MBP Display Model Number

How do I determine which display model number I have? Thanks in advance.

1) Go to system Preferences
2) Go to Displays
3) Go to the Color tab up at the top center
4) Click on Color LCD and then to the right click Open Profile
5) Go down to number 13, and click once on it.
Below will be the information you need.

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    Hi There,
    I have had the exact same issue but with a projector.
    The issue lies with Mountian Lion 10.8.2.
    I tried many a combination with no luck to get HDMI working.
    Took my mac into the apple store and came to the conclusion it was the software, so I asked them to install 10.8 onto it (this is destructive so a backup is a must)
    Bought my macbook home and voila, now displaying through my projector.
    There is a small graphics update after 10.8.1 which seems to be the cause.
    Hope this helps.

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    Any 2.5"dia, 9.5mm thick SATA HDD will be compatible.  Look at options here:
    This video will show you how to install it:

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    Intel HD graphis with auto switching to NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M. Hopefully that helps.
    Chipset Model:          NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M
      Type:          GPU
      Bus:          PCIe
      PCIe Lane Width:          x16
      VRAM (Total):          256 MB
      Vendor:          NVIDIA (0x10de)
      Device ID:          0x0a29
      Revision ID:          0x00a2
      ROM Revision:          3560
      gMux Version:          1.9.21
    Display Connector:
      Status:          No Display Connected
      Resolution:          1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz
      Pixel Depth:          32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
      Display Serial Number:          BBLMQS016702
      Main Display:          Yes
      Mirror:          Off
      Online:          Yes
      Rotation:          Supported
      Television:          Yes
    Way too cheap to upgrade to an apple display... Hoping for a 15" macbook air this year to arrive and then i'll think about a different display.

    forgot to say...
    OSX 10.6.8

  • MBP display is showing a thin green line on left side of the screen

    Hi All,
    I have 15 inch Unibody MacBook Pro bought in late 2009. Specs are as below. Initially it was 4GB RAM. I upgraded it later to 8GB OWC RAM.
    Model Name:          MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacBookPro5,3
      Processor Name:          Intel Core 2 Duo
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      Bus:          PCI
      VRAM (Total):          256 MB
      Vendor:          NVIDIA (0x10de)
      Device ID:          0x0863
      Revision ID:          0x00b1
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    Display Connector:
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    I bought Lion from App Store recently and installed it successfully on my MBP. After few days when I left my machine running Lion from morning till evening I see a thin green line on the left side of the screen. I tried searching the web and tried few options like restarting the machine, resetting NVRAM and doing Apple hardware test (By pressing D while the machine boots). The Apple hardware test did not detect any problem. The green line still exists.
    Please suggest me how to get rid of green line.

    Hi Brent,
    I took it to apple service center. They did some checks and found out that the display has gone bad and they replced it with new one.
    Did you try connecting other display (may be Apple Display or Dell monitor) using an adapter?  In my case the Apple service center people tried doing it and the display was appearing just fine without any green line. So the fault was in my MBP display.

  • In ALV display model ,how to accept the ENTER key event?

    Dear All,
    I have used ALV by  GRID DISPLAY model ,not class model.
          i_callback_program       = sy-repid
          i_callback_pf_status_set = 'SET_PF_STATUS'
          i_callback_user_command  = 'USER_COMMAND'
          i_structure_name         = 'T_ITAB'
          is_layout                = gs_layout
          it_fieldcat              = t_fieldcat[]
          i_default                = 'X'
          i_save                   = 'A'
          t_outtab                 = t_itab
          program_error            = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.
    For example :
    IN ALV DISPLAY, there are two fields, one is MATNR, the other is MAKTX.
    When user input the material value in MATNR field and press ENTER, then ALV can run my code to select the MAKTX into MAKTX field and display it synchronization.
    Now I have realized update edit in ALV,but I found only I double click ALV row, then the MAKTX can update.
    Please give me help,

    This is the document written by me on Interactive ALV.. hope this maybe helpful for u..
    When an Interactive Report is needed in Classical Display, we go for AT LINE-SELECTION. But when the same is needed in ALV Display, this method won't work. Instead, we need to use other way which is explained below:
    We use REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY for ALV Display. Now, normally we call that FM in the following way:
                i_callback_program      = 'PROGRAM_NAME'
                it_fieldcat             = tb_fieldcat
                t_outtab                = tb_output.
    When it is needed to get an Interactive ALV, call the same FM in the following manner:
                i_callback_program      = 'ZTEST75599_1'
                it_fieldcat             = tb_fieldcat
                i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND'
                t_outtab                = tb_output.
    Now, in the report, create a subroutine with the name USER_COMMAND as follows:
    FORM user_command  USING p_ucomm    LIKE sy-ucomm
                             p_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
      CASE p_ucomm.
        WHEN '&IC1'.   " &IC1 - SAP standard code for double-clicking
    Based on the requirement, write the logic                          *
    No need to call the subroutine as PERFORM user_command. This will be takane care by REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. We need to just write the subroutine in the report. That suffices.
    Some more useful points for Interactive ALV:
    1. If Hotspot is needed, then that should be done by declaring hotspot (one field in slis_t_fieldcat_alv) as 'X' in tb_fieldcat which is of type slis_t_fieldcat_alv. When hotspot is active, single click will be enough or else you should double click on the output data.
    2. In Classical Display, when it is needed to read the record on which we double clicked, we do that in following way:
           GET CURSOR LINE wf_line. " wf_line gives the line number on which it has been clicked
             READ LINE wf_line OF CURRENT PAGE.
      But this won't work for ALV. Instead, the following logic can be used:
    FORM user_command  USING p_ucomm    LIKE sy-ucomm
                             p_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
      CASE p_ucomm.
        WHEN '&IC1'.   " &IC1 - SAP standard code for double-clicking
          READ TABLE tb_output INTO wa_output INDEX p_selfield-tabindex.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    Based on the requirement, write the logic                          *

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    A friend of mine has a MacBook that won't start up. How do I find the model number of her MacBook? A number like MBXXXLL/A or MAXXXLL/A.

