Media .asf files

Can Someone pls help me with streaming media from the oracle. I cant Contact SASHA who replied so on this
Topic: Streaming Media
You can stream media from the oracle database via OAS 4.0.8 using regular browser (IE or NEtscape) and Microsoft Media Player.
I have just completed such an application and it works just fine.
Media .asf files are stored in LONG RAW (not BLOBs!) fields of the oracle table.
for more info email to [email protected]

Hi Patrick!
What an irritating and badly made site! Once on it you cannot get back here by using the back button!
Normally I would recommend the following setup, but Bloomberg is one of the very rare exceptions that I cannot see. They seem to be completely Windows-oriented. Fortunately there are other news sites that work!
And for those:
These are the downloads and the settings you need in order to view/hear pretty much everything that the net can throw at you: The setup described below has proved repeatedly successful on both PPC and Intel macs, but nothing in life carries a guarantee!
Assuming you already run OS 10.4.9 or above and have Quicktime 7.2, and are using Safari 2 or 3, download and install (or re-install even if you already had them) the latest versions, suitable for your flavor of Mac, of:
RealPlayer from
Flip4Mac WMV Player from (Windows Media Player for the Mac is no longer supported, even by Microsoft)
Perian from
Adobe FlashPlayer from
In Quicktime Preferences, under advanced, UNcheck Enable Flash, and under Mime settings/Miscellananeous only check Quicktime HTML (QHTM).
In Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime/ delete any files relating to DivX (Perian already has them).
Now repair permissions and restart.
The world should now be your oyster! (except Bloomberg!)
You should also have the free VLC Player from in your armory, as this plays almost anything that DVD Player might not.

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    Hey guys,
    I have the latest version of quicktime pro installed on 10.4.10, with the flip4mac codes and a k-lite codec pack installed.
    I am trying to play windows media 10 files, in particular on this website: (click one of the vids on the main page)
    But its no good! I cna see the video stream, but there is no audio.
    So basically im wondering, does any1 have a solution/codec for this type of file?
    From what i can tell its a windows media 10 stream using asf technology.
    I hope someone can get me on my way.
    thanks in advance!

    Hi Patrick!
    What an irritating and badly made site! Once on it you cannot get back here by using the back button!
    Normally I would recommend the following setup, but Bloomberg is one of the very rare exceptions that I cannot see. They seem to be completely Windows-oriented. Fortunately there are other news sites that work!
    And for those:
    These are the downloads and the settings you need in order to view/hear pretty much everything that the net can throw at you: The setup described below has proved repeatedly successful on both PPC and Intel macs, but nothing in life carries a guarantee!
    Assuming you already run OS 10.4.9 or above and have Quicktime 7.2, and are using Safari 2 or 3, download and install (or re-install even if you already had them) the latest versions, suitable for your flavor of Mac, of:
    RealPlayer from
    Flip4Mac WMV Player from (Windows Media Player for the Mac is no longer supported, even by Microsoft)
    Perian from
    Adobe FlashPlayer from
    In Quicktime Preferences, under advanced, UNcheck Enable Flash, and under Mime settings/Miscellananeous only check Quicktime HTML (QHTM).
    In Macintosh HD/Library/Quicktime/ delete any files relating to DivX (Perian already has them).
    Now repair permissions and restart.
    The world should now be your oyster! (except Bloomberg!)
    You should also have the free VLC Player from in your armory, as this plays almost anything that DVD Player might not.

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    HI and Welcome to Apple Discussions...
    That's a Microsoft encoder...
    Try the information here regarding Windows Media.
    I'm pretty sure the Windows Media Player for Mac will do the job.
    If your profile is correct, update your system software to 10.5.8. You can use the v10.5.8 Combo Update
    You're new to Mac ... anytime you update system software or install new software, make sure and repair disk permissions.
    Quit any open applications/programs. Launch Disk Utility. (Applications/Utilities) Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab. Click: Repair Disk Permissions. When it's finished from the Menu Bar, Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac. If you see a long list of "messages" in the permissions window, it's ok. That can be ignored. As long as you see, "Permissions Repair Complete" when it's finished... you're done. Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac.

