Membership Provider Issues

I've been trying to use the Oracle Providers and have run into a number of bugs / problems.
The membershipProvider.DeleteUser(userName, true) will always throw an exception unless the Oracle Personalization Provider is installed.
If a user is locked out and ChangePassword or ResetPassword is attempted, a ProviderException with message "The provider returned an error that is not described by other MembershipCreateStatus enumeration values." will occur.
All the packages and procedures are wrapped. This makes it very hard to inter operate the Providers with other products, e.g. APEX
The providers do not support Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client. I have a workaround, but it should work out of the box.

I'll check up on 1 and 2.
3. The packages and procedures are intended to be wrapped. The providers are not meant to be used as an SDK by other products or modified. They are intended to be used specifically within ASP.NET and its defined provider model.
4. Currently, the providers are not supported with managed ODP.NET.

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    Elmar --
    The best approach would be to maintain the Membership DB in a separate Azure SQL database.  Then you could shard your transaction details across an Elastic Scale set of databases based on the subscription ID.   (The Shard Map Manager
    database is not designed to be extended with additional columns, and Elastic Scale works by caching that Shard Map data in the client application anyway, and those in-memory structures can't be changed).
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    There seems to be some issues in your web.config files. Please make sure your Web application entries for membership and role provider(at central admin site) are matching with Web.config entries. your error
    "Cannot get Membership Provider with name CustomRoleProvider.
    ", indicating that you may have used role provider name in Membership provider text box or in web.config.
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    Please refer  -
    Forms Based Authentication (FBA) in SharePoint 2013
    Ganesh Jat [My Blog |
    LinkedIn | Twitter ]
    Please click 'Mark As Answer' if a post solves your problem or 'Vote As Helpful' if it was useful.

  • Possible bug in configuration of Membership Provider (ODT beta)

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    Have you tried the release? This issue should have been fixed.
    Attribute names are case-sensitive. As you are aware, by Microsoft's naming convention that all attribute names are identical to property names except the first letter becomes lower-case. But there is an exception.
    Property Name:
    Attribute Name: supposedly
    But no!
    It's minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters !
    The "A" in "Alphanumeric" becomes "a" as well.
    I don't know why Microsoft makes such an exception. But the Membership provider in Oracle Providers for ASP.NET ( is now following this exception.
    Message was edited by:

  • Benefit of SharePoint 2013 sql server membership provider

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    performance-wise, they're pretty similar either way (given a single dedicated role server).
    security-wise, compared to SQL, AD makes some data easier to access (since LDAP queries can expose data to any user), but harder to hack (obtain copy of hashed passwords)
    As far as management, there is NO management interface for the SQL membership provider... including USERS (reset password, lock/unlock account, etc), not just groups.
    As far as SSO technology, SqlMembershipProvider is absolutely NOT an SSO technology. Not to say that it can't be used for logins, but authentication and single sign-on are two very different goals.
    I would also argue that since you can't decrypt the AD passwords, the move to SQL is going to be a little difficult for users.
    And, have you considered adding another AD server instead? With a little bit of fiddling around, you can add a dedicated AD server and prioritize SP authentication requests where you want.
    Scott Brickey
    Strategic Data Systems - for all your SharePoint needs

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    Hi TIA,
    try this it contains the code for you and it is ready
    Kind Regards, John Naguib Technical Consultant/Architect MCITP, MCPD, MCTS, MCT, TOGAF 9 Foundation

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    Guessing here but check either mail.jar or smtp.jar are in your classpath.....mailapi.jar is NOT sufficient.
    See for details

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     <membership defaultProvider="TableStorageMembershipProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="20">
         <add name="TableStorageMembershipProvider" type="Microsoft.Samples.ServiceHosting.AspProviders.TableStorageMembershipProvider"
           description="Membership provider using table storage" applicationName="WebFormAzureStore" />
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    Try to drop all tables created in your Azure database.
    You probally pushished your website before enabling migrations, so SimpleMembershipProvider create his tables with a another migration information unknown by your migrations.
    By default EF use CreateDatabaseIfNotExists initializer, so if you clear your database normally, EF apply all migrations.
    Bests regards,

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    Problem statement:
    I can't find a user-friendly tutorial about creating a membership provider for a beginner.

