Member Selector not showing -- strange

Hi All,
I have a strange issue where the member selector does not appear for one of my users.  I think it has something to do with a dual display that was set up but is now disabled.
Has anyone else had this issue?

Can you please let me know what is "dual display"

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    Thanks a lot!!

    Had this problem when source datatype was nvarchar and the field was coming over as varchar with a length of 0 in the physical layer. Check your physical table definitiion to see the length of the fields that are empty for you, may have to change it to an appropriate value

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    Also, when I go to Purchased in the iTunes Store I do not see any family member (wife) for me to browse their collection.

  • Percentage symbol not showing on member

    Hi All,
    I am working on Hyperion Planning I created a custom dimension named Measurement.
    In this one member is say X and I set the Data Type as percentage.
    In Column I taken period and in row the member X. While entering the value on that say .07, it is not showing in percentage symbol(%), like 70%.
    Please any one can suggest what is wrong here.
    Thank You

    as correctlt pointed in the above post ,the purpose is to set the priority to display memebers in forms.for example
    lets say we have a memeber P1 of product dimension with data type percentage and we have an account A1 of type currency
    now we have displayed the intersection of these two members in a form and punched a value 5 on the form.
    if the evaluation order is set as
    then the the value displayed on the form will be in 500 %
    but if the evaluation order is
    then the value displayed will be 5

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        I have seen this happen before.  lookup how to execure an OPC exit (this will cause a temp outage in your contact center)....  This will resync the team's..
    It should just work normally however

  • Strange problem--tomcat not showing pages.....

    hi friends,
    Today morning-on i started encountering a strange problem of tomcat not showing the pages in the browser.
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    But when i access the web pages/jsps that i want to view, it is showing a blank white page without any trail for me to findout what went wrong.
    And on analysis, i found out that catalina_log.2003-09-16.txt had the follwing error messages.
    2003-09-16 18:39:18 CoyoteAdapter An exception or error occurred in the container during the request processing
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal()Ljava/security/Principal;
         at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorDispatcherValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteAdapter.service(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
    2003-09-16 18:43:22 CoyoteAdapter An exception or error occurred in the container during the request processing
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal()Ljava/security/Principal;
         at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorDispatcherValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline$StandardPipelineValveContext.invokeNext(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
         at org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteAdapter.service(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
    Of course this is the message of a freshly installed server, as all the known tricks to show up the pages failed, i did for more than 4 times the reinstallation of tomcat.the version i am using is 4.1.24.I have already put the same server with apache on window OS in the production server.Now the testing is going on for the site.
    How can i make the tomcat work properly to show the pages smoothly.Any developer friend can please help me?
    thanks and regards
    sathiyam K G

    Hi friends!!
    I would like to know what is the problem with my tomcat server or environment,by that it is not showning the pages to me, in spite of not giving any errors at the server console.
    Pl refer to my first post for the problem.Since i narrated with the error message log, i am requesting you to refer to the same again.
    I am sorry that i do not have enough duke points to assign.Bear with me.

  • Finder Strange behaviour: folder and file icons not showing, then they disa

    Yesterday I was trying to install the postgresql package from ( Actually I had an older version of their package, i uninstalled it, tried installing the new package, but kept receiving errors that the installation was not correct.
    Now the point of this question, as I was doing the above, i started to notice that some files (either on my desktop or in a folder window) are not showing the icon. Only the label is showing! when I click on such a file, the file disappear (i mean even the label is gone).
    I have completed permission repairs, disk repairs. I also noticed that this is only happening in my account, but not that of other accounts on this computer, which indicates that this is a problem in my home directory. I have also re-lunched the finder using the force quit window. I have also trashed the and logged out and then logged in again. I have just noticed that (pages) is asking for the serial number! I have this program installed months ago! It seems that some other files are also getting damaged!
    Is there something that I am missing? Is this a bug? is there any solution, because this is very annoying and it might indicate a bigger problem that I am not aware of.
    thank you for your help
    PowerMac G5 Dual   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   4.5 GB RAM

