MDT Console with more then 15 machines, How to use the same drivers for more machines.

I'm am looking for a solution to make our MDT design as effective as possible(as small as posible).
The Situation:
The company has more then 15 different computers added to the MDT console for the automated installation of Windows 7. The installations are done in 2 different ways, 1 with a local USB key installation (with the deployment folder on the USB key) and the other
installation is a network USB key installation (with the deployment folder on the server).
The local USB key exists for offices in parts of the world where the internet connection is poor.
The problem:
We have machines which can use the same driver for different kinds of hardware functions (LAN, WLAN, etc..)
If we add a new machine to the MDT and we don't check the box for "Import drivers even if they are duplicates of an existing driver" we will automatic use the driver which already exists in the deployment folder. If say half a year
later we stop using an older machine which "may" have drivers that are being used for other machines and we delete the machine from MDT we should
NOT check the box "Completely delete these items, even if there are copies in other folders". The problem is that this can also lead to a lot of unused drivers in the deployment folder also because we do not know exactly how many
computers are using a certain driver.
At the moment we have another deployment share with for each machine its own drivers installed (so some drivers will be multiple times in the deployment folder) as you can guess this becomes really big.(deployment folder of more then 24 GB). The advantage
of this is that we can delete a machine from the MDT list without having to worry if the drivers for that machine might be used by other machines. It is now just becoming to big in size(GB).
The Question:
Is there not an option within MDT that checks automatically if the drivers connected to a certain machine in MDT are being used by other machines? In this case we would check the box "Completely delete these items, even if there are copies in other folders"
and MDT would not delete the drivers which are still used for the installations of other computers.
Thanks in advance.

I think you are over-complicating this. Basically using drivers that already exist is the way to go. Otherwise drivers will be imported a second, third or fourth time. Which also takes up allot of disk space. If you're concerned about driver management,
then I would suggest to drop your concerns, since there is nothing to less you can do about this particular issue. As long as you don't delete the driver that's been imported earlier by another machine there is nothing to worry.
Ask yourself:
- how long am I going to support model x
- how many times do I want to update drivers
With selection profiles you can easily target which content needs to go where (on your USB drive of-course)
I can imagine that managing 25 shares for 25 different models, just because you 'refuse' to have old drivers in your share, or have removed support for some hardware models, isn't really time and energy efficient too.
If you take a look in your deploymentshare\control folders you will see some XML files. These XML files hold all the entries in your deploymentshare. So your drivers.xml and drivergroups.xml (depending on the number of groups you have) are going to be very
big XML files. These XML files are read by MDT to identify the objects in MDT and under which folder the objects are located.
It's not possible to create or have an dependency between driver files and hardware models, other then creating groups under "Out-of-box Drivers" and using selection profiles.
Another suggestion would be to decrease your number of hardware models drastically. On the other hand, having 25 Gb of offline media isn't really a big deal either. Portable and removable media of those sizes (32 and 64 Gb) isn't that expensive as it used
to be 5 years ago.
Don't get me wrong, I perfectly understand your desire to manage this, but MDT doesn't provide any other way, then the things I have pointed out to you here.
Good luck! :)
If this post is helpful please click "Mark for answer", thanks! Kind regards