    There is a tutorial available on MSDN:
    How to: Implement a Custom Membership User:
    How to: Sample Membership Provider Implementation:
    If you have any more questions about this or any other questions that are related to ASP.NET you should ask these in the following forum and not here:

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    Hi Ayyappa,
    Oops misread the question.
    You can refresh the Administartor workbench screen and then retry. Anyways as Paolo said it is just a warning.

  • Oracle provider Issue in SQL Server 2005

    Hi all,
    On the dev server, I'm using SSAS 2005 (32-bytes) + Oracle provider for OLE DB to access my Oracle Database and it works perfectly.
    On the production server, SSAS 2005 is running on a 64-bytes platform.
    The Oracle client (64 bits) has been installed containing the Oracle provider for OLE DB but unfortunately the Oracle provider for OLE DB does not appear in the list in BIDS when trying to create a date source.
    Could someone help ?

    After much grief I figured this out and this works for me going from x64 sql 05 on windows server 2003 to x86 oracle 10g on another windows server 2003 box...
    Software Prerequisites
    •     x64 Oracle Client:
    •     x64 Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC)
    •     x86 Oracle Client:
    •     SQL Server 2005 SP2 (x64):
    Patch Level Required (As of Thursday, July 31, 2008):
    •     Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio: 9.00.3042.00
    •     Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools: 2005.090.3042.00
    •     Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC): 2000.086.3959.00 (srv03_sp2_rtm.070216-1710)
    •     Microsoft MSXML: 2.6 3.0 4.0 6.0
    •     Microsoft Internet Explorer: 7.0.5730.13
    •     Microsoft .NET Framework: 2.0.50727.42
    •     Operating System: 5.2.3790
    •     Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC): (64-bit Oracle10g Release 2 ODAC for Windows x64)
    1. install the x64 and x86 oracle clients on the mssql box
    2. install the odac on the mssql
    3. Verify that the registry settings at
    are correct:
    a.     OracleOciLib = oci.dll
    b.     OracleSqlLib = orasql10.dll
    c.     OracleXaLib = oraclient10.dll
    4. Verify that your tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files have the correct info to connect to the source Oracle 10g (x86) 32 bit source. Note if there is a DNS or other name resolution problem in the environment you may need to change your host entry in your tnsnames file to be the actual I.P. address of the source Oracle box, until the network issue is resolved by the applicable environments network engineer. Additionally, note that if your client tnsnames.ora file is not configured to match the network topology in use, you will have issues… loopback configurations particularly cause grief.
    5. Update Machine.config Add the following binding policy:
    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
    <assemblyIdentity name="Oracle.DataAccess" publicKeyToken="89b483f429c47342" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
    6. Save the following as a *.reg file and run it...
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    @="C:\\Progra~2\\Microsoft SQL Server\\90\\DTS\\Binn\\DTSWizard.exe"
    7. Save the following as a *.bat file...
    rem Progra~2 is short path name for "Program Files (x86)" and works around an Oracle client bug that doesn't like the ()'s in the path
    start /B "C:\Progra~2\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE" "C:\Progra~2\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
    8. Save the following as a *.bat file...
    start /B "C:\Progra~2\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE" "C:\Progra~2\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\SqlWb.exe"
    9. Create a shortcut that points to each of the batch files you just created and only launch BIDS or SSMS from those *.bat files...
    10. create your packages, etc., as normal, but you will not be able to fully test them from BIDS or SSMS because they are 32 bit running in 64 bit o/s...
    11. Create a job with a line similar to the following as a cmdexec type of job...
    "C:\Progra~2\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe" /FILE "C:\SomeWidget.dtsx" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF
    12. your done...
    Best Regards, from a Las Vegas Bohemian...

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    Is any idea, guys?         

    Jason, it is above 20 sites...
    I've noticed one thing: when i use collection adding direct membership rule wizard using "unknown computer" and it's "site code" like criteria, collecton working fine. As soon as, i use console's "adding to existing collection"
    capability clicking by right mouse click on one of the's gonna to be fail to update in previously described way..... 

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    I've also searched the entire google for a solution, nothing out there works.

    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

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