again but this has not solved the problem.
Further to the problem, the OSX battery indicator drains to 0% and then goes to sleep, but you can just hit a key and it wakes up again and will continue to work for a while but when it genuinely hits 0% battery life it just shuts off cold. No warnings or Sleep mode.
Is this a hardware or software issue?
I just wanted to know if anyone else has had this problem before I have to ring Apple support up, which based on several past occasions I hate doing.
Don't get me wrong, I love using my Mac and always have from the start but this is the 4th time I've had a serious issue with it.

Hi !
I have exactly the same issue with my Macbook Pro (purchased on Dec.2007).
Only 3770 mAh capacity and nothing helped (3 x Battery calibration, PMU Reset, PRAM Reset). I just called Apple Care and after 50 Minutes explaining and listening to music on hold I will finally get a replacement battery via UPS in the next few days. I hope, that solves the problem. Stay tuned, I will report on the progress.
Any feedback of similar problems is appreciated !
Bye Wayne
Macbook Pro 2,16 C2D Mac OS X (10.4.8)
Mac OS X (10.4.8)
  Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    That's normal. The decline in battery capacity is not linear.

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    The nominal Full Charge Capacity of your battery is about 4650mAh, and it's currently indicating more than that — which is commonplace. The battery in my own 5,1 was still pretty consistently above its nominal capacity after nearly 100 cycles and a full year of use, averaging out the normal small up-and-down fluctuations from one day or week to another. So you've got a good battery.

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    The figures look fine, PaRaDa, but that is a pretty low cycle count for 7 months usage. Do you run it on the mains most of the time or is it just not heavily used?
    These batteries tend to last best if you vary the usage pattern a bit, running off the battery for a while every day or two, etc., without necessarily taking it all the way down to flat.
    see http://www.apple.com/batteries/notebooks.html for some useful advice on maximising your battery's life.
    Recalibrating every few weeks is a good idea if your MBP is generally hooked up to the charger, or if you don't use it a great deal, but every fortnight is probably overkill.
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    FIGURED IT OUT! My battery level reached 95% and the battery status said, "the battery is not charging"
    I looked it up on apple support and found this very useful section in the Macbook Pro User's Guide:
    "If the battery icon in the Finder menu bar is set to show the percentage of charge, you might sometimes notice that the battery does not attain a full 100 percent charge when the power adapter is attached. This is normal behavior; battery life is maximized if charging is not continuously cycled on and off when the battery’s charge capacity is between 95 and 100 percent. When the battery level eventually drops below 95 percent, it will charge all the way to 100 percent."
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    Thank you<br>
    Mac Book pro 15" Mac OS X (10.4.8) Core 2 duo 2.16GHz Ram-2GB
    Message was edited by: MBP VS VAIO SZ

    " Lithium-Polymer batteries will lose capacity with each charge cycle. After about 500 charge cycles (on average) the battery will need to be replaced. "
    hmm.. I do understand now that Lithium-polymer batteries will lose capacity with each charge cycle like you said. But can you try to think again that my battery charge cycle has only 12 times and it dropped to 5233mAh from 5520mAh (2months). Isn't it too fast? so.. technically when I reach another 12 times and all together 24charge cycles my battery capacity would be around 4800+ mAh?
    I do understand this guy because his battery has 123 charge cycles + nine months
    why I'm so sure of this because I do notice that every time I charge my MBP... the battery drops like 30mAh each cycle.
    Thank you
    Thanks to Kappy also

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    If you think that's necessary. But losing 20% capacity in almost 2 years is pretty good for any battery. It's just that we can monitor it more accurately now.
    You can get your current capacity vs design capacity via Terminal without coconut:
    ioreg -l | grep Capacity
            ^that's a -L and then a |

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    I've had 2 MBP 17's so far, and I'd like to get a
    general idea from everyone about their battery
    capacity and run times they are experiencing.
    My first MBP17 had a Full Charge Capacity of ~5900mAh
    before calibration and PMU reset, and 6800mAh after.
    This translated to about 3:40 of run time under light
    My current MBP17 had a Full Charge Capacity of
    ~5899mAh before calibration and PMU reset, and
    6942mAh after (currently). This translates to about
    3:48 of runtime....still trying to get some more
    real-world run time numbers under different loads.
    This proves to me that it is quite critical to
    calibrate your battery and reset your PMU at least
    once to ensure that your battery is reporting it's
    correct capacity. I'd be interested to know what
    everyone else's batteries are reporting.
    Battery Information:
    Battery Installed: Yes
    First low level warning: No
    Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 6864
    Remaining Capacity (mAh): 6862
    Amperage (mA): -469
    Voltage (mV): 12436
    Cycle Count: 2

  • MBP Original Battery Capacity?

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    G'day Stolds, and welcome to the forums.
    Your 17" came with a battery which Apple specify as a "95 Watt hour" battery.
    The "nominal voltage" for the battery in the 17", used when converting from Watt hours to mAhs is 7.3V. (unlike the 15" and 13" which have a 10.8v battery)
    P=vi (Watts = volts x amps)
    Therefore i (amps)=P (watts)/v (volts)
    95/7.3 = 13 Amps (roughly)
    Multiply by 1000 to get mA
    so this is a battery with roughly 13000 mAh capacity when new.
    The non-removeable batteries in the unibody MBPs are rated to maintain 80% of original maximum capacity for 1000 cycles .
    Your battery is way below par, and clearly defective. Take it in and get it replaced under warranty.

  • Battery capacity of new 15" MBP (removable)

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    And yes, I've calibrated it few times since. Funny though, thanks to a more power efficient chipset and LED lighting, it actually has better battery life than my earlier non-unibody, non-LED MBP has with a brand new 5500 mAh battery, but still...

