Mega Player 515 "Reading" Problem

Has anyone experienced problems with the Mega Player 515 (256MB) hanging during connection to a PC? It also causes windows (XP & 2000) to freeze up as well (until you disconnect the player).
I've just bought one and was copying some MP3s onto it using Windows Explorer when it just froze up during a file transfer, with "Reading" on the display (normally it says "Connected"). There was still plenty of spare memory (32MB) left. After disconnecting the USB cable, the player plays the songs fine and my PC unfreezes, but the same thing happens as soon as I plug it in again.  There is no mention of the term "Reading" in the manual.
The only way to get it to connect to my PC was to delete all the songs manually from the player's menu and start again. After trying this, the player froze again after downloading only 67MB!!
I have the latest firmware (vers 2.08) and have tried the player on another computer; with the same result. Any help here?!!

I had the same problem. My firnware is newer though - 3.00.13
After trying to copy files to it froze, I then restarted my PC. It no longer is recognized by windows and does not want to start. I think the firmware is corrupted.

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    Your answer is appreciated in advance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's right. You need a USB A-male to B-mini-Male. Not sure about what brand. Any should do.

  • Mega Player 515 dead after firmware update

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    Same thing just happened to my 515.
    Updated to the new firmware (V3.00.12).  All worked okay,  I uploaded some music, played no problem, until I went into the playlist.
    The thing just froze on the folders list.  Can't turn it off and the PC won't recognise it.
    Waiting for the battery to run down, now to see if that works.
    Will let you know, but if anyone has any ideas .......

  • Mega player 515

    Can anyone help?  
    My mega player 515 won't work with my PC. I'm running XP and when I try to transfer my wma files onto the player I get one of several windows error messages and the player shuts down and disconnects from the PC!
    I don't know where the problem lies, cos I can transfer my files onto the player using my sister's PC (also using XP)!  
    The player works fine otherwise, and has the latest firmware on it already.
    I just had a new hard disk put in my PC yesterday, so surely the problem doesn't lie there?!
    Any suggestions are welcome!  I've tried everything I can think of  

    I have two solutions for your reference!!
    1. Please pressing "FM / A->B key" + "REC key" meantime, and it will power off, open power and try again!!
    2. Update correct firmware and try again!!
    Please do according to firmware update procedure of the following:
    1.Please download and install the latest firmware(v3.00.13) and driver!!(
    2. After firmware unzipping, it will show some files, please replace driver installation files (C:\Program Files\MSI\MS-5515)
    3. Please press sustained “play key” first, then plug your mega player 515 in your PC.
    4. Please go to "start" (below left corner) and enter "programs" and choose "MSI MS-5515" update now!!!
    5. After update success, you can release of your finger.
    Please note: The stage 3 is very importantly, please must press “play key” first. Then connect your PC.
    Hope to solve your issue!!

  • MSI Mega Player 515 screensaver

    I recently bought a Mega Player 515 and it's great except one thing: The screensaver is always in the way. When I want to go to the next song, I have to press twice to get acces to it. Also, when I want to see which song is currently playing, I need to push on a button first. Is it possible to turn off the screensaver?
    I hope this is possible,
    Thanks in advance,

    it does not save much battery power
    Indeed . I wonder why they added one aswell, or maybe just for the fun... Anyways, I went to the settings, but I only have these options:
    Power off
    Record rate
    Startup logo
    The Startup logo option only allows me to choose a logo and power off only allows me to choose to automatically turn it off after x minutes. If someone had the Firmware (2.0.8) without the screensaver (if it excists), it would be great.

  • Mega Player 515 Bad Flash - SOLUTION

    I have mega 515 and mega 515 lite. And I by mistake upgrade a firmware from 515 lite into 515 ! Can I somehow repair? On 515 is always bothing(black screen) !!! Please help!!!thanks

    Firmware update correct process:
    1.Please download and install the latest firmware and driver!!(
    2.After firmware installing will show some files, please cover driver installing files(C:\Program Files\MSI\MS-5515)
    3.Please plug your mega player 515 in your PC
    4.Press “play key” continuously. (While mega player can't be recognized by PC, please add this procedure!!)
    5.Please enter OS "start" (below left corner) and enter "programing collecting" and choose to "MSI MS-5515" update now!!!
    5.After update success you can release of your hands (While mega player can't be recognized by PC, please add this procedure!!)
    Please try again!!!
    Hope to solve your issue!!

  • Mega player 538 firmware problem

    Hi! I just bought Mega Player MS5538 with LCD, without radio.
    I updated the firmware to v.1.11.03 and now I don't have option to use voice recording.
    Can you tell me what to do to restore that option because it's really important to me.
    Original firmware  was v.1.10..... I don't know exactly. Can you send it to me or give me a link to download.

