Memory For Logic On MacBook

Hi there i am not very good with computers but wondered if any one could spend a few minutes explaining something to me.
I have MacBook with a 2 GHz Intel Core Duo and 2 gig of Ram. I am apparently have about 20G left on my Disk usage and 500mb free on my system memory. I am looking at buying Logic Studio but have read on the specs you really need about 50G free which i do not have. It has been suggested to me that i could install Logic (9/10G) onto my computer and then put all the extras on my hard drive and just plug that in when i use Logic. Is this a realistic idea?.
Would it just be easier to get a bigger hard drive installed or by adding RAM?
Cheers for your time guys and have checked out a lot of posts but cant quite find the info i need.

Hi, Keirguitar.
I've got a macbook pro with a 2.16G Core Duo and 2G ram. It's the first intel mac. I'm running logic 8.0.2 and about 25 G on the system HD.
I haven't installed Logic 9, as it does [from reading posts on this forum] use more system memory. 8 runs fine however.
You need 50G for logic for the bonus content, most of which can be installed onto an external HD. The program itself is 363 MB and the other stuff that sits on the system drive is probably about another 2 - 4 G [rough guess, it might be less] I'm guessing that you want version 9, however.
If Logic pro doesn't work, how about Logic Express? That might solve your memory/storage problems.
More ram is good of course, but I'm unsure if your machine will take it. Mine doesn't. Another solution is ring apple tech support or visit an apple store and talk to a logic specialist.
Good luck with all this. I hope this info helps.

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    ViewSonic X Series VX2739WM 27" @350. Once again maxes out at 1080. It's fast (1ms), has VGA input. I've never been a big fan of ViewSonic but they do seem to have gotten better color-wise. Tilt no swivel and it's anti-glare (not sure this is a plus).
    There are also similar options from HP, Asus, LG and Sceptre but they are all 1080. In fact outside of the Apples, the Hanns-G and a few expensive monitors from NEC they all seem to be 1080. So if I really want the 1200 the Hanns-G seems like the only way to go.
    Any input here would be greatly appreciated.

    No doubt, the Apple displays are gorgeous. The first time I saw the 30" display wow, I wanted one BAD and it's actually what prompted me to buy a "big" monitor. The colors are great with a rich wonderful saturation level and as usual for Apple the form factor design is stunning. You know for that picture quality I could even get over the sticker shock and save up for one.
    Which is why I was so disappointed when I actually sat down in the store and started to use Logic on one. I imagine for doing video work, graphic design or darn near anything else, it would be great. But for Logic I just found myself bending and twisting trying to look at toolbar at the bottom and then up to look at the menus. And instrument or plugin displays that were hard coded to look OK at lower resolutions looked really, really tiny to me. For me and particularly using Logic having 2 slightly smaller displays at a 45 degree angle makes more sense.
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    Really glad to hear about that 84' VGA cable. I never imagined such a thing existed or would work without some sort of signal boost on the way. Very cool for me. My electronic drum kit is in another room and I would love to have a small cheap monitor next to it for sequencing. I had my laptop on a stand next to it for a while but I began to get terrified that I'd let a drumstick slip and destroy my laptop screen. That would be a very bad thing. Thanks for the tip.

  • Memory For my 17" MacBook Pro 2.93, Early 2009

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    - Double Data Rate Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module (DDR3) format
    - 204-pin
    - PC3-8500 DDR3 1066 MHz type RAM
    Crucial is out of stock. Their part no. is     CT925856
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    Crucial CT2KIT51264BC1067 8GB 204-PIN PC3-8500 SODIMM DDR3 (4GBx2)
    The difference appears to be the 1067 in the part number versus 1066
    Is this an acceptable replacement?

    Strange, because since my original post, I googled:
    Crucial CT2KIT51264BC1067 8GB 204-PIN PC3-8500 SODIMM DDR3
    and the first hit was:
    There is a compatibility tool at the left and if I input:
    Step 1 - Apple
    Step 2 - MacBook Pro
    Step 3 - MacBook Pro 2.93 etc.
    The response is:     This part ct2kit51264bc1067 is not compatible.

