MDM Server Ports with Batch operations

how can i use MDM Server Ports what i define in ports table of my repository in MDM Console with ImportManagerBatch and especially with SyndicatorBatch? i use SP2.

Hi Dmitry,
My understanding is that ports are most useful if you are using XI MDPS (Master Data Processing Server?).  You define ports in the console.  Key thing to remember a port works if you attach it to a client system that is defined as inbound/outbound; does not work if the client system being associated is just inbound or just outbound.  You define the file format under format setting. 
In my case, since I do not use XI, I need to manually associate the location of my files to the regedit setting.  Only then, port setting can be selected on the import manager file definition.
I learnt how to define ports.  I use import manager batch and syndicator batch but I did not see an additional benefit of using ports with them.  For example, I have 70+ tables to load using import manager.  Most are based on Excel and XML file types.  SO, I have my ini files defined for each of the XMLs, and one for excel (it has several tabs) with source, destination, and file location information.  Then, I have a bat file with IMB commands associating each of ini files to a map/agency/language, etc.  And execute the bat file from command line.
May others in the forum who used ports with IMB or Syndicator batch can give more insights.

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  • Abap MDM API query with OR operation

    Hi experts,
    not sure this is the proper section for the thread, anyway; dealing with ABAP MDM API, is there a way to build up a query which involves several clause in OR conjunction?
    This is the scenario: I've got to extract several items on the basis of exact product codes. Tipically, I've got huge vectors of hundreds of product codes; actually, I could easily retrieve data by looping over them and, for each code, perform a query on MDM via QUERY method building the clause as follows:
          ls_query-parameter_code  = 'MDMSRM_PART_NO'. "Field code
           ls_query-operator        = 'EQ'.   "Contains
           ls_query-dimension_type  = mdmif_search_dim_field.      "Fieldsearch
           ls_query-constraint_type = mdmif_search_constr_text.    "Text search 
           lv_text = wa_codes-product_code.
           GET REFERENCE OF lv_text INTO ls_query-value_low.
           APPEND ls_query TO lt_query.
    This will however result in hundreds of query in the LOOP itself.
    Is there any way to build a query with OR operators ?

    I see you are not clearing your local structure "ls_query".  This could be reason of problem,  try this and let us know the result:
    DATA lt_query                  TYPE mdm_query_table.
    DATA ls_query                 TYPE mdm_query.
    DATA lv_search_text       TYPE string.
    DATA lt_result_set            TYPE mdm_search_result_table.
    DATA ls_result_set           LIKE LINE OF lt_result_set.
    Fill query structure with FIRST parameter
        ls_query-parameter_code  = 'Name'.
        ls_query-operator        = 'CS'. 
        ls_query-dimension_type  = mdmif_search_dim_field.    
        ls_query-constraint_type = mdmif_search_constr_text.
        lv_search_text = 'BMW'.
        GET REFERENCE OF lv_search_text INTO ls_query-value_low.
        APPEND ls_query TO lt_query.
    CLEAR ls_query.
    Fill query structure with SECOND parameter
        ls_query-parameter_code  = 'Model'.
        ls_query-operator        = 'CS'. 
        ls_query-dimension_type  = mdmif_search_dim_field.    
        ls_query-constraint_type = mdmif_search_constr_text.
        lv_search_text = '2009'.
        GET REFERENCE OF lv_search_text INTO ls_query-value_low.
        APPEND ls_query TO lt_query.
    CLEAR ls_query.
    Query on records (search for value 'BMW' model '2009' in table Products)
        CALL METHOD lr_api->mo_core_service->query
            iv_object_type_code = 'Products'                  
            it_query            = lt_query
            et_result_set       = lt_result_set.

