MDB's and clustered topics

          I am running WL 8.1 SP2 in a clustered configuration. I would like to use JMS for
          broadcasting message between the 2 nodes in my cluster, and have been trying to
          use an MDB subscribed (Nondurable) to a single JMS topic with no success.
          I have a single ConnectionFactory for the cluster, and a single migratable JMS
          server. The MDB's on each machine are identical, and both attempt to subscribe
          to the same Topic. The problem is only one of servers is able to make an active
          connection to JMS.
          I've read in previous posts about workarounds to make the clientID unique in order
          to get both servers to attach to the JMS topic, is this necessary for NonDurable
          Can anyone recommend a configuration to broadcast messages to all nodes in my

          Mike wrote:
          > I am running WL 8.1 SP2 in a clustered configuration. I would like to use JMS for
          > broadcasting message between the 2 nodes in my cluster, and have been trying to
          > use an MDB subscribed (Nondurable) to a single JMS topic with no success.
          > I have a single ConnectionFactory for the cluster, and a single migratable JMS
          > server. The MDB's on each machine are identical, and both attempt to subscribe
          > to the same Topic. The problem is only one of servers is able to make an active
          > connection to JMS.
          > I've read in previous posts about workarounds to make the clientID unique in order
          > to get both servers to attach to the JMS topic, is this necessary for NonDurable
          > subscriptions?
          No. Make sure that you haven't configured a connection-id on the
          connection factory you are using for the MDB (or simply don't specify
          a CF and use the default one). Make sure all servers
          are truly fully participating in the cluster.
          If you like, post your EJB and WebLogic descriptor files and
          I'll take a quick look. Actually, what would be most helpful
          is the log message and exception stack trace of the failing MDB.
          > Can anyone recommend a configuration to broadcast messages to all nodes in my
          > cluster?
          I think your on the right track. Something basic is going wrong.

Similar Messages

  • Load balancing and clustered MDBs using a Queue

    With the following advice/information from
              "One customer had an example where topic MDBs are needed in which there will
              be multiple implementations of the MDBs listening on the same topic. In
              other words, more than one MDB with a different implementation may be
              subscribing to the same topic. The client has no advanced way of knowing how
              many different kinds of MDBs may be listening on the same topic, but it is
              possible for there to be more than one listener, therefore topics, not
              queues. For each kind of MDB listening on the topic, the message is
              delivered exactly once (i.e., the message will be delivered exactly once to
              an instance in each named MDB pool listening on the topic)."
              If I have a set of MDB's scraping Messages from the JMS Queue, what is the
              load-balancing behavior?
              1) Consider a lightly-loaded system, where each MDB has sufficient time to
              process the message before the next one shows up in the queue. Will the same
              MDB get all the messages?
              2) Consider a heavily-loaded system, where each MDB has insufficient time to
              process the message before the next one shows up in the queue. How would you
              characterize the de facto load-balancing behavior? least-loaded?

    Have you tried the SAP WebDispatcher.  This should acomplish what you want.

  • MDB and Clustering

              Hi All,
              We have MDB's and JMS Servers. We are trying to cluster. JMS Server can only be
              targetted on the one server in the cluster.
              Is that also true for MDB's?
              If we target MDB's (mdbejb.jar) to the second server in the cluster we get an
              error saying unable to lookup the queue etc.
              Are we missing something here or MDB's shld also be targetted on the same wls
              instance where JMS Servers are?
              Thanks for the help.

    I am sorry for misguiding ealrier but one has to add the following in the
              MDB's DD for connecting to a destination on another JMS server.
              <provider-url></provider-url> <!-- This is the
              most imp one - give the url of the actual jms server in the cluster -->
              y-jndi-name> <!-- This is might be also imp one if its a foreign JMS
              provider -->
              The entire dtd is available at :
              <!--StartFragment--><!ELEMENT message-driven-descriptor (
              "Sabha" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
              > Its not necessary for the MDBs to be deployed on the same server as JMS
              > server.
              > Make sure the connection factory used inside MDB is available on all the
              > servers in the cluster.
              > -Sabha
              > "Vimban" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > news:[email protected]...
              > >
              > > Hi All,
              > >
              > > We have MDB's and JMS Servers. We are trying to cluster. JMS Server can
              > only be
              > > targetted on the one server in the cluster.
              > >
              > > Is that also true for MDB's?
              > >
              > > If we target MDB's (mdbejb.jar) to the second server in the cluster we
              > an
              > > error saying unable to lookup the queue etc.
              > >
              > >
              > > Are we missing something here or MDB's shld also be targetted on the
              > wls
              > > instance where JMS Servers are?
              > >
              > > Thanks for the help.
              > >
              > > -v
              > >