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    Hello Prasad,
    Most likely the user km_admin still has system principal roles assigned, even though you removed the Super Admin role, you should check that this user doesn't have any other admin roles, otherwise it will be considered a System Principal user and will therefore still have access to all content. For more information see
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    Dear All,
    Subject: To access iKey 2032 token, to retrieve public/private key from iKey 2032 token using pkcs#11 in sdk1.5, to encrypt/decrypt files.
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    Encrypt program:
    SunPKCS11-rainbow_token RSA public key, 1024 bits (id 10, session object)
    modulus: 114338469922835728259534620463489934081917342509275191892563243582065
    public exponent: 65537
    SunPKCS11-rainbow_token RSA private key, 1024 bits (id 11, session object, sensi
    tive, unextractable)
    Decrypt Program::
    SunPKCS11-rainbow_token RSA public key, 1024 bits (id 12, session object)
    modulus: 138556361758970660122782926386849783732271581948935425587968692317930
    public exponent: 65537
    SunPKCS11-rainbow_token RSA private key, 1024 bits (id 13, session object, sensi
    tive, unextractable)
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    Encrypt Program ::
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.math.*;
    import javax.crypto.interfaces.*;
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.DESKeySpec;
    * A class of Encrypt.
    public class Encrypt
    public Encrypt(){}
    public void loginToken() {
         Provider p = new"SecurityPropertyPath"));
         KeyStore ks = null;
              String password = General.ReadFiles(MQConfig.getvalue("logFilePath"),"Simple");
              password = password.trim();
              char pin[] = password.toCharArray();
              ks = KeyStore.getInstance("pkcs11");
         KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA",p);
              KeyPair kp = kpg.genKeyPair();
              kpg.initialize(1024, new;
              FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("C:\\");
              FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("C:\\");
              Cipher cp=Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", p);
              CipherOutputStream cout=new CipherOutputStream(out,cp);
              byte[] input=new byte[8];
         catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae)
         System.out.println("No Such Algorithm Exception " + nsae.getMessage());
         catch(NoSuchPaddingException nspe)
         System.out.println("No Such Padding Exception " + nspe.getMessage());
         catch(InvalidKeyException ike)
         System.out.println("Invalid Key Exception " + ike.getMessage());
         catch(IllegalStateException ise)
         System.out.println("Illegal State Exception " + ise.getMessage());
         catch(KeyStoreException kse)
         System.out.println("Key Store Exception " + kse.getMessage());
         catch(CertificateException ce)
         System.out.println("Certificate Exception " + ce.getMessage());
         catch(IOException ioe)
         System.out.println("IO Exception " + ioe.getMessage());
    public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception {
         Encrypt tl = new Encrypt();
         }catch(Exception e){
    Decrypt Program ::
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.math.*;
    import javax.crypto.interfaces.*;
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.DESKeySpec;
    * A class of Decrypt.
    public class Decrypt
    public Decrypt(){}
    public void loginToken() {
         Provider p = new"SecurityPropertyPath"));
         KeyStore ks = null;
              String password = General.ReadFiles(MQConfig.getvalue("logFilePath"),"Simple");
              password = password.trim();
              char pin[] = password.toCharArray();
              ks = KeyStore.getInstance("pkcs11");
         KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA",p);
              KeyPair kp = kpg.genKeyPair();
              kpg.initialize(1024, new;
              FileInputStream in1 = new FileInputStream("C:\\");
              FileOutputStream out1 = new FileOutputStream("C:\\");
              Cipher cipher=Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", p);
              AlgorithmParameters algParams = cipher.getParameters();
              CipherInputStream cin1=new CipherInputStream(in1,cipher);
              byte[] input1=new byte[8];
         catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae)
         System.out.println("No Such Algorithm Exception " + nsae.getMessage());
         catch(NoSuchPaddingException nspe)
         System.out.println("No Such Padding Exception " + nspe.getMessage());
         catch(InvalidKeyException ike)
         System.out.println("Invalid Key Exception " + ike.getMessage());
         catch(IllegalStateException ise)
         System.out.println("Illegal State Exception " + ise.getMessage());
         catch(InvalidAlgorithmParameterException iape)
         System.out.println("Invalid Algorithm ParameterException " + iape.getMessage());
         catch(KeyStoreException kse)
         System.out.println("Key Store Exception " + kse.getMessage());
         catch(CertificateException ce)
         System.out.println("Certificate Exception " + ce.getMessage());
         catch(IOException ioe)
         System.out.println("IO Exception " + ioe.getMessage());
    public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception {
         Decrypt tl = new Decrypt();
         }catch(Exception e){
    Configuration file::
    name = rainbow_token
    library = c:\winnt\system32\dkck201.dll
    attributes(*,CKO_PRIVATE_KEY,*) = {
    CKA_SIGN = true
    attributes(*,CKO_PRIVATE_KEY,CKK_DH) = {
    CKA_SIGN = null
    attributes(*,CKO_PRIVATE_KEY,CKK_RSA) = {
    CKA_DECRYPT = true