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    This is the situation:
    After 3 months of serious debating whether to purchase a 20" Intel iMac or a MacBook Pro for Logic Pro, I went ahead about 3 weeks ago and got the iMac. My reasoning behind this was that even though I found the portability of the MBP very desirable, the iMac simply represented a better value with the big screen and bigger hard drive. Since getting it, I must say I love this machine and I have not had one single problem with it. Logic 7.2 runs like a dream on it. By the way, aside from maintaing my iTunes Library, occasional iLife stuff and web surfing with Safari, this iMac is for music production only.
    But here's the problem:
    Still, I can't seem to shake the desire for OCCASSIONAL portability. Keep in mind, I am only a "serious" music hobbyist; I create instrumental hip-hop, trip-hop, electronica style of music mainly with software instruments, loops and breakbeats. So needless to say, I don't tour or do a lot of travelling. But the prospect of being able to compose tracks or make beats in Logic anywhere is DESIRABLE to say the least. I could compose while sitting on the couch watching a game or laying in bed - even though I have no idea of how often I'd actually do that, just having the ability to do it is VERY APPEALING to me. Throw in the fact that the iMac currently shares deskspace with a PC that my wife uses - meaning that I often have to stop what I'm doing to let her use the space. With a laptop, I could move and still continue my flow. Lastly, I unfortunately have bad knees and a bad back so after a couple of hours (or 3 or 4) of sitting at the desk working on Logic, I am seriously hurting. Not comfortable at all. At least owning a MacBook would give me the option to move around to some place more comfortable if I desire.
    Even though I recently bought a wonderful iMac that works great, I'm seriously considering getting a 1.83 MBP with at least 1GB of RAM and the 100GB/7200 RPM drive to accompany it just for the portability factor. Sure, I could get a used G4 PowerBook or iBook, but all I own is the Universal Binary of Logic Pro; I would have a hard time accepting the decrease in speed I've gotten use to on the Core Duo. Besides, I inherently have a problem buying something (even used) that I know is old and out of date when the latest and greatest is available.
    So here is the $25,000 question: Am I nuts for even considering this? Am I placing too much of a premium on the portability as I would use it?
    This could easily be justified if I was a working musician on the road, but that ain't me. And you can believe that I'm definately not rich and thus don't have money lying around.
    But I have obsessed over this so much lately, I feel that I almost have to get it just to put my mind at ease! I even briefly considered putting the iMac on eBay and just buying a MBP to replace it, but I love the screen real estate I get with the 20" iMac and I question if I'll be truly satisfied with a 15.4" screen FULL TIME. 17" might be better, but I doubt if I can wait until June for them to arrive. In addition, everything would connected via my wireless LAN and .Mac so file sharing should not be an issue.
    What would you do? Sell the iMac or just get a MBP as cheap as I can?
    Opinions, Please!
    20" iMac Core Duo, 2GHz, 2 GB RAM, 250 GB HD, 128MB VRAM   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I love the portability my powerbook gives me. You can use a PB in your setup. You can run an external monitor for either PB or MBP. You can node. Universal Binary menas it is an application which has the components written for both PPC and Intel chips-so you don't need to do conversion. Nodes won't require you buy a nother license. so the answer is down to how much the 2 upgrades and 1 crossgrades will set you back vs how much use you'll get out of them. IMO the iMac is inexpensive (I mean that in a good way-worth hooding on to). Maybe just look at a refurb PB unless you really have the extra cash.

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    macette1976 wrote:
    Now I'm confused. This is the one Crucial told me to get:
    CT3309356 - 4GB DDR3 PC3-8500 Unbuffered NON-ECC 1.35V 512Meg x 64
    Also what do you mean that actual memory is 16GB but with Apple it's 8?
    When I go to the "About this Mac" it says Memory 4G 1067 MHz DDR3, then when I go to System Report it says
     Memory Slot
    Bank 0/ DIMM0 2G DDR3 1067 MHZ OK
    Bank 1/ DIMM0 2G DDR3 1067 MHZ OK
    Sorry I'm clueless. Just don't want to buy something that messes up my machine more than it already is.
    The Crucial site appears to have recommended the correct spec 4gB RAM stick for your model. Please note that you will need to remove the existing sticks of RAM to install new, so you will need 2x4gB to get to 8gB.
    When your model of computer was designed/built, it was tested with readily available 2x4gB (8gB). After release RAM retailers have tested it with higher amounts, and Apple didn't update their quoted specs.