  • MDB behaviour in Clustered environment

    Hi, I am a bit confused with regards to how a message delivery will behave in a clustered environment on a app server.
    As far as Queue is concerned, I am clear that it will be delevered to one and only one of the MDBs.
    But for Topic, how can load balancing effect the Topic subscriptions? Does the Topic then behave in the same manner as the Queue?
    I have a J2EE app that is running in clustered env( can be any app server). It has one MDB. I need to send messages to all the application instances at the same time. I am not sure if this solution will work in a clustered environment with JMS load balancing, and I am afraid that this solution will misbehave. Hence the question :)

    Delivery to topics is based on subscriptions. One copy of a message is delivered to each subscription. A subscription is identified (in most providers) by the combination of the client id and subscription name. In a clustered environment, each node of the cluster will have a different client id and therefore get a different copy of a message.
    Some JMS providers allow for something called group or shared subscriptions where the client id is removed from the subscription identifier and replaced by a group id. This allows two nodes in a cluster to share a subscription to a topic allowing whichever client is up to consume exactly one copy of a message among all nodes in a cluster.
    I have to admit that I haven't gotten around to implementing such a feature in my own JMS implementation, but it is on the list.

  • Message-driven bean "loses" MDB icon and status

    Using JDev v11., when I create a MDB in my project using the wizard, it initially is displayed with the MDB icon next to it (a little envelope with a paperclip). However, about a second later, the icon changes to a normal 'Java' icon (coffee cup). I've also noticed that the MDB class does NOT appear in the Project Properties | EJB Module | Annotated EJB 3.0 Classes list box. The net result is that when the application is deployed, the MDB doesn't get registered to listen, so it never receives JMS messages.
    I tried creating a new application from scratch, and created the exact same MDB. In this application, the icon 'sticks', and the class DOES show up in the "Annotated EJB 3.0 Classes" list box in the Project Properties dialog. (And, it will correctly register to receive JMS message on deployment.)
    So, obviously something is different/wrong with my actual application that is preventing it from recognizing that the MDB class is an MDB. But, I don't know what. I've looked at all the settings in the Project Properties, looked at the actual project's .jpr file, etc., and can't see anything that would cause one application to not recognize MDBs.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to figure out why my MDB classes aren't recognized as such in the one Application?
    Here's the class I'm trying to use:
    package com.acme;
    import javax.ejb.MessageDriven;
    import javax.jms.Message;
    import javax.jms.MessageListener;
    @MessageDriven(mappedName = "acme.DefaultQueue")
    public class MessageEJB implements MessageListener {
        public void onMessage(Message message) {
             // ... code here ...

    For those that might have this problem down the road, here's what I found... It seems that there was a corrupt "cache" file or something in the project. Specifically, I had to delete the files in the <app_name>\<project_name>\classes\.data\00000000 folder. Once I deleted those files (mostly .jdb files), and restarted JDeveloper, the correct icon displayed next to my MDB classes, AND they also showed up correctly in the Project Properties | EJB Console pane.
    I'm not sure what these files are, but I assume they are cache files and get re-created automatically by JDeveloper when needed. I hope this helps someone else that has the same problem!

  • Can I copy and paste topics from 1 RH file into another?

    Is there a way to copy and paste topics or books from 1 Robohelp 8 project into another?

