Media Sharing, Selected NO but still indexes

Hello, I'm having a problem with the DLNA Media Sharing Server still indexing files even though the share has marked that it wasn't meant to host media sharing facilities (changeable from the Shares tab).  I've tried all kinds of things, switching the media sharing flag on and off as well as the share tab's media radio switch, but it doesn't seem to respond (still indexes).  Help!

Hi there and welcome to the WD community,
When you go to the shares section on the dashboard, is media serving for the share turned off? Thats strange, try to turn off media streaming and turn it back on to see if the folders still show up. Hope this helps you out

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    You can't do it via File Sharing, those two stores don't support the copying of your Kindle/Nook purchases off their apps via file sharing.
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    3. Adobe Reader version 5.05 or above (I have Adobe Reader 8).
    Thank in advance for any help, if there is any.

    This is a very long and confusing post, to say the least
    You may want to have a look at these articles to familiarize with your new Mac:
    Regarding your more immediate problem, having a better idea of what you're trying to use is required before we can give you meaningful advice.
    First of all, what is on the discs you are trying to use? If they are commercial discs, they must have a label of some kind that indicates what are are.
    Then, when your insert a disc in your MacBook Pro's optical drive, what happens? Do you see a disc icon appear on your Desktop?

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    you might made Sales org Info object as Auth relevant, hence it is giving that error.
    Eirther disable the authorization relevant check in the infoobject maintainance in Bex explorer tab...
    Or create a auth  variable for the infoobject and use it in the query..

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    Thank you Tsarchasm

  • This item cannot be shared while it is still referencing media on the camera.

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    It seems that many people are having trouble with exporting. This is why FCP is saying I can not export. I need a fix in a hurry.

    Thanks for responding Tom.
    We shot with 4 different cameras and 3 different models. 2 Canon models. 2 - 60Ds and 1 - 5D. The forth camera was a GoPro. I was not at that shoot. All Canon setups were 24P. Again not sure on the GoPro.
    The media was taken off the Card onto a MacBookPro and I transferred via external drive to my iMac. No camera was ever attached to the iMac. I am editing on the iMac.
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    yes. I have selected Copy Files to Final Cut Events Folder.

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    Please help!

    I have had this issue too, and figured a work around.  FYI, I rebooted, tried everything imaginable, and still no luck.  I opened up iPhoto, and imported all the video clips into iPhoto.  I then took the missing video from iPhoto, copied it to my desktop.  Then I re-imported the video (same name) into Final Cut. I had to do some slight editing of the video, but everything worked fine, and allowed me to upload the video to YouTube. 
    Not certain it will work for others, but to recap, try to import the video into another program, then copy the missing video file to your desktop, and re-import to Final Cut.
    Hope this helps.

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    count(*) as y0_
    t_transaction this_
    where this_.USER_ID=:1 and this_.OPTYPE in (:2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10, :11, :12, :13, :14, :15, :16, :17, :18, :19, :20, :21, :22, :23, :24, :25, :26, :27, :28, :29, :30, :31, :32, :33, :34, :35, :36, :37, :38) and this_.TRANSACTION_DATE>=:39 and this_.TRANSACTION_DATE<:40 and ((lower(this_.STATUS) like :41 or lower(this_.STATUS) like :42) or lower(this_.STATUS) like :43)
    doing this :
    create index idx1 on t_transaction(user_id,optype,-1,transaction_date,-1,status,-1) reverse tablespace TS_A_IDX;
    but i failed.
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    Any help very appreciated in order to an concatenate index could run on above query for performance tuning sake.
    Best Regards,

    but i failed.
    but still didn't work.not Oracle error codes & messages.
    my car didn't work.
    tell me how to make my car go.
    It is really, Really, REALLY difficult to fix a problem that can not be seen.
    use COPY & PASTE so we can see what you do & how Oracle responds.

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    Hit Command-9 to open the Background Tasks.
    Is anything active?

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    Very disappointed with this version of iMovie. This type of error should not happen.

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    My brother and I have shared an account for five years, and now that I'm moving out, I want to create my own separate account but still want to be able to play the music I've purchased over five years. 

    In order to continue to play and sync the music you purchased with your old account, you'll need to authorize your new computer/iTunes library to do so.  You can do this by choosing Store -> Authorize This Computer and then entering in your old account credentials.
    That's all you should need to.  Then just create your own account and start purchasing and using it the same you have with the old one.

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    Error -49 opWrErr  File already open with write permission
    Trash the preference files while application is NOT Running.
    from Karsten Schlüter
    Some users notice on exporting larger projects from within iMovie that this operation is aborted with an 'error -49'
    This issue occours only on MacOs machines using 10.7x
    try switching-off the Local Mobile Backup
    in Terminal copy/paste
    sudo tmutil disablelocal
    Re-launch Mac
    See also this post
    Yours Bengt W

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    What IOS and OS are you using Elissa.  I think from your post it used to work but has dropped off, is that correct or has it never worked?  If it did wotk has anything changed?  Check your wifi use with sopmething like istumbler to see if it is being used by neighbours etc?

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    How can I get volume on my I6 to hear incoming calls . I went to setting , sounds, and selected a tone, but still no sound for incoming calls, texts, or other notifications.

    Hi rsample,
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Your symptoms make it sound like the iPhone side switch is set to silent mode.
    iOS: Understanding sounds, ringtones, and alerts
    Set your device to silent mode
    iPhone: Toggle the Ring/Silent switch on the side of the device.
    Best Regards,

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    Hello Bluebird,
    See if it's related to this...
    It also seems to be related to later OSX versions, like 10.8.x & 10.9.x
    The 2012 macs (and later apparently) (also later OSX versions on earlier Macs can do it also), not waking normally from sleep after hours being in sleep. (noted here ...
    "Why 2012 iMac/2012 Mac Mini won't Wake After Hours of Sleep (Hibernates/Powers Off)")
    The sleepimage file still reappears even if never slept. Delete it (hibernate off, etc) - within minutes its back.
    A note on that here -
    About iMac sleep...
    Try this: "sudo pmset autopoweroff 0" and "sudo pmset standby 0"
    One user reported that the opposite worked...
    Try this: "sudo pmset autopoweroff 1" and "sudo pmset standby 1"

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