MDX count days - since registered (customer) - dynamically

Hi, I have a problem with a MDX statement and I did not find an approach.
We have a customer dimension that includes a date for the registration. We want to know following:
How many days since the registration, but not only for the actual date (today), it must be dynamic.
Customer A registered on 2011-08-15 (yyyy-mm-dd).
Whenwe choose the time dimension an we take the date 2011-08-20 we want the number 5 because he is registered since 5 days. When we choose 2011-08-25 the result would be 10 etc.
It could be so easily: calculate the difference in days between Registration day and selected day ([Date].[Date].currentmeber????)
Something like: datediff(days, [dim Customer].[Registration Date], [Date].[Date])
But I´m to stupid to translate this easy problem to MDX. Any hints?

EDIT: Fixed it (Forgot the date-dimension on axis 1) THANKS!
Hi dstewartbi,
your code looks not bad. Problem is: Only the actual date is not enough. I need something like currentMember. If I try this:
MEMBER [Measures].[Days Since Registration] AS
( StrToMember ( '[Dim Date].[Full Date Alternate Key].&[' + [Dim Customer].[Date Of Birth].CurrentMember.MEMBER_NAME + 'T00:00:00]' )
: StrToMember ( '[Dim Date].[Full Date Alternate Key].&[' + [Dim Date].[Full Date Alternate Key].CurrentMember.Member_Name+ 'T00:00:00]' ) ).Count
- 1
I get following error:Cannot convert 'AllT00:00:00' into date-type
If I just use:
MEMBER [Measures].[Days Since Registration] AS
( StrToMember ( '[Dim Date].[Full Date Alternate Key].&[' + [Dim Customer].[Date Of Birth].CurrentMember.MEMBER_NAME + 'T00:00:00]' )
: [Dim Date].[Full Date Alternate Key].CurrentMember ).Count
- 1
I get the error (in german): "Operanden des Bereich (:) haben unterschiedliche Ebenen, müssen jedoch identisch sein"
Something like Operands have different levels.

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    Steps to register a custom interface are given below.
    1) Assign iSetup super user role.
    2) Create Function
    3) Create Menu
    4) Create Grant
    5) Register Interface.
    Since it consumes good amount some time, it may not be required in development or UT environments. I have provided the query that would directly register interface with iSetup schema without having to go through the above flow.
    Also, this provides a chance for customer who are on to create and register customer interfaces with iSetup.
    Please note that this short cut must be used only in development and UT environments.
    INSERT INTO az_apis
    SEQ ,
    NULL ,
    :1 ,
    NULL ,
    NULL ,
    NULL ,
    NULL ,
    to_timestamp('03-JAN-07','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),
    to_timestamp('21-MAR-07','DD-MON-RR HH.MI.SSXFF AM'),
              *:1 => APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME* => Product code under which you would like to register the interface.
              *:2 => DISPLAY_NAME* => Any user friendly name to identify the API. This would appear as data object name while creating custom selection set.
    *:3 => PATH* => Path to lct file or Java path to refer AM.
    Example, for BC4J iSetup framework API =>
    for Generic Loader (FNDLOAD) API => patch/115/import/mysamplelct.lct
    *:4 => API_CODE* => A unique identifier to register the API.
                                  Naming convention => Application Short Name + “_” + API Name without any spaces.
                                  Example => AZ_Currencies
    *:5 => API_TYPE* => Type of API.
    For iSetup framework BC4J APIs => BC4J
                                  For generic Loader APIs => FNDLOAD          
              *:6 => FILTERING_PARAMETERS* => Filtering Parameters is stored as XML. Keep it NULL if there are no filtering_parameters.
    I have provided a sample XML.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <mode type = "Export">
    <param type = "NameValuePair" seq = "1" display = "DisplayEnabled" editable = "Editable">
    <sqlforlov>select distinct product_code from fnd_application_vl</sqlforlov>
    Delete Record Query
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    *:1 => API_CODE* => A unique identifier to register the API.
                                  Naming convention => Application Short Name + “_” + API Name without any spaces.
                                  Example => AZ_Currencies

