Menu at right from tab in eb3

How can I add a menu button with subitems to my extensión in Illustrator CC in from JS or JSX?
Something like this:

Please check out the Flyout menu feature in CEP. The following sample shows its capabilities:
Samples/CEPFeatures.html at master · Adobe-CEP/Samples · GitHub

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    I am developing an VISITOR Adobe Interactive Form, i have Designer 8.1 and Reader 9.0 in my Windows 7 Laptop. When i checked the menu EDIT-->form properties --> Compatability, its Adobe XML form File (XDP)
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    But, when you see my case, i did not see the mentioned MENU-->EDIT-->PREFERENCES-->CONSOLE stuff on my development, pls. see the below screen shots and suggest me how to put the debugger settings in my case,
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    Thank you,

    Hi huitinglovesuju,
    I would advise you to reinstall your software version using Nokia suite.
    If this post has helped you to solve this issue, please press the "accept as solution" icon. Kudos would always be appreciated.

  • How to stop photos opening in preview. I have always edited photos right from my desktop and now they are all opening in preview.

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    They open in Preview by default.
    However, if you open Picture Folder in Preview, navigate to any photo ( without opening it ) then right click on the photo and select Get Info from the dropdown menu.
    About  2/3rds' of the way down on the Get Info tab you'll see a Marker ' Open WIth '. Enter whichever editing program you're using.
    Whenever you open a photo from whatever it's location it will open in the chosen editing program.
    Hope this helps.

  • Jquery menu plugin  integrated in Tab's (using a custom theme )

    I'm trying to use the jquery menu plugin and use it combined with tab's. I would like to get the effect which is also in the APEX IDE ( TAB's with submenu's expanding below the TAB ).
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    I found somewhere ( that I should name the TAB and the LIST's on which the menu's are build exactly the same to achieve this, but so far no luck.
    Does anyone know of a cookbook describing how to achieve this or has any ideas what to check ?
    b.t.w. Have a great 2012!

    The steps can be detailed as follows (I will make it specific to my theme -Application Builder- and you can replace what you want)
    0) a) My Page template name is WithNicolettePlugin.
    b) Put the Nicolette (Thanks alot for him) plugin on #REGION_POSITION_08# in Page Zero (Global page)
    c) the settings of the plugin as follows:
    - Template : WithNicolettePlugin
    - Before HTML : <ul class="dhtmlMenuLG2"> - After HTML : </ul> - jQuery selector submenu : .dhtmlSubMenu2
    - Tab set : main
    - Include single subtab : yes
    - Class first parent : ui-corner-left
    - Class last parent : ui-corner-right
    - File Prefix : #IMAGE_PREFIX#
    the others are empty     
    1) link the following CSS's into the Header section of the Page Template of (Bluejay-22)
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_builder.min.css?v=" type="text/css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_ui.min.css?v=" type="text/css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_ui_builder_home.css" type="text/css" />2) link the following Scripts into the Header section of the Page Template
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var apex_img_dir = "/i/", htmldb_Img_Dir = apex_img_dir;
    <script src="/i/libraries/apex/minified/desktop_all.min.js?v=" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/i/libraries/apex/minified/legacy.min.js?v=" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <style> html {visibility:hidden;} </style>
    <script type="text/javascript">"D");
    <script src="/i/libraries/apex/minified/widget.textarea.min.js?v=" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/i/libraries/apex/minified/builder.min.js?v=" type="text/javascript"></script>3) Re-write the Body section to be as the following
    <div id="page-header">
      .... LOGO AND WELCOME HERE ...... 
       <div class="apex-top-bar-end">
           <div class="apex-top-bar">
                <div id="tabs" class="dhtmlMenuLG">
                  #REGION_POSITION_08#   <!-- Put the plugin at your page zero in REGION 8 -->
    <div id="topbar">#REGION_POSITION_01##REGION_POSITION_04#</div>
    <div id="body">
        <table class="tbl-body" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" summary="">
            <td class="tbl-main" width="100%">#REGION_POSITION_02##BOX_BODY#</td>
            <td class="tbl-sidebar">#REGION_POSITION_03#</td>    
    </div>4- Update the section of Standard Tab Attributes to have Current Tab as the following *(PLEASE, REMOVE THE MINUS BEFORE onmouseover)*
    <li class="dhtmlSubMenuN" -onmouseover = "dhtml_CloseAllSubMenusL(this)" >
      <a href="#TAB_LINK#" class="dhtmlSubMenuN"
    and Non Current Standard Tab as the following
    <li class="dhtmlSubMenuN" -onmouseover = "dhtml_CloseAllSubMenusL(this)" >
      <a href="#TAB_LINK#" class="dhtmlSubMenuN"
    </li>5- Update the section of Parent Tab Attributes to have Current Parent Tab as the following
    <div id="#TAB_ID#" class="current">
        <a href="#TAB_LINK#" title="#TAB_LABEL#" class="link_text">#TAB_LABEL#</a>
        <a href="#" class="link_icon">
          <img src="/i/apex/builder/down_dark_12x12.gif" width="12" height="12" 
               class="dhtmlMenu" alt="#TAB_LABEL# Drill Down"/>
       <ul id="#TAB_NAME#" htmldb:listlevel="1" class="aTabs dhtmlSubMenu pulldown-tabs" style="display:none;">
           <li class="last" dir="RTL"><span></span></li>
    </div>and Non Current Parent Tab as the following
    <div id="#TAB_ID#" class="non-current">
        <a href="#TAB_LINK#" title="#TAB_LABEL#" class="link_text">#TAB_LABEL#</a>
        <a href="#" class="link_icon">
          <img src="/i/apex/builder/down_dark_12x12.gif" width="12" height="12" 
               class="dhtmlMenu" alt="#TAB_LABEL# Drill Down"/>
       <ul id="#TAB_NAME#" htmldb:listlevel="1" class="aTabs dhtmlSubMenu pulldown-tabs" style="display:none;">
           <li class="last" dir="RTL"><span></span></li>
    </div>6- You will find a sample here in
    Workspace : ralab
    User : nicolette
    Password : abc123
    Application 33791 - TestDropDownAppBuilderTabs
    If the post completes your solution mark it as correct and the question as answered, otherwise, mark it as helpful.
    Best Regards

