Megaworks 550 vs pro gamer G500

I recieved a pro gamer speakerset today, as replacement for my megaworks550 (strange, why not a new 550?), and I was wondering: it seems like the pro gamer G500 plays the high frequencies a lot louder than my megaworks ever did. in fact, it playw them so loud, it becomes painfull to the ears (not only mine), but lowering the treble makes the highs just disappear...
is that normal for the pro gamer set?

Hey?Tell me did You know how enable DTS and DDEX settings?If You know it will be great?Lordmoll

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    Message Edited by fs_shadow on 10-27-2007 07:49 AM

    Have you checked your wiring? When going into THX Console and running the test, you should be able to hear the sound coming from the corresponding speaker. Otherwise your wiring must be wrong.
    Also I do not understand what exactly you are doing in the CMSS Options: <EM>put the cmss3d on surround</EM>
    Do you mean Stereo Surround?
    <EM>put cmss 3d in the center </EM>: You mean you drag the slider into the center, or do you mean the CMSS2 option?Message Edited by alexs3d2 on 06-24-2006 07:34 PM

  • Hiss, hissing sound in speaker sets like the MegaWorks 550

    Over the years, I noticed that my MegaWorks 550 started hissing more and more. For anyone interested, i want to share my quest to find the cause.
    First of all, i looked on this forums. There were several useful posts.
    Based on these, I mailed customer service for some more information. Their mails were annoyingly useless. On top of that, they actually removed above mentioned posts from their forums! Here's a small summary of the mail conversation with customer support. It's so stupid, that it's actually fun to read:
    Dear Creative, [...] my MegaWorks 550 [...] has a clearly audible hiss. [...] This hiss is also present when no inputs are connected and independent of volume level. The level of hiss is equal on all five sattelite speaker connections, even when objectively measured with an oscilloscope. [...] I know the MegaWorks 550 is farbeyond the warranty, but i am a trained technician and capable of replacing any part. Could you please give a hint as to what causes this hiss? Kind regards [...]
    [...] To reduce static or buzzing noise from speakers, avoid placing speaker cables next to computer monitors, TV, an AC adapter, or any chargers for MP3 players or cell phones, etc. These devices have a strong field, which may interfere with speakers.
    Hissing Sound [...]
    (duh, i already mentioned that it is independent of any inputs and also present with nothing connected)
    [...]Dear Creative, Thank you for your answer. I read the support solution you pointed to, and i also read about eight different threads about this on your forum, suggesting several causes. I've tested the 550 in an electromagnetic Farady cage and with no inputs attached. The hiss remains constant on each of the five outputs and independent of the volume level.
    It must be a problem in the electrical circuit. Since this is a very prevalent problem, I hope there's a technician at Creative who know the cause. It would be great if they could explain which capacitors or connections typically need to be replaced or resoldered to remove the hiss.
    I'm, of course, very aware that the warranty of the 550 is expired, i would just really appreciate some hints on how to fix it myself. It would be friendly to the environment, to my wallet and to your reputation! [...]
    If the issue persists after troubleshooting, please be informed that our product have 12 month warranty since the purchase date. Further information on product warranty can be found at:
    Please note that with most out-of-warranty products, we do not keep stock of parts anymore. You may wish to check with customers on eBay or at other forum sites who may be selling used parts.
    If not, in order to assist you, kindly complete the details below:
    a) Any previous CRS or RMA that was provided to you before? :
    b) First Name:
    c) Last Name:
    d) Email Address:
    e) Company Name (if you are a Creative retailer/reseller or if we are sending the package to your workplace):
    f) Street:
    g) City:
    h) State/Province:
    i) Post/Zip code:
    j) Country:
    k) Phone (Home or Mobile):
    Note: For the address provided, please ensure that someone is there between Mon to Fri, 9.30am to 5.30pm to receive the package.
    l) Creative Product Serial Number (
    m) Date of Purchase (DD/MMM/YYYY: please provide Proof of Purchase and send it as an attachment in your reply to this email):
    n) Country where the Creative product was purchased from? :
    o) Product Name:
    p) Product Colour (if applicable):
    q) Issues with the Creative product:
    Please verify and make sure that the details filled-in above are correct and complete. RMA would be created provided that your product is still covered by warranty and that you have in possession a copy of the Proof of Purchase. It will also be good if you are able to provide us with a scanned photo of the serial number (S/N) indicated on the Creative product for us to check its validity.
    If you have further questions, comments or concerns please include them in your reply. Thank you.

