Me sale el siguiente mensaje al configurar Outlook en Thunderbird

La identificación con el servidor es incorrecta. A pesar de poner todos los datos IMAP tal y como dice la FAQ, y a pesar de poner la contraseña y el usuario correctos.

See Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.

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    Mis Lenovo: Y560p,Z580,Z500 touch,S920,T400,G50-70 ,Soy voluntario no trabajo para Lenovo, las opiniones expresadas por mi no representan a Lenovo, no se responde a preguntas de manera privada debes crear un nuevo tema, números del centro de llamada Lenovo Aquí , reglas de participación del foro Aquí , si encontraste solución a tu problema marcarlo aceptándolo como solucionado!!!!!

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    Paul Bergson
    MVP - Directory Services
    MCITP: Enterprise Administrator
    MCTS, MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security, BS CSci
    2012, 2008, Vista, 2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT4
    Twitter @pbbergs
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    IMAP (Servidor de correo entrante) la información:
    â-ª Nombre del servidor: Â
    â-ª SSL Requerido: Si
    â-ª Puerto: 993
    â-ª Nombre de Usuario: [email protected] (usar la dirección [email protected] de su cuenta de icloud)
    â-ª Contraseña: Su contraseña icloud
    SMTP (servidor de correo saliente) la información:
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    â-ª SSL Requerido: Si
    â-ª Puerto: 587
    â-ª SMTP requiere autenticación: Sí
    â-ª Nombre de Usuario: [email protected] (usar la dirección [email protected] de su cuenta de icloud)
    â-ª Contraseña: Su contraseña icloud 

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    Hola y gracias por participar en el foro,
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    Necesito ayuda para intentar solucionar este problema del que ando sufriendo más de cuatro días seguidos.

    Hola otra vez Z28. Pues al principio seguí los pasos de este video (( )) ya que no podia Bootear la USB desde el menu de Recovery. Luego pues ya me habia entrado y tal, y cuando llegue al paso donde habia que poner en que partición instalar el Windows me salio este error (No se puede instalar Windows en este disco. el disco seleccionado tiene el estilo de partición GPT) y busque y encontre esta solución (( )) he hice todo tal cual lo dice hay, una vez echo eso, caí en cuenta que le debia darle en Siguiente desde el princio (osea antes de mandar al carajo las particiones) y no en el botoncito que dice "formatear". Hay algún modo de recuperarlas, y si lo hay, me podrias explicar, me temo que soy bueno buscando por google pero de informatica no se nada, y eso que quiero ser programador. Agradesco mucho tu paciencia.

  • Nokia PC Suite support for Outlook and Thunderbird

    I am currently using the Microsoft Outlook 2007 combined with Nokia PC Suite to synchronize the contents of the Outlook with my Nokia N73 smartphone. I am now considering to switch e-mail client from Microsoft Outlook to the Mozilla Thunderbird. So my question is then, is Nokia PC Suite compatible with Mozilla Thunderbird?
    I have in fact already installed Thunderbird, but it is not available as an option anywhere in the settings for Nokia PC Suite. All I can find in the Nokia PC Suite settings is a tab called "Microsoft Outlook" where I can choose the different Outlook profiles or change settings. In my humble opinion there should be a new tab added called "Thunderbird" or similar right next to the "Microsoft Outlook" tab in the settings for Nokia PC Suite after installing another e-mail client such as the Mozilla Thunderbird.
    I know that there is this option to choose what e-mail client to use upon installing Nokia PC Suite, where I have chosen Outlook. Does this mean that I have to reinstall Nokia PC Suite to get this choice to choose e-mail client to use? If I do reinstall Nokia PC Suite, will I even get to this option at all? Since I am only reinstalling Nokia PC Suite and it is already configured once to be used with Outlook, I'm thinking that maybe this option will not even appear upon reinstalling Nokia PC Suite.
    I don't have a clear memory of it but I think I once reinstalled Nokia PC Suite for some reason and I was not presented with this option to choose e-mail client as the first time I installed it. So this may require complete uninstallation and deletion of files and Windows registry for Nokia PC Suite, and then a fresh installation of it to get to this window where to choose e-mail client.
    Even when and if I get to that window, it's no guarantee that I will be able to choose Thunderbird even thou it's installed. Why? Because I know from experience that commercial and proprietary software like Nokia PC Suite tends to only support the industry standard platforms and systems and applications, or de-facto industry standards like the extensively used Microsoft Outlook and other Microsoft products. I know by experience that such software as Nokia PC Suite love to lick Microsoft's **bleep**. Don't you think?... or don't you know? You disagree? Well lay it on me, tell me what you think!
    I would love to be able to synchronize my mobile phone with my computer, even if I may use a Linux or other nix-like operating system. But if Nokia PC Suite doesn't even support e-mail clients other then Microsoft Outlook, such as the Thunderbird, then it's probably too much to ask for a Linux support for Nokia PC Suite. Or is it?... does Nokia PC Suite support Linux?...

    Thanks for your answers!
    By this time I have made a clean install of Windows Vista at least three times, and on one occasion I remembered to check this this thesis of mine that I mentioned above. So for the purpose of testing if it's true that the Nokia PC Suite installation process or Nokia PC Sync configuration wizard does not present the user with the option to choose Mozilla Thunderbird as e-mail client, I have done the following.
    I have made a completely clean, out of the box installation of Windows Vista on the computer (retail version, non-custom branded Vista version). After installing the needed and important drivers for the system and other software required for the proper operation of the system and few other software, I went on installing Microsoft Office with Outlook 2007 as one of the first software applications. Then I installed Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird. After I had done that, I installed the Nokia PC Suite.
    As my thesis predicted, after successfully installing Nokia PC Suite and the Nokia PC Sync configuration wizard was started, I was not presented with the option to choose Mozilla Thunderbird as my e-mail client, even thou both Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird were installed prior to or before Nokia PC Sync. In other words, if this was a limitation of the Nokia PC Suite or it's installer, where it does not recognize e-mail clients that are installed after Nokia PC Suite itself, then installing the e-mail clients in this order should make Nokia PC Suite recognize it. But it did not, or at least as long as the Mozilla Thunderbird is concerned. Thus, this proves my thesis - Nokia PC Suite is currently not compatible with Mozilla Thunderbird. And Mobile Sensei Petrib confirms this also.
    Here follows a screenshot of the actual Nokia PC Sync configuration wizard.
    I'm afraid we will have to bear with this. I personally don't believe that there will ever be any official release of Nokia PC Suite that will have full support (or any at all) for other e-mail clients then just Microsoft Outlook and Lotus, or that there will be any official Linux or nix-like version of it. Not today, not in next five years, and not in one thousand light-years from today. We can hope, but the odds are pointing in the opposite direction.
    So bear with Microsoft Outlook, and the Windows **bleep**. No pay, no play! Unfortunately... fortunate for Microsoft, Nokia, and others alike, but unfortunate for us end users.
    Message Edited by altair8801 on 27-Dec-2008 01:31 PM

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