SQL Azure Membership Provider.

I have an ASP.NET WebForm application that use SqlServerMembershipProvider. I want to upload the application to Windows Azure and Sql Azure.
Now I have a Sql Server 2008 database, and membership tables are part of my application's database.
Can I continue using Sql Server Membership like I've been using until now?

I'm after exactly the same thing. Just stuck on what the membership provider settings should be. All the searches online are suggesting ..
 <membership defaultProvider="TableStorageMembershipProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="20">
     <add name="TableStorageMembershipProvider" type="Microsoft.Samples.ServiceHosting.AspProviders.TableStorageMembershipProvider"
       description="Membership provider using table storage" applicationName="WebFormAzureStore" />
..but that results in an error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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    performance-wise, they're pretty similar either way (given a single dedicated role server).
    security-wise, compared to SQL, AD makes some data easier to access (since LDAP queries can expose data to any user), but harder to hack (obtain copy of hashed passwords)
    As far as management, there is NO management interface for the SQL membership provider... including USERS (reset password, lock/unlock account, etc), not just groups.
    As far as SSO technology, SqlMembershipProvider is absolutely NOT an SSO technology. Not to say that it can't be used for logins, but authentication and single sign-on are two very different goals.
    I would also argue that since you can't decrypt the AD passwords, the move to SQL is going to be a little difficult for users.
    And, have you considered adding another AD server instead? With a little bit of fiddling around, you can add a dedicated AD server and prioritize SP authentication requests where you want.
    Scott Brickey
    Strategic Data Systems - for all your SharePoint needs

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    Thanks in advance.

    New website/database (has only been in production for a week or so). The model we have is pretty simple Azure website MVC EF 6.1.1 using a single database in same region as website. I have monitored for and have never found any throttled connections or deadlocks.
    What I have tried so far
    I bumped the timeout in the connection string to 60 seconds
    I changed the web site to Basic and configured the auto scale to max instance size and count
    That seemed to help - but then just recently during points of high volume usage (client requests, data in and out, CPU time) I started seeing this error. As I narrow the focus to look at metrics during the exact time of the error it doesn't reflect
    the exact peak. For example peak usage may be at 3:45, but the errors occur at 4:30 when the usage is less than 3:45 by a fair amount.
    To try to force recreate and see if it was caused by transaction data table locks I ran a query in a transaction block with a WAITFOR delay and then went to the web site and tried to access data that would be locked by that query. That test did generate
    an error - but not this specific "semaphore timeout period has expired" - so I don't think it is caused by table locks.
    I did notice that when the error happens - it generally happens to one user and then happens multiple times to that one user over the course of what can be a minute or so and in different queries (views). The last analysis showed that pattern for
    one user with 2 other users getting the error but just once (and in different views/queries).
    USER A - got about 9 of these errors in about 8 different views over the course of a little more than a minute (20:26 to 21:35)
    USER B - got 1 (in the same timespan)
    USER C - got 1 (in the same time span)
    Analysis of the error logs showed it isn't unique to any single view/query or scenario wrt queries. The only clue that makes it less of an intermittent situation is does correspond with usage. However, it doesn't have to be specifically peak usage at the
    exact moment - but in a window (within an hour), It makes me wonder if it is the load or just the fact that more usage just increases the odds (I will monitor this relation some more and note the exact metrics). 
    I am now bumping the timeout in the connection string to 90 seconds and I have changed the database DTU setting to 50

  • Using Data-Dependent Routing in combination with Membership provider

    Hi there!
    Currently we have two Web applications running on azure using a single SQL database. We are experiencing problems with performance because we are using only one database. We are investigating some solutions like documentDB and elastic scale.
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    Does anyone has better options than the options mentioned before and can anyone give me advise on how we should deal with these issues?

    Elmar --
    The best approach would be to maintain the Membership DB in a separate Azure SQL database.  Then you could shard your transaction details across an Elastic Scale set of databases based on the subscription ID.   (The Shard Map Manager
    database is not designed to be extended with additional columns, and Elastic Scale works by caching that Shard Map data in the client application anyway, and those in-memory structures can't be changed).
    You would use an ordinary ADO.Net connection to query membership for a Subscription ID, and then get an appropriate shard-specific connection using the Elastic Scale GetOpenConnectionForKey method, passing the subscription ID retrieved from
    the membership query. 

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    Source ADODB.Connection
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    Why? How can i use my SQL Azure data in my Crystal Report reports?