    Dear Creative,
    I would expect a €450,- speaker set like the Megaworks 550 to last longer than the three years it did before it started hissing. However, it's beyond the warranty period, so i'm not asking for any official warranty. But surely the least Creative could do, is help me fix it myself.
    I just need to know which capacitors to replace to fix it, probably somewhere in the power supply. I know that a lot of sets were sent back because of the issue, so surely there is a technician from Creative that can pinpoint the cause. PLEASE!
    Thank you for getting back to us.
    I'm really sorry but currently we don't provide any out of warranty repairment services.
    We're unable to help you in this situation.
    If you still require assistance, please reply to this email and include any previous correspondence to ensure a quick response.
    Dear Creative,
    I'm not asking for a repair service. I want to fix it myself. I know that a lot of people sent their Megaworks 550 back because of this issue, so there are people within creative who know what causes it. Please, I just need to know which capacitor to replace. I wont contact you after that, even if the repair goes wrong or anything.
    Thank you for contacting Creative Labs.
    We are sorry to inform you that we do not provide schematics, circuit boards, part details or pin-outs for all Creative products to customers. The information you are requesting is considered proprietary and are not allowed to share or release it to the general public, as it would be considered a breach or corporate trade secrets. For your reference every product information and its specification can all be found via the Creative website.
    We apologize if this is not accommodating your need and your cooperation in this regard is appreciated.
    So... i opened the case and did some more experiments. I used a variable voltage. The hiss was indeed dependent on the voltage. Since it was not dependent on inputs or volume level and present on all five speaker outputs, i came to the following
    - the hiss is most likely caused by the final stage of the power supply unit
    - specifically: decay of one or more of the 10 capacitors in there
    - this is caused by creative using capacitors of a barely sufficient capacity (too cheap). Once they decay the become insufficient.
    - communicating with the customer service is a fun, but not very rational process
    Perhaps i'll replace the capacitors. If i do, i might share pictures and keep you updated. Please respond if there's anyone out there who would appreciate that.
    PS for search purposes: Cambridge SoundWorks megaworks 550 5.1 MegaWorks 550D THX 5.1

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    Thanks in advance.

    So I looked.
    So the only solution would be to change them.
    I should have got the Logitech system instead of waiting months to get a non-hissing system.
    I have been a fan of creative for the past 6 years. I am very unhappy I don't trust them anymore now

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    any ideas?

    do you still have warranty on the system? if so, call tech support.
    if not, I guess it might be a deffective power/standby switch on the controlbox (or a broken cable)
    you can try shorting the powerswitch on the remotecontrol and see if you get it to work.
    btw, is the power led "blinking"(on -off, on-off,...) or just "lit"(on.....)?

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    thank you very much

    By the way, should there be any sound coming from center in a case like this ?
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    Please help me!
    Thx a lot!
    Nice greetz

    If you still have warranty, just call the tech support, if you don't, try opening the soundcontrol box, and lubricate the two microswitches with a little wd-40 or something like that. that might work.

  • MegaWorks 550, doesent work

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    please HELP ME
    (sry about the english im not so good at that )

    I have the same thing and it did the exact same thing. The 550 is a faulty system that creative sells. I had blow on me in 3 months, got an RMA (which they completely messed up) and got a new system. few weeks later BAM blew again, half volume fuse is fine everything just no light on the power thing. Total BS. After getting through all the BS with creative about that they denied me a fix becusae the cage was dented in transit and hushed me saying that they would contact UPS about it and let me know. That was oh...9 months ago? Anyways if you find a shop manual for it email me becuase i want my speakers fixed and god knows creative isn't gonna do it.