  • What is the cheapest way to upgrade memory for Macbook Pro

    I want to upgrade my memory to 8GB in my MacBook Pro.
    Apple are charging $400.
    I've seen this for £50. Will it work fine? If not, where can I get the best 8GB memory for a good price? k+pro&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=4523898050101099996&sa=X&ei =I3YhTqz8McHLhAfo55WkAw&ved=0CJ8BEPMCMAg#ps-sellers

    ryansmith42 wrote:
    It was Kingston memory (KVR1333D3SO/4G; the newer batches are the same part number but are marked by "4GR" following the slash in the number).  I did not buy a paired kit as it was not in stock; this may have contributed to the performance drop.
    The metric in question was Xbench's Memory Test, specifically the System > Allocate number.  Before the upgrade, I routinely benchmarked between 2.5 and 2.9 Malloc/sec (or a score of 750-800).  After the Kingston memory upgrade, I never saw figures above 1.6 Malloc/sec (or a score of 420-450); roughly half of what I had seen prior to upgrading.
    Since installing my OWC memory (which came in a package of two sticks), the performance is generally identical to the OEM (Hynix) across the board.
    Hope that helps/clarifies my observations.
    That helps a lot. Thanks very much for clarifying that. Yes, Kingston Value RAM is definitely not the way to go, as it has not been tested for compatibility, nor designed for use in Macs. See my other posts in this thread.
    Kington's KTA line, OTOH, is tested for compatibility with Mac systems, comes in matched sets, and is very reliable.
    AFA Kingston RAM, bottom line for Mac users:
    KVR = bad
    KTA = good

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    What is the best External Hard Drive for a Macbook Leopard 10.5.8?  I need more memory for documents, pictures, videos, and music.  Thanks!

    Hi, does your MacBook have Firewire, or just USB?
    FW is far faster if you have that.
    Avoid Bus powered ones.
    USB only...

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    Does the standard Intel HD Graphics 4000 in the 13 inch Macbook pro stand up to other graphics cards with dedicated memory ( 1GB of memory for instance)? I need a laptop for college and the Engineering program suggests a dedicated video card with minimum 1GB of video memory.

    I have a Intel HD 4000 in my Mac Mini (late 2012), and it's okay for what I need it.
    - there were a few issues with flickering on the video output to external monitors. These were solved through a firmware update that came with OSX 10.8.3 - for the majority of the users. There is apparently still a small group of users that still has issues. You can read long threads about this here:
    and here
    So for most of us (me included) this issue is solved, but it seems that certain displays / monitors don't work well with the intel HD4000, don't know if there is a pattern or a list of monitor models...
    - there was an issue with the color calibration on the HDMI output. No matter how much you tried to calibrate, the results remained unsatisfying. All light colors were crushed to white, wrong contrast, ...
    You can read about this here:
    The same firmware update improved this a little, good enough for me, but I can imagine it's not good enough if you do graphic work and need reliable colors from your monitor. On HDMI output, the thunderbolt/MDP output is fine. So it's mainly a dual monitor setup issue.
    If it's for graphic work, I'd go for a Mac Book Pro with dedicated GPU !

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    "Memory sold by the Apple Online Store is guaranteed to be compatible with your Macintosh."
    Other than Apple there are only two vendors with which I have personal experience and can recommend: Crucial and OWC. People have reported problems with many other brands, yet Crucial and OWC's prices are as good as any you are likely to find.
    Go to Crucial and download the little app that examines your system and recommends RAM upgrade options.
    Their prices are good but don't have to buy memory from them - determine what you need and buy it from Crucial or OWC / MacSales. You'd be paying Apple a lot more than either one of them, and you don't have to. 

  • 2.3ghz vs. 2.6ghz MacBook Pro for Logic

    I plan on buying a new 15" MacBook Pro (with 8 gigs of Ram) and will primarily be using it for Logic. Is spending the extra money for the 2.6ghz model vs the 2.3ghz really worth it or will it not really make much of a difference? Would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.

