Media Manager on multiple Sequences

I just completed a very large project that contains over 135 Sequences.
Sounds really is.
For some reason I thought you could select the sequences and go to media manager but MM only seems to work on an individual open seq.
Am I correct?

I have it working now.
Trashed prefs seemed to fix it.

Similar Messages


    I am having problems opening the media manager. When I select a sequence nothing happens. When I highlight the clips in the sequence I receive a general error. I am only able to open the manager when I select the captured clips in the browser one at a time or a few clips in a sequence. Is there a way to backup media for an entire project without having to do it a few clips at a time?

    I figured it out. I continued to get a general error message when trying to use the media manager on several sequences and clips. When selecting "make sequence clips independant" I was able to use the manager. Go figure

  • FCP, STP, Media Manager happy together?

    With FCP 5.1.2 I am having some issues with media managing a 25 minute SD sequence from a large project. My goal is to move the sequence and clips to an external drive from the main editing system.
    The problem is that when I media manage(MM) the sequence (copying the clips, creating a new project, including non-active multiclip angles), the collection of media and clips copied by the MM does not include every clip used in the sequence. It gets most of them, but misses about 20 out of 450 clips used.
    Other odd facts of note:
    The resulting MM'ed project contains both sequences and clips that do not appear to be used in the original sequence. So, while some clips are missing, FCP is making it up by throwing in a few random ones. Thanks?
    When reconnecting the media, I get a modal dialog (from QT I am guessing) saying: "Effect975120BA-9850-4E#2043.aif cannot be found. Without this file, the movie cannot play properly. Cancel? Search?" This looks like a reference movie problem, but to my knowledge we have never used QT reference movies.
    There are also references to .stap files, which I cannot find anywhere. Each .stap file seems to be missing a "" file.
    Question 1:
    We've used STP on some of the audio files in the sequence. I am guessing we either used it incorrectly, or that round-tripping in STP conflicts somehow with using the media manager? Are there any known issues here?
    Question 2:
    In trying to track down why some of the clips do not get their media copied, I exported the MMed project file to XML v3 and looked at the missing clip. Here is the weird file section from the clip:
    <file id="QTMRead">
    Uh, what is my clip looking for a plug in?
    Any and all help appreciated, thanks in advance.

    1. I am sure she has more than one batch of files named "untitledxx" in her numerous capture scratch folders. If I do media manager will it keep them separated and properly linked to it's intended clip, or will Media manager throw them all together, thus confusing FCP?
    I noticed an option on media manager that asks if you want to base media file names by their exsisting file names, or clip names.
    She does a decent job correctly labeling her clips in the bin, just not the captured source files, by basing the media on clip will it solve my issue mentioned above? <
    Unknown, sorry, this is why you want to run a test, probably more than one. The source media files will not have exactly the same names--oh, you have separate capture folders. Okay, this WILL be a problem.
    <div class="jive-quote">2. Deleting unused media...I should uncheck this right? otherwise i may loose clips I need or want to use? Is this why the green bar labeled modified is smaller than the original bar? What does including affiliate clips outside selection mean? < </div>
    This is one of the things that tells me MM was designed by or purchased from someone who has not prior knowledge of FCP. This actually means the copy will forget and refuse to copy over any unused media. But it scare the bejeezus out of everyone. "DELETE?" Ohmygawd, NO!
    3. And my best bet for right now is to copy the media, rather than move, decompress, or use existing? that way if anything messes up, i can still use her drives. < </div>
    Affirmative. Still, make some tests so you are confident with the MM results. You're on the right track, luck.

  • I want to use media manager to make a copy of a sequence

    I want to only copy the media in s 1 minute sequence and create a new project in media manager.  It seems to only want to do the entire project.  Goes from 350 gigs to 350 gigs.  What am I doing wrong?