    Hi Delfins,
    Please create a UDL file to test the connection, ensure the connection is fine and then use the same connection string in your Crystal Report.
    For UDL file, you can refer to:
    Hope this helps,
    Raymond Li - MSFT

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    select the import option
    browser to your saved export
    hopefully see the new tiers as options in dialog. 
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     Could not import package.
     Error SQL72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 40823, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Invalid value provided for parameter EDITION. Please provide a value that is valid on server version 1.0.
     Error SQL72045: Script execution error. The executed script:
     CREATE DATABASE [$(DatabaseName)] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
     (EDITION = 'Standard', MAXSIZE = 1 GB)"
    Tried a couple of times but no joy. Using the portal I can browse to the new sql server and it looks okay other than the list of ENABLED
    RESERVATION SIZES ONLY HAS P1, P2, P3 I'm requesting a standard (s1) db not premium (P1, P2, P3). On my test server I see in this list also S1,
    S2. As you can see in the error message I'm requesting Edition = Standard. I get the feeling the newly created server is not accepting standard tier dbs?
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    sql server shows up as supporting the new premium?

    Glad to hear that the issue resolved and thanks for your sharing.
    Fanny Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here. 
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Will SqlDependency work on Sql Azure?

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    changes. However, SqlDependency looks like it does provide that functionality. So, what's the actual story - will this work?
    thanks - dave
    What we did for the last 6 months -
    Made the world's coolest reporting & docgen system even more amazing

    Hi Dave,
    SQL Azure currently doesn't support Service Broker functionality. For full list of unsupported functionality, please refer :

  • SQL Azure Replication

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    Also, I have seen this article on the internet and would like to get answers on the issues raised, for example backup/restore, reporting/analysis services, and of course replication.

    Hi AMF,
    SQL Azure Data Sync CTP2 seems like it would provide the data synchronization you need between SQL Server and SQL Azure.
    Feel free to email me directly (Liam.Cavanagh AT microsoft.com) if I can be of help here.
    Sr. Program Manager, SQL Azure and Sync Framework - http://msdn.microsoft.com/sync/

  • Forms based authentication in sharepoint 2013 using custom membership provider

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    the feature i am trying to develop is that the user is created using a homegrown asp.net  application which uses sql server 
    and then When that user goes to SP2013 he should be able to login with the username and password created using the homegrown asp.net application 
    my questions are following 
    If I follow the article in the link should i be taking the assembly(dll) and deploying it to GAC or will VS2013 automatically do it
    Do I have to implement  FindUserByEmail and FindUserByName methods ?
    if the connectionstring for an asp.net application is in the web.config file  where would the connection for the sqlserver go if this application is for SharePoint 

    Hi TIA,
    try this it contains the code for you and it is ready
    Kind Regards, John Naguib Technical Consultant/Architect MCITP, MCPD, MCTS, MCT, TOGAF 9 Foundation

  • I'm unable to create a new Table on SQL Azure.

    I'm trying to create a new table in my custom database. But i'm getting this error message:
    'Filegroup reference and partitioning scheme' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.'
    Here is the sample create schema:
    CREATE TABLE dbo.[Contact](
    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [FirstName] [nvarchar](250) NULL,
    [LastName] [nvarchar](250) NULL,
    [InsertDateTime] [datetime] NULL,
    [UpdateDateTime] [datetime] NULL,
    [PhoneNo1] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [CellNo1] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [IsActive] [bit] NOT NULL,
    [ID] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    In addition to Neil's comment, I would add that one of the major strengths of SQL Azure is its simplicity from an administrative standpoint while providing as much parity as possible for the relational and programming stack.  In somes
    cases, less is more. SQL Azure is an example.  By having a simpler system we are able to get certain capabilities not available on premise. Take a look at the CREATE DATABASE XYZ AS COPY OF operation for example, you do not have to worry about finding
    a server with enough space; you do not have to worry about moving files around a network or creating shares between machines; and best of all, you do not have to any kind or provisioning of cleanup as a result of cloning a database. The upcoming Data Federation
    feature is another example of what you can achieve when you are free of underlying configuration details.
    That's not to say SQL Azure wouldn't benefit from some capabilties of the SQL Server platform (for example TDE); but personally I am happy that two years later we still don't have to worry about many of those low-level configuration details.
    Herve Roggero, Blue Syntax MVP SQL Azure Co-Author: Pro SQL Azure

  • Error when accessing the web-based portal for SQL Azure

    when trying to access SQL azure management portal, the following error is thrown:
    Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See
    http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=106663&Version=5.1.30214.00&File=System.Core.dll&Key=MoreThanOneMatch -
    Looking at the site in question, the problem seems to be Silverlight related. However, I am unable to debug as suggested since the server is located on Microsoft premises. To rule out a wrong password, I did a reset and ruled out typos by copying username
    and password into the field. Furthermore since its not a production database, all IPv4 addresses (range are allowed to access the database, so the problem should not be related to ip-based access restrictions. Is this a bug
    in the web interface or is the problem sitting in front of the screen?