  • Import asf file into ipod

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    ipod mini   Windows XP  

    I follow the link but I can't convert the asf file in my computer to mp3 file
    Correct. This was already explained it is not possible using iTunes.
    The link shows you how to convert WMA to an iPod format, just liked you asked.
    If you want to convert AFS to an iPod format, you will have to find another converter (try google).
    Also, you I highly recommend you convert to the much higher quality AAC and not MP3.

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    You could probably use SnapzPro X2 ( ) to capture the clips as they play on your desktop.

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    Hello, and welcome to the discussions,
    According to Wikipedia:
    +Container format+
    +Main article: Advanced Systems Format+
    +A WMV file is in most circumstances encapsulated in the Advanced Systems Format (ASF) container format.[5] The file extension .WMV typically describes ASF files that use Windows Media Video codecs. The audio codec used in conjunction with Windows Media Video is typically some version of Windows Media Audio, or in rarer cases, the deprecated Sipro audio codec. Microsoft recommends that ASF files containing non-Windows Media codecs use the generic .ASF file extension.+
    +The ASF container can optionally support digital rights management using a combination of elliptic curve cryptography key exchange, DES block cipher, a custom block cipher, RC4 stream cipher and the SHA-1 hashing function.+
    +Although WMV is generally packed into the ASF container format, it can also be put into the AVI or Matroska container format. The resulting files have the .AVI and .MKV file extensions, respectively. WMV can be stored in an AVI file when using the WMV 9 Video Compression Manager (VCM) codec implementation.[6][7] Another common way to store WMV in an AVI file is to use the VirtualDub encoder+
    So your video is really some form of Windows Media Video, contained in a .ASF file.
    To use that video in iMovie, you need to convert it into a format that iMovie 9 accepts: MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DV, HDV, AVCHD, H.264.
    How did you convert your VHS tapes to digital? There are several ways to do this, and end up with a Mac-compatible format.
    And, are you able to get that .asf video footage into your computer?

  • How do I convert ASF files on my Mac for use with FCE HD?

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    I also tried Streamclip with no success. Thank you in advance, MilliMac

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  • HELP!  can't play .asf files

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    The file with the .asf extension was encoded for Windows Media Player. You must have flip4mac installed as it can play most WMP files inside QuickTime Player.
    Most. Not all can be viewed on our Macs.

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    How can i do to convert these files?
    What tool can i use?
    Thanks in advance.

    Do you have Adobe Flash CS4 or CS5 - if yes - it comes with Adobe Media Encoder which you can use to convert files to .mp4 or .flvs. I have not used it to convert above format files - but if you this software you can give it a try. Also there should be may open source softwares which you can search over net which converts file from one format to another - you can try them out - one of the is MediaCoder ( - there should be others too. Once you convert into FMS supported format - you can run flvcheck tool from FMS installation to check validity of the file - if it passes flvcheck tool (it works for mp4 files too) - you converted file should have no issues in streaming via FMS.

  • Problem playing asf file on Win7

    I have Oracle Beehive
    There is no way to reproduce the recorded online-conference (asf) file by using the standard for Win7 player (version 12.0.7601.17514).
    Installed Oracle Beehive Conferencing Codecs 2.0 from Oracle Beehive Download Center.
    1. Can anyone explain why?
    2. Is there any solution for this issue?
    3. Which player (or Codecs) should be used to play asf files under Win7 SP1?
    Happy New Year.

    Thank you, Zach!
    Your link, which gives explanations and "workaround" helped me.
    It works on Win7 32-bit.
    On 64-bit no.
    Perhaps the fact that I'm trying to decide this issue "clogged" the computer, different codecs and now Oracle Beehive Codec not registered Windows Media Player.
    I will investigate.

  • Time machine on external drive will not back up itunes media file on a separate external drive. Have already reformated itunes media drive,dragged itunes media backup file from time machine (old copy) and removed time machine plist and restarted.

    Two external drives, one for time machine backups and a second (daisy chained firewire) for itunes media folder . Time machine fails to backup the media file saying could not be completed, with no error specified. Steps taken already include reformating drive with media, dragging older media backup file from time machine disc to media disc, and deleting time machine plist and starting time macine preferences upon startup. Media folder is approx 200 gb, mostly ripped dvd movies.
    Any help for this??