    Hi there
    You are comparing Spiders to Hedgehogs here.
    Topics refer to individual HTML pages that are part of your RoboHelp project. Books are a means of organizing items inside your Table of Contents.
    Are you asking if you may copy TOC structures? If so, the answer falls into a huge gray area. You could certainly import a TOC into your project. But does the project the TOC was originally part of have the same topics in the same folder structure? If not, why would you go there?
    Sincerely... Rick
    Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML Training
    Click here for the SorcerStone Blog
    Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

  • Session Failover and Clustering

              Let's say that we have two WebServers (NES) with the weblogic plugin (say WS1 and WS2) and a cluster with two WebLogicCommerce AppServers (say AS1 and AS2). Let's assume that each WebServer and AppServer runs on its own machine (total: 4 machines). Now, let's assume that the WebServer "obj.conf" files (on both WS1 and WS2) are setup so that they point to the servers in the cluster (WebLogicCluster="AS1:7601,AS2:7601").
              When a new request comes in to one of the WebServers (say WS1), the plugin will route it to one of the AppServers using Round-Robin (say AS1). A session will now be initiated in AS1 and it sends a response back to the client.
              Question 1: How does the other proxy in WS2 know that all future requests for this client need to be forwarded to AS1?
              Question 2: For failover, does the cluster automatically replicate the session state existing in AS1 onto AS2 before sending the response (does AS2 automatically become the secondary)?
              Now let's assume that AS1 crashes/dies. When the next request from the client comes to WS1 or WS2, they will forward it to AS1 (assuming that WS2 knows about the client session in AS1) . Since AS1 has crashed, will the client eventually get a timeout error message?
              Question 3: To ensure that the session failover happens so that AS2 gets the request instead (becomes the primary), do we need to setup a WebLogic Proxy Server? If so, why can't the plugins for NES provide the failover themselves?
              Thank you very much for your help!