  • MDM Server Enrollment Fails with Nginx Proxy

    Hello everyone, I'm at my wits end trying to configure nginx as a transparent proxy to my OS X Server (in virtualbox) running our mdm service. Without nginx in the mix the mdm server works properly, and I can performce remote device enrollment and management, but I host multiple servers on the same network, and need to be able to proxy to multiple ips and ports using nginx.
    The setup without nginx:
    I'm using external DNS for my fqdn,, which is correctly resolving to my public ip address. I have my firewall successfully forwarding ports 443, and 1640 to my mdm server at private ip, I have the OS X server DNS disabled, and I'm also using as my OS Server's hostname. I set to resolve to in /etc/hosts in order to build the open directory, and then I removed this entry from /etc/hosts. Don't know if this is one of the issues. I can access from outside of the network, and enroll my ipad without problems. Everything is working properly until I introduce nginx.
    The setup with nginx:
    Again using external DNS for my fqdn, I have nginx running on private ip, and I'm forwarding ports 443 and 1640 to I have the OS X mdm server running on ip The mdm server has DNS disabled, and the mdm server is also using as the OS hostname. I can still access the website portion of mdm (, I can install the Trust Profile without any issues, but when I try to enroll my iPad from outside the network, it successfully "enrolls the certificate", but when it's "Installing Profile" it evenutally times out. I see the progression of api calls in the nginx access logs:
    Nginx access.log - - [16/Nov/2013:19:56:47 -0500] "GET /scep/?operation=GetCACert&message=Device%20Management%20Identity%20Certificate HTTP/1.1" 200 1126 "-" "profiled/1.0 CFNetwork/672.0.8 Darwin/14.0.0" - - [16/Nov/2013:19:56:48 -0500] "GET /scep/?operation=GetCACaps&message=Device%20Management%20Identity%20Certificate HTTP/1.1" 200 52 "-" "profiled/1.0 CFNetwork/672.0.8 Darwin/14.0.0" - - [16/Nov/2013:19:56:49 -0500] "POST /scep/?operation=PKIOperation HTTP/1.1" 200 3046 "-" "profiled/1.0 CFNetwork/672.0.8 Darwin/14.0.0" - - [16/Nov/2013:19:58:20 -0500] "PUT /devicemanagement/api/device/mdm_checkin HTTP/1.1" 504 191 "-" "MDM/1.0"
    The 504 error on the PUT happens about 30 seconds after the iPad already reports the profile installation failed.
    Nginx error.log
    2013/11/16 19:58:20 [error] 7983#0: *10 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: "PUT /devicemanagement/api/device/mdm_checkin HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: ""
    So nginx is reporting a timeout talking to the mdm server for the PUT checkin action...
    On the MDM Server the Apache Logs indicate connection errors also
    Apache access_log - - [16/Nov/2013:19:56:47 -0500] "PUT /devicemanagement/api/device/mdm_checkin HTTP/1.0" 403 - "-" "MDM/1.0"
    Apache error_log
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] (61)Connection refused: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to ( failed
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] (61)Connection refused: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to ( failed
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] (61)Connection refused: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to ( failed
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] (61)Connection refused: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to ( failed
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] (61)Connection refused: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to ( failed
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] (61)Connection refused: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to ( failed
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] (61)Connection refused: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to ( failed
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] (61)Connection refused: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to ( failed
    [Sat Nov 16 19:56:22 2013] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for (
    [Sat Nov 16 19:58:17 2013] [error] [client] Re-negotiation handshake failed: Not accepted by client!?
    I'm assuming I have something misconfigured with nginx, but I'm not smart enough to put all these pieces together for a solution...Hopefully one you more capaple guys or gals can help me out...