    Actually Shane, I'm not sure that's always true.  I've done a bunch of media manages within the last year where things such as audio files didn't have reels associated with them and everything seemed to work ok.
    I'll do a quick test and see what happens.
    That said, you ALWAYS need to test the integrity of your media manage BEFORE deleting any files or starting on any mission criticial process. 

  • How does Media Manager handle Motion Projects within the Sequence being cop

    How does Media Manager handle Motion Projects within the Sequence being copied?
    I've highlighted my sequence, opened Media Manager, and copied it to another drive. When I open up the sequence in it's new project, the rendered Motion Project plays within my sequence but it won't let me go back into this Motion Project to make changes. I tried starting over. This time I highlighted the actual motion sequence and clip that is created within FCP after sending something to Motion and copied those to the new drive. When I went into the newly created 'media' folder and double clicked on the motion project it launched. It looked liked it was going to play but while my crops moves and borders were there, the filmed material is shown as a freeze frame for the duration of the motion project.
    I did this with and without 'including master clips within selection'. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Is there anyone who knows the answer to this? Thanks.

  • Media Manager Sequence Error when trying to archive video.

    When we are done with a project we like to use media manager to consolidate only the used video (with handles) to save space.
    This has never posed a problem until lately. On about five of the last projects when the media manager begins reconnecting media we get the following error:
    "Sequence Error: Unable to add clip to sequence. Possible media limits problem in clip or sequence"
    The only option is to abort so a new sequence is never created. Also, it will not tell me which clip caused the error. I tried moving everything into a new sequence and got the same error. Then I tried it without handles, then I tried it without deleting the unused media. I have also tried the projects on other computers (All 10.6.4, all FCP 7.02) All had the same error.
    The only other reference to this error I can find deals with a multicam edit. None of these projects have any multicam edits.
    Anyone got any ideas what is going wrong? I have tried to think if we are doing anything differently lately and the only thing i can come up with is using more of Tiffen's DFX filters.

    May have found the solution. Short story: I think it was some weirdness trying to media manage a sequence with a freeze frame of a video clip. I have had some issues in the past with final cut handling freeze frames.
    Long story and workaround is available here:

  • FCP 7 sequence not transfering to external hard drive with media manager

    Ok so heres the problem. I started making a bunch of webisodes and after I got through editing and finishing the first two on my computer, I realized while I was working on the third one I would need to transfer my workflow to an external hard drive.
    My goal was to transfer all the projects individualy with media manager to a 1.5tb external hard drive I just purchased and then delete all the projects and associated files off my computer. Then set the new scratch bin to the hard drive and continue working on the third episode from the hard drive.
    However, thank god when I used media manager I said "copy" the files. I opened the project I had copied in the hard drive to see if it was all there and there was no sequence with all my editing! I'm not sure why it didn't import the sequence. All the clips are still I the project tab.
    Can anybody help?      Am I doing this right?

    The information for the Sequence is contained in the .fcp project file that should be in the same folder as your Media Managed clips. Double click it to open the new version.