              Thank you very much for your responses. It has been very helpful and I am clear on the session/clustering stuff. I have new questions on EJB and clustering which I will post as a separate thread.
              "Jason Rosenberg" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >And also, if the browser has cookies disabled, it is important for
              >the app server to embed the WebLogicSession info via url rewriting,
              >otherwise the proxy or NES will not be able to route the session
              >So, in all http responses, be sure to pass the url string through
              >response.encodeURL(). This will do the right thing depending
              >on whether cookies are enabled or not.
              >I've just only recently figured this out. Haven't actually tried it
              >all out yet, so forgive me if it is not quite this simple, but this
              >seems to be the gist of it...
              >"Justin James" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
              >> Giri,
              >> I'm not a weblogic representative, but I tried to replicate this proxing service inside a load balancing switch(BigIP) and I
              >discovered a few things. The weblogic server sets a cookie (WebLogicSession)that the webserver plugin uses to manage the proxying.
              >The cookie (found in the HTTP header information) contains encoded information about the primary and secondary application servers
              >that the session is bound too. Any web server can read the cookie to determine how to dispatch the request to the primary server.
              >If the primary server does not respond, the request is forwarded to the secondary server by the plugin. Regardless of cluster size,
              >the session is replicated to only one other server.
              >> <[email protected]> wrote:
              >> >Giri Alwar wrote:
              >> >
              >> >> I need a couple of clarifications. First with regard to Question 1, I understand that plugins provide load balancing and
              >failover but what I really was asking is how the plugin in WS2 knows that a session for the client has been initiated in AS1 as a
              >result of WS1 sending the initial request to AS1. If WS2 gets a future request from the client, it needs to know this to send the
              >request to AS1. Does the plugin talk to the cluster to find out if there is a primary and who it is?
              >> >>
              >> >
              >> >> I should have clarified that my other questions pertain to in-memory replication. If I do not persist the session in a database
              >then does the client get an error message (timeout) when AS1 goes down (assuming we use NES with the WebLogic plugin)?
              >> >
              >> >Plugins' know how to route requests based on cookies. If it can't reach the primary server it will automatically try secondary.
              >In your case it doesn't matter if it reaches to proxy 1 or proxy 2, it is still the same.
              >> >
              >> >- Prasad
              >> >
              >> >> To prevent this error message and achieve failover, do I need to use WebLogic as the proxy server? If so, why isn't the NES
              >plugin doing this?
              >> >
              >> >> Thanks.
              >> >> Giri
              >> >>
              >> >> Prasad Peddada <[email protected]> wrote:
              >> >> >Giri Alwar wrote:
              >> >> >
              >> >> >> Let's say that we have two WebServers (NES) with the weblogic plugin (say WS1 and WS2) and a cluster with two
              >WebLogicCommerce AppServers (say AS1 and AS2). Let's assume that each WebServer and AppServer runs on its own machine (total: 4
              >machines). Now, let's assume that the WebServer "obj.conf" files (on both WS1 and WS2) are setup so that they point to the servers
              >in the cluster (WebLogicCluster="AS1:7601,AS2:7601").
              >> >> >>
              >> >> >> When a new request comes in to one of the WebServers (say WS1), the plugin will route it to one of the AppServers using
              >Round-Robin (say AS1). A session will now be initiated in AS1 and it sends a response back to the client.
              >> >> >>
              >> >> >> Question 1: How does the other proxy in WS2 know that all future requests for this client need to be forwarded to AS1?
              >> >> >
              >> >> > Plugin takes care of load balancing and failover, it is all transparent to the client.
              >> >> >
              >> >> >
              >> >> >> Question 2: For failover, does the cluster automatically replicate the session state existing in AS1 onto AS2 before sending
              >the response (does AS2 automatically become the secondary)?
              >> >> >
              >> >> > If you have only two yes it is automatically your secondary. Yes, replication is synchronous.
              >> >> >
              >> >> >>
              >> >> >> Now let's assume that AS1 crashes/dies. When the next request from the client comes to WS1 or WS2, they will forward it to
              >AS1 (assuming that WS2 knows about the client session in AS1) . Since AS1 has crashed, will the client eventually get a timeout
              >error message?
              >> >> >
              >> >> > If you are using some kind of persistence then you will be able to retrieve the session information and since the server
              >is not available the request will automatically failover.
              >> >> >
              >> >> >> Question 3: To ensure that the session failover happens so that AS2 gets the request instead (becomes the primary), do we
              >need to setup a WebLogic Proxy Server? If so, why can't the plugins for NES provide the failover themselves?
              >> >> >
              >> >> > No, you need only one. Either NES or weblogic proxy.
              >> >> >
              >> >> >
              >> >> >> Thank you very much for your help!
              >> >> >> Giri
              >> >> >
              >> >> >- Prasad
              >> >> >
              >> >

  • Rac and clustering setup

    Hi all,
    I want to know abt RAC and clustering.Can any one describe me abt these two things.
    I got two instances running in 2 AIX machines of size 25 gb each. im zero in this. can any one help me regarding this
    first of all i do no what is RAC and Clustering

    2 instances (or more) will indeed be reading and writing to the same database files. When one instance fails, the other one takes over. Therefore availability is ensured.
    look here fore info on RAC:

  • Configuring Servers and Clusters

    Hi All,
    Whenever I am creatin HFM application,it is asking server,I have tried to "Configuring Servers and Clusters" ,but I am unable to coniger,please assist me.

    For your second question I think it is E. Coherence Web Edition
    Because Coherence provides the ability to scale your application and also offers high availability by replicating the session objects to coherence nodes/caches.

  • ANNOUNCE:  Martin Marinschek on MyFaces 2.0, IRIAN, and Related Topics

    In this podcast, JSFCentral editor-in-chief Kito D. Mann talks with Martin Marinschek about MyFaces, IRIAN, and related topics. This interview was recorded in December of 2009 at the JSF Summit conference in Orlando, Florida. Here is an excerpt:
    Kito: Let’s talk a little bit about the project. MyFaces was originally just an implementation but now it has grown into a very large set of projects. Tell us a bit about some of the different projects that are part of the MyFaces umbrella.
    Martin: I hope I don’t miss anything. Of course there is the core MyFaces implementation and API. For the JSF implementation you have to do the API and the Impl, so it is actually two jars which are developed in the core section. Then there are the three component libraries: Trinidad, Tomahawk, and Tobago. Then there is Orchestra, which is a conversation scope implementation for long running conversations with integration to JPA as well. Then there is the JSF Portlet Bridge, and there is ExtVal validation integration for JSF, where you can put annotations on your managed beans and domain objects. It will directly be converted into JSF converters and validators, pretty nicely done. Now that bean validation has been standardized, it is also an implementation of bean validation, so you can use the bean validation annotations together with ExtVal.
    Read the full article here:
    Kito D. Mann -- Author, JavaServer Faces in Action - JSF/Java EE consulting, training, and mentoring - JavaServer Faces FAQ, news, and info
    +1 203-404-4848 x3