  • How to pass the page item data from tabA to TabB of a discoverer report

    I have a discoverer repoort, it is master_detail (Dept-Emp) report
    TabA is a master worksheet, which has a page item Deptno
    (the data is from a customized query)
    TabB is detail report which has a Deptno as the page item
    which show the emp detail info on this deptno
    (the date is from another customized query).
    What I want to do is;
    When I change the Deptno in TabA, TabB should automatically change to the deptno of Tab A when I click TabB.
    How can I pass the page item deptno from TabA to page item of TabB?
    Thanks for your help

    You are absolutely right, you cannot create a link from Page Item.
    My Idea was (and I'm sorry taht I didn't mention it at the beginning) to create one link for each and every column in the report in the TabA.
    All these links would be exactly same and pass the Deptno to the TabB.
    So the end user can click wherever he wants (all cells on the worksheets have the link to the TabB) and he is always redirected to the TabB with the Department parameter seted to Deptno Page Item from TabA.
    As I already said before, it is not exactly what you expected, but it's probably the best you can get out of Plus.

  • Just installed FF4. No menu button, no app tab, no bookmark button. How do I get these to display?

    I just downloaded and installed FF4. Why are the features highlighted in "Getting started with Firefox" such as the menu button, the app tab and the bookmark button not being displayed?

    # By default the Firefox button is hidden in XP. To get it, right click a toolbar and uncheck "Menubar"
    # To make a tab an app tab right click a tab and select "Pin as app tab".
    # To have the Bookmarks button display, right click a toolbar, and select Customize... In the dialog box that appears, drag the Bookmarks button to a toolbar.
    Check out the Screenshots below for reference.

  • Menu Bar (right) Disappears

    Hello fine folks,
    Uh oh. My computer just went through a bluescreen hissy fit, then came back okay (without a restart). But when it came back, the menu items on the right (clock, AirPort, BlueTooth, Time Machine) disappeared.
    I went into the clock function, and the "display in menu bar" box was not clicked. I clicked it, and nothing happened. I came back to it, and it was unclicked. It won't stay checked.
    I tried doing the same with AirPort, and Time Machine -- none of the check boxes are clicked, and none will stay clicked.
    I restarted. The machine did not respond. So I had to push the button on the front of the machine (hard restart?). The machine turned off, and then rebooted. But I still cannot get the OS doodads to appear in the menu bar right.
    The only thing I am able to get to appear there (other than Spotlight) is Synergy, an iTunes controller (third party).
    Any ideas on this one?

