Message from aim

Whenever I open iChat, I receive a "message from aim" screen asking me to block, decline or display. I have tried to block this spam, but have been unsuccessful. Any ideas how I might rid myself of this annoyance.

If the User ID across the top is not AOLSystemmsg it is not from AIM
It does sound like it is some form of Bot (AN Automated response add-on) that some one is running on a PC
In iChat Menu > Preferences > Accounts > Security you could try Allow Buddy List only.
Unfortunately this may not be enough.
The AIM Servers and the AIM app on a Mac and on a PC has an Automatic Group called Recent Buddies.
By Default this group is not included in those that are displayed in iChat (Use View Menu "Show Groups")
However these bots are clever enough to get added to the Group and therefore will get displayed or allow contact due to the fact the group is not active so the Block is ineffective.
Solution can be two ways
1) Using AIM on a PC or AIm for Mac on a Mac delete Buddies that show in the Recent Buddies group (Drag any "good Names" to the proper groups first otherwise they will get deleted as well) (It is also possible to have people/Buddies in more than one group with the AIM application)
2) In later versions of iChat in iChat Menu > Preferences > Accounts > Account Info tab near the bottom is the option to turn On the Recent Buddies group.
You need to be displaying the Buddy List with Show Groups.
Again move Good Names to the required Group and then use th Plus sign at the bottom of the Buddy List > Edit Groups and delete it there.
This should then allow your Block settings to work properly.
8:23 PM Monday; February 16, 2009

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    Unfortunately this seems to happen.
    It is more noticeable when the Mac has been Off line (Shut Down or Sleep) and a conversation or two has been happening on an iOS device.
    When the Mac gets turned On Messages tries to catch up.
    These iMessages play out like a speeded up chat but are not Instant.
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    9:55 PM      Thursday; November 8, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    There are many free web-to-phone text services, such as
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    I'd appreciate any assistance.
    iMac G5 1.9GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   1 GB RAM

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    iMac G5 1.9GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    You can get quite simple standalone MQ Java programs from this site
    Also regarding the jars required for your application depends on the API being used. If you use MQI API few jars are required and if you decide to use JMS API you'll require few other jars. But you got to either install Websphere MQ Java Client, which will copy the jars to the respective location, or you can choose to copy the jars from some other machine manually.
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    Hi Wazatron,
    I notice that the whole middle section is in fact greyed out.
    This happens when all the Buddy List type accounts including Bonjour are Logged out (or not Enabled).
    I have not hidden the details of this one as my AIM name is quite well known anyway.
    The list goes down further are there are potentially 10 non iMessages (buddy List type ) Accounts in my Messages including the Bonjour one.
    Once the middle section has greyed out the settings don't apply.
    Enable the Bonjour account (you don't have to display it using the Window Menu).
    Then uncheck the setting then re-tick the box again.
    This is one of those things that iChat did  and you have to set some of the iChat type things to keep the functions.
    Many of the menu items are like this such as Buddies > Add Buddy  - you need a Buddy list that Buddies can be added to for this to work.  It cannot be used to add a Contact to the Contacts app. (i.e. the iMessages side).
    7:29 pm      Thursday; April 24, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
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    Hi Lanny,
    Actually those two pics don't tell you what you need to know.
    The First is correct as it can be from the Messages app but the second goes to no way to tell you how to do and b fact does not even mention SMS messages.
    @ 10411
    You will need to have an AIM or AIM Valid name that you can add to the Messages > Preferences > Accounts at the + icon below the list.
    Next the Mac need to be in the United States.
    Go to System Preferences > Language and Text and set the Region to the Untied States.
    (In iChat this added SMS items to some of the Menus in iChat)
    The iPhone has to be on a Carrier that is in the United States   See list
    Which in turn means the phone number is a United States one (+1 country code)
    This means you add the Cell/mobile number as if it were a Buddy to an AIM list.
    So Creating an Address Card for "SMS Test" and adding the mock number +1234567890 to that I get this in Messages  (Mousing over the Name to see the "Screen Name" which is the number in this case)
    Basically this is a feature that iChat has always had since AIM included a link to SMS to certain Phones.
    Messages does everything iChat did/does and this includes SMS Messaging