    Do you meant he serial number? If so, click the Apple Menu  then click: About This Mac. You will see Mac O S X. Under that click where you see: Version 10.x.x, then click one more time to see the serial number.
    You can also view this information by launching the System Profiler (Applications/Utilties)
    On the left under Contents select Hardware. The serial number will be displayed on the right.
    Just out of curiosity, how is knowing the serial number going to help trouble shoot this MacBook ??

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    My 3 yr old MBP display failed (display just showing vertical and horizontal lines).
    I bought a new MBP Retina today.
    Genius Bar told me to simply attach FireWire, then press "T" on old MBP to boot in Target Mode.
    Then, look for old MBP HD icon on new MBP Retina desktop.
    I cannot find old MBP icon on desktop.
    I cannot transfer data from old MBP to new MBP Retina.
    Any help would be appreciated?

    Genius bar told you right - you need to start your old MBP up into target mode (booting while hold down the T key) but you need to have the right FireWire cable hooked up to the machines before you boot either. What year is your old model? Does it hve FW400 or FW800?
    Here are the instructions from Apple - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1661. Take a look at it and see if it helps. Also make sure that you have the Finder set so that external and remote disks will show up on your Desktop. When the disk mounts you can either just copy over files or, if you want to transfer accounts and associated directories, use Migration Assistant in your Utilities folder to copy over the info.
    Good luck - call back if it's not working.

  • Error when displaying modeling on MultiProvider, urgent!!!

    Hi Expert,
      There is one runtime error when I try to display modeling on MultiProvider. but It's OK to display ODS and Cube. Could anyone tell me how to do? I can't find any notes about this. Thanks a lot!!
    Runtime Errors         MESSAGE_TYPE_X
    Date and Time          07/28/2006 12:07:47
         The current application triggered a termination with a short dump.
    What happened?
         The current application program detected a situation which really
         should not occur. Therefore, a termination with a short dump was
         triggered on purpose by the key word MESSAGE (type X).
    What can you do?
         Print out the error message (using the "Print" function)
         and make a note of the actions and input that caused the
         To resolve the problem, contact your SAP system administrator.
         You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP Dump Analysis) to view and administer
          termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion
         is especially useful if you want to keep a particular message.
    Error analysis
         Short text of error message:
       Internal error
       Technical information about the message:
       Message classe...... "RSAWB"
       Number.............. 002
       Variable 1.......... " "
       Variable 2.......... " "
       Variable 3.......... " "
       Variable 4.......... " "
       Variable 3.......... " "
       Variable 4.......... " "
    How to correct the error
        Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.
        You may able to find an interim solution to the problem
        in the SAP note system. If you have access to the note system yourself,
        use the following search criteria:
        "MESSAGE_TYPE_X" C
        "CL_RSAWB_GENERAL_AWB==========CP" or "CL_RSAWB_GENERAL_AWB==========CM00O"
        If you cannot solve the problem yourself and you wish to send
        an error message to SAP, include the following documents:
        1. A printout of the problem description (short dump)
           To obtain this, select in the current display "System->List->
           Save->Local File (unconverted)".
        2. A suitable printout of the system log
           To obtain this, call the system log through transaction SM21.
           Limit the time interval to 10 minutes before and 5 minutes
           after the short dump. In the display, then select the function
           "System->List->Save->Local File (unconverted)".
    3. If the programs are your own programs or modified SAP programs,
        supply the source code.
        To do this, select the Editor function "Further Utilities->
    4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred
        or which actions and input led to the error.

    these notes can be useful for you, depending of your BW release.

  • Can I find out the model number of my screen without taking it apart?

    My "17 Macbook Pro creen needs replacing,and I have no interest in spending upwards of $250.
    I would like to find a suitable replacement online,but I need to know the model number first for purposes of compatibility.
    I have been told that I would have to take apart my screen,in order to find out the model.
    I was wondering if there was any possibility of finding out the model number without having to take my screen apart.
    I have been calling apple service centers,but they have been no help.
    They tell me that they need to diagnose it for themselves.
    Why should it be this difficult?
    I should be able to just call somebody,have them look up the serial number,and tell me the number of my model.

    All they should need is the Model Number of your Mac.
    Here is a good Place to look.
    http://eshop.macsales.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=adwords &gclid=CO741pfHiL0CFbQWMgodOTYAJA
    If it is just the display glass then the last link is what you need.

  • HT201471 What is the MD model number of the iPad A1458?

    Is that the 4th generation?
    Is that the same as the advertised as "retina display?"

    Model Number
    Order Number
    MD510LL/A (16 GB Black) MD513LL/A (16 GB White) MD511LL/A (32 GB Black) MD514LL/A (32 GB White) MD512LL/A (64 GB Black) MD515LL/A (64 GB White) ME392LL/A (128 GB Black) ME393LL/A (128 GB White)
    That is the 4th generation WiFi only model

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