    Hi all,
    Now i manage to use the same keypair for both encrypt/decryprt-SunPKCS#11. Below is my code woks well. In my code i hard coded alias name of certificate, did anyone knows how to read alias name of certificate from iKey token 2032??
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.math.*;
    import javax.crypto.interfaces.*;
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.DESKeySpec;
    * A class of Encrypt.
    public class Encrypt
    public Encrypt(){}
    public void loginToken() {
         Provider p = new"SecurityPropertyPath"));
         String myAlias = "349eefd1-845b-4ba4-9f88-06e9f5cb82f6";
         /** to view alias name
         keytool -list -v -keystore NONE -storetype PKCS11 -storepass PASSWORD
         KeyStore ks = null;
         PrivateKey privKey = null;
         PublicKey pubKey = null;
              String password = General.ReadFiles(MQConfig.getvalue("logFilePath"),"Simple");
              password = password.trim();
              char pin[] = password.toCharArray();
              ks = KeyStore.getInstance("pkcs11");
     cert = ks.getCertificate(myAlias);
              Key key = ks.getKey(myAlias, pin);
              if(key != null) {
                   System.out.println("key class: " + key.getClass().getName()); // ->$P11PrivateKey
                   System.out.println("key bytes: " + key.getEncoded()); // -> null!!!!!!!
         if(PrivateKey.class.isInstance(key)) {
         privKey = (PrivateKey)key;
         System.out.println("algo: " + privKey.getAlgorithm()); // -> RSA
         //Signature rsasig = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
         //byte[] sigBytes = rsasig.sign();
         pubKey = cert.getPublicKey();
         //System.out.println("signed bytes: " +sigBytes);
         //return sigBytes;
         //KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA",p);
              //KeyPair kp = kpg.genKeyPair();
              //KeyPair kp = kpg.generateKeyPair();
              //kpg.initialize(1024, new;
              FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("C:\\");
              FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("C:\\");
              Cipher cp=Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding", p);
              CipherOutputStream cout=new CipherOutputStream(out,cp);
              byte[] input=new byte[8];
         catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae)
         System.out.println("No Such Algorithm Exception " + nsae.getMessage());
         catch(NoSuchPaddingException nspe)
         System.out.println("No Such Padding Exception " + nspe.getMessage());
         catch(InvalidKeyException ike)
         System.out.println("Invalid Key Exception " + ike.getMessage());
         catch(IllegalStateException ise)
         System.out.println("Illegal State Exception " + ise.getMessage());
         catch(KeyStoreException kse)
         System.out.println("Key Store Exception " + kse.getMessage());
         catch(CertificateException ce)
         System.out.println("Certificate Exception " + ce.getMessage());
         catch(IOException ioe)
         System.out.println("IO Exception " + ioe.getMessage());
         catch(UnrecoverableKeyException unrke)
         System.out.println("Unrecoverable Key Exception " + unrke.getMessage());
    public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception {
         Encrypt tl = new Encrypt();
         }catch(Exception e){
    Your help is very much appreciated!!!!

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    Use the "Lift&Stamp" tool:
    Crop one image.
    Lift the crop using the "Lift" tool.
    Select the other images.
    Stamp the crop adjustment to all of them.
    But caution: By default "Lift" will copy all Metadata tags and all adjustments, but the gps data. If you only want to transfer the cropping rectangle, deselect all lifted items but the crop adjustment before stamping.

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    thank you...

    We had the same issue recently.
    Users wanted same locator in the same org under different subinventories.
    We suggested 2 solutions
    1) Make the 1st locator segment=subinventory name (e.g. East.A.3.10, West.A.3.10)
    2) Add a character to the first locator (e.g. EA.3.10, WA.3.10)
    They picked up the 2nd option.
    Hope this helps
    Sandeep Gandhi
    Omkar Technologies Inc.
    Independent Techno-functional Consultant