  • Make FCPX Media Manager similar to Aperture

    Aperture does a good job at letting me keep family and business separate using multiple libraries and allows me to open the library of the photos I want to edit.  Why can't FCPX video editing be like this?
    My idea is to keep projects and dependent media centralized by combining the folders Final Cut Projects and Final Cut Events into a Final Cut Documents (video library) folder.  Apple would need to make the video library structure similar to an Aperture Library with the ability to rename the folder.  When that specific video library is opened, I can create client bins > projects > sequences or for family, year bins > events > sequences.  All media would be managed within FCPX.  FCPX preferences would include a Final Cut Documents Location option.  I could Option-Click on the FCPX icon when opening the program to select the video library I want to work on, Final Cut Documents Family or Final Cut Documents Clients, just as Aperture currently offers.  No need to move and rename folders within Final Cut Projects and Final Cut Events (blah).  I dislike having to hide and appear multiple Final Cut Projects and Final Cut Events folders just to work on the specific video I want to edit without loading all the other time consuming project, filmstrips and media.  To go even further, I could create a video library per client to keep their work private and separate form all other clients (novel idea for professionals), especially when I am working with lawyers.
    Two video library examples below (clients and family):
    Final Cut Documents (ability to rename as FCPX Clients)
         > Client 01
              > Project 01
                   > Sequences
                        > 01
                        > 02
                   > Original Media
                   > Render Files
                   > Transcoded Media
                        > High Quality Media
                        > Proxy Media
              > Project 02
                   > Sequences
                        > 01
                   > Original Media
                   > Render Files
              > Project 03
                   > Sequences
                        > 01
                        > 02
                   > Original Media
                   > Render Files
         > Client 02
              > Project 01
                   > Sequences
                        > 01
                        > 02
                        > 03
                        > 04
                   > Original Media
                   > Render Files
         > Client 03
              > Project 01
                   > Sequences
                        > 01
                        > 02
                   > Original Media
                   > Render Files
                   > Transcoded Media
                        > High Quality Media
                        > Proxy Media
              > Project 02
                   > Sequences
                        > 01
                        > 02
                        > 03
                   > Original Media
                   > Render Files
    Final Cut Documents (ability to rename as FCPX Family Videos)
         > Year 01
              > Family Event 01
                   > Sequences
                        > 01
                        > 02
                   > Original Media
                   > Render Files
              > Family Event 02
                   > Sequences
                        > 01
                   > Original Media
                   > Render Files
                   > Transcoded Media
                        > High Quality Media
                        > Proxy Media
         > Year 02
              > Family Event 01
                   > Sequences
                        > 01
                        > 02
                        > 03
                   > Original Media
                   > Render Files
              > Family Event 02
                   > Sequences
                        > 01
                        > 02
                   > Original Media
                   > Render Files
         > Year 03
              > Family Event 01
                   > Sequences
                        > 01
                        > 02
                        > 03
                        > 04
                   > Original Media
                   > Render Files
                   > Transcoded Media
                        > High Quality Media
                        > Proxy Media
    If you like this, please send your feedback to Apple:

    If you done this properly all you need to do is use media manager to make an offline version at the original format and relink to the original files.  At least that's the way I've worked without any problems.  But my projects did not involve multicam, so it's possible it mighrt be a good idea to collapse your multiclips before doing the media manage.  But you should always TEST your workflow before diving in at the deep end of the pool.

  • Consolidating multiple sequences

    How do I consolidate all my open sequences in FCP 6.0 using the Media Manager? At the moment it only saves the sequence that is on top and I need to save 3 but then ditch everything else.
    Thanks in advance. xx

    I figured it out. You just highlight the multiple Sequences in your Project Bin and then consolidate using the Media Manager. Duh!

  • Is there a way to select multiple sequences and batch export them using the same settings in CS6?

    I am a current Final Cut Pro7 user and looking to switch over to Premiere Pro CS6.  We edit approx. 100 short (15 sec.) videos daily, and then select them all at the end of the day and batch export them over night using the same export recipe for all. I have having trouble finding an easy way to do this in Premiere pro CS6, as command +E is grayed out if i select more than one sequence at a time. 
    so far, it appears that i have to select each video individually and manually set encoding recipe and export location for each....  Not only would this be terribly time consuming, but it leaves a lot of room for error and missed videos.  I thought i would be able to send all of the sequences to Adobe Media Encoder,  but i dont see that option either.
    Any suggestions/

    Open Media Encoder and add your Sequences:
    File > Add Premiere Pro Sequence
    Navigate to your Premiere Project and select it in the list.
    You can then select multiple Sequences from the Project (Ctrl+Click)
    and load them all at once into Media Encoder and apply
    the same encoding preset to all Sequences at the same time.