    I removed your e-mail as no one here can send that to you. This is a user to user forum and no one from MSI is here to read that request. Only spammers can look through forums to gather e-mail addies that folks leave out in the open and then use them to spam you even more. Never leave an email addy out in the open like that.
    OK on to your problem.
    The firmware should be on the CD that came with the unit. You would flash that firmware the same as you did the one you downloaded and flashed already.
    You can also use the product link at the top of the forum, to find all firmware for your unit.
    You may also contact MSI tech support at

  • Mega Player 515 - LOCKED - HELP

    Wow, back after 4+ years. Hilarious (and awesome) to see my solution is still sticky up there:P
    A couple of weeks ago, my ancient (but beautiful) 515 started locking up whenever I turn it on.
    Meaning, regardless of whether the actual LOCK is in place, regardless of number of songs, FAT/FAT32.
    It locks up like 99/100 times and then it turns on like nothing happened. I can't isolate the reason... Any ideas?
    It shouldn't be due to the LOCK key as it's not loose at all, and when the player is actually on it can stay on for hours/days with all the keys perfectly usable. It helped me a couple of times to do a full format, recopy all of my songs and disconnecting it first using the XP "removable hardware" interface and then unplugging it. Obviously I can't do a reformat and recopy every time I want to use it, and even that only helps about 1/10 times.
    Also, I don't want to keep it on and plugged in the whole time so as not to wreck the battery/OLED, and even then we're ignoring the times when I have to actually copy new stuff to it (which turns it off upon unplugging).
    Any ideas? Thanks a bunch.

    OK, I just reverted back to 2.000.008 firmware and everything appears to be working as normal. I tried turning it off/on several times and no LOCKED message.
    Maybe after all the shaking while running, the firmware gets shaken and stirred? 
    Later I'm gonna try getting the newest firmware back and see if the issue was with that, maybe the player can't handle the new firmware anymore due to its age:P
    In any case, maybe this helps other people with the LOCKED issue.
    I'll do an update when/if problems start occuring again.

  • Mega Player 515 issues

    I got into the sub-menu "playlist", after uploading some new wmas... Now the whole unit has frozen. I can't turn it off, or reset it. When I plug it into the USB port, nothing happens. Now i'm waiting for the batteries to run out, which can take days for all I know...
    Can anyone help?
    Also, I'm having a problem with the song sorting within the player itself. Songs appear to be sorted at some random factor, but always in the same order, no matter how many times i upload. It's really annoying. I deleted any metadata from the wma files, so they should be sorting alphabetically by filename, right?
    This does not happen if the numbers by which to sort are the first characters in the filename, only if there is something before them. As if the player can only sort up to a certain point of characters....
    WHAT TO DO???

    Well one thing you can do is to take a wait and see attitude to any updates. Ask here to see if anyone has tried a given update and what it did. I am sure folks will share their experience. Flash or firmware updates are something you want to have a care with as this can kill a device if it goes wrong. However MSI is also great when it comes to fixing stuff that went wrong. I have had a MB that had to be RMA'd over a Bios flash issue and a MS-516 over a firmware update that also went very wrong. MSI do stand behind things very well but still it is best to get someone's opinions before you jump into a change on that first.
    No worries and I hope that helps to clarify things a bit. We just can't answer for MSI directly. Stu was just trying to point out that we aren't MSI but rather a User to User forum so we can't address MSI's tech support directly.

  • Mega Player - PLEASE HELP

    I have a BIG problem.
    I have formated my Mega Player MS-515 256MB and now when I turn it on it shows message "Media error". Is there any way to fix it??? I payed it very, very much. Please help me!!!

    I have two solutions for your reference!!!
    1.Pressing enter "FM / A->B key" + "REC key" will power off!! open power and try again...
    2.Firmware update!!! please confirm your mega player is 515 or 515 Lite.
    Firmware update process:
    1.Please download and install the latest firmware and driver!!
    MS-515 Lite(USB2.0):
    2. After firmware unzipped will show some files, please cover driver installation files (C:\Program Files\MSI\MS-5515)
    3. Please press “play key” continuously first (While mega player can't be recognized by PC please add this procedure) and plug your mega player 515 in your PC.
    4. Please enter OS "start" (below left corner) and enter "program collecting" and choose to "MSI MS-5515" update now!!!
    5. After update success you can release of your finger. (While mega player can't be recognized by PC please add this procedure)
    Please try again!!!
    Hope to solve your issue!!