  • Megaworks 550 Remote Control Extension Cable??

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    I Live in UK but if i can get one from abroad no problem.
    P.S Wired remote!!! come on... :smileyindifferent:

    ello Vatman,
    I have just registered + saw your request 4 the extn cable,I am
    looking 4 the same thing. I thought of having the cable cut +
    a new cable soldered or joined inbetween but did not really want to
    do that until I got another wired remote but they wont supply them (yet?).
    I rang Keene Electronics 0870 990 9000 &
    they asked for an email [email protected] or a
    letter giving as much info as pos preferable with a
    photo and measurements. I have not got round to doing that as
    yet.Hope this is of some use,let me no if u have got the
    cable please(if so how and where) or if u have any joy,
    cheers, editman

  • Megaworks 550 remote control

    Hello all ,
    I need remote control for my megaworks 550 , my speakers work so well they are like new
    but they are not under guaranteed so i want to buy a new remote control , someone knows
    where i can buy one and know about price too ?
    Thank you for reply me

    ello Vatman,
    I have just registered + saw your request 4 the extn cable,I am
    looking 4 the same thing. I thought of having the cable cut +
    a new cable soldered or joined inbetween but did not really want to
    do that until I got another wired remote but they wont supply them (yet?).
    I rang Keene Electronics 0870 990 9000 &
    they asked for an email [email protected] or a
    letter giving as much info as pos preferable with a
    photo and measurements. I have not got round to doing that as
    yet.Hope this is of some use,let me no if u have got the
    cable please(if so how and where) or if u have any joy,
    cheers, editman

  • Megaworks 550 messing up

    hi my megaworks 550 is starting to messup it starts "mumbling and stops wolfing" if I bump the sub it starts to work for a bit longer then starts again. Its out of warnty. anyone have any sugestions on how to fix this. it seems to be related to the volume the louder i put it the sooner it starts.

    I had this problem with my last set of megaworks 550.. In the beginning it didn't bother me that much. But after a while it became constant.. only "dropping" the subwoofer 5 cm banging it on the floor made it work for a second or two.. I still had warranty so creative sent me a new pair.. I later tried fixing the old ones, with no success, although i i found out something quite interesting..
    I opened the sub and looked around all over. I couldn't see anything, but i'm no electrician either.. I gave up but tried again about a year later.. I opened it with the power on (i know you shouldn't but..) and started "pressing" different parts with a tennisball (what i had near me ) the sound became clear and perfect when i was pressing on one of the big black metal-parts... i also noticed a spark after a while when you pressed against the black thingy.. I tried soldering at that point, but couldn't really reach the point where the spark was, and after a few days thinking i would fix it, i managed to solder off a part of the actual card (the thin copper plate on the green card) and now it's completely dead. (no light, no sound.. nothing)
    It seemed i was quite close to fixing it, and i'm sure i could get it fixed quite easily at someone who knows a bit more about it than me if i point out what i've learnt.. But right now i can't be bothered. And i already have a working pair so..
    Hope this helped..
    Oh, and by the way.. (bigger version)
    If you look at the picture. the spark was between these two points.. I have no idea what that is or anything but i tried soldering there.. The black thing i was pressing was the thing you can see in the top left corner. If anyone knows what it is, how to fix it i'd be glad as well