    The Late 2008 15" unibody MBP battery has a nominal new full charge capacity of 4630 mAh (calculated). The 'health' widgets round that to 4600 mAh. So, your battery is perfectly fine.
    For more details, see the Battery Health section of my User Tip:

  • Fluctuating battery capacity. can you give any tips to maintain my 596 cycles? (1 year old MBP 2012 13")

    battery capacity went from from 80.4% to 78% to 86%  within the same day. is this normal?
    i alraeady have 596 cycles
    1year old mac with applecare
    before i'am always draining my battery, now that i knew that it is bad, what should i do now?
    any tips and suggested routine?

    Here is a list of Apple support documents regarding batteries. 
    Look at the articles under the 'Optimizing battery life' category.

  • Fluctuating Battery Capacity

    Yesterday my MBP had a funny turn relating to it's recognised battery capacity. I had been using it for most of the day on fairly boring tasks and I was running it on battery power when all of a sudden it shut down on me. I plugged in charger and fired it up and when I looked at the battery it was at 0% however the capacity had fallen by over 75%.
    Originally it was about
    93% of original
    270 load cycles
    10months old
    All of a sudden it was
    16% of original
    I used System Profiler and Coconut to check the levels.
    I left it charging for a couple of hours until it said it was full then I turned it off. I let it cool, took the battery out, dusted it, polished it and put it back.
    When I turned the machine back on the battery capacity was back to 93% original.
    The basic question is has anyone seen this before? Quickly followed by software glitch or intermittent hardware fault.
    Cheers for any help.

    The design capacity of a new battery is often exceeded slightly by its actual capacity. You got a good one.
    My late-2008 MBP's battery has a design capacity of 4600 mAh, but it started off at about 4800 and still has never gone as low as 4600, after 11 months and 64 cycles. Right now it shows 4622.
    It isn't possible for your MBP to have operated on battery power for 24 hours without sleeping. Something is wrong, not with your battery but with your story.

  • Concerned on current battery capacity

    i have had my mbp 13 for exactly a month now and the battery capacity is now at 92-93%. It now has 21 load cycles! i dont know if im doing anything wrong but i do use it for school(uses AC adapter) and at home(Ac adapter also). When using battery i only deplete it around 50%~. and according to coconut battery, i now have 5096 mAh compared to the original 5450mAh. Is there something wrong?
    ps: my friend also has a mbp and his is refurb, but its still holding the original mAh and has less load cycles.
    thanks in advance

    I too have concerns about my new battery.
    I've had it for a week, it's at 6 charge cycles (no worries abotu that)
    my paranoia comes in when i look at battery capacity.
    I haven't gone past 97% and it plays around 95-96% of battery capacity. Is this normal for a new machine? I'd be expecting nothing less than 100% battery capacity for something new out the box.
    And yes, ive done calibration, but still doesnt manage to get to its maximum charge capacity.
    Can i expect things to improve? I know this might seem unnecessary if it's at all normal, but then again, I just want to see a new thing display perfect and new specs.
    Thanks guys

  • Apple employee: Does AppleCare covers a short-lifed MBP battery?

    If AppleCare does cover, to what extent ? for example, will apple replace my MBP battery for free if it drops to 80% of the original capacity, in one year? any restrictions on the replacement, such as 300 battery load cycles?
    Thank you, i hope to see definitive answers!

    You're not very likely to get an Apple employee to answer here, as these are user-to-user forums. (It does happen on rare occasion, but it truly is rare.)
    From watching the notebook forums here for a few years, I'd say this: Apple is vague on this subject. Your best bet, if you feel your battery isn't working as it should now or some months down the road, is simply to call AppleCare and negotiate what you can. Reports vary, and your mileage may vary based on who you talk to and how you present your case. (You can at least change who you talk to if you're not satisfied with the initial answer. Ask to speak to a supervisor or, if necessary, to Apple Customer Relations if you feel you're not getting the warranty service you deserve.)
    Sorry I can't give more definitive answers, but it's one of those issues that doesn't have a definitive answer, unfortunately. You'll get a variety of responses from people here, all reporting different experiences. Ultimately, the answer is simply, "Call Apple and find out."
    All that said, if the situation is extreme and obviously points to a defective battery, such as only getting one hour of charge from a calibrated battery that is only a month old, you shouldn't have a problem getting it replaced under warranty. But your question of where Apple draws the line in less extreme cases is what can't really be answered by people here.

  • Sudden Reduction in Battery Capacity

    I have a MacBook Pro which is 11 months old. Suddenly within the last month the Battery capacity has dropped to 2112 mAh from 5500 mAh. Is this the sign of a defective battery?? How long to MBP batteries usually last?

    Didn't know if I should start a new thread or respond to this one.
    My MBP July 2007( 8 months old?) Battery always reported about 95+% life until I Calibrated it for the first time about a week ago. Now I'm seeing 2:30 in time at 65%
    Below are the stats right after a recent full charge, should I go see the Genius Bar or is this normal...
    System Power Settings:
    AC Power:
    System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
    Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
    Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
    Automatic Restart On Power Loss: No
    Wake On AC Change: No
    Wake On Clamshell Open: Yes
    Wake On LAN: Yes
    Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes
    Battery Power:
    System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 5
    Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
    Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 1
    Wake On AC Change: No
    Wake On Clamshell Open: Yes
    Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes
    Reduce Brightness: Yes
    Battery Information:
    Battery Installed: Yes
    First low level warning: No
    Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 3209
    Remaining Capacity (mAh): 3209
    Amperage (mA): -115
    Voltage (mV): 12416
    Cycle Count: 120
    AC Charger Information:
    Connected: No
    Charging: No
    Hardware Configuration:
    UPS Installed: No

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