    Tks for the help. Tried to eliminate duplicates. Copy below.
    6/11/14 3:07:33.458 PM[532]: Found 2332 files (193.66 GB) needing backup
    6/11/14 3:07:33.488 PM[532]: 219.71 GB required (including padding), 539.32 GB available
    6/11/14 3:09:42.200 PM[532]: Copied 1201 items (51.5 MB) from volume Macintosh HD. Linked 2894.
    6/11/14 3:10:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:10:17.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:10:30.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:10:30.072 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Home Videos/2013 Trip To Kate and Jason - Large 1.m4v to (null)
    6/11/14 3:10:44.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:10:57.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:10:57.327 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Home Videos/2013 Trip To Kate and Jason - Large.m4v to (null)
    6/11/14 3:11:09.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:11:22.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:11:22.394 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Home Videos/IMG_0378.m4v to (null)
    6/11/14 3:11:57.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:12:09.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:12:09.872 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Home Videos/IMG_0398.m4v to (null)
    6/11/14 3:12:44.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:12:46.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:13:05.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:13:05.959 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/AAA 2.4.1.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:13:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:13:46.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:13:51.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:13:51.325 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Air Sharing 3.4.3.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:14:18.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:14:21.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:14:48.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:14:51.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:14:51.289 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Angie's List 3.0.2.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:15:16.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:15:29.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:15:34.517 PM secd[422]:  SecErrorGetOSStatus unknown error domain: for error: The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 2 - Public Key not available - failed to register before call)
    6/11/14 3:15:34.517 PM secd[267]:  SecErrorGetOSStatus unknown error domain: for error: The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 2 - Public Key not available - failed to register before call)
    6/11/14 3:15:34.517 PM secd[267]:  securityd_xpc_dictionary_handler EscrowSecurityAl[581] DeviceInCircle The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 2 - Public Key not available - failed to register before call)
    6/11/14 3:15:34.517 PM secd[422]:  securityd_xpc_dictionary_handler EscrowSecurityAl[580] DeviceInCircle The operation couldn’t be completed. ( error 2 - Public Key not available - failed to register before call)
    6/11/14 3:15:51.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:15:51.643 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/AP Mobile 6.2.1.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:15:54.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:16:07.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:16:19.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:16:19.908 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Apple Store 120269.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:16:35.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:16:50.710 PM[533]: Not starting scheduled Time Machine backup: Backup already running
    6/11/14 3:16:53.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:17:00.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:17:00.552 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Archetype 1.6.2.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:17:10.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:17:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:17:35.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:17:49.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:18:01.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:18:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:18:28.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:18:40.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:19:03.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:19:06.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:19:18.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:19:41.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:19:43.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:19:56.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:20:11.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:20:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:20:36.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:20:48.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:21:01.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:21:13.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:21:26.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:21:38.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:21:51.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:22:03.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:22:16.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:22:28.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:22:41.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:22:53.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:23:06.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:23:19.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:23:31.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:23:57.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:24:09.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:24:22.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:24:38.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:24:50.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:25:03.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:25:15.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:25:35.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:25:47.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:25:47.887 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Bloomberg 3.0.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:26:01.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:26:13.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:26:13.942 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Calculator 3.4.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:26:26.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:26:26.509 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Camera Zoom 3.1.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:26:39.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:26:52.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:26:52.108 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Cards 2.0.1.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:27:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:27:17.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:27:29.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:27:29.606 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Casino 2.5.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:27:47.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:28:00.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:28:00.327 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Clear Day 2.6.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:28:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:28:26.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:28:39.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:28:56.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:29:09.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:29:21.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:29:34.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:29:47.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:29:59.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:30:12.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:30:24.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:30:37.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:30:49.085 PM xpcproxy[629]: assertion failed: 13D65: xpcproxy + 3438 [D559FC96-E6B1-363A-B850-C7AC9734F210]: 0x2
    6/11/14 3:30:49.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:30:50.194 PM syncdefaultsd[628]: Fixing push token
    6/11/14 3:30:52.507 PM xpcproxy[632]: assertion failed: 13D65: xpcproxy + 3438 [D559FC96-E6B1-363A-B850-C7AC9734F210]: 0x2
    6/11/14 3:31:02.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:31:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:31:27.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:31:39.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:31:52.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:32:05.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:32:17.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:32:30.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:32:42.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:32:55.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:33:07.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:33:30.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:33:32.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:33:55.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:33:58.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:34:21.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:34:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:34:46.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:34:49.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:35:02.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:35:18.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:35:30.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:35:30.676 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Collection HD 1.7.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:36:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:36:17.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:36:29.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:36:29.651 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/eCardExpress 2.1.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:36:52.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:37:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:37:17.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:37:30.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:37:52.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:37:55.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:38:07.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:38:30.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:38:32.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:38:45.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:39:08.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:39:10.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:39:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:39:46.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:39:48.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:40:01.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:40:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:40:26.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:40:38.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:41:01.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:41:04.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:41:16.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:41:39.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:41:41.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:41:54.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:42:17.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:42:19.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:42:32.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:42:54.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:42:57.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:43:09.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:43:32.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:43:34.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:43:47.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:44:10.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:44:12.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:44:25.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:44:48.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:44:50.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:45:03.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:45:25.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:45:28.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:45:40.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:45:55.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:46:07.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:46:20.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:46:32.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:46:45.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:46:58.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:47:10.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:47:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:47:35.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:47:48.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:48:00.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:48:13.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:48:26.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:48:38.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:48:51.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:49:03.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:49:16.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:49:21.393 PM WindowServer[128]: MPAccessSurfaceForDisplayDevice: Set up page flip mode on display 0x04280300 device: 0x7f8ef9d04e00  isBackBuffered: 1 numComp: 3 numDisp: 3
    6/11/14 3:49:21.731 PM launchservicesd[52]: Application App:"System Preferences" asn:0x0-44044 pid:509 refs=7 @ 0x7fb5b9443730 tried to be brought forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontApps ( ( "LSApplication:0x0-0x45045 pid=513 """)), so denying. : LASSession.cp #1481 SetFrontApplication() q=LSSession 100019/0x186b3 queue
    6/11/14 3:49:21.731 PM WindowServer[128]: [cps/setfront] Failed setting the front application to System Preferences, psn 0x0-0x44044, securitySessionID=0x186b3, err=-13066
    6/11/14 3:49:21.733 PM WindowServer[128]: device_generate_desktop_screenshot: authw 0x0(0), shield 0x7f8ef9e94e00(2001)
    6/11/14 3:49:21.795 PM WindowServer[128]: device_generate_lock_screen_screenshot: authw 0x0(0), shield 0x7f8ef9e94e00(2001)
    6/11/14 3:49:29.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:50:48.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:50:48.546 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/GarageBand 1.1.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:51:01.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:51:13.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:51:26.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:51:38.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:51:51.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:52:03.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:52:16.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:52:29.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:52:41.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:52:55.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:53:07.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:53:07.747 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Glympse 2.22.444.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:53:20.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:53:32.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:53:32.869 PM[532]: Stopping backup.
    6/11/14 3:53:32.869 PM[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Golf Channel 3.7.2.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:53:33.357 PM[532]: Copied 127 items (2.24 GB) from volume Media. Linked 0.
    6/11/14 3:53:33.376 PM[532]: Copy stage failed with error:11
    6/11/14 3:53:34.607 PM[532]: Backup failed with error 11: 11
    6/11/14 3:55:53.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:56:05.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:56:18.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:56:33.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.