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    I've only just started using flash so any help would be great!
    I'm creating a blockbusters type game, I have a grid of 20 buttons and I need  them (individually) to turn blue on click and red on double click. I've managed to do it with the first one using this code;
    var clicked:Boolean = false;
    bn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bn1click);
    function bn1click(event:MouseEvent):void {
        clicked = true;
        var newColorTransform:ColorTransform = bn1.transform.colorTransform;
        newColorTransform.color = 0x064258;
        bn1.transform.colorTransform = newColorTransform;
    bn1.doubleClickEnabled = true;
    var doubleclicked:Boolean = false;
    bn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, bn1dclick);
    function bn1dclick(event:MouseEvent):void {
        doubleclicked = true;
        var newColorTransform:ColorTransform = bn1.transform.colorTransform;
        newColorTransform.color = 0xac1e23;
        bn1.transform.colorTransform = newColorTransform;
    Now I'm having trouble getting the same to work for the rest of the buttons, they are each named bn2, bn3 etc. They need to work individually and remain blue/red once clicked. I've tried listing them as addEventListener commands but not having a great deal of success!
    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    One way to do this is to use arrays to keep track of the buttons and their properties.
    var buttonList:Array = new Array(bn1,bn2,bn3);
    var clickedList:Array = new Array();
    var doubleClickedList:Array = new Array();
    //then use a for loop to assign the functions and properties for each button:
    var thisMany:int = buttonList.length; // this will give you the number of items in the buttonList array
    for(var i:int = 0; i<thisMany; i++) {
         buttonList[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,btnClick); // assign the click function to each button
         buttonList[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK,btnDClick); // assign the double click function
         clickedList.push(false);  // add a false value for each button to this array
               buttonList[i].doubleClickEnabled = true; // set the double click property for each button
    function btnClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
              var thisButton:int = buttonList.indexOf(;  // figure out which button was clicked as an item in the array
              clickedList[thisButton] = true;  // change the value in the array
               var newColorTransform:ColorTransform = buttonList[thisButton].transform.colorTransform;
        newColorTransform.color = 0x064258;
        buttonList[thisButton].transform.colorTransform = newColorTransform;
    function btnDClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
              var thisButton:int = buttonList.indexOf(;
              doubleClickedList[thisButton] = true;
        var newColorTransform:ColorTransform = buttonList[thisButton].transform.colorTransform;
        newColorTransform.color = 0xac1e23;
        buttonList[thisButton].transform.colorTransform = newColorTransform;
    Now you can have any number of buttons, just add their instance names to the array at the top.

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    Nilesh G

    In the config directory:
    default-web-site.xml: Change the port the HTTP listener listens on
    jms.xml: Change the port the JMS service listens on
    rmi.xml: Change the port the ORMI listener listens on.
    Or, you can add another web-site.xml file, and deploy your applications to 1 server, and bind the web applications to the different web sites. This way you only have to deploy your applications to 1 place.

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    Hi Jamesdwills,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    If you are using the same Apple ID on both devices, the Game Center profile should be the same.
    Check out this information from the iPad User Guide.  Try signing out of the Game Center on both devices and then sign back in with the correct Apple ID:
    Using Game Center
    Game Center settings - iPad User Guide
    Game Center settings
    Go to Settings > Game Center, where you can:
    Sign out (tap your Apple ID)
    Allow invites
    Let nearby players find you
    Edit your Game Center profile (tap your nickname)
    Get friend recommendations from Contacts or Facebook
    Specify which notifications you want for Game Center. Go to Settings > Notifications > Game Center. If Game Center doesn’t appear, turn on Notifications.
    Change restrictions for Game Center. Go to Settings > General > Restrictions.
    - Judy

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    have you done some searches on FCPx and time machine? Is there a known issue with using a TM drive with FCPx? dunno but ...wait...I'll take 60 sec for you cause I'm just that kind of guy....   google...." fcpx time machine problem"  Frist page link drives-and-final-cut-pro-x/
           You cannot have time machine backups on your hard drive if you intend to use it in FCPX.

  • How to use the same mask, stencil, etc., for multiple layers? Photoshop equivalent of masked group?

    Hi I spent more than half an hour to search manual, forums, and Internet and still can't find the answer. Please help!
    For example, in a comp with 5 or more layers I want to use the same mask or stencil or what ever can hide areas of the layers 2,3, and 4 but layer 5 and any other eventual layers below should not be affected.