    Nginx Config
    user www-data;
    worker_processes 4;
    pid /run/;
    events {
            worker_connections 768;
    http {
      tcp_nopush on;
      tcp_nodelay on;
      keepalive_timeout 65;
      types_hash_max_size 4096;
      default_type application/octet-stream;
      ssl_certificate     /etc/nginx/ssl/;
      ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/;
      access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
      error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
      gzip on;
      gzip_disable "msie6";
      server {
        listen        443 ssl;
        listen        1640;
        location / {
          proxy_pass      $scheme://$server_port$request_uri;
          sendfile off;
          proxy_set_header   Host                   $host;
          proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP            $remote_addr;
          proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
          proxy_max_temp_file_size 0;
          #this is the maximum upload size
          client_max_body_size       10m;
          client_body_buffer_size    128k;
          proxy_connect_timeout      90;
          proxy_send_timeout         90;
          proxy_read_timeout         90;
          proxy_buffer_size          4k;
          proxy_buffers              4 32k;
          proxy_busy_buffers_size    64k;
          proxy_temp_file_write_size 64k;
    Additional info:
    I have a wildcard ssl cert from go daddy that nginx is using for ssl, and I'm also using this for the websites server on OS X Server. I'm using the intermediate cert that Server generates for signing the configuration profile.
    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    Thanks for the input Stephen! I am having trouble recieving application pushes on my guest network, I'm going to try and open the ports like you suggested.
    Opening ports 443, and 1640 are definitely a must on the MDM server, or enrollment from the guest network will not succeed.
    I noticed a lot of action in the /Library/Logs/ProfileManager/php.log on my MDM server, whenever I bypass nginx, and successfully enroll, so I'm guessing there needs to by some fastcgi proxying in the nginx config block:
    1::Nov 18 10:52:55.329 [30721]  {require_once (mdm_enroll.php:11)} vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv - POST mdm_enroll
    1::Nov 18 10:53:00.499 [30721]  {GetMDMACLFromUserAgentHeader (mdm_enroll.php:40)} iOS version 7.0
    1::Nov 18 10:53:06.400 [30721]  {SendFinalOutput (mdm_enroll.php:69)} Sent Final Output (10933 bytes)
    1::Nov 18 10:53:06.400 [30721]  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - /devicemanagement/mdm/mdm_enroll
    0::Nov 18 10:53:06.419 [30721]  {SendFinalOutput (mdm_enroll.php:69)} Completed in 11303ms | 200 OK []
    1::Nov 18 10:53:22.673 [30722]  {LogElapsedTime (common.php:74)} Time since script start: 441us []
    1::Nov 18 10:53:22.720 [30722]  {require_once (mdm_checkin.php:11)} vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv - PUT mdm_checkin
    0::Nov 18 10:53:22.751 [30722]  checkin: 'Authenticate'
    1::Nov 18 10:53:23.046 [30722]  {SendFinalOutput (mdm_checkin.php:145)} Sent Final Output (0 bytes)
    1::Nov 18 10:53:23.046 [30722]  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - /devicemanagement/mdm/mdm_checkin
    0::Nov 18 10:53:23.046 [30722]  {SendFinalOutput (mdm_checkin.php:145)} Completed in 373ms | 200 OK []
    1::Nov 18 10:53:28.220 [32005]  {LogElapsedTime (common.php:74)} Time since script start: 476us []
    1::Nov 18 10:53:28.220 [32005]  {require_once (mdm_checkin.php:11)} vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv - PUT mdm_checkin
    0::Nov 18 10:53:28.220 [32005]  checkin: 'TokenUpdate'
    1::Nov 18 10:53:28.225 [32005]  {Target_for_incoming_request (target.php:210)} Found target iOS: <''[10](OWNER:User[9])>1::Nov 18 10:53:28.501 [32005]  {SendFinalOutput (mdm_checkin.php:145)} Sent Final Output (0 bytes)
    1::Nov 18 10:53:28.501 [32005]  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - /devicemanagement/mdm/mdm_checkin
    0::Nov 18 10:53:28.501 [32005]  {SendFinalOutput (mdm_checkin.php:145)} Completed in 281ms | 200 OK []
    I tried adding the following location section into the config, but still no luck:
      location /devicemanagement/api/device/mdm_checkin {
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        include fastcgi_params;