    Have your signed your assembly ??
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  • Count days in a month for a date range

    i am trying to find no. of days between 2 Date Ranges for a list of Ids. i used the logic in the below link:
    count days of the month
    My query is giving duplicates since, I have list of Ids.
    Doctor_ID     Patient_ID     ARRIVE_DT_TM     DISCH_DT_TM
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45
    763305     42972232     1/7/2013 20:27     3/15/2013 19:15
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    763305     42972338     3/4/2013 22:19     3/6/2013 19:35
    763305     42972411     11/4/2013 22:32     3/29/2013 17:30
    I am looking for query to give me for Patient_ID = 42972229
    201210     14
    201211     30
    201212     31
    201301     31
    201302     28
    201303     14
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    , Patient_ID
    , AR_DTTM
    , DSC_DTTM
    , (LEAST(date2, ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(date1, 'MONTH') - 1, LEVEL)) - GREATEST(date1, ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(date1, 'MONTH'), LEVEL - 1)))+ 1 AS DAYSCOUNT
    from (select
    , Patient_ID
    ,TRUNC(DISCH_DT_TM,'DDD') AS date2
    from temp where Patient_id IN (42972229)
    Please help!

    ASTRA_007 wrote:
    Results I would like to see are:
    Doctor_ID     Patient_ID     ARRIVE_DT_TM     DISCH_DT_TM     Month     CountofDays
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45     2012 10     14
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45     2012 11     30
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45     2012 12     31
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45     2013 01     31
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45     2013 02     28
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45     2013 03     14
    763305     42972232     1/7/2013 20:27     3/15/2013 19:15     2013 01     25
    763305     42972232     1/7/2013 20:27     3/15/2013 19:15     2013 02     28
    763305     42972232     1/7/2013 20:27     3/15/2013 19:15     2013 03     15
    and so on...So each row represents a patient-month, and you want to display several columns from the temp table on each output row. In that case, include all those columns in both the SELECT and GROUP BY clauses, like this:
    WITH     universe     AS
         SELECT     *
         FROM     temp
    --     WHERE     patient_id     IN (42972229)
    ,     date_range     AS
         SELECT     TRUNC (MIN (arrive_dt_tm))     AS first_date
         ,     TRUNC (MAX (disch_dt_tm))     AS last_date
         FROM     universe
    ,     all_dates     AS
         SELECT     first_date + LEVEL - 1     AS a_date
         FROM     date_range
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= (last_date + 1) - first_date
    SELECT    u.doctor_id
    ,       u.patient_id
    ,       u.arrive_dt_tm
    ,       u.disch_dt_tm
    ,       TO_CHAR ( TRUNC (a.a_date, 'MONTH')
                  , 'YYYY MM'
                )          AS month
    ,       COUNT (*)          AS count_days
    FROM       all_dates  a
    JOIN       universe   u  ON  a.a_date  BETWEEN  TRUNC (u.arrive_dt_tm)
                                         AND      u.disch_dt_tm
    GROUP BY  u.doctor_id
    ,       u.patient_id
    ,       u.arrive_dt_tm
    ,       u.disch_dt_tm
    ,         TRUNC (a.a_date, 'MONTH')
    ORDER BY  u.patient_id
    ,       TRUNC (a.a_date, 'MONTH')
    ;Output from your sample data (with no filtering):
        755722   42972229 10/18/2012 7:50  3/14/2013 20:45  2012 10         14
        755722   42972229 10/18/2012 7:50  3/14/2013 20:45  2012 11         30
        755722   42972229 10/18/2012 7:50  3/14/2013 20:45  2012 12         31
        755722   42972229 10/18/2012 7:50  3/14/2013 20:45  2013 01         31
        755722   42972229 10/18/2012 7:50  3/14/2013 20:45  2013 02         28
        755722   42972229 10/18/2012 7:50  3/14/2013 20:45  2013 03         14
        763305   42972232 1/7/2013 20:27   3/15/2013 19:15  2013 01         25
        763305   42972232 1/7/2013 20:27   3/15/2013 19:15  2013 02         28
        763305   42972232 1/7/2013 20:27   3/15/2013 19:15  2013 03         15
      25391509   42972298 2/4/2013 22:45   3/8/2013 22:3    2013 02         25
      25391509   42972298 2/4/2013 22:45   3/8/2013 22:3    2013 03          8
        746779   42972331 1/4/2013 23:0    3/26/2013 21:50  2013 01         28
        746779   42972331 1/4/2013 23:0    3/26/2013 21:50  2013 02         28
        746779   42972331 1/4/2013 23:0    3/26/2013 21:50  2013 03         26
        763305   42972338 3/4/2013 22:19   3/6/2013 19:35   2013 03          3
    In the end the objective is to count the no. of days in each month between the arrival and discharge dates by Physician and for his/her patients.Then is the output above really what you want? Say you're interested in physician 763305. That physician had 18-patient days in March, 2013, but the output doesn't make it clear.
    I ran your query, it works great but I have a long list of patients for whom I have to run these counts.the query above includes all patient_ids.
    That's a separate problem, to be solved in the first sub-query, universe. The rest of the query will be unchanged.
    How will you know which patients to include? If you can derive the list from temp itself, just use a WHERE clause in universe. If you need to look at other tables, join them in universe, or use them in sub-queries in universe, or both.
    For exmple, if you decide that the list of patient_ids has no pattern, and that you'll need to store their ids in a separate table (perhaps a global temporary table), then universe might be:
    WITH     universe     AS
         SELECT     t.*     -- or list columns needed
         FROM     temp                        t
         JOIN     patient_ids_to_include  p 
                      ON  p.patient_id = t.patient_id
    ) ...The rest of the query can be the same as above.
    If a same patient is admitted again then Patient_ID will be different no matter when readmitted.Are you saying that patient_id identifies a visit, not a patient, and that the same person is assigned a different patient_id every time that person is admitted?
    INSERT INTO temp (doctor_id, patient_id, arrive_dt_tm, disch_dt_tm)
    VALUES ( 755722
    , 42972229
    , TO_DATE ('03/14/2013 23:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI')
    , TO_DATE ('04/01/2013 12:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI')
    First the Patient ID will be different from the earlier admission. Second the results will show like:
    Doctor_ID     Patient_ID     ARRIVE_DT_TM     DISCH_DT_TM     Month     CountofDays
    755722     42972229     3/14/2013 23:00     4/1/2013 12:00     2012 03     14
    755722     42972229     3/14/2013 23:00     4/1/2013 12:00     2012 04     1Are you saying that temp.patient_id is unique, and so the situation is impossible?
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on May 7, 2013 10:23 AM