  • FCP 6, Media Manager, DualEyes Problem

    I've locked picture on a 90 minute feature and I'm trying to export the sequence to an external drive so our colorist can do the grading.
    The camera original footage came from various Canon DSLRs. Some of the footage was transcoded (Pro Res 422 HQ) off site and delivered to me. But most of the footage, I transcoded myself, using log and transfer.
    I highlight the sequence I want to export in the FCP browser, then right click, but when I click “Media Manager”, nothing happens. The little icon spins for a split second, then nothing.
    The same thing happens if I try to open Media Manager from the top menu. Nothing. Won’t open.
    Everything in the timeline plays just fine. Exporting the timeline as a self-contained or reference file works without any problem.
    It seems Media Manager doesn't like certain clips in the timeline.
    I went through the timeline one clip at a time and started to compare the clips MM had a problem with versus those it didn't have a problem with.
    It seems the offending clips are all clips that were created in DualEyes, off site, to sync second system audio.
    Clips that I synched here, on site, using PluralEyes, do not offend Media Manager.
    I don't know that this matters, but...
    The offending DualEyes-created files that were created off site include a single, merged file - a video track and three audio tracks (a pair of tracks from the second system audio, and a single track from the camera mic that was used for reference).
    One last thing I tried to confirm it was the created-off-site DualEyes files that were keeping MM from working...
    I imported two files, residing in the same folder on the HD.
    File A had been synched using DualEyes. It has a video track and three audio tracks (one from camera mic, two from second system audio).
    File B had not been synched (an MOS take). It has a video track and two audio tracks (camera mic).
    I laid both clips in the timeline, next to each other.
    If I right click on File A and then click Media Manager, I get an "Error 34" message.
    If I right click on File B and then click Media Manager, Media Manager opens normally.
    Any idea what's going on here? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    I'm running...
    Final Cut Pro 6.0.6
    2.4GHz 8-Core MacPro
    6 GB RAM
    OSX 10.6.8
    8TB G-Tech esPRO RAID 5 (4.8 TBs used)

    I have no idea why this problem is occuring, but you might try deleting the audio from your sequence before doing the media manage.  You could then copy a mixed down track to the media managed sequence if you want audio reference.
    Also, select one of the problematic clips and hit command-9 (clip settings) and tell us the settings for the clip.

  • Media Manager in FCPX?

    Hey everyone,
    I couldn't find this addressed anywhere so if it has been already, I apologize.
    Does anyone know if there is the FCP 7 equivalent of the Media Manager option in FCPX?  I'll explain my situation...
    I work in a high school and cut highlight reels for our football players.  By the end of the season I have literally hundreds of GBs of footage on my hard drive.  In FCP 7 I would import all of the footage into my project and then cut out only the plays I needed.  I would end up with a 5 minute video.  I wanted to save the project in case the player wanted any changes down the line and I also wanted to back it up in case of a hard drive crash.  What I would do is run it through Media Manager so that the whole project would compress down and only copy the files that were actually used in the video.  I would end up with a project and copied reference files that only took up a few GBs at most.  That was easy to archive and back up.
    I'm cutting highlight reels this year using FCPX for the first time.  I've finished the first one and have been genuinely happy with the workflow of the actual edit.  Somethings have been much easier for me.  However, as I'm wrapping up the first couple, I went to recompress them using to Media Manager to archive and back up and can't find the equivalent in FCPX.  I've searched around a bit and also can't find anyone who has already addressed this issue. 
    Anyone out there having this same issue and found a solution?  It would be a huge help...

    dknight38 wrote:
    …  would end up with a project and copied reference files that only took up a few GBs at most.   …
    … for one player.-
    I fully understand what you'd like to accomplish.
    but - theoretically - with your method you save the same material again and again:
    aside close-ups, you frame more than one player in a sequence.
    with FCPX actual method, that single Event serves many Projects.
    so, you SAVE space without consolidating every Project.
    plus, the 'duplicate Project' dialog allows you to transfer a Project and only USED clips to some ext drive.... keep that version, and erase original Project & Events.

  • Media I doing the right thing?

