Count Days in month

Hi Team members,
we are working on a budgeting application and stuck on below Research, please assist/advise is there any built-in Function to count Days in a Month which we can use or a work around .
To calculate budgeted Expenses per month, user will enter the daily budgeted expenses for a month and it will multiple with total number of days in a month via formula. same thing happens to some revenue items.
every months contains different number of Days which will result in change in Expense/Revenue figures.
Daily Expense for Jan will be $100/day
total days in Jan = 31
Result will be 31*100 = $3100 expense in Jan
but in Feb it will be
Daily Expense for Feb will be $100/day
total days in Jan = 28
Result will be 28*100 = $2800 expense in Feb

Dear Alp,
Thanks for the Code!!!
In general terms the algorithm for calculating a leap year is as follows...
A year will be a leap year if it is divisible by 4 but not by 100. If a year is divisible by 4 and by 100, it is not a leap year unless it is also divisible by 400.
Thus years such as 1996, 1992, 1988 and so on are leap years because they are divisible by 4 but not by 100. For century years, the 400 rule is important. Thus, century years 1900, 1800 and 1700 while all still divisible by 4 are also exactly divisible by 100. As they are not further divisible by 400, they are not leap years.

Similar Messages

  • Count days per month

    dear members,
    I have been provided with the date range.
    i want to calculate the no. of days for each month, within the above date range.
    e.g. date1='10-01-2011' and date2='18-03-2011'
    for month=01 count days=22
    for month=02 count days=28
    for month=03 count days=18

    WITH     parameters     AS
         SELECT     TO_DATE ( '10-01-2011'
                   , 'DD-MM-YYYY'
                   )     AS start_dt
         ,     TO_DATE ( '18-03-2011'
                   , 'DD-MM-YYYY'
                   )     AS end_dt
         FROM     dual
    SELECT     TO_CHAR ( start_dt + LEVEL - 1
              , 'FMMonth YYYY'
              )     AS month
    ,     COUNT (*)     AS days
    FROM     parameters
    CONNECT BY     LEVEL <= 1 + end_dt - start_dt
    GROUP BY TO_CHAR ( start_dt + LEVEL - 1
              , 'FMMonth YYYY'
    duplicate thread already one has given the above answer
    count days of the month
    Edited by: LPS on Jul 21, 2011 2:16 AM

  • Count days in a month for a date range

    i am trying to find no. of days between 2 Date Ranges for a list of Ids. i used the logic in the below link:
    count days of the month
    My query is giving duplicates since, I have list of Ids.
    Doctor_ID     Patient_ID     ARRIVE_DT_TM     DISCH_DT_TM
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45
    763305     42972232     1/7/2013 20:27     3/15/2013 19:15
    25391509     42972298     2/4/2013 22:45     3/8/2013 22:03
    746779     42972331     1/4/2013 23:00     3/26/2013 21:50
    763305     42972338     3/4/2013 22:19     3/6/2013 19:35
    763305     42972411     11/4/2013 22:32     3/29/2013 17:30
    I am looking for query to give me for Patient_ID = 42972229
    201210     14
    201211     30
    201212     31
    201301     31
    201302     28
    201303     14
    I am running the following code and it loops through the months and gives duplicates when I remove where Patient_id IN (42972229)
    , Patient_ID
    , AR_DTTM
    , DSC_DTTM
    , (LEAST(date2, ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(date1, 'MONTH') - 1, LEVEL)) - GREATEST(date1, ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(date1, 'MONTH'), LEVEL - 1)))+ 1 AS DAYSCOUNT
    from (select
    , Patient_ID
    ,TRUNC(DISCH_DT_TM,'DDD') AS date2
    from temp where Patient_id IN (42972229)
    Please help!