    I also noticed that this is only happening in my account, but not that of other accounts on this computer, which indicates that this is a problem in my home directory.
    Good first troubleshooting step!
    Now log back into your normal user account: (In your case I would try preferences first)
    1. Navigate to ~(yourhome/library/fonts - drag this folder to the desktop.
    • Restart and test your applications.
    • If they work start adding the fonts back few at a time.
    ( Likely suspects are Times RO & Helvetica Fractions, also if you do not use Classic you can trash the classic fonts.)
    2. Check Preferences Thoroughly;
    • Navigate to ~(yourhome/library/preferences drag this folder to the desktop.
    • Restart and test your applications.
    • If this works, save the old preferences folder somewhere else or on disk, name it "old prefs" .
    ** Note: A very important file is the "" preference file located in the Preferences folder which contains all email account settings and general mail preferences (hold this one and replace if your problem is not with Mail).
    You'll have to go through some of your System Preferences and apps to set the preferences back to how you like them. (Or if you have the time and inclination, "cherry pick" through until you find the problem one or two.)
    3. Check Permissions Inside Home Folder
       • Navigate to yourhome/library.
       • Get Info (Command - i) on folders for apps you are having problems with.
       • Open the "Ownership & permissions" disclosure triangle.
       • Make sure you are the owner, with "read and write" access.
    • Click on "apply to all"
       • If this is correct, open the "Applications Support" folder and do the same procedure (Command+I) for the folders with the names of the applications you are having trouble with.
    The reason to check this is because repairing permissions with Disk Utility doesn't touch permissions inside your home folder.
    If the issue persists navigate to yourhome/library/caches and drag this folder to the trash, then log out and back or restart. There is no need to replace this folder.
    [email protected]

  • IMovie will not show images or sound from my DV and behaves strangely

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    So I was searching though the discussions and I came across a post about opening garage band, playing a few notes and then going back to iMove. I tried it and it now works fine.
    Thanks to whoever cam across this fix.

  • Account Dimension not showing all members in the cube in Analysis Services

             In SAP - BPC 5.1 after processing account dimension all the members are created under account dimension in analysis services but the same cannot be found in the data cube. Hence the reports generated through SAP - BPC is not showing all the members.
             The issue looks very strange as we can see the members getting created but the same is not getting populated in the cubes. I am not able to visualize what exacly the issue is? Is it with the application or with the analysis services?

    Your sixth sense is correct, there is definitely support in MSAS and BPC 5.1 for multiple hierarchies in the account dimension.
    I'm also referring to parentH1 and parentH2, but perhaps we're still speaking of different things.
    In the past, I faced a very similar problem as you, and the root cause was because I had one member, let's call it FancyParent, which, in H1, had children Child1 and Child2.
    But in H2 it had children Child1, Child2 and Child3. I forget now if that was how I wanted the setup to be, or if it was a mistake on my part, but either way, MSAS doesn't allow this. The admin consol didn't complain when processing the dimension -- this was in Outlooksoft 5.0; perhaps validation has improved now.
    But the cube was completely unworkable. Certain things were calculating correctly, but everything in the account dimension in the area around FancyParent (above and below it, in both hierarchies) was quite unpredictable.
    By disabling first one, and then the other, of the two hierarchies, and disabling blocks of accounts, I was eventually able to pinpoint the problem. But it took days to figure out what was the problem. (The account dimension had 2500 members and 4 hierarchies, and it was not a pretty sight.)
    A parent must have the same definition of children in all hierarchies. It can't, as another example, have children in H1, and be a base member in H2. Each member can have different parents in the two hierarchies, but must always have the same children in both.
    To work around this problem, I had to create two separate accounts NetIncomeH1 and NetIncomeH2 (and PretaxIncomeH1, PretaxIncomH2, etc. all the way down to the point where they branched off), to get the two separate aggregations of the P&L in the two hierarchies. Once I did that, it made sense to me why, but I also swore off on frivolous extra hierarchies ever again.

  • Hiding Member from a member selector from users to access

    Hi Everyone,
    Sorry if I am posting this in a wrong section
    Actually I have one question regarding BO Voyager reports used created using OLAP cubes
    I have one dimension / member selector in the report. In that member selector suppose there are some columns / dimension attributes / members are like Region, Project, Project State are there
    Now in member region suppose there are 5-6 region like Asia, Europe, Africa etc
    My requirement is I want to show the values to the user based on their region and they will not be able to see or select any other region other than his/her region
    As part of its partial wok done I have already created folder against each region but in voyager report since there is o restriction they can view other region data which is a security issue
    Can you help me on this asap
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Shane,
    The Directory Integration User and API Guide has instructions for mapping users to roles. Depending upon your specific Import Person directory integration settings, you would generally not need to add these people one by one.
    Typically, organizations set the events which trigger a user record refresh (Import Person) as part of their directory integration configuration. The available events are: Person Lookup for Order on Behalf, Person Lookup for Service Form; Person Lookup for Authorization Delegate. Check with your technical team to validate how this is currently configured for your site.

  • The billing doc is not showing in the order  documnet flow in SAP CRM 7.0

    Hi CRM Experts,
    Our CRM system has been upgraded from 4.0 to 7.0 recently.
    We have come across with one strange issue; for some orders  which are billed in ECC6.0 are not showing as next document in the CRM order under document flow in SAP GUI. Only preceding document and replicated document are showing in the CRM document flow.
    Appreciate for yor valuable solution at the earliest.
    Best Regards

    I have the same problem!!!   Did anyone solve this???