    I'm making an amateur film in Final Cut Pro. Since I'm doing the sloppy (although much less time consuming for me) batch capture method, I have right now far too much DV footage for my scratch HD.
    To fit in the final scene, I have to delete some material. I was going to use the media manager, set it to "Use Existing" media and delete anything that was unused in a few of my sequences. I tried this in a test sequence by selecting the sequence alone and then performing the media manager operation. It seemed to work fine.
    My questions are these--
    1. If I captured my footage as one big clip, then split up the big clip and made the split clips into "independent clips," am I doing anything egregiously wrong with the Media Manager with these settings?
    2. Is there any tutorial/link/settings anyone can recommend in the media manager for a newcomer to FCP like myself? Any suggestions about how to make sure I won't delete something I don't want to?
    Thanks for the help.

    Unfortunately, no. Media Manager is a failure in FCP
    that has been completely ignored by Apple since it
    was introduced.
    Not quite true... It's been rewritten several times... the interface isn't friendly, partly because it does so many different things other than just consolidating media...
    But no one seems to take the time to read the top box which explains what you have set the MM to do... it's there and very understandable - just nobody seems to read the dang thing...
    For some folks, MM works perfectly
    and predictably.
    Like me who reads the summary, and consistently use it before the media has taken all the space up and there's no way to make "copies" first... And when the audio is finished in the offline, I'll copy and paste the clips to the mm'd sequence, or export a stereo mix and edit that into the MM'd sequence.
    I encourage you to search the forum for Media Manager
    posts. It will take you several hours to wade through
    the screeds but you will find many helpful
    The explanation in FCP's manual explains it pretty well... again user's are not reading the manual... See section IV-77 of the manual (available online thru help if you don't have the printed copy handy).
    Because of this, my next commercial training effort (a DVD) will have a very detailed explanation of the MM... and it's not going to be a reading exercise... rather a QT movie of it all... no reading required.
    And in answer to the original post, the only thing that could cause problems is the fact that "using existing" will delete the original files in the process and if there's a hitch there (like a corrupted copy, or a crash etc.., you can't recover as easily. It's safer to use "copy" instead, but that of course requires that you have open space for the copies that you can check before you delete the original files so it's really not going to be useful to those who didn't think ahead... pretty common problem.
    I'm not saying that MM is without flaws (the confusing interface is one of them apparently), but am saying that there's a way to use it properly and have a lot better time of it...
    Jim Cookman here has a workaround that works very well too... Don't use it. Instead, Jim logs clips as individual master clips first, so he can manually delete media that is no longer needed... Of course this takes the patience that most users don't seem to have for what ever reason.

  • Media Manager not working in Windows7

    I installed media manager a few months ago................. and it seemed to work OK for a couple of weeks.  Now i get a pop up saying Media Manager has stopped working ( checking for a solution ) a problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close and notify you if a solution is available....(which it never does).............. Why cant you guys fix this **bleep**@ This has happened multiple times before......too amny time for me to count...... i wind up uninstalling and reinstalling with the same outcome??? Come on NOW.

    lmun wrote:
    I don't think you actually read the post above.  I have the exact same problem and have uninstalled/reinstalled on a Windows 7 (64 bit) system. It loads the first screen for a few seconds and then demands to close and posts the following:
    Problem Event Name: BEX
    Application Name: Verizon Media Manager.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 4e98682f
    Fault Module Name: Avance.dll
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 4cc5a04b
    Exception Offset: 00041ae6
    Exception Code: c0000409
    Exception Data: 00000000
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: 1ead
    Additional Information 2: 1ead641666d0da3ef93d23ec2c5e4612
    Additional Information 3: 7872
    Additional Information 4: 78728a79bda53a68145a89f6fb03040f
    Is the program actually ready for prime time???
    I'm running it on a Windows 7 64-bit system and it works just fine.  Have you unistalled it and tried to reinstall it as a full administrator?  FYI there is an unistall program in the Verizon start menu folder, but you should also try doing it via the  programs and features control panel.