  • Error with SAP MDM Server

    Hi All,
    We are working on discovery server version 3.
    After I mount the server and when i start the repository i cannot start it and get the following error
    u201CError Starting hp-discovery server (MDM Server) :
    Could not open the service control manager on serveru2019 server nameu2019 / Verify that the current windows user has the correct permissions, and that the target system is a windows based operating system u201D
    The problem sis resolved when i start the discovery server. and again occurs after few minutes.
    Its a tedious job to start server everytime and i would like to know what could be the possible reasons for getting this error so that i can avaoid this problem

    i have some problem too,
    the server was installed with option in MDS sap existing option.
    the config for MDS Listening port as below:
    But when i mount the server in MDM console the value in column port is 59950.
    i have shared sapmnt folder with the other MDM server which is using port 59950 for MDS listening port.
    is there anyone know how to resolve this

  • Why do I get this errorThe server responded with "502" to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation.

    Why do I get this message in iCal
    The server responded with
    to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation.
    And then it disappears it is very annoying, also for the mail program it gets password rejected by server. I have checked all the settings they are correct. What's the deal ATT says its me.

    Hi, is this Mail the old defunct MobileMe perchance?
    If so, do you have an iCloud account yet?
    I understand .mac mail will still come through. Do not delete the old account yet.
    You cannot use .mac or MobileMe as type of Account, you have to choose IMAP when setting up, otherwise Mail is hard coded to change to & to, no matter what you try to enter.
    iCloud Mail setup, do not choose .mac or MobileMe as type, but choose IMAP...
    On second step where it asks "Description", it has to be a unique name, but you can still use your email address.
    IMAP (Incoming Mail Server) information:
    • Server name:
    • SSL Required: Yes
    • Port: 993
    • Username: [email protected] (use your address from your iCloud account)
    • Password: Your iCloud password
    SMTP (outgoing mail server) information:
    • Server name:
    • SSL Required: Yes
    • Port: 587
    • SMTP Authentication Required: Yes
    • Username: [email protected] (use your address from your iCloud account)
    • Password: Your iCloud password
    Also, you must upgrade your password to meet the new criteria:  8 characters, including upper and lower case and numbers.  If you have an older password that does not meet these criteria, when you try to setup mail on your mac, using all of the IMAP criteria listed above, it will still give a server error message.  Go to         then follow directions to change your password, then go back to setting up your mail using the IMAP instructions above.
    Thanks to dpepper...

  • Firewall issue with centralized SQL server - port 52384

    I have dedicated, centralized MS SQL 2012 server for our internal infrastructure with few instances. There is dedicated named instance SC for SC Family Products running on TCP port 1435. Also Server Browser running on UDP 1434 is enabled. I'm trying to install
    SCOM 2012 R2. I got to the step Configure the Operational Database and here, I encountered a problem. I try to connect to my SQL server and put into
    Server name and instance name SQL\SC and into SQL Server port 1434 or 1435, it doesn't connect. If I turn off firewall on SQL server, it connects without problems. On SQL server, I already have allowed incoming communication on ports UDP 1434
    and also TCP 1433-1436. Than, I found out, that I need to allow in TCP 135 so I did it. It didn't work. Than I allowed TCP 49154-49157 for reporting services - it still didn't work. Last thing I allowed (using Microsoft Network Monitor) was TCP port 52384
    and suddenly, it worked . 
    I know what UDP 1434 and TCP 1433-1436 are for. Also, I understand why I have to open 135 and 49154-49157. But I am pretty confused by the port 52384 - what is it for ? Why it isn't mentioned in documentation ? I am pounding with this problem for a while,
    and also, I found out, that my SC VMM is not working, if I do not allow all of these ports - so, probably not only used by SCOM ? 
    Can anyone explain what's that port for ? Or why it's not enough to open 1434, 1433-1436, 135 and 49154-49157 ?