  • Correctly installed Firefox Flashplayer (v10.1.53.64) does not show video in Firefox (v3.6.7) under Windows XP, Vista, 7

    Hi all,
    I am experiencing this mysterious flash player video rendering problem on my website (see tag cloud box with animated text on the left side "Ihre Suchbegriffe").
    Using Firefox version 3.5.x and older on all operating systems the tag cloud video is running w/o problem. As soon as I use a 3.6.x Firefox version (with a correctly installed flash player plug-in version the video is not showing anymore, even though the Firefox plug-in seem to be up and running.
    I experience this problem ONLY in Firefox...all other browsers are fine (latest version of IE 8.0, Safari, Chrome, Opera).
    Can anyone help me with this strange problem...?? I couldn't get any useful help at the Adobe Support Forum...
    Here's the page source code:
    Ihre Suchbegriffe
    Your expert help is highly appreciated!!!
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I access website (tagcloud box left side "Ihre Suchbegriffe")

    Hi weater15,
    I am running on v 3.6.8 already...and it didn't solve my problem... thanks for your suggestion anyway...
    Are you running on an Windows OS ? I still can't understand why people from outside Germany seem to be able to view the content in firefox 3.6.x and many users in Germany experience the same problem as I's so strange...

  • Header.php exists but does not show up on every page.

    Hi.  I am starting from scratch with this.
    My objective is to create a website that takes advantage of DreamweaverCC's fluid-grid-layout so that my web Site auto-flows on
    smartphones, tablets and desktops/laptops.
    file > new > fluid-grid-layout.
    By default, it says 'unnamed.css'
    I named it  testSite.css
    click okay.
    (This is the only way to begin with a fluid-grid-layout - I think).
    It opens a split view.
    On the right frame is a DIV that has this text inside.
    "Use Insert Panel for additional Fluid Grid Layout Elements. Note: All Fluid Layout tags must be contained within the "gridContainer" div tag."
    In the right frame,
    <script src="file:///Macintosh%20HD/Applications/Adobe%20Dreamweaver%20CC/Configuration/BuiltIn/F luid%20Grid%20Layout/respond.min.js"></script>
    <div class="gridContainer clearfix">
      <div id="div1" class="fluid">Use Insert Panel for additional Fluid Grid Layout Elements. Note: All Fluid Layout tags must be contained within the "gridContainer" div tag.</div>
    Question ????
    class = 'gridContainer clearfix"
    div id = "div1 class = "fluid"
    So all of the <div>s that I place inside of the gridContainer will all be assigned the 'class'  fluid.
    Yes ?
    And I define div ids so that I can use css styles
    Yes ?
    I understand class in Java but I do not understand it here in Dreamweaver.
    Please explain.
    I inserted 4 <div>s into the gridContainer and assigned them specific div ids.
    div id = square1
    div id = square2
    div id = square3
    div id = square4
    I see these assignments in the code.
    But in the properties panel with HTML (not css panel) selected. 
    It shows  ID None.
    Question ????
    Why doesn't the assigned div =id  in the code show in the properties panel.
    index.php is my main web page.
    It has several images (the 4 different squares).
    I created a separate .html file for each square: square1.html square2.html square3.html square4.html.
    At this point, each of those pages has only one sentence.  'contents for square#N) will be on this page'
    I used the properties panel and linked the 4 images on index.php to these .html files.
    When I 'View in Safari/Firefox'  each of those images (squares) when clicked - bring me to the appropriate page.
    So I've got some of this working
    I know that some of you have already tried to assist with this but it is not working for me.
    I created a file called header.php
    The contents of header.php does not have any <tags> at all.
    The contents is this:
    <h1> This will be the header for all of my web pages.</h1>
    In index.php I included this in the code as such:
    <? php require_once('header.php'); ?>     // this is line 34
    <div class="gridContainer clearfix">
      // div ids for the images etc. etc.
    View in Safari/Firefox
    Parse error: parse error in /Library/WebServer/Documents/dwwdSite/index.php on line 34
    I tried this.
    <? php include_once('header.php'); ?>
    <? php include('header.php'); ?>
    and I get the same exact error.
    When I 'view in Safari/Firefox'  header.php  it displays what I want:
    This will be the header for all of my web pages.
    Question ????
    What am I doing incorrectly ?
    From one of my other posts - as we got onto this topic, it was suggested that I just place the php code:
    <? php  include('header.php'); ?>
    within the index.html file exactly where I want it to show up.
    I want it to show up at the top of each page.
    Well at this point it is not showing up anywhere !!
    But if I have header.php active in Dreamweaver and 'view in safari/firefox'
    the browser does show the header.php page.
    Question ????
    And should I include
    <? php require_once('header.php'); ?>
    at the top of each of the square.html files if I want the header to show up on each of those pages.
    I think this makes sense.
    Question ????
    When I view testSite.css
    I understand that it has 3 different sets of selectors for each of the 3 different devices.
    But how do I 'assign'  css properties to the contents inside of header.php ?
    With header.php active/open, from the 'properties panel' I can select CSS and choose: font, size, color from there and it works
    but should I not have this included in the testSite.css ?
    Lots of questions. Hope that I explained it in an organized fashion.
    thanks again.
    Nancy O.
    Sudarshan Thiagarajan

