Merge unallocated space

Originally the 2nd non-OS disk contained two primary partitions fully allocated to drives D and drive G. I shrunk both and the unallocated space is separated by the second former partition (drive G).  How can i get the two unallocated spaces into one area to format and create a new partition from this unallocated space(s). this is a Pavillion dv9000 series notebook operating Vista

Go to this website and read about how to use Windows disk management. Windows disk management is an integral part of Vista located in Administrative tools. No third party software is required to do what you want to do.
****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

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    Microsoft does not provide third party software, you can backup the partition which is contiguous with system simple volume and delete it. Then, merge unallocated space to the system simple volume with Disk Management snap-in. 
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  • Merging two unallocated spaces.

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    Aravind R

    Since your unallocated space is not next to each other, you often cannot merge them simply in Disk Management.
    But, as you’ve mentioned, there are still some partition resizing tools that can help you freely add process the unallocated space, like GParted, IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free and Active Partition Master, etc.
    If you really know nothing about partition resizing stuff, here is video tutorial that teaches about how to resize a partition step by steps:
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    Note: You’d better back up all your partition data in case of data loss.

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    How about "select partition 1" and "active"?
    I'd stay away from the Cruzer.  You may be able to create another set of media using this trick.  I'm not sure if it still works with your machine.
    Boot Media
    Another thing I'd like to try but haven't: create another bootable USB flash drive using that link I posted up-thread.  It will be blank.  Then make sure you have all the "visibility" options selected for the drive with the recovery image (don't hide system files, etc) and copy the contents of the recovery drive that won't boot to the newly prepared drive.  Does that make any sense?
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    Are you sure all the unallocated space is exactly behind your partition that you want to extend? If not, I think that’s why the extend option is grayed out.
    But, don’t de depressed! If you cannot extend your partition in the built-in Disk Management, you also can try some partition resizing tools to help you out, like GParted, IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free and EaseUS Partition Master, etc.
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    Last edited by raxbg (2012-03-15 06:52:33)

    fdisk seems to find the partition table correctly, but I will not try to write it to the disk since it is now working. Im gonna buy a USB Hard drive and move everything important there first, then I will experiment Thank you for your help

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    OK! Based on your description, the unallocated space is not adjacent to your system partition, right? If so, you probably cannot directly add it to your system partition in Disk Management. If you insist, you also will find a grayed-out
    “Extend” option there.
    Therefore, this is not proper for your situation. Just back up all partition data well and choose a third-party partition resizing tool to have a try. Search over the internet. You can find many efficient ones, like IM-Magic Partition
    Resizer Free, GParted and Paragon Partition Master, etc.
    Just carefully follow the tool guidance to safely move your free paces successfully.
    Do not forget to back up partition data well. 

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    Disk 0 Unallocated Space - 2607GB Total Size - Free Space 2607GB
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    So the answer for this; was after contacting Dell the newer generation Dell servers need to be booted up through the lifecycle controller (F10) > UEFI has to be explicitly chosen (Most of the Dell build discs are configured as MBR) and once the Lifecycle
    Wizard for OS deployment is completed Windows will detect the total amount of available space correctly. The older Dell models you have to download the Build Utility that is capable of GPT / UEFI configuration.
    Just incase anyone else runs into this it is not a Microsoft problem at all.

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    There is an option.
    I don't know if it's the best but it works for me.
    Boot from a recovery disk/usb and open Disk Utility then:
    1. Create a partition from the free space
    2. Select the drive
    3. Go to Restore tab
    4. On the source drag the partition with your OS
    5. On the Destination drag the partition you created
    6. Click Restore
    7. Go back to Partition tab and erase the OS partition (not the partition you created)
    8. Resize the partition you create
    I know this is an old topic but maybe someone is stuck with this problem and can't find an answer!