    I didn't install SCOM yet. I am stuck at installation, till I figure out why port 52384 needs to be opened.
    1. My SQL Server Configuration Manager is set like this:
    Protocols for SC - TCP/IP Enabled
    Active : Yes
    Enabled : Yes
    IP Address : ipv4 ip address of server
    TCP Dynamic Ports :   (blank)
    TCP Port : 1435
    So, that should be ok, right?
    2. If I turn off firewall on SQL, everything connects ok - so based on that, I suppose that SCOM server firewall is configured ok . It's issue on SQL.
    On SQL server, I have these inbound rules:
    COM+ Network Access (DCOM-In) - TCP 135 enabled
    HTTP/HTTPS - TCP 80,443 enabled
    SCOM Reporting - TCP 49154-49157 enabled
    SQL UDP ports - UDP 1433-1437 enabled
    SQL TCP ports - TCP 1433-1435 enabled
    SCOM 52384 - TCP 52384 enabled <- this is the port I don't understand, why it should be opened
    If I disable any of these rules, my connection will not pass. I figured out those ports using Microsoft Network Monitor on SQL server.
    3. Those databases do not exist yet. I am stuck at 3th step of Operations Manager Setup - at Configure the operational database.
    There are fields Server name and instance name, SQL Server port, Database name, Database size, Data file folder, Log file folder
    . First two are writable and the rest is greyed out. If I don't turn off firewall and I don't enable all rules from point 2 on SQL server and than put in the SQL server name with instance (SQL\SC) and port 1434 (or 1435) it gives
    me red cross, and rest of the page stays greyed out - so, it's unable to connect. If I turn off firewall, or enable all the rules in previous point (2) I am able to change name of the database, database size, data/log file folder. But if I disable any
    of those ports, it stays greyed out - I am concerned about port 52384, why it should be opened? What is it for? Why it isn't mentioned in any documentation? Or am I doing something wrong?

  • When I try entering a new event in iCal on my MacBook Air, I get an error message popping up on my screen that says: The request for account "iCloud" failed.  The server responded with "502" to operation CalDAVSetPropertyQueueableOperation. Help!!??

    When I try entering a new event in iCal on my MacBook Air, I get an error message popping up on my screen that says:
    The server responded with “502”
    The request for account “iCloud” failed. 
    The server responded with “502” to operation CalDAVSetPropertyQueueableOperation.
    The request for account “iCloud” failed.
    I am then given the option of staying Online or going Offline.
    Can anyone help me?

    Hello b.krushel,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities
    Any number of things could cause this issue, so I would recommend this article named iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Calendar found here
    These sections in particular:
    General Troubleshooting
    Make sure there are no current issues listed on the System Status that affect iCloud Calendar. The System Status is located on the iCloud Support webpage.
    Make sure you have fully enabled iCloud Calendar for the client you are using (for more setup and troubleshooting information on iOS, OS X, Windows and, see the additional details below).
    Check to see if the issue you are seeing is covered in iCloud Help. To search iCloud Help, visit
    Check your settings and preferences as something may not be set up correctly. For example, having incorrect date and time settings can cause issues which are easily resolved by entering the appropriate settings.
    Troubleshooting Calendar on OS X Mountain Lion (iCal on OS X Lion)Note: For instructions on setting up iCloud Calendar with Calendar or iCal on your Mac, see iCloud Setup.If you are having trouble with Calendar or iCal on a Mac and you are using iCloud Calendar, try each of these steps, testing after each to see if the issue is resolved:
    Make sure you are using OS X Lion v10.7.2 or later. Click here for help verifying the version of OS X you are using.
    Make sure your computer is online. Attempt to view and If you can't connect to the Internet, your iCloud calendars and events will not update in iCal. Click here for more information about troubleshooting your Internet connection.
    Verify that your iCloud member name is entered into the iCloud Preference pane in System Preferences. See iCloud Setup for more information about setting up iCloud on a Mac.
    Make sure you enter and update calendar information in the iCloud section of Calendar or iCal. Only calendars and events in the iCloud section of the Calendar or iCal Calendar list will be pushed to iCloud. Both Calendar and iCal for the Mac support the display of and interaction with multiple accounts and datastores, for example, iCloud, On My Mac, Exchange, Google, and so on. This makes it easy to create or modify events or calendars in a section of  Calendar or iCal that may not be updating iCloud. Learn more about moving local calendars to iCloud.
    In some cases, you may find that you have data duplicated in both the local On My Mac and the iCloud sections of Calendar or iCal. Learn more about resolving this issue.
    You can make the iCloud calendar your default calendar for all new events. In Calendar on OS X Mountain Lion, choose Calendar > Preferences > General, or in OS X Lion, choose iCal > Preferences > Generaland under the Default Calendar heading, select one of the Calendars under the iCloud heading. Close the Preferences window to save this change.
    If recent changes simply don't appear, try forcing Calendar or iCal to refresh by selecting Refresh All from theCalendar menu.
    Make sure your account was successfully created in Calendar on your Mac (or iCal). After upgrading to iCloud Calendar, you may need to quit and reopen Calendar (or iCal). To confirm your account is configured correctly in iCal:
    Open Calendar (or iCal).
    Open Calendar (or iCal) Preferences.
    Click Accounts. You should see an account with your iCloud member name entered.
    Turn iCloud Calendars off and back on
    Quit Calendar (or iCal).
    Choose Apple () menu > System Preferences > iCloud.
    Remove the checkmark in the checkbox next to Calendars.
    Close System Preferences and wait about a minute.
    Open System Preferences and choose iCloud.
    Replace the checkmark next to Calendars.
    Close System Preferences.
    Open Calendar (or iCal) and test to see if the issue has been resolved.
    Restart your computer. This may sound simple, but it does reinitialize your network and application settings and can frequently resolve issues.
    Take care,