    ASTRA_007 wrote:
    Results I would like to see are:
    Doctor_ID     Patient_ID     ARRIVE_DT_TM     DISCH_DT_TM     Month     CountofDays
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45     2012 10     14
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45     2012 11     30
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45     2012 12     31
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45     2013 01     31
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45     2013 02     28
    755722     42972229     10/18/2012 7:50     3/14/2013 20:45     2013 03     14
    763305     42972232     1/7/2013 20:27     3/15/2013 19:15     2013 01     25
    763305     42972232     1/7/2013 20:27     3/15/2013 19:15     2013 02     28
    763305     42972232     1/7/2013 20:27     3/15/2013 19:15     2013 03     15
    and so on...So each row represents a patient-month, and you want to display several columns from the temp table on each output row. In that case, include all those columns in both the SELECT and GROUP BY clauses, like this:
    WITH     universe     AS
         SELECT     *
         FROM     temp
    --     WHERE     patient_id     IN (42972229)
    ,     date_range     AS
         SELECT     TRUNC (MIN (arrive_dt_tm))     AS first_date
         ,     TRUNC (MAX (disch_dt_tm))     AS last_date
         FROM     universe
    ,     all_dates     AS
         SELECT     first_date + LEVEL - 1     AS a_date
         FROM     date_range
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= (last_date + 1) - first_date
    SELECT    u.doctor_id
    ,       u.patient_id
    ,       u.arrive_dt_tm
    ,       u.disch_dt_tm
    ,       TO_CHAR ( TRUNC (a.a_date, 'MONTH')
                  , 'YYYY MM'
                )          AS month
    ,       COUNT (*)          AS count_days
    FROM       all_dates  a
    JOIN       universe   u  ON  a.a_date  BETWEEN  TRUNC (u.arrive_dt_tm)
                                         AND      u.disch_dt_tm
    GROUP BY  u.doctor_id
    ,       u.patient_id
    ,       u.arrive_dt_tm
    ,       u.disch_dt_tm
    ,         TRUNC (a.a_date, 'MONTH')
    ORDER BY  u.patient_id
    ,       TRUNC (a.a_date, 'MONTH')
    ;Output from your sample data (with no filtering):
        755722   42972229 10/18/2012 7:50  3/14/2013 20:45  2012 10         14
        755722   42972229 10/18/2012 7:50  3/14/2013 20:45  2012 11         30
        755722   42972229 10/18/2012 7:50  3/14/2013 20:45  2012 12         31
        755722   42972229 10/18/2012 7:50  3/14/2013 20:45  2013 01         31
        755722   42972229 10/18/2012 7:50  3/14/2013 20:45  2013 02         28
        755722   42972229 10/18/2012 7:50  3/14/2013 20:45  2013 03         14
        763305   42972232 1/7/2013 20:27   3/15/2013 19:15  2013 01         25
        763305   42972232 1/7/2013 20:27   3/15/2013 19:15  2013 02         28
        763305   42972232 1/7/2013 20:27   3/15/2013 19:15  2013 03         15
      25391509   42972298 2/4/2013 22:45   3/8/2013 22:3    2013 02         25
      25391509   42972298 2/4/2013 22:45   3/8/2013 22:3    2013 03          8
        746779   42972331 1/4/2013 23:0    3/26/2013 21:50  2013 01         28
        746779   42972331 1/4/2013 23:0    3/26/2013 21:50  2013 02         28
        746779   42972331 1/4/2013 23:0    3/26/2013 21:50  2013 03         26
        763305   42972338 3/4/2013 22:19   3/6/2013 19:35   2013 03          3
    In the end the objective is to count the no. of days in each month between the arrival and discharge dates by Physician and for his/her patients.Then is the output above really what you want? Say you're interested in physician 763305. That physician had 18-patient days in March, 2013, but the output doesn't make it clear.
    I ran your query, it works great but I have a long list of patients for whom I have to run these counts.the query above includes all patient_ids.
    That's a separate problem, to be solved in the first sub-query, universe. The rest of the query will be unchanged.
    How will you know which patients to include? If you can derive the list from temp itself, just use a WHERE clause in universe. If you need to look at other tables, join them in universe, or use them in sub-queries in universe, or both.
    For exmple, if you decide that the list of patient_ids has no pattern, and that you'll need to store their ids in a separate table (perhaps a global temporary table), then universe might be:
    WITH     universe     AS
         SELECT     t.*     -- or list columns needed
         FROM     temp                        t
         JOIN     patient_ids_to_include  p 
                      ON  p.patient_id = t.patient_id
    ) ...The rest of the query can be the same as above.
    If a same patient is admitted again then Patient_ID will be different no matter when readmitted.Are you saying that patient_id identifies a visit, not a patient, and that the same person is assigned a different patient_id every time that person is admitted?
    INSERT INTO temp (doctor_id, patient_id, arrive_dt_tm, disch_dt_tm)
    VALUES ( 755722
    , 42972229
    , TO_DATE ('03/14/2013 23:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI')
    , TO_DATE ('04/01/2013 12:00', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI')
    First the Patient ID will be different from the earlier admission. Second the results will show like:
    Doctor_ID     Patient_ID     ARRIVE_DT_TM     DISCH_DT_TM     Month     CountofDays
    755722     42972229     3/14/2013 23:00     4/1/2013 12:00     2012 03     14
    755722     42972229     3/14/2013 23:00     4/1/2013 12:00     2012 04     1Are you saying that temp.patient_id is unique, and so the situation is impossible?
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on May 7, 2013 10:23 AM