    You won't see that huge of a difference. I don't know exactly what you're doing with Logic but I'm using a 2010 13" pro and I've never maxed out pc usage. From benchmarks though I think it was only a 13 percent uptick with the 2.6ghz

  • What kind of memory for my early 2008 macbook pro

    Hi again,
    I need an advice. Since I do not want to get a memory that would not be recognized by my macbook (again) I would like to ask you what memory do you recommend...
    Corsair Value select
    VS2GSDS667D2 PC2-5300 2GB 5-5-5-15 200pin SODIMM
    Corsair Value select
    VS4GSDSKIT667D2 PC2-5300 4GB Kit 5-5-5-15 200pin SODIMM
    (this is probably absolutely the same as above, but in a kit)
    APACER Notebook Memory - DDRAM2 SODIMM PC5300@667MHz, 2GB
    Btw, sorry if it is a stupid question, but what is the difference between Corsair memory above and Corsair memory for MAC?

    Not sure about the difference, but I upgraded my 17" MacBook Pro using the Corsair 4GB kit (2 x 2GB). No problems since.
    These are 667MHz (PC2-5300-CL4) Low Latency 4-4-4-12 SODIMMs (200-pin)
    I imagine the 5-5-5-15 latency sodimm you mention are the latest version

  • What kind of memory for my Macbook Pro Laptop

    I am thinking of getting more memory for my laptop.
    I am unsure on what brand to buy, so I appreciate any input you might have. I have 2 memory slots that have 2gb each. How much can I put in each slot? 4gb, 8gb?
    What kind of prices for the memory?
    Here are the specs on my laptop.
    MacBook Pro
    13-inch, Early 2011
    Processor  2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory  4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB
    Thank you!

    You can put an 8GB module in each slot, giving you a total of 16GB. But that's the maximum.
    Good sources of RAM for your model (which use 204-pin PC-10600 (1333 MHz) DDR3 SO-DIMMs) are Crucial, OWC and Corsair. Other people may recommend other brands, but I would get one of the three (and I only include Corsair because that's what I'm using).
    Good luck,

  • Any suggestions for sources for an internal drive memory for my 13" mid 2010 macbook (not pro)? I'm full up with the 250GB

    any suggestions for sources for an internal drive memory for my 13" mid 2010 macbook (not pro)? I'm full up with the 250GB.

    For a new hard drive try  
    Regular SATA drives ives&Order=PRICE  Use the list at the left for larger and faster drives.
    SSD drives  Use the list at the left for larger and faster drives.
    Or OWC for regular hard drives and SSDs
    Here are instructions on replacing the hard drive in a MacBook with a removable battery.
    Here are video instructions on replacing the hard drive on the Aluminum Unibody
    Here are video instructions on replacing the hard drive on the White Unibody
    To transfer your current hard drive I like the applications Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper. They make a bootable copy of everything on your hard drive. or 
    You'll need a cheap SATA external hard drive case. Put the new drive in the case then format and partition the new drive and clone your old drive to the new one. Check that it's set up right by booting up from the external drive. Then replace your old hard drive with the new one and put your old one in the external case.
    Here's a cheap SATA external hard drive case on Amazon ef=pd_cp_pc_0
    If you don’t have the tools to open up the MacBook OWC has a set for $5

  • I am just about to buy some more memory for my macbook, i have two options 1 is crucial and the other is transcend so which is better or are they much the same?

    I am just about to buy some new memory for my macbook i have been told that Crucial is an option but i have also looked at Transcend, which one is better or are they as good as each other?

    Hi ...
    I for one have never had a problem with Crucial.
    Check out the results of an ASC forum search for Crucial here.
    Transcend I'm not familiar with.

  • Can anyone recommend a link/website to get a 8GB (2x4GB) 667Mhz DDR2 RAM Memory For MacBook Pro? Thanks!

    Can anyone recommend a link/website in the UK where I can get a decent 8GB (2x4GB) 667Mhz DDR2 RAM Memory For MacBook Pro?
    It isn't currently available on the Apple Store and I cant seem to find a match searching on Google.
    Really need to upgrade from my current 4GB. I have a 2008/2009 MacBook Pro 17"
    Many thanks in advance!

    Here you go....
    Amazon UK and pick the right one for you....
    good luck....

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