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    P.S. I used Live CD for that, but this screen is from current system (on Live CD, partitions was not locked). That's so, because it was too hard to make screenshot from Live CD.
    Last edited by daGrevis (2012-07-04 14:32:22)

    bohoomil wrote:As your sda4 seems mostly free, you can a) backup its content, b) delete it entirely, c) expand sda3, d) re-create sda4. You can as well play with moving / resizing partitions, but the previous option seems better to me. Of course, create backups and use a Live CD so that all the partitions are modified when unmounted. The only thing you should remember to do afterwards is correct your fstab with valid UUIDs.
    I'd second this. You could also (after you delete sda4 and increase the size of sda3) make an extended partition out of all the remaining space and then create a logical partition for (what is now) sda4 (it will get a different number when you do this).
    Right now your unallocated space could only be used to add to sda4, because you have used up all your primary partitions. If you make a new extended partition and then put sda4 in it as a logical partition, you will be able to make more logical partitions out of the unallocated space.
    If this is too confusing just go with bohoomil's original suggestion
    Last edited by 2ManyDogs (2012-07-04 15:50:14)

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    If it is Win7, is there a way to utilise the space on that disk, or a program that can?

    The 4TB HDD must be a GPT disk to utilize the full space.  Windows cannot convert from MBR to GPT with data in place, but I think you can find utilities that will accommodate the conversion without losing your data.
    You may have the capability to clone from the MBR disk to a GPT disk with Acronis.  Either read the Acronis manual or contact Acronis Technical Support since this is not a Windows feature and Acronis is not a Microsoft product.

  • Boot camp problem (can't merge empty space)

    Hello everybody.
    After a failed Boot Camp Windows 8 installation my drive has 50 GB empty space (the former partition) that Disk Utility can't merge with the main partition nor format it.
    And if I boot from the USB stick made by Boot Camp, Windows begins the installation, but inmediately reboots and I can't even access to insert the product key.
    I've read about some other utilities that can fix this partition problems (Testdisk, GPT fdisk), but I'm not that advanced user and I think that I have messed up enough.
    Thanks in advance and excuse my english.

    The problem is similar to what is exposed in this post:

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    Manipulating the partition table always risks the data on the drive, but you can try the following to expand the partition size:
    1. open the Terminal and enter "diskutil list" to get a list of the drive devices and volumes on them, along with their identifiers.
    2. Run the following command using the identifier for the External Storage partition (replace "IDENTIFIER" with the identifier string, which will be something like "disk3s2"):
    diskutil resizeVolume IDENTIFIER R

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    how can I insert a conditional space in a mail merge?
    or more simply, when the first, last names are added you must type a space between them or they merge such as "firstlast". And yes, if I put a space between the two fields they merge properly, but when an entry does not have either a first name, or does not contain any first OR last the merge leaves the space on that line. This does not comply with the Content Placement Option setting which is designed to remove 'blank' lines. It doesn't remove because it needs a conditional space such as: If no first name, then no space... etc
    anyone? bueller?! anyone?

    Excel will do a conditional name formatting for you.
    =if(and(isblank(CELLFIRST),isblank(CELLLAST)),"",trim(clean(CELLFIRST&" "&CELLLAST)))
    This would be a "name" column.
    First quotes are quotequote for a blank, second quotes are quotespacequote for the space between names.
    TRIM function does a nice job killing leading spaces, double spaces, etc. CLEAN removes non-printing characters which suck unless you put them in on purpose.

  • How do I merge "free space" back into my OS X partition

    Here is what I am currently looking at:
    There is about 20 gb of free space that I was going to use for an Ubuntu install but have since changed my mind. To be safe I downloaded the Recovery Disk Assistant and installed it onto a flash drive. When I boot from that and enter disk utility I can drag my OS X partition into the free space and it appears to fill the drive. When I hit apply, it does it's thing and completes the partition but then instantly reverts to what it started out as with the free space still there. I tried a restart but found my drive to be in the same state. I have several back ups so I am not really worried about it, but I assumed this would work. Am I doing something wrong or do I need to just restore from the backup? Can I do that without affecting the bootcamp partition? I am on a Macbook Pro Retina running 10.8.4.

    You will need to add a new partition in that empty space. Be sure you format it Mac OS Extended, Journaled. If that works, then remove the partition and try extending the OS X partition. Note that this will render your Boot Camp partition non-bootable.
    Another possibility is that you should not extend the OS X volume all the way to the top of the Boot Camp partition. Leave about 2 GBs free. See if that works by providing enough space for the Recovery HD to be relocated.
    Did you ever attempt to install Linux or to format that partition for Linux?

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