  • SimpleDateFormat: when day of month becomes day of week

    I have a weird situation where the SimpleDateFormat class seems to interpret the "dd" mark as day of week instead of day of month when I use a certain pattern. The following code demonstrates the problem:
    public class ByteTest {
        public static final String PATTERN = "mm HH dd MM F";
        // public static final String PATTERN = "dd MM yyyy";
        public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
            String str = "11 11 08 11 1";
            // String str = "24 11 2004";
            System.out.println(strToDate(str, PATTERN));
        public static Date strToDate(String date, String pattern) throws ParseException {
            SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
            return formatter.parse(date);
    }The result (at least for me) is:
    Exception in thread "main" java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "11 11 08 11 1"
    at java.text.DateFormat.parse(
    at ByteTest.strToDate(
    at ByteTest.main(
    When I change "dd" from 08 to 07, I get this:
    Sat Nov 07 11:11:00 EET 1970
    ...and finally, when I change the pattern (done here by uncommenting the commented lines and commenting the ones above them), I get:
    Wed Nov 24 00:00:00 EET 2004
    So, as you can see, for some reason "dd" is interpreted as day of week number in the weirder pattern (which unfortunately we have to use in a pattern matching thing we are using). Any ideas?
    When I comment the line with setLenient(false), it also works fine, but unfortunately we need to use that flag because otherwise users could input weird values for the various fields.
    I tried adding Locale.UK to the parsing method, but that made no difference so clearly my locale (+02:00 GMT) is not at fault.
    I also considered if the day might be out of range since using this pattern we get year 1970, but clocks start counting from 1.1.1970 right? So that doesn't seem a likely cause either. :-/
    The markers for day of week in SimpleDateFormat are E and F; so I guess the question is, when does d become E or F...

    I'm not sure I quite understand what the problem is... the reason why you can't parse that date is that it's invalid, Sunday November 8 on 1970 goes to the second week of the month, so day-of-week-in-month is 2, not 1.. so the string you should pass is "11 11 08 11 2"

  • Report by Day/Week/Month/Year

    Hi All,
    I have the table showing below
    Empid     name     tikcetno     Completed date
    694     anil     10051     23-Jun-09
    695     madhu     10052     23-Jun-09
    694     anil     10053     23-Jun-09
    695     madhu     10054     22-Jun-09
    695     madhu     10055     6-Jan-09
    I need to create the report which will show employee wise count of tickets in a day,week,month and year.                  
    Day: count(tickets) for current date
    Week: count(tickets) for current week
    Month: count(tickets) for current month
    Year: count(tickets) for current year
    I need to show all these four columns in a horizantal table. I am using crystal reports2008. Please help me. ur help would be appreciated.

    create 4 formulas for day, week, Month and year
    for ex, in Day formula
    IF Date Field = CurrentDate then 1 else 0... similarly for other ranges. Create a Group based on employee, and insert a SUM  summary field of these formulas in Group header.
    Hope this will help you.
    Edited by: Jyothi Yepuri on Jul 13, 2009 3:04 AM

  • Calculating count during previous months

    I am working on a report where we need to track the number of tickets that were open at the end of previous months. I have calculated those tickets that were closed in the same month by comparing the month of the ticket's creation date with that of the ticket's close date using a CASE if:
    CASE WHEN MONTH(ticket_fact.Modified) = Month(ticket_fact.Created) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
    How do I get just the count of all the tickets for this. I have results in a table but now each row shows a 0 or 1 and Pivot table does not seem to work as well.
    If I use Status then I get the status that the ticket is currently in.
    Thank you so much.