    > So all of the <div>s that I place inside of the gridContainer will all be assigned the 'class'  fluid.
    Nope - but everything that you insert using the Insert panel will give you the opportunity to specify that it's a fluid element, which you can do by enabling the checkbox on the dialog. This means that you CAN insert a <div> that is not a fluid element. It's only the ones that you insert as a fluid element that will get that class automatically.
    >And I define div ids so that I can use css styles
    Assigning an ID to any element on the page allows you to target that element with a particular CSS rule.
    > I understand class in Java but I do not understand it here in Dreamweaver.
    > Please explain.
    There is no similarity at all. There are four ways you can identify a page element to apply a CSS rule:
    1. By tag, e.g., all paragraph tags on the page.
    2. By context, e.g., any paragraph tag that is within a <nav> element.
    3. By 'class' assignment, e.g., any element that has been given a particular "class" attribute -> <p class="foo">
    4. By ID, e.g., any element that has been given a particular "ID" attribute -> <p id="foo">
    The weight of any style (i.e., which one to use in the event of conflict) is determined by a number of characteristics of the CSS 'selector' that carries the rule.
    > Why doesn't the assigned div =id  in the code show in the properties panel.
    Assuming your code is correct, it will, e.g.,
    <div id = "square1"></div>
    <div id = "square2"></div>
    <div id = "square3"></div>
    <div id = "square4"></div>
    Try this -
    <?php require_once('header.php'); ?>     // this is line 34
    <div class="gridContainer clearfix">
      // div ids for the images etc. etc.
    and I get the same exact error.
    Yes - there is no space in "<?php".
    Let's start with that.

  • My smart playlists are not showing up on my iPhone after turning on Music Match

    I have turned on Music Match (iOS 5 GM and iTunes 10.5 r 9) and can see all the songs in my library now across the cloud. The iPhone also has copied over most (but strangely not all) of my regular playlists and my folder structure.
    But all the Smart Playlists I created for my iPhone are not showing up so my music is not grouped the way I want it to be.
    For example, I have a playlist that selects out all the songs with three stars or more that have not been played in the last 2 weeks (so I only hear songs I like, but have not heard lately).
    So what's up??

    Isn't iTunes 10.5 r 9 a beta release for developers?  If that's the case then isn't there a special web site for developers to discuss issues (and they are not supposed to discuss them on the public forum)?  If you're not a developer and have this through unofficial channels then I'm not sure you can expect full functionality.

  • Some videos not showing up on AppleTV from iMac's iTunes library

    Having a strange problem. Not sure if it is an iTunes problem or an AppleTV problem but I will try here first.
    I have several videos in my library, some of which are digitized home videos I edited/rendered, others are AppleTV converted DVD's I own. For some reason, many of them are not showing up on my AppleTV when I go into "Computers" off the main menu and select my iMac with the iTunes library of them. Some show up, but more and more do not. They are all properly formatted and done so using Compressor settings for AppleTV. No idea why some are not showing up.
    If you look on the iMac with the library on it, they all show up fine. And if I try and play the video on my iMac but tell it to use AirPlay to play the video on the AppleTV, it plays just fine on the TV/AppleTV. I do have Home Sharing turned on for ALL my media and I also use iTunes Match service.
    When I try and use my iPad to access videos under the "shared" option and select my iMac's iTunes library, I get the same incomplete list. So I am thinking it's the iTunes library that's sending out an incomplete list for some reason. No idea why.
    I have tried drag-and-dropping the videos into the iTunes library as well as using the "Add to library" menu command, neither makes a difference.
    Any suggestions?

    Also - i had a similar issue - lots of movies in itunes - not showing up as selectable on apple tv - i found that you have to go to "list" in itunes and select any movies i wanted to be selectable when i switched to the apple tv device - can someone please create a word for - "my software changes and somehow i'm an idiot for not knowing what magic the programmers are throwing down" - this too will change in the future - just need the happy customer service types to maintain a voice with the programmers and bottom line guys and gals.
    bold = my answer
    italics = my soapbox, nostradamus like, prediction of the future

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