  • Can not access the media card files Blackberry 8310 - HELP

    Can not access the media card files Blackberry 8310.
     I had a battery drain problem. The unit would only last 16 hours before completely drained. Purchased a new battery with the same result. I figured that I should try a complete reset so I did a hard wipe. Once that was done and I loaded the unit back up and returned online, the battery drain problem was resolved but now I can not access the media card.
     Here are the messages:
     “A media card has been inserted that contains encrypted content which will be unaccessible by this device”
     I can see the files. I have transferred them to my PC via the SD card but I can not open them. Here are the settings:
     Media card support – ON
    Encryption Mode: - Security Password & Device
    Encrypt Media Files – YES
    Mass Storage Mode Support – OFF
     Please note – I can not change the encryption mode since it is set by policy
     Security Options – General Settings – Content Protection – Disabled
     The version of Desktop Manage I am using is When I try to use the Media Manager to move the files, I get an error message and can’t move the file. If I access the file on the card and try to display it, I get:
     Unable to display file /media card/ pictures/ing000000xx.jpg.rem
     Here is what I have tried (from the advice on this board):
     1)     Read the files directly off the media card – No good
    2)     Create a “new” folder on the media card and move a file into it then try to read it – No good
    3)     Email the file then read it – No good
    4)     Reset Encryption mode to off then try – Can’t do it – IT Policy setting
    5)     Be sure that the password was set the same as before the wipe (setting is password & device) – Can’t do it – The Blackberry prevents me from using an old password.
     So I think I can’t read the files because I can’t replicate the encryption key. Could that be right? My problem is that I do not understand why this would be the case. It is still the same device and since it knows what the old password was (because it would prevent me from using it again), why would it not generate a key to access the files?
     All I am trying to get off the card are pictures on my 6 year old … some are priceless. Can someone help me do this? One would think that this should not be this hard but from all the postings I have found, it seems that it is. And yes, shame on me for not moving the files before I did the reset (THAT will never happen again!) but this being unrecoverable is unconscionable given how many seem to find themselves in this situation.
     Thanks for any help you can offer!