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    Go to the Help menu in Photoshop and choose Activate. It should open a wizard allowing you to do this.
    If that fails, Contact Customer Care after clicking on one of the activation links. The more information you give them, the easier it will be for them to help you.

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    I am trying to register custom workflow activity using plugin registration tool on MS CRM 2015 Online.
    Error says that 'No Plugin have been selected from list. Please select atleast one and try again'
    In short my assembly is not considered as custom workflow activity.
    I am giving my code let me know, If any thing is wrong.
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Activities;
    using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
    using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Workflow;
    namespace Training.SamplePlugin
        public class SampleCustomworkflow : CodeActivity
            public InArgument<DateTime> BirthDate { get; set; }
            public OutArgument<DateTime> NextBirthDay { get; set; }
            protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext)
                //Create the tracing service
                ITracingService tracingService = executionContext.GetExtension<ITracingService>();
                //Create the context
                IWorkflowContext context = executionContext.GetExtension<IWorkflowContext>();
                IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = executionContext.GetExtension<IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
                IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
                if (context.PrimaryEntityName.ToLowerInvariant() == "contact")
                    DateTime birthDate = BirthDate.Get<DateTime>(executionContext);
                    DateTime nextBirthDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.AddYears(1).Year, birthDate.Month, birthDate.Day);
                    //NextBirthDay.Set(executionContext, nextBirthDate);
                    Entity newContact = new Entity();
                    newContact.LogicalName = "contact";
                    newContact.Id = context.PrimaryEntityId;
                    newContact["new_nextbirthday"] = nextBirthDate;
    If code is correct then has somebody faced this kind of issue earlier, what is resolution.

    Have your signed your assembly ??
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    Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Application Design
    Make sure to "Vote as Helpful" and "Mark As Answer",if you get answer of your question.