    OK, based on what your are asking and what you have done, I have to ask if what you are trying to do is what you really want to track. For one thing, your approach only works "this year." Once the new year comes, using the MONTH function will get you the counts of both "this year" and "last year." So counting only using the "months" of the dates is not correct. You would need the YEAR function as well.
    Second, if you want to know if tickets are being closed in a reasonable amount of time, then you don't want to track just tickets that "opened and closed in the same month." Why? Because what if a ticket opened two days before month end and closed three days later? Wouldn't that be pretty efficient? Yet your report won't track that since the created and closed dates are in different months.
    What I would suggest as a better report is to track tickets that close within certain breakpoints in time, regardless of what day of the month it opened, for example, how many tickets were closed within 30 days? How many were closed in 60 days? etc. This report would give you a better analysis than tickets opened and closed in one month.
    You would need to categorize your tickets with a CASE statement similar to the following:
    CASE WHEN TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_DAY, ticket_fact.Created, ticket_fact.Modified) < 30 THEN 'Less than 30 Days' ELSE CASE WHEN TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_DAY, ticket_fact.Created, ticket_fact.Modified) < 61 THEN '30 - 60 Days'...
    This is what you should count.

  • Create a field routine to calculate the number of days per month

    Hi Experts,
    I need to create a field routine to count the number of days per month based on 0CALMONTH. Could you give me some inputs on how to do it?

    Create InfoObejct and then insert it in InfoSource/InfoCube/DSO then write simp,e code for that based on your  0CALMONTH values.
    You just copy and pas this in SE38 and see the result and implement for your requirements.
    REPORT  ztest1.
    Data: zsydt type sy-datum,
          zd(2) type n,
          zm(2) type n,
          zy(4) type n,
          zcmnth TYPE /bi0/oicalmonth,
          znds TYPE /osp/dt_day.
          zsydt = sy-datum.
          zd = '01'.
          zm = zsydt+4(2).
          zy = zsydt+0(4).
          CONCATENATE zy zm zd INTO zsydt.
                  iv_date = zsydt
                  ev_days = znds.    "No.of days in month.
          write:/ zd.
          write:/ zm.
          write:/ zy.
          write:/ zsydt.
          write:/ znds.

  • Getting Number of days full month in a selected period

    Now I want to know the Total number days full months in a selected time period.
    select period 1/02/2014 to 15/03/2014 ->28+31=59
    [Время].[Год-Месяц-День].[Дата])) ->YMD-> 2014-365, 02-28,03-31
    How to achieve aggregation of the year
    59 days?

    Does not work, gives an error
    CellOrdinal 0
    VALUE Error Number Query (3,
    1) Function MEMBERVALUE waits for
    argument 1 expression element.
    Expression levels were used.
    Query (1, 32) Runtime Error managed stored
    procedures DATEDIFF: Microsoft :: AnalysisServices :: AdomdServer :: AdomdException.
    FORMATTED_VALUE Error Number Query (3, 1)
    function waits for the argument MEMBERVALUE
    1 expression element. Expression
    levels were used. Query (1, 32) Runtime Error
    managed stored procedures DATEDIFF: Microsoft :: AnalysisServices :: AdomdServer :: AdomdException.
    DATEDIFF used VBA function?

  • Getting days of month excluding Sundays

    i am using this query t calculate total days in a month but what i want is to select total days in month excluding sundays. I want total days in month which should not include Sundays. 
    select day(EOMonth(GETUTCDATE())) as TotalDays

    Best thing for calculations like this is to have a calendar table in your database with required fields like date,day,year etc. then its just a matter of taking count from table by filtering on date range and checking for day values to exclude weekends etc
    Or you can create logic on the fly and use it like below
    DECLARE @Month int = 4,@Year int=2013
    DECLARE @StartDt datetime,@EndDt datetime
    SELECT @StartDt=DATEADD(mm,(@Year-1900)*12 +( @Month-1),0),
    @EndDt = DATEADD(mm,(@Year-1900)*12 +( @Month),0)-1
    SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN Day='Sunday' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS DayCount
    FROM dbo.CalendarTable('2010-01-01','2010-02-28',0,0)
    CalendarTable can be found here
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Ios 5 Update New Features says that iCal now has a week view for iPhone but after updating last weekend, I don't see any week view--just List, Day and Month..How do I get the week view?

    ios 5 Update New Features says that calendar now has a week view but after updating my iPhone 4 last weekend, I don't see any week view for iCal--just List, Day and Month as in the past. Is the weekly view available for iCal and if so, how do I access it?