  • Over-heated G500 Pro gamer and intermittend sound

    Hi All,
    Please help me with this problem.
    I bought my speakers from the Comex show on 10 Sep 2006.
    When i first Installed my speakers, turned my pc off and plugged into my pc`s soundcard ( using Soundblaster Audiogy 4.1 My system couldn`t bootup. it kept restarting. I tried plugging out my speakers and restart, it worked till i plugged in my speakers with my PC on, which hanged after plugging my speakers in again. It worked on the 4th attempt.
    The next day, my rear left speaker had some prob-lems. it sounded like a bad connection . intermittent sound and sound volume is inconsistant. sometimes totally without any sound at all. i thinking it was bad wire connecttion, i cut a little of the wire to get a fresh portion. Same problem occured. I tried swapping my front left speaker with my rear left speaker trying to narrow down the problem. To my surprise, both ended up having the same problem. Unable to do anything further, i left it alone for that day. till the following day, i did a test again. this time no problem showed up at all. However, touching my sub-woofer I realized the back portion where all the wires are connectted to, is very hot. if i were to give an estimation, i would say it is abiut 50-60 Degrees celcius. I have spoken to the customer service, and was told to send down for a test in jurong, and that I will not get a for exchange if the goods I purchased was found to be faulty. this purc-hased is made less than 7 days. I do not wish to kick up a fuss as i only want to get what i paid for. A working speaker system. Please help me troubleshoot as much as possible because it will be VE-RY inconvenient for me to got all the way down to Jurong to test which, unless needed to. That will be the last resort.
    I only wish to get a positive response as I have e-mailed the technical support team a couple of times asking questions which ne-ver got replied , only a cut and paste reply asking me to bring down to the headquarters for a check (not an-swering my ques-tions posted to them at all).
    Hope to hear good news.
    Thanks in advance.
    Message Edited by dct on 09-08-2006 08:35 PM

    You can test the speaker on another computer and see if the same thing happen. Other than that, it's best you go along with Customer Support suggestion.

  • How to install window 8.1 pro on g500

    I currently have the g500 lenovo computer with the preloaded software windows 8.1. I would like to purchase the windows 8.1 pro version and would like to know what are the steps needed to do this and if anyone has done this what type of problems if any have you encounter.

    hi fishermanjack,
    The easiest way to upgrade Windows 8.1 to Windows 8.1 Pro is by adding features. To do this, you will need a Windows 8.1 Pro Pack license. This is ideal if you wanna keep the OneKey Recovery function and other proprietary lenovo softwares.
    I haven't tried this upgrade yet on the G500 but on a Ideapad Flex15 gave no drawbacks (drivers / softwares are compatible). If you have already added some important files, ensure that you have them backed-up first before doing the upgrade.
    See the following for more info:
    How to add features with Windows 8.1
    Add features to Windows 8.1: FAQ
    Fixed the link for Windows 8.1 Pro Pack
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • MSI 420 PRO game port

    Anybody able to get onboard game port to support joysticks. Using Nvidia Unified driver pack for XP. Running XP Prof. with 512 mem. Device manager reports joystick port as standard game port with Microsoft driver This board is suppose to be a gamming platform. Is there Nvidia drivers for this board. Only way to get game port to work is install a card with game port on it, then everthing works fine.

    Hi Guys
    It seems as you answered my questions about the  N420 gameport.
    It should work with analog joysticks!
    ender868 , Have you ever experienced any calibration problems when using the analog joystick you describe ?
    Mike H , did you ever got your mainboard gameport working ?
    I cant use my Precision Pro (1) joystick on the gameport as  XP only support USB "drivers" for this old joystick and there is no MS Precision Pro (1) SW  working in XP.
    But this joystick works fine on the USB port with the XP default USB "drivers".

  • Megaworks 550 THX arent loud

    Hi I just bought these speakers excellent sound quality but the thing is these speakers are 500W arent they supossed to to be extremely loud when turned all they way up? so that I cant stand near them when listening?
    Before I had a 5.1 50W speaker system and when I turn the volume up all the way with the 550s one they arent mouch louder then my old ones as if they were only 80W though the sound is much better with the megaworks I must admit.
    And yes I have connected everything right I also have a audigy 2 ZS soundcard

    Wattage isn't everything. You also need to consider speaker efficiency, which is how loud the speakers can get with a given amount of power. The MegaWorks are not very efficient at all (85db/watt, I think), so they won't get very loud. Also remember that you have to double the power sent to the speaker to increase SPL by 3db, which is about as small as many people can notice an increase.
    My brother has the Klipsch ProMedia 4.1s, which are very efficient (>90db/watt), and they can get at least twice as loud as my MegaWorks.

Maybe you are looking for

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