  • How do I resolve this related Ical message? The server responded with "400" to operation CalDAVUploadDropBoxFileQueueableOperation.

    How do I resolve this related Ical message? The server responded with “400” to operation CalDAVUploadDropBoxFileQueueableOperation.

    I am having this problem too...and also I (most of the time) can't invite anyone on my google apps domain to a meeting. WEIRD! HELP!!! I just switched to Mac from PC...this was supposed to be EASY!
    I get all kinds of error  messages...
    1) The request for “Test Appointment” in “[email protected]” in account “ Google” failed.  The server responded with “400” to operation CalDAVScheduleEventQueueableOperation. *My google calendar *IS* updated despite the error, but the appointment is greyed out on my calendar.
    2)  The URL[email protected]/user///[email protected]/user/ encountered HTTP error 404. Make sure the URL is correct. The URL *IS* correct.
    Also, when I try to invite people to appointments, iCal adds random attendees and frequently will not add an attendee if they are in my domain. HELP.

  • The server responded with an error.  Access to "Don Weist/Winhall" in "Work" in account "iCloud" is not permitted.  The server responded: "403" to operation CalDAVWriteEntityQueueableOperation.

    "The server responded with an error.
    Access to “Don Weist/Winhall” in “Work” in account “iCloud” is not permitted.  The server responded: “403” to operation CalDAVWriteEntityQueueableOperation."
    Does anyone know how to repair this problem.  It just began happening today.

    We previously had a similar issue when migrating multiple accounts from MobileMe to iCloud.  The issue was resolved by disabling and then enabling iCal sync through iCloud on our iMacs in System Preferences.
    Always backup your calendar before troubleshooting (File > Export > iCal Archive).
    The following steps are roughly from a Apple Support Community discussion.
    Open iCloud in System Preferences.
    Switch off (uncheck) iCal sync in iCloud System Preferences pane.
    Backup iCal before doing this. You will need to remove calendar data.
    Open iCal and verify the iCloud account is removed in the iCal preferences under accounts.
    Close iCal, reopen System Preference and switch on (check) iCal sync in iCloud System Preferences pane.
    Reopen iCal and verify the iCloud account is enabled in the iCal preferences under accounts.
    At this point if the problem persists you might try completely signing out of iCloud and then signing back in. But remember to backup all related data (iCal, Contacts, Mail, Photostream, etc) before turning off iCloud sync!

  • The server responded with an error. The request for account "Yahoo" failed. The server responded with "502" to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation

    The server responded with an error. The request for account "Yahoo" failed. The server responded with "502" to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation

    I am tired of how Yahoo has gotten worse and worse. It is the ONLY account I get problems with DAILY (even after removing and re-adding). AOL will act up once in a while not taking a saved password but accepting it when OK is clicked.... But Yahoo is always responding with such errors.... Today's calendar error is:
    The request (CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation) for account “Yahoo” failed.