    Rotate your phone to landscape.

  • Highlighting multiple days in Month View?

    Hello everyone & Happy Friday All !!!
    I'm new to this forum, and VERY new to using ical -
    Here's my question:
    In my old method of using a calendar to do my schedule on my old PC -
    I'd make a spreadsheet in MS Excel that would show me monthly views that I could highlight days,
    weeks or entire months..... It's crude in comparison to ical, yet it IS effective for my needs......
    I am used to highlighting either a single day or a string of days in my "month" view,
    so... for example - let's say that Monday thru Thursday of next week I am going to be "out of the office in London - UK" -
    I would simply highlight the four days of next week - and instead of leaving those cells "white"
    like every other day in the month - I'd change those four cell's colored "fill" option from white to
    bright yellow - (or any other color that signifies a specific action or function - like "green" for vacation days, or "blue" for a sick day or surgery, etc....
    This way - that at a glance (literally) - I can tell that I'm "out of the office" on those days next week that are colored other than "white"..... NOTE: the ENTIRE CELL - Not Just the Day Title is colored......
    (I wish I could insert a visual example of what I am trying to describe here...)
    Is there a way of doing this same kind of function in ical - so that I can have an "at a glance" or
    "heads up display" that I can see quickly and know I'm committed on those days next week - or
    any week or group of days for that matter?
    This would help me tremendously of there is a way of doing this...... Otherwise - I'll be STUCK
    in the 90's using my improvised Excel Spreadsheet Calendar.....
    Thanks in advance for your help

    Welcome to the discussions, azstoneconsulting.
    In iCal colours are tied to specific calendars, so make a vacation calendar and a sick calendar (you forecast your sickness? Cool) and an out of office calendar and set the colours to whatever colour suits. Then when you are going to be in London select the out of office calendar and set it to last the four days. It will show as a coloured bar across those days in month view.

  • Changing the default event time to all-day in Month View?

    I updated to Mavericks today, and when I went to add an event to my Calendar, I discovered that all-day was not the default time.  In Mountain Lion, when going to add an event in Month View, it was automatically set to all-day, which is perfect because all of my events are all-day events.  Now, it's being set to 9:00 to 10:00, and I have to check the box to make it all-day.  I know that this isn't much work, but when I'm adding dozens of events it starts to get a little annoying.
    Calendar 7.0, OS X 10.9 (Mavericks).
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I don't think that it is possible, even using Terminal. If you want to change your workflow, "all day" events can easily be created in the Day/Week view, but as you stated the Month view poses a problem.
    Calendar Help says:
    To make:
    An event that lasts all day:
    In Day or Week view, double-click in the “All-day” section at the top of the calendar.
    An existing event last all day:
    In Day, Week, or Month view, double-click the event, click the date, then select “All-day.”
    A multiday event:
    In Week view, drag from the start time to the end time. You can drag across multiple days.In Day or Month view, create an event. Then, enter the start and end dates and times.
    An all-day event into a multiday event:
    In Week view, drag the all-day event across multiple days.
    How to Change the Default Duration of New iCal Events - The Mac Observer was written over a year ago, but it may give you some other ideas.