    Not sure why you couldn't see them using mass storage mode. Did you have the pics stored on your media card? Try going to media-menu-explore-media card-blackberry-pictures See what the extension is on your pics. If any have the extension such as .jpg.rem they are encrypted.
    Please remember to "Accept as Solution" the post which solved your thread. If I or someone else have helped you, please tell us you "Like" what we had to say at the bottom right of the post.

  • How can i convert a window media player file into a format playable on ipod

    hey guys can you tell me how can i convert an widdow media player file into a format that can be played on my ipod, i used videora ipod converter but it can't convert the window media player file

    the program you show change wma to mp3, but the mp3 file can't be understanded by the iPod, how can i change a wma file to a format understanded by the Ipod?

  • How can I create a pop up window for a Windows Media video file in Dreamweaver CS6?

    I have a Windows Media video file on my homepage that plays automatically when you go to the website. I'd like to change my homepage. I now would like to place text that says "click here to play the video" and I'd like a pop up window to open and play the video. I'm using Dreamweaver CS6. Your help will be appreciated. Thanks.

    BlueSapphire777 wrote:
    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    <script src=""></script>
    Is the code you told me about (above), is it necessary for older browsers such as ie8? I thought you were saying it was for the HTML5 tags and I wasn't sure I'd bother with it. If it helps people with ie8, I probably should add it.
    I include it (or a link to a localized copy of the file) by default now.
    To truly support the ancient browsers out there, you'd likely need something like...
    <video width="500" height="500">
        <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
        <source src="video.ogv" type="video/ogg" />
        <source src="video.webm" type="video/webm" />
        <object width="500" height="500">
        <param name="movie" value="video.swf" />
        <embed src="video.swf" width="500" height="500"></embed>
    I don't bother with a Flash fall back for old browsers though. I just put in text letting the viewer know they're behind the times pretty severely, like...
    <video width="500" height="500">
        <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
        <source src="video.ogv" type="video/ogg" />
        <source src="video.webm" type="video/webm" />
        <p>Your browser is horribly, helplessly and hilariously outdated. Visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to download something better, more secure, modern, worthwhile, etc, etc...</p>
    For junky old browsers that can't see any HTML5 (which the <video> and <audio> tags are), they get a text message to get something better and a link to go there.

  • "Error loading media. File Could not be played"  when trying to view streaming media on only some sites.  How to fix?

    I've been having a problem trying to view streaming media, but it only happens on some sites.  It's similar to a problem I have on my Windows PC, that's related to Adobe Flash, but since I'm very new to using my iPad Mini, I don't even know if Apple devices have they?
    Anyway, when I go to a site that's plagued by this issue, I tap the 'Play' arrow on my screen & the circle spins like it's gonna play, but then the screen turns black & this error message appears:
                                                  "Error loading media. File Could not be played"  followed by a triangle with an exclamation point !
    I read several articles online & the solutions ran from updating firmware in their router, (mine is brand new...installed last Thursday), to disabling ad-block programs in their browsers...(I don't have any enabled), and the last one was making changes to the DNS...(I know it means 'domain name server', but I don't have the foggiest idea how to make changes to it!
    Anyway, that's my problem.  I hope that someone out there knows what I can do to fix it!
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I would assume an issue with the HTML5 media player.
    If those aren't working on Windows then it is possible that the proper codecs aren't installed.
    You can try to disable the HTML5 media player and make Firefox use the Flash plugin.
    You can do this by setting these two prefs to false on the <b>about:config</b> page:
    See also:
    Windows Media Feature Pack for Windows 7 N and for Windows 7 KN:
    * -

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