  • Media Manager: What features do work?  What doesn't?

    For those people for whom the media manager works, what works? What doesn't? What version of FCP and MacOS are you using?
    I've just spent the last several hours trying to reconnect clips by hand after FCP 5.0.4 crashed while using the Media Manager to consolidate Media Files into one folder (from the manual volume 4 pg 104-105) for archiving. I am beginning to despair. Luckily I've done this after writing out what should be the final version of my project to DVD, so if I can't succeed, as long as I don't need to edit anything I should be ok.
    I can tell you what's not working for me: the workflow of capture-now an entire miniDV tape to disk. I've tried many different approaches, and everything seems broken. I am using Mac OS X 10.3.9 and FCP 5.0.4.
    Specifically the aspects of Media Manager which are broken for me:
    1) (page 103) Removing Portions of Media Files after creating subclips. "A common logging and capturing workflow involves capturing each tape to a single media file, breaking the master clip into subclips, and then using the Media Manager to create individual media files for each subclip."
    That is just plain broken. Even when I delete the master file as recommended, it does not break up the media file into individual files for the subclips. I've seen that problem referenced here before. Creating subclips from the subclips and removing subclip limits gives me the entire 1 hr tape again, when all I want is the smaller portion which does not cross DV start/stop boundaries.
    Talking with a creative helper at the Palo Alto Apple store I learned that if you don't delete any media between clips, it doesn't make a file break. I have not tested that, instead I used the alternate workflow he proposed of selecting my subclips (created from the markers made with DV start/stop detect) ctrl-click -> batch export, item settings: make movie self contained. Unfortunately, I discovered the hard way that that workflow introduces errors in the time code, making recapturing the project to reconstruct it impossible.
    2) Consolidating Media Files into one folder (pg 104-105) - This is also broken and caused FCP to quit unexpectedly. Both the source and destination disk had enough disk space to hold two or more copies of the entire project. What's worse, although I've been able to reconnect most of the clips created using the batch export process menioned above, some of them complain that they need the complete 1-hr clip to play properly. Those clips were deleted weeks ago, and I was able to edit and work on the project successfully without them. Why are they needed now? The small clips do appear on disk, I can see them but they won't play without the long file.
    Nothing I've tried with the media manager has worked. Has anything worked for you? I'm especially interested if you use the "capture now" feature to capture 1-hr tapes and log later.
    Dual 1.42 GHz PowerPC G4 2 MB L3 cache per processor   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   2 GB DDR SDRAM

    I use MM all the time, but only for certain things. I can share some observations:
    If you are using MM to "Create Offline - Remove Unused", the original media all needs to be present in order for the unused media to be removed from the offline clips MM creates. This is they way I use MM all the time - capturing long clips at RT or DV quality, and then removing unused media with MM, recapturing at high quality.
    I might try to use MM to copy media used in a certain sequence, but I would never try to move the media in a way that would automatically remove or alter any of my already captured media. If FCP crashed in the middle of the operation (perhaps it hits a file with incorrect permissions) your media will be half-moved, and some of the media might get corrupted. I have reassembled a few projects like this for friends and it was not easy.
    Speed adjusted clips - I still see TC issues every now and then when using MM on speed-adjusted clips - here is my workaround: I go through my edited sequence and pick out as many of the speed-adjusted clips as I can find, copying and pasting them into a new sequence, where I remove the speed adjustments. I include this new sequence in my selection when I initiate MM, this creates new master clips for the speed-adjusted material that are guaranteed to come up with the correct in and out points. If during my re-assembly I find that and of these clips have a problem, I know there will be enough media in the master clip to replace the speed-adjusted media without having to log and capture a new clip.
    One major bug in MM I have found with FCP5 is that when using MM to convert a DV sequence to an Uncompressed offline sequence, any graphics or animation movie files (animation codec) can no longer be rendered at full quality without replacing them one by one. My last project had 70 of these files in a 1-hour program.

Maybe you are looking for