  • Mega Player 533- F/W v2.00.02 & Driver v1.672- Possible Problem & Fix to Recover

    RE: Firmware v2.00.02 & Driver v1.672 Update dated 06/04/06 for Megaplayer 533 - Model MS5533.
    I think that there is a possible problem with the above Driver & Firmware Versions as they do not seem to work for the Mega Player 533 - Model MS5533 ???. It renders the player inoperable (ie.Unable to turn player on at all) and also makes the 256MB flash drive unrecognisable to the computer (ie. computer asks for a disk to be inserted into the flash drive, similarly like the SD Expansion slot) .
    All Steps to update the firmware were followed to the letter, including no battery, updating to the new version of the driver software v1.672, formatting the drive at the same time and pressing sustained "play" button.
    Possible Fix : I was able to make the player operable again by reinstalling the original driver software & rolling back the firmware version back to v1.00.06 again (Try original firmware v1.00.02 if you haven't saved the v1.00.06 Firmware to your hard drive, as MSI does not have any longer the v1.00.06 firmware on their website to download anymore ). It now works as it did before  :D(unfortunately still with the "ROCK" setting bug) .
    NOTE: In order for computer to recognise the drive, Press sustained "Play" button when connecting to the computer, then please go to "start" (below left corner) and enter "programs" and choose "MSI MEGA PLAYER MS-5533" then "Download Firmware".
    Computer should then recognise the player and allow for the firmware update . 
    My main concern is that many of MSI's other unsuspecting customers will download this particular software and experience the same problems as I did. They probably won't be able to figure out how to rectify this issue & therefore unfortunately be left with a player that does not work at all .
    I have logged this problem now with MSI, but have yet to hear a response from them.
    Has anyone else out there experienced this same problem or is it just me??? ???.
    I searched this forum for any similar posts for this problem but found none.
    If I am doing anything wrong to update firmware v 2.00.02, please let me know.
    I did notice however that driver v1.672 software for MS5533 was called a "Megastick" and NOT a "Mega Player". Is this possibly the cause of the problem as it is the wrong driver for the MSI 533 Mega Player - Model MS5533 ???. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    Quote from: Questioon on 06-July-06, 06:54:00
    Actually it is a long story including 2 other 533s which are fried (literally) during upgrade process.
    Here are some of my experiences...
    After completion of one of my upgrade attempts  I inserted battery and get "usb power surge" message when plugged. That rendered the device inoperable with the battery. It was still recognizable by windows both as recovery and storage devices depending on pressing/not pressing start button before plugging.
    To be sure I checked the usb voltage of my PC  with a multimeter and it was about 4.5 volts on load. During my countless plugging unplugging attempts I accidentally noticed that if I connect USB cable sort of half way (like only dc power pins connected but data pins not) device was able to start as mp3 player. I mean original mega logo appeared and device was able to play mp3s as normal. Then I made a special usb cable to try to power it with 3 serially connected AAA cells (~4.5 volts total) via USB port. And surprise,... it was working. So for a couple of days I used it with that external battery pack. It was big and ugly though. And I gave it to a friend who likes customized! devices : ).
    And here is what I did to install latest firmware into my second 533:
    1) I deleted all file instances and registry traces of old 533 driver and downloader versions both automatically (by uninstaller) and manually (coz related sys file was still there, in system32\drivers folder and maybe also in driver backup after automatic uninstallation). Also maybe it is necessary to perform a complete search because despite I deleted the related sys, windows was able to install recovery device  probably from its driver backup folder. I also deleted related oemxx.inf from \inf folder (be careful, don’t delete the wrong oemxx.inf ones belong to other devices). Because windows rename/recopy original *.inf into oemxx.inf.
    2a) I put firmware files from zip into driver installation package's bin folder.
    2b) Again I put firmware files from the zip into c:\program files\msi\... after installation (though this step is probably unnecessary)
    3) I removed battery, pushed the button, plugged in, windows recognized it as recovery device, after about 5 seconds   (not too long coz a device timeout occurs sometimes, and if this happens unplug and replug while still pressing the button)  started software, now device was disappeared from hardware list momentarily and re-recognized as storage volume.
    4) Here I get an error message like "operating system error..." It was impossible to use software with the device recognized as "recovery device". I unplugged and re-plugged now without pressing the button, device was recognized as usb storage volume and I started the software and upgraded the firmware. Device was inoperable...
    5) Repeated the process, now with pressing the button. I upgraded the firmware. And everything was OK. Rock EQ fault was gone. A playlist function is added, hough I dunno how to use this  as yet : ) When I go into playlist option I’m unable to exit, and only way I found to exit is turnoff. Except this detail it works properly.
    My computer is a standard Dell latitude c600 (an old model with one USB-1 port only), with windows xp spII. Device chip is stmp3502 according to latest driver but it was a stmp3500 according to driver on the cd came with the device.
    Hope this helps,
    Best regards.
    PS: Despite the whole adventure I really like this device, its plain design, SD card feature, removeable battery, and especially its stmp35xx chip, also used in ipod shuffles which is regarded as best sounding ipod model, by some people.
    PS 2: Maybe this is known to everyone, but I just noticed that it is possible to play non-compressed wav files with maga player 533 (16 bit 44.1 khz stereo PCM files). All you have to do is copying them into "voice" folder of the device. Then you have CD quality audio. I dont know whether it is possible with older firmwares too, or just a feature of latest one.  I also tried higher quality formats like 24 bit 48 khz but device couldnt see these ones
    anyone tried this procedure? did it work?didn't work for me.. 