  • TZ of Day/Week/Month View is US/Pacific - Info Box & System TZ US/Eastern

    Just noticed this - don't think its been happening for long - probably a couple of days at the worst.
    When I create a New Event, the Time Zone is automatically incorrectly set to US/Pacific. I change it to Eastern (via Info Box) and it displays in the Info Box as Eastern, but the Daily/Weekly/Monthly view seems to remain at US/Pacific. (System prefs set to Eastern TZ).
    In addition ALL my events display in Day/Week/Month view as US/Pacific TZ, even tho Info Box TZ (and system TZ) is US/Eastern.
    For Example: Info box says event starts at 5PM goes to 9PM, Time Zone is US/Eastern. Calendar Display in Day, Week or Month shows event from 2PM to 6PM.
    This has affected every one of my events.
    I am running OSX 10.4.9,build 8P135 iCal Version 2.0.5 (1069)
    iCal Support for Time Zones turned On.
    Date/Time System Preferences appear to be OK
    System Time (measured by Menu Clock and verified by save time on a file) is OK - (Am writing this at about 2:40PM EST, Sunday 6/3/2007.
    Here's my Software Update.log
    2007-05-15 23:43:37 -0400: Installed "Java 1.3.1 and 1.4.2 Release 2" (2.0)
    2007-05-15 23:44:19 -0400: Installed "iTunes Phone Driver" (1.0)
    2007-05-15 23:44:42 -0400: Installed "X11 Update 2006" (1.1.3)
    2007-05-15 23:45:15 -0400: Installed "QuickTime" (7.1.6)
    2007-05-15 23:46:24 -0400: Installed "Security Update 2007-004 (PowerPC)" (1.1)
    2007-05-16 00:51:49 -0400: Installed "J2SE 5.0 Release 4" (4.0)
    2007-05-16 01:21:55 -0400: Installed "Java for Mac OS X 10.4, Release 5" (5.0)
    2007-05-31 01:21:19 -0400: Installed "Security Update (QuickTime 7.1.6)" (1.0)
    2007-05-31 01:23:41 -0400: Installed "Security Update 2007-005 (PowerPC)" (1.1)
    2007-05-31 01:24:42 -0400: Installed "iTunes" (7.2)
    Looked in various logs but didn't see anything that seemed suspicious to me.
    Help or suggestions about where to look to uncover solution to this mess appreciated.
    Mini - 1.42 Mac OS X (10.4.9) 1Gig (self installed)

    It was US/Pacific -
    I just changed it to US/Eastern and everything seems to work correctly now. I never even noticed that setting before - I guess I may have reset it by accident?
    I see you're from Bristol, UK. A friend told me a few hours ago that he has to make a business trip there sometime this summer and was thinking about bringing his family (from Boston, USA). We were not too clear on English geography tho - is Bristol a decent family vacation destination?
    Mini - 1.42 Mac OS X (10.4.9) 1Gig (self installed)

  • Disconnected Slicer in PowerView - Hour | Day | Week | Month | Year | Max

    I want to create a Power View chart in Power BI with the Minute/Hour/Day/Week/Month/Year filters:
    Workbook can be downloaded at:
    when MINUTE is selected the chart should display:
    Total Number of Msgs vs. X-axis showing the last 60 seconds (from current time) with 5 or 10 seconds interval.
    when Hour is selected the chart should display:
    Total Number of Msgs vs. X-axis showing the last 60 minutes (from current time) with 5 minutes interval.
    ex: 10:00AM 10:05AM 10:10AM ...................................11:00AM
    when DAY is selected the chart should display:
    Total Number of Msgs vs. X-axis showing last 24 hours (12AM to 11:59PM with 1 hour interval)
    when WEEK is selected the chart should display:
    Total Number of Msgs vs. X-axis showing the last 7 days from current datetime stamp with 1 day interval.
    when MONTH is selected the chart should display:
    Total Number of Msgs vs. X-axis showing the 30 days from current datetime stamp with 1 day interval
    when YEAR is selected the chart should display:
    Total Number of Msgs vs. X-axis showing the last 12 months from current day with 1 month interval
    It would be great if the PowerView chart can be made to look something like this:
    shown in the below link:
    When '5 Day' is selected the values in the Y axis and X axis change automatically.
    Here's the link:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.82001339,d.dGY&ech=1&psi=qcGPVJmeJoHGmQXsooDACQ.1418707370733.9&ei=nsOPVJGiI6GgmQW0g4LABA&emsg=NCSR&noj=1
    for more clarifications and information please feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]

    Hi Manjunath,
    Currently looking into a possible solution although some of the limitations within Power View restrict how close we can get to the ideal result. Still exploring some approaches :)
    Michael Amadi
    Please use the 'Mark as answer' link to mark a post that answers your question. If you find a reply helpful, please remember to vote it as helpful :)
    Website:, Twitter:

  • ICal events are missing Day and Month in date

    Hello, Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere - this is such a weird fault I was not sure how to search for it.
    My iCal events are missing the Day and Month in their start and end dates - it just shows a 4 digit year which can only be edited as a 4 digit number. All my events are in their correct places but I am unable to create new multiday events.
    This applies to old and new events alike. I tried trashing my iCal prefs file but it made no difference.
    Anyone any ideas? I am using iCal 3.0.8 on Leopard 10.5.8.
    Thanks in advance.

    Worked it out - I was using a custom date format to give me day and date in the menu bar - reverting to one of the standard built in 'British' works - but then I lose my day in the menu bar....

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