Menu widget fales

I set the menu widget, horizontal.
In preview on of the pages only lead back to the home page. No other menus are highlighted and I cant go to other sites only to the home.
All other menus function as they should, but this...I have set the menus all at once, edit together mode, and all pages are set..
What to do?

yes thanks once more
2014-03-05 1:36 GMT+01:00 Vinayak_Gupta <[email protected]>:
    Re: menu widget fales  created by Vinayak_Gupta<>in *Help
with using Adobe Muse CC* - View the full discussion<

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    Touch screen devices don't respond to hover or mouseOver event triggers because they have no mouse.  If you want mobile friendly sub-menus, you'll need to find one that responds to onClick events.
    PVII's Pop-Menu Magic3 (commercial DW extension)
    jQuery Superfish
    Responsive Hybrid Menu
    Dynamic Drive DHTML Scripts- Page Sideview Menu
    Responsive Iconic Menu
    Dynamic Drive CSS Library- Responsive Iconic Menu
    Nancy O.

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    You can tell Apple at the link below.

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    Hey thanks, mac-heibu,
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    Here's a site that  does  pretty much what I'm looking to do...

    Ok, thanks! I have another way to do what I'm trying to do, I just thought it might be better to do it this way. Obviously I was wrong!
    Thanks again!

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    Hi Scarff.
    When you opt to use manual mode for the Menus, you need to manually link the pages to menu items. To achieve this , you need to have the menu item selected and then using hyperlink option as shown in below screenshots link the corresponding page to it :
    I hope this helps.

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    Please refer to the following link Re: Is it possible to create a page that will not show up on the menu bar?

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    And how I can fix this?
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    As always, soloutions and replies most apprieciated!
    Browser preview
    Browser preview on rollover function

    Hi Robsta,
    Looking at your 1st posted image, above, I would say (recommend) that the 2nd blue guide, from the top (the header guide), should be moved down and put just below your menu ... do this on the 'master page' ... thats the header guide line ... everything 'below' that line is page content (a menu is not page content) hence content changes throughout your website ... everything 'above' that line is your header information and stays in the same place regardless which page you are on and is shown on ALL pages ...
    Now, if that doesn't fix the problem (the blue guide that needs moving, should be moved nevertheless) ... is it possible that some of the 'active' states in your menu have got messed up when you were changing your button colours? ... this would only happen if you were editing the menu with the 'Edit Together', 'unticked' ... I can see that the active state is set to grey already hence just asking ... also, sometimes if the 'header' guide is not where it should be, it does hide things below it as it doesn't know what should be shown or not it's just a thought ... ...

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    Best Regards,

    Hi There,
    Just published the northcountydoulas website through business catalyst that
    wasn't working correctly...The menu widget is in the master page...
    Best Regards,

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    Hi RimVai!
    I repeat, you must build up every button separately and link each button in Hyperlinks to the right Page as you did on video.
    Please follow the instructions:
    1.  At first make only "Home Page".
    2.  Go to "Master Page".
    3.  Copy "Home Page" and paste it on "Master Page" by using Paste in Place feature.
    4.  Drag "Copy Home Page" to the right and you can edit "Copy Home Page" as you want.
    5.  Add "Copy Home Page" on Plan Mode and change the name of the Page.
    6.  Link Pages in "Hyperlinks" to the right Pages.
    Best Regards

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    There's not a lot of control (any) for where the submenu itself is positioned, but you can align the text within the submenus using text alignment in the Text panel in the menu is set for Uniform Site. If the menu is set for Uniform Spacing you need to get more creative and double click until a submenu item is selected, then use the Spacing panel (unlock the chain icon) to increase the right padding value so the text appears left aligned.

  • Create hidden submenu from Manual Menu Widget.

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    I have a sample for you hope it helps

  • Disable updating of the menu widget when working with Muse file?

    First of all thank you Adobe for creating Muse - I really like it a lot!
    My question:
    when I work on my website with 250+ pages, it strains the performance to make even the slightest changes to the page structure. I work with two Masters each with much the same horisontal menu widget.
    Adding, deleting and rearranging pages makes the PC (Windows 7 laptop of some but not awesome power) make a halt and take a deep breathe for some seconds. It really interupts the flow of working.
    A crude work around for this is to removing the menu widget in the two masters and put it into a new master page, containing only the copied menu from the two other masters and keeping the rest of the header in place on the original masters to use for aligning on the pages. This way, only one page has to update when working with adding, deleting and rearranging pages.
    I have tried to look for a preference to disable updating the Menu widget when working on the page structures and just enable it the update again when the work is done? does it exist? else I would recommend it strongly :-) Since my work around is a bit tricky/risky to use after publishing ;-)
    Again, thanks a lot for this nice program. Being a selftought CS (now CCC) user I like the ease of control of the webdesign you can get with Muse (at the dispence of other features of course - if you ever wanted to add some sort of database-lookup feature it would be MUCH appreciated. One workaround is to use iframe and an external search/lookup page, that returns results with links back to parent pages. A bit funny construction though :-) ).
    M. Hecquet

    Glad to know you are enjoying Muse.
    It can be very processor intensive if you have multiple Master pages with their own All Pages menu widget. Take a look at the following threads and refer to Zak's response.
    See if you are able to use just one All Pages menu widget at your site while taking advantage of the hierarchical Master page feature.
    We are aware of the performance issues caused by the Menu widget (All pages type) and is something being looked upon by the engineering in one of the upcoming releases.

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    The accordion menu resides on the Master Pages of the articles/documents, 6 articles total.
    When the label is tapped, the accordion menu expands open >
    The label is also a link that takes the reader to a page within the folio while expanding (using the navto://documentname#page formatting) >
    Inside the content area of each label are subtopics that also navigate to different pages within the folio (also using the navto://documentname#page formatting).
    My desire is that when a label is tapped and expands, the reader can then click on each subtopic and go to that page without the accordion menu collapsing as it goes to the page.
    I'm finding that 99.9% of the time, the menu is collapsing. Other times I get the exact performance I desire.
    I'm Ok with the menu collapsing as each label is tapped, but not the subtopics.
    I've played around with setting the accordion properties by unchecking "Collapse All" and unchecking "Edit Together", but can't seem to edit these sections or the text boxes individually. It either sets ALL items in the accordion menu to Collapse All or not. No mixing of the two settings.
    Is there a way to get the desired functionality, outlined above, with the accordion menu widget?

    You can either use separate accordions for sub topic or you would need to go with unchecked collapse all and then manually edit all contents.

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