  • Mega Player 536 problems with SD Card

    Hello, can any one help me here, i got me MSI mega player 536 , but i can't play files from SD card. I tried 4. diferent types of SD card. Player register the card, but when i try to open files i got message: "No files fund". I found test of player on, and they write in the test that Player has problems with SD card.
    Any one?

    It's hardware problem with player, i'll get a new one. Then we have to conclude that Mega player 536 has not problems with SD card. Thank's to every one on this forum.

  • MSI Mega Player 522BT problems

    I just got the new player recently & here's the problem,
    When connected to my mobile phone thru bluetooth, my callers always complains the mic pick up is very soft.
    Is there anyway to boost the mic pickup? 
    I've upgraded the firmware of my 522BT to 1.04.00 version & yeat still having this problem.
    The phone i'm using is SonyEricsson T610 software version is R6C005.
    Is there any accessories (i.e. earphone, mic) on the market that is compatible & works with MSI Mega Player 522BT? the mini earphone jack is 2.5mm dia not the standard 3.5mm dia....

    You are not the only one with those problems. I only notice the headset jack is of the mobile phone type instead of the normal audio type, despite the fact I test run it at the counter before making the purchase.    It looks like one of those Nokia handphone headset plugs, so I'll try my luck one of these days at the phone accessory shops to get some other stereo handsfree to try out.
    The BT headset/handsfree function is neat, but considering this is MSI's second offering of this sort of BT mp3 player (516BT was an earlier version with USB 1.1 pc link), I'm dissappointed with the sound and BT pairing quality of the player. If I keep my phone in my right pant pocket with the player in the left one, the caller will complain about a lot of statics and interferences. At the same time, I can't hear the person talking either. I did the firmware upgrade as well, but guess that's just fixing problems related to the mp3 functions. I do hope MSI tech supports will come up with some fine tuning/adjustments regarding the BT feature. My phone is not listed in the compatible phone list, but they paired, so I think it's not the problem with  my phone (O2 Xphone). I tried pairing 522BT to my PC and used as the headset, and the sound quality really requires some attention.     Do hope the sound quality is as good as the music playback quality...
    As for the music playback, it's quite good. The sound is clear and rich, except the SRS function which I don't really like. To me, it just blurs out the music.

  • Problem MSI mega player 533

    after update 002.000.* firmware in MSI MEGA PLAYER 533, windows and linux not detected MSI MEGA PL-533,and can not switch "ON" my devices,how to repair
    in windows  INITIALIZING MSI-5533 not detected devices ,pleaase help meeeee how to repair

    I finally solved "the v2.00.02/v1.672 firmware update problem" [after 20 install/reinstall f*ckups]
    [I also tought (at the time) that my player is dead/fried...doesn't matter now dough..]
    It's almost funny now how easy I made it to work again with updated firmware..
    point is that when you connect it on USB without pressing anything and start updater
    and when it says "Media state not initialized" you check "Format" and run it..when completed
    unplug it..and then again connect it with play pressed all the time (as described in instructions)..
    start updater again with format option checked and wait to complete..thats it!
    now finally everything works fine as it should be (v2.00.02)..
    P.S. "Questioon" wrote that he didn't figured how to work with playlist..just, when you are in the "playlist", need to press next/previous key for about half a second to navigate through folders (when you copy music to player you put it in folders if you want to use playlist feature)

  • Mega Player 538 won't start anymore

    I just flashed the firmware of my mega player 538 to the latest 1.11.03.
    The prosedure went ok but now the player won't start anymore.
    When I press "Power On" -button nothing happens.
    Is there anything that I can do or is the player gone...?
    Can I reset the player to solve the problem?

    I contacted MSI support, but no answer from them yet.
    Unfortunately I didn't have time to wait because I had a very important affair where I needed the device.
    So, I returned the player to the shop. Of course the shop didn't have replacement on the stock but they gave me my money back. So, I went to another shop and bought a creative player instead and I was able to complete my affair.
    It would have been nice to have the problem solved because the player was perfect for my needs and was very cheap as well (only 20 euros). The new player was three times more expensive and only 512Mb storage.
    If MSI will return with a solution I can post it here in case somebody else has a same kind of a problem.

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