    We are pleased to announce that Target Management 3.0M5 is available for
    News for Users include
    * UI for viewing and changing file permissions and owner on UNIX
    * SSH Keepalive mechanism
    * Link with Editor action fixed
    * Ctrl+Space Field Assist for history in the Terminal input field
    On the internals, TM 3.0M5 provides faster startup and reduced footprint
    thanks to improved lazy loading of filter pools; and the SystemRegistry
    implementation has moved to non-UI plugins for improved UI/Non-UI
    See the build notes for more information: 200802181400/
    As always, the build is available for download and on the TM milestone
    update site, and will be on the Ganymede Update Site soon.
    Martin Oberhuber
    Wind River Systems, Inc.
    Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

  • Multiple call managers and clusters sharing one application server

    I need to program my application such that it can be shared by multiple call managers and clusters. That is, I can only have one application server, and as a result I need to tell my application from which call manager / cluster this "request" is coming from.
    My question is how do we do that? do we have access to some parameters / variables, similar to "#DEVICENAME#", which can be used to pass the call manager identity to the application?

    Use multiple instances of your application with different URIs (assuming the instances will not have to talk to each other), then, when configuring the service on each cluster, simply reference the specific URI of the application instance for that cluster. eg: Using Tomcat to host the PhoneMessenger application for Cluster1 and Cluster2, Deploy the same application twice: PhoneMessengerForCluster1 and PhoneMessengerForCluster2. The service URL on Cluster1 might be: http://app_server/PhoneMessengerForCluster1/servlet/PhoneMessenger , and for Cluster2 it could be http://app_server/PhoneMessengerForCluster2/servlet/PhoneMessenger

  • Topics and Clustered Environment

    We have an application that is to be hosted on a clustered environment (2 nodes), for load balancing/fail over. This application consumes JMS messages (from Sonic JMS via Foreign Server).
    During development (single node), we have had our application consuming messages from a Topic, meaning that several environments could get copies of the same message. In the clustered environment however, we would only want one of the application pair to consume and process any one message (not both).
    The question is - is this possible using Topics? If so, how is it done (using either MDBs or Spring JMS)?
    Another option would be to use an intermediate Queue, which consumes messages from a Topic, and the application pair then consume messages from this Queue meaning only one will get any particular message. Is this a good way to go?
    If anything is not clear, please let me know and i'll try and clarify.
    Thanks for any advice...

    Another option would be to use an intermediate Queue, which consumes messages from a Topic, and the application pair then consume messages from this Queue >meaning only one will get any particular message. Is this a good way to go?This looks feasable, only issue would be there is nothing out of the box in wls which gets the message from the remote topic to the queues. You will have to use either a message bridge or a pass thru mdb targeted on a single server to get this done. You might have to then worry about HA if this server goes down. Any how wait for Tom who might be here soon with the expert advice..

  • MDBs and local topics

    Hi all,
              I have a WLS JMS queue being fed by a bridge that pulls messages from MQ. That queue sorts the messages into 4 outgoing topics. One of the consumers of one of those topics is a local MDB. External consumers create durable subscriptions so they don't miss messages. Should my internal consumer (part of the same EJB jar that sorts the messages in the first place) also create a durable subscription? Is there any danger of missing messages?

              The internal consumer may miss messages. If the server crashes before your onMessage() completes processing any message backlog, the messages will not be redelivered.
              If the internal consumer onMessage is sufficiently fast, and if I understand your app well enough, it seems that there may be a way to avoid the need for a local consumer MDB in the first place: the "sort" code itself could directly invoke a local stateless session bean that does the same thing as the MDB...

