MD101 for ios development

I want to buy Macbook Pro for ios apps developing . My budget around 1200 $ , I have two option :
to buy 1- MacBook Pro MD101 have the following specification i5 duel-core 2.5Ghz / 4g RAM / 500 HDD  
to buy 2- MacBook Pro Retina i5 duel-core 2.6 Ghz / 8g RAM / 256g SSD  ( if i buy this mac can i able to upgrade to 512g SSD )

Retina MBPs that are early 2013 models and earlier can have SSD upgrades.  Newer ones do not have that option at this time.
The MB101 is far more flexible since it can have up 16 GB RAM installed and any SATA HDD or SSD installed as well.  Not as fancy as a retina but it is a more practical option.

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    This is being caused by using the same Apple ID for iMessage.  To fix this you have two choices:
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    Doing some additonal web research I found the following site.  Using that data, I was able to pull the Geekbench performance results my current MBP (late 2011) and the two MBP's being considered.  Below is a cut & paste of the information I compiled in a spreadsheet.
    Next question -- does the benchmarks take into account the speed difference of the HDD vs SDD drives?  As you can see, there is very minimal performance difference to go non-retina to a retina model.  On average a 6.64% performance increase for a 28.60% price increase.
    Those percentages might change if the benchmark tests don't include hard drive speeds.  But as it stands, if we attribute 6.64% of the costs difference to performance since that is how much increase you get going rMBP vs MBP, then there is an approximate 22% premium (or $220) for the retina display and more compact design (along with all the various changes that go w/ retina -- no user upgradeability, addition of HDMI port, lack of optical drive, firewire and ethernet, etc).  If you plan on buying an external super-drive ($79) the premium crawls to near 30% more.
    nolimits76 wrote:
    Macbook Model Info
    32-bit Single
    % Faster
    32-bit Dual
    % Faster
    64-bit Single
    % Faster
    64-bit Dual
    % Faster
    Late 2011
    i5 2.4ghz
    Mid 2012
    i5 2.5ghz
    Late 2013
    i5 2.4ghz
    Macbook Model Info
    % More
    Late 2011
    i5 2.4ghz
    Mid 2012
    i5 2.5ghz
    Late 2013
    i5 2.4ghz

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    I would recommend you to use Blowfish, but if you think you dont need a very strong algorithm and prefer to focus on performance(speed),then a 56-bit DES would be adequate.
    You need the javax.crypto.* and javax.crypto.spec.* packages.
    If you will store the information in a file, after you encrypt the data, base64 encode it.
    (there are base64 encode/decode classes in sun.misc package)
    I show u a method implementing that:
    public String encryptTxt(String txt,String key){
          SecretKeySpec specKey=new SecretKeySpec(key, "Blowfish");
          Cipher cipher=Cipher.getInstance("Blowfish"););
          cipher.init( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, specKey);
          return new String(  new BASE64Encoder().encodeBuffer( cipher.doFinal(txt.getBytes())) );
       }catch(Exception e){return txt;}

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    You were spot on.  I just had to get all the keychain access info back inplace and its always a little tricky getting the private keys for the certificates for Dev and Dist but it all worked out.  Guess my panic mode was a bit out of hand from the hard drive failure -- new SSD and back up and running though.  thanks for the reply / help.

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    Here's an article on how to overlay AIR 3.0 on CS5.5:
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