    Pre-compose the layers you want to mask and apply a track matte to the pre-comp using the mask. Think of pre-composing as an equivalent of creating a layer group.
    Use Set Matte effect on each of the layers you want to mask. This is easiest to do if you apply set matte once and then create an animation preset to apply to the other layers. Just get set matte to do what you want it to do on the first layer, Select Set matte in the ECW or in the Timeline, then go to Animation>Save animation preset. Then select all of the other layers you want to apply the set matte to and apply the preset.
    Put the mask at the bottom of the layers you want to mask and enable the preserve transparency switch, then nest this group in the composition with the other layers.
    Here's another tip. You could define a custom color for all of the layers you want to use the matt on, then use the custom color for a group selection. This may make things easier down the line.

  • How to use the same email address for outgoing email on two iPads?

    How to use the same email address for outgoing email on two iPads?.   My wife and I both use the same email address.  We receive the same incoming email on both iPads but are unable to send email from my wife's iPad.  She is using an iPad 2 and is usng IOS 6.0.1

    Hi Creaturekeeper,
    If you've added the account into the iPad and you are unable to send email from it, then please follow the troubleshooting in the article below.
    Get help with Mail on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
    Take care,
    Alex H.

  • How to use the different class for each screen as well as function.

    Hi Experts,
    How to use the different class for each screen as well as function.
    With BestRegards,
    M.Thippa Reddy.

    Hi ThippaReddy,
    see this sample code
    Public Class ClsMenInBlack
    #Region "Declarations"
        'Class objects
        'UI and Di objects
        Dim objForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
        Dim strQuery As String
    #End Region
    #Region "Methods"
        Private Function GeRate() As Double
                Return Double
        End Function
    #End Region
    Public Sub SBO_Appln_MenuEvent(ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean)
            If pVal.BeforeAction = True Then
                If pVal.MenuUID = "ENV_Menu_MIB" Then
                End If
            Else ' Before Action False
                End If
        End Sub
    #End Region
    End Class
    End Class
    Vasu Anna Regional Feeling a???? Just Kidding
    Edited by: micheal willis on Jul 27, 2009 5:49 PM
    Edited by: micheal willis on Jul 27, 2009 5:50 PM

  • How to use the same POWL query for multiple users

    I have defined a POWL query which executes properly. But if I map the same POWL query to 2 portal users and the 2 portal users try to access the same page simultaneously then it gives an error message to one of the users that
    "Query 'ABC' is already open in another session."
    where 'ABC' is the query name.
    Can you please tell me how to use the same POWL query for multiple users ?
    A fast reply would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Batch processing usually involves using actions you have recorded.  In Action you can insert Path that can be used during processing documents.  Path have some size so you may want to only process document that have the same size.  Look in the Actions Palette fly-out menu for insert path.  It inserts|records the current document work path into the action being worked on and when the action is played it inserts the path into the document as the current work path..

  • How do I change the icloud account on my iphone? I want to use the same account for all my apple devices (macbook air and imac and iphone). I can't see where I can amend the iphone account because it is in grey?

    I want to use the same account for all my apple devices (macbook air, imac and iphone). I can't see how I can amend the iphone account because it is in grey? I also can't remember the password for this account so i can't even delete it and start again?

    Deleting an iCloud account only deletes it from the Device, not from iCloud.  In iOS 8, the name of this setting changed to "Sign Out" as that is a better reflection of what actually happens.  Your iCloud data remains on the server, available to devices still signed into the account, but the device you sign out of the account on is disconnected from the account, and as a result, the iCloud data from that account is removed from the device.  It will redownload to the device should you sign back into the account.
    The only issue you'll run into when you switch between accounts is with my photo stream photos older than 30 days.  When you delete (or sign out of) and account, your photo stream photos are deleted along with the other data from the account in question.  However, unlike other data which remains on the server and can redownload to your device when you sign back in, my photo stream photos only remain in iCloud for 30 days.  When you sign back in, you will only get back my photo stream photos added in the last 30 days (as older photos are no longer in iCloud to redownload).  Like other account data, any my photo stream photos on your other devices signed into the account are unaffected by this.  If you want to keep older my photo stream photos on your device as you change iCloud accounts, save them to your camera roll before deleting (signing out of) the account.

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