  • MDB's and determining queues/topics

    I was reading recently that MDB's only allow you specify whether they consume queues or topics in their deployment descriptors, not which particular queue or topic. There were further comments to the effect that app server vendors will provide this level of granularity in a proprietary manner.
    Are there plans to allow this finer level of granularity in a standard manner or is it deemed that the existing solution is sufficient ?
    I don't particularly look forward to huge "if" clauses in the onMessage, or session beans, to deal with determining the specific queue or topic involved.
    Any comments ?

    It is true that the actual name of the que/topic is not specified in the ejb-jar.xml.
    In case of weblogic it is specified in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml in( as you said a proprietary fashion)
    by this tag <destination-jndi-name>titan-ReservationQueue</destination-jndi-name>
    This helps you avoid those huge if blocks you have anticipated.
    Well it is something we have to live with as of now.

  • MDB deployed against distributed topics

    I posted this to EJB 2.0 and didnt receive a reply.
              Below is per weblogic documenation
              Deploying Message-Drive Beans on a Distributed Topic
              When an MDB is deployed on a distributed topic and is targeted to a
              WebLogic Server instance in a cluster that is hosting two members of the
              distributed topic on a JMS server, the MDB gets deployed on both the
              members of the distributed topic. This occurs because MDBs are pinned to
              a distributed topic member's destination name.
              Therefore, you will receive [number of messages sent] * [number of
              distributed topic members] more messages per MDB, depending on how may
              distributed topic members are deployed on a WebLogic Server instance.
              For example, if a JMS server contains two distributed topic members,
              then two MDBs are deployed, one for each member, so you will recieve
              twice as many messages.
              The above is out of the online documentation. In my case I will have
              the MDB running
              on 7.0 servers which dont have the topics configured on them they will be in
              the 7.0 cluster. Will I get dupe messages on the 8 7.0 servers which have
              MDB's deployed against our 7.0 host cluster??
              Thats not what I want ideally i want all 8 servers MDB's sharing the
              destinations on the wls7.0 servers in our host cluster so for example
              We have two machines in our host cluster with a distributed topic
              between the
              two lets say foo.
              Now in the MDB's deployment descriptor would like to point the beans
              to the dist destination but have them load balance against
              the two distributed topics and not have a bean deployed against each topic
              Larry Presswood wrote:
              Ok here is what I would like to do
              I have two servers in a weblogic cluster with a JMS topic which is
              spread across
              the two servers.
              Now I would like to have the consumers which will be MDB's running on 8
              6.1 sp3 or
              sp4 servers to consume from the Topic
              1. How does MDB pick wich server it will consume? IE clustering algorithm
              2. What happens if a host server above goes down will it re-connect
              3. Is this going to work ok.
              We want multicast consumers since our message traffic will be very high.

              Did you find the solution? I too have the same requirement. I need to put multiple server address as PROVIDER_URL, as PROVIDER_URL=t3://localhost:8001,localhost:8002,localhost:8003.
              But it is not looking up next servers. If we shut down first server(8001), queue is unable to found.
              Can you suggest the solution, if you have any.
              Murthy P.

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    Hey Everyone I Succesfully Extecuted the IBOT based on a Conditional Request, Everything is working fine but I am unable to display the Image on the EMAIL ( I am sending the email as HTML Format) , My BI Server and Answers request has an image on it.

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    Hello everyone. I have an problem in a SapScript. I made the following code: BOX FRAME 20 TW BOX HEIGHT '2.2' CM FRAME 10 TW BOX HEIGHT '2.7' CM FRAME 10 TW BOX YPOS '2.7' CM WIDTH '5.5' CM HEIGHT '9.5' CM FRAME 10 TW BOX YPOS '2.7' CM WIDTH '7.0' CM

  • Python troubles

    A little while ago I tried to install Xcode 3 on top of Xcode 4 on my Snow Leopard machine, doing this seems to have broken Python. Totally. I've tried to install other versions of Python in an attempt to fix but to no avail, when I try and run it in