    Check your login items account. Make sure your menu items are listed and unchecked. You can add them to the account if they are not listed by clicking on the "+" sign.
    If repairing permissions does not work, try booting from your install disc & run Repair Disk from the utility menu. To use the Install Mac OS X disc, insert the disc, and restart your computer while holding down the C key as it starts up.
    Select your language.
    Once on the desktop, select Utility in the menu bar.
    Select Disk Utility.
    Select the disk or volume in the list of disks and volumes, and then click First Aid.
    Click Repair Disk.
    Restart your computer when done.
    Repair permissions after you reach the desktop-
    Message was edited by: CMCSK

  • Menu on right-click for numeric control

    is there a way to program a "menu on right-click" for a control (e.g. numeric), like there is for table controls?
    I'm working with CVI 8.0.1 
    Thanks & Best Regards,

    Yes, every control can be added a popup menu with a few instructions.
    Design the menu nar in the UIR editor; do not associate it to any panel
    Load the menu bar when needed with the line menuHandle = LoadMenuBar (0, "myfile.uir", menuBar): by passing 0 as the panel handle it will not be associated to any of them
    In the numeric callback add these instructions:
         switch (event) {
            case EVENT_RIGHT_CLICK:
                // Context menu
               choice = RunPopupMenu (menuHandle, menuBar_Menu, panel, eventData1, eventData2, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                switch (choice) {
                     case menuBar_menu_item1:
                              // menu item handling code
    Passing eventData parameters to RunPopupMenu function ensures that the menu is displayed at the mouse position.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Creating a menu and overlay from Motion to DVD Studio Pro

    I have created a menu in Motion. My menu plays a short video first before the menu choices come up. After sending it to DVD Studio Pro I noticed that when I burned it I could not access the menu options with my DVD player, only when I played it on my computer and used a mouse.
    I tried creating an overlay and using that, but because my buttons do not display right away I am seeing one of the overlay icons right from the beginning.
    If there is anyone out there with a suggestions on how I can fix this or create it differently so that I don't have these problems, please let me know!!!

    Couple of things, first you need to make sure you assign navigation for the buttons, which is why the remote control on the DVD Player did not work, yet you can mouse over in the computer [Assign Navigation|] and [a thread|]
    As to overlays, buttons will not appear (the highlights) until the loop point of the menu, but if ellements are in the background (video) then they will appear. If you do not want those items (in the background) to appear to the loop point you need to fade it in or otherwise do whatever effect you want in the background video. [Motion Example|]

  • Until recently, the "From" tab showed the actual person who sent an e-mail. Now it shows only the Yahoo group. How can I change this back?

    This happened very suddenly on the 15th, without my being aware of having changed anything. How do I get the From tab to show the sender, not the Yahoo! group name?

    I have seen a couple of reports now but have not observed it in any of my yahoo groups.
    Could you please forward as an attachment [message menu (ALt+M) > forward >as attachment] a mail from such a list so I can examine the headers. Email unicorn dot consulting at gmail dot com

  • "Toast it" appearing in menu when right clicking

    The words "Toast it" appears in menu when right clicking an icon but Toast has been uninstalled. How can I remove it please?

    Try this previous discussion:
    Re: "Toast It" wont go from contextual menu

  • Pop up menu on right clicking an image?

    I am new to LabWindows/CVI. 
    Requirement: "To get a pop-up menu on right clicking on image"
    Right now, I display my images in window numbers (0 - 15). Is it possible to be able to get a pop-up menu on right clicking an image window. If yes, how? If not, could you please suggest other methods to achieve this task? Should I display the image in a separate parent panel for example? How could I do this?
    Any help would be great.

    I would use the code generator for right click event. then fill it up with whatever code you want under right click case. You can access these when you double click your UIR file, then on the top of the page click Code\Preferences\Default... then choose desired events for picture then go to Code\Generate\all callbacks and skip through the ones you don't want to be replaced.

  • Select * from tab is not working in oracle 10g

    select * from tab is not working in oracle 10g. But at the same time,
    select * from <<table>> is working.
    Please advise me.

    This works for me in
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> select * from tab;
    TNAME                          TABTYPE            CLUSTERID
    LOAN_DETAIL                    TABLE
    PLAN_TABLE                     TABLE

  • How can I put the "open new tab" button back to the right of the right most tab in FF 4?

    It's very annoying to have to go up to the corner to click on the open new tab button when it used to be to the right of the right most tab. I have other buttons, like print up there and have to think about which one to click. What was wrong with where it was? It worked for me. At least tell me how, or allow me to change it back. It is one thing to make a product faster but allow the users to keep things in familiar places if they want. I've liked that option on Firefox with most things. I've been a Minefield then Shiretoko user for a number of years an I think I will stick with it for the foreseeable future.

    Thanks. I don't know why it wouldn't just go back there when I tried putting it back? I didn't change anything, so I assumed the new "default" was over on the left. Glad it was a simple solution after all.

  • Why the menu to move from one page to another is not seen when the page is online?

    On my web, I have different pages like 'Homepage' or 'Contact' but when I publish my web I can not see the menu.
    why the menu to move from one page to another is not seen when the page is online?
    Thank you,

    Where are you publishing and how are you uploading the files?

Maybe you are looking for