  • MC46 - How is days since last consumption calculated?

    Customer is using MC46 (Analysis of Slow-Moving Items).
    They wish to know where does the days since last consumption come from ?

    This depends on the GR which is made on which based on that date till today it will calculate the days...
    Hope it helps..

  • Days since Sales Order creation excluding holidays in factory calender

    Can anyone pls tell me the logic to retrieve the Days since Sales Order creation excluding the holidays in Swedish factory calender.
    Current logic which we have thought of is 
    (The first succesful output - Order creation date)
    But the result should exclude the Swedish Factory calender holidays (our client is from  Sweden)
    Now we need to establish the logic of fitting the factory calender into this whole issue. As we have to provide the logic to our ABAP er .
    Waiting to hear from u all.......
    SD Consultant

    Your message is somewhat unclear to me.
    When creating a sales order, a "Required Delivery Date" is needed.
    This date is checked against the unloading calendar of the customer. If the system finds the requested delivery date = a non-working day of the customer calendar, it issues a warning (No goods accepted on DD.MM.YYYY. The next possible date is: DD.MM.YYYY (Message no. V1019). There does not seem to be any possibility of changing this warning to an error in the standard system; only possibility would be to modify the standard code.
    If I have misterpreted your thread, then apologies, and feel free to elaborate on the issue some more.

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    So, I got Adobe CC a year ago and I recently downloaded ABOBE CC 2014 at adobes SUGGESTION. When I open After effects it says I only have 4 (and counting ) days left to purchase…………I’m supposed to get it for FREE, right?.  It doesn’t happen when I open illustrator and Photoshop CC 2014. Am I doing something wrong? If you’re not the one to contact please refer to the correct person……….the school uses AE CC 2014  so I NEED to have the correct version.

    you MAY need to log out of the Cloud and restart your computer and log back in to the Cloud for things to work
    A chat session where an agent may remotely look inside your computer may help
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

  • How do you programmatically register custom tags through the adminapi?

    I am not able to find much documentation out on the net on how to write codes to programmatically register custom tags through the adminapi (extensions.cfc). The only examples I have been seeing involve setting up datasources. Any advice you can provide is appreciated. Thanks.
    Best regards,
    C. Lee

    Short answer:
    The problem is that the login method is a bit goofy in that it requires the password first and the username second. Assuming you are using a valid password (and not the string "password" you are showing), reversing them should solve your problem.
    Long answer:
    As background for those interested, in order to call any method in any of the Admin API CFCs, one does have to log in programmatically, providing a valid CF Admin password, or password/username combination if you have enabled multiple user logins for the CF Admin. (Multiple user logins in the Admin is an optional feature since CF 8.)
    If one does not setup multiple user names, then you only need to pass a password to the login method (just as on the login page of the CF Admin). Technically, the default username in that case is "admin", and you can specify it if you want to, but again it has to be password then username, on this login method. (The Admin API was added in CF 7, before the multiple usernames feature was added, so it looks like they just added it as a new argument.)
    You can learn more about multiple user logins in the CF Admin (and an option to change or remove the default "admin" username) an Adobe DevCenter article linked to from
    Note finally that the username/password field values are case-sensitive, even on Windows, and the default username really is "admin" not "Admin".
    This discussion of needing to login is documented on the page that Adam pointed to (see the "using" and "examples" sections of the page). There's even a comment from someone pointing out the need to put them in password/username order (because it's not mentioned in the docs). I also just added a comment there about the case sensitivity, either of which could bite someone. Let's hope they update the docs in the next release to clarify both these points.

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    continuously running to keep that column updated.  Any ideas?
    Nick Hurst