    I also meet this issue when connect to SQL database without specify database on the login page. But the error disappear when I specify the database name in the database section, for example, master.It may be a bug in Management Portal of SQL Database. 
    Fanny Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here. 
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Backup for Sql Azure Database

    We are using the automatic backup option available with Sql Azure , but it is not working for us and throwing the some error.When we raised the ticket for same we had received reply saying this feature is not supported by MS.
    Could you please advise what is best approch for taking the backup for Sql Azure Database.

    Point in time restore is a great feature to sit along side automated export but not a replacement. Automated Export allows us to keep long term backups (30, 60, 90 days) which are important and also allows the ability to import to my local server a backup
    from a previous day for testing or support reasons.
    RedGate provide a backup service as well but I was hoping by using PIT restore and automated backup together I would no longer need to pay for that third-party service.

  • SQL Azure with Azure Virtual Machine inside Virtual Network - How to connect

    Hi Team,
    I have one typical scenario where there is one Windows Application I wan to run from my Windows Azure Virtual Machine which is inside Azure Virtual Network (which has its DNS and ADFS and etc..)
    Because its Virtual Network, We can't access internet within that network, apparently Virtual Machine can't access SQL Azure. So, How would we resolve this scenario.
    Application is running great from my local system so, its accessing SQL Azure Database from my system. So, Application or SQL Azure or connection or such areas has no issue.
    Regards, Brijesh Shah

    Hi Brij,
    Thanks for your reply.
    To add a DNS server in an Azure Virtual network, you can refer to the link below:
    To obtain a public Azure-provided DNS server IP addresss, you can run "ipconfig/all" in another Azure VM which is not a virtual network which has DNS server defined. After you add a DNS server in the virtual network that VM belongs to, please restart
    the VM to update the change.
    However, since you mentioned that you are using a customed domain, I am not quite sure if any other configuration should be done for your domain.
    Best regards,

  • Geo-Replication in SQL Azure

    We are looking to move from geographically distributed and replicated physical/virtual data machines to SQL Azure.
    We would like to have synched/replicated Azure SQL DB instances in multiple regions. I would appreciate if you could answer some questions related to how to achieve this and what to expect:
    1. Is Azure SQL Sync the correct approach for geo-replicating Azure SQL Databases?
    2. What is the Performance SLA that I can expect for the synchronization? I would like to know the minimum and maximum delay possible for the synchronization. (I can see that the minimum sync frequency is 5 minutes. What would be the sync delay when the
    sync is triggered every 5 minutes?)

    1. SQL Data sync can be used for synchronization across SQL Database sites or between SQL Database and an on-premise SQL Server instance. But also notes: SQL Data Sync is currently available only as a Preview and is meant only for product feedback for
    future releases and should not be used in production environments. Currently, there are
    limits in SQL Data Sync.
    2. Windows Azure SQL Database keep triple redundancy within the Azure data center combined with the 99.9% availability SLA. SQL Database does not currently provide any SLA for performance or for security. As for SQL Data Syc, I can not find any document from BOL
    about the SLA for SQL Data sync.
    Reference:SQL Data Sync (Preview) Best Practices
    Fanny Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here.
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Simple Membership Provider Migration Error

    I am trying to publish my website using Windows Azure. I have migrations enabled and I am also using Simple Membership Provider. When I publish the website the Simple Membership tables are created in my database but none of my other tables are created.
    I get the error "There is already an object named 'UserProfile' in the database." The migration works properly localy. How can I get the migration to work when publishing?

    Try to drop all tables created in your Azure database.
    You probally pushished your website before enabling migrations, so SimpleMembershipProvider create his tables with a another migration information unknown by your migrations.
    By default EF use CreateDatabaseIfNotExists initializer, so if you clear your database normally, EF apply all migrations.
    Bests regards,

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