  • I can not open Calender. The server responded with an error. Access to account "virgin net" is not permitted. The server responded: "403" to operation CalDAVAAccountRefreshQueueableOperation.

    I can not access Calender.
    Keep getting blocked by message.
    The server responded with error.
    Access to account "virgin net" is not permitted.
    The server responded:
    to operation.

    Please take each of the following steps that you haven't already tried. Stop when the problem is resolved. Back up all data before making any changes.
    Step 1
    In the Internet Accounts preference pane, delete any calendar accounts you don't use.
    If there's no improvement, delete all calendar accounts and add them back. With an iCloud account, all you have to do is uncheck and recheck the box marked Calendars & Reminders in the iCloud preference pane.
    Step 2   
    You may be trying to access an invited event that you declined, or one that was rescheduled after you accepted it. The error message should give you a clue as to what it is. If the calendar is on iCloud, you can bring up the Calendar on the website and select
              Show Declined Events
    from the popup menu with the gear icon in the upper right corner of the page. The declined events will appear in gray, and one of them should match what's shown the error message. [Credit for this solution to ASC member Psi.]
    Step 3
    If you get the error when trying to accept an invitation in an email attachment, it's because the organizer didn't properly create the event.
    Step 4
    Follow the instructions in this support article. Modify as necessary for a calendar that's not on iCloud.

  • My iCal won't go online and returns the error message: The server responded with "500" to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation.

    My iCal won't go online and returns the error message: "The server responded with “500” to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation."

    OK Now I can answer my own question.  The incomprehensible (inexcusably geeky) error message is actually Apple language for saying simply: "The iCloud servers are down again.  Please wait until we've fixed them."  I found this out by talking to Apple support.  It took about 12 hours for the iCloud server synching calendars to come back online.  When they did, my calendar reloaded, and everything was fine.

  • The request for account "iCloud" failed.  The server responded with "400" to operation CalDAVAddSubscriptionCalendarQueueableOperation

    Does anyone know how to fix this problem?  Or even what the problem is?  I am trying to subscribe to a calendar and every time I do, it gives me this response:
    The request for account “iCloud” failed.
    The server responded with
    to operation CalDAVAddSubscriptionCalendarQueueableOperation
    Any help would be fantastic.  This is a course calendar, and I really need it.
    Thank you!

    Keep away from iCloud and keep away from iCal. This is the most reliable solution to these 403 issues.
    The Mac cannot upload calendars and keeps popping up error messages with an insane frequency.

  • The server responded with "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error" to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation

    My iCal is no longer syncing to Mobile Me. This is the error that pops up:
    The server responded with
    “HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error”
    to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation

    Where you able to find a solution to this error? I have been combing the internet (and these Apple Support pages) but I cannot find any way to resolve this. Now, suddenly one calendar from MobileMe shows no events in iCal, although the calendar itself is there. I am having the same results on two separate laptops, one is a G4 running Leopard, and this MacBook (Intel) running Snow Leopard.
    Hope you got it back up and running. I'd love to hear how.
    Using Mac OSX v10.6 Snow Leopard

  • The server responded with "400" to operation CalDAVCalendarSplitDualTypeCalendarQueueableOperation.

    I had similar problem to error message.  I saw a response to try the following:
    The server responded with
    to operation CalDAVCalendarSplitDualTypeCalendarQueueableOperation.
    I tried a suggestion to go to SAFARI >PREFERENCES>PRIVACY and then click "Remove All Website Data".  Then rebooted my MacPro.
    Result:  It seems to have stopped the pop up error message.  It had been popping up every 10 minutes or so.  But I have now gone 4 hours with no repeat incidence.
    Hope this might help some of you.

    In the Internet Accounts preference pane, delete the BT Internet calendar account. If you don't use the account, that's all you need to do. If you do use it, recreate the account with the same settings.

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