    We ended up finding some posts online suggesting using Jquery to display this information on the page.  You can put this code in your page layout to display the number of days since the page was last modified or any date field you have associated
    with the page. 
    What we ended up doing was creating a calculated field to just grab a date field (in our case the column 'ReviewDate') and put it in the proper format:
    Then we added a div to the page layout that has this date but is not displayed on the page:
    <div class="review-date-text" style="display:none;">
            <SharePoint:CalculatedField FieldName="ReviewDateDisplay" runat="server" ControlMode="Display"/>
    Here's the code, I'm not a developer so there are probably better ways to do this but I was able to piece this together from a couple different posts:
    //The following gets the number of days since article was reviewed and writes the value into a right col div
    //Gets Todays date and format it as date
    var today = new Date();
    var dd = today.getDate();
    var mm = today.getMonth();
    var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
    if(dd<10) {
    if(mm<10) {
    var todaysDate = new Date(yyyy,mm,dd);
    //Finds the text value of the review date
    //The review date is in the review-date-text div
    var reviewdatetext = jQuery(".review-date-text").text();
    var reviewdatetext = jQuery.trim(reviewdatetext);
    //Parses the review date and formats as a new date
    var dateParts = reviewdatetext.split('/')
    var reviewyear = dateParts[2];
    var reviewday = dateParts[1];
    var reviewmonth = dateParts[0]-1;//January is 0!
    var reviewDate = new Date(reviewyear,reviewmonth,reviewday);
    //Finds the number of days difference between today and review date
    oneDay = 24*60*60*1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds
    var diffDays = Math.round(Math.abs((todaysDate.getTime() - reviewDate.getTime())/(oneDay)));
    //Appends the number of days to the review-date div in the right column
    jQuery("<div class='Custom-Date-Review'>"+diffDays+" days ago</div>").appendTo("#review-date");
    Works great for us, hope that helps someone else. 
    Nick Hurst

  • How to register custom report under Custom Development Application

    Hi 2 all
    How to register custom report under the Custom Development application in R12 vision DB, and also confirm location/folder of Custom Development application in R12.

    You may or may not need to "register" the workflow - it depends on the changes that you made and which Item Type you modified. Some applications are essentially hard-coded to use a specific item type and process, some hard-coded to use an item type but you can configure the process to use, and some allow you to specify which item type and which process to use.
    Without knowing exactly what you have done, though, there is no specific advice that anyone can give you here on what you need to do, apart from to ensure that you have saved the new definition to the database.
    Matt - the ONLY independent resource for Oracle Workflow development
    Alpha review chapters from my book "Developing With Oracle Workflow" are available via my website
    Have you read the blog at ?
    WorkflowFAQ support forum:

  • Count Days in month

    Hi Team members,
    we are working on a budgeting application and stuck on below Research, please assist/advise is there any built-in Function to count Days in a Month which we can use or a work around .
    To calculate budgeted Expenses per month, user will enter the daily budgeted expenses for a month and it will multiple with total number of days in a month via formula. same thing happens to some revenue items.
    every months contains different number of Days which will result in change in Expense/Revenue figures.
    Daily Expense for Jan will be $100/day
    total days in Jan = 31
    Result will be 31*100 = $3100 expense in Jan
    but in Feb it will be
    Daily Expense for Feb will be $100/day
    total days in Jan = 28
    Result will be 28*100 = $2800 expense in Feb

    Dear Alp,
    Thanks for the Code!!!
    In general terms the algorithm for calculating a leap year is as follows...
    A year will be a leap year if it is divisible by 4 but not by 100. If a year is divisible by 4 and by 100, it is not a leap year unless it is also divisible by 400.
    Thus years such as 1996, 1992, 1988 and so on are leap years because they are divisible by 4 but not by 100. For century years, the 400 rule is important. Thus, century years 1900, 1800 and 1700 while all still divisible by 4 are also exactly divisible by 100. As they are not further divisible by 400, they are not leap years.

  • Creating custom dynamic stamps in Acrobat 9

    I have Acrobat 9 Pro and I'm trying to create my own custom dynamic stamp.  I have the image in a PDF format and I can create  custom stamp out of it but I can't figure out how to add the dynamic fields.  It's pretty easy in Acrobat 8 but there's just no info on how to do it in 9.  I've gone through the web,, and nothing.  Some from Adobe, please help wtih this!  Thanks.

    Something that may be of some help: tamps&cx=010702214422959725198%3Amrw4k197ftq&cof=FORID%3A11&sitesearch=#433
    Be well...

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    Please refer to the following document.
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    Note: 177610.1 - Oracle Forms in Applications FAQ
    Note: 104697.1 - Setup & Usage (Customization)
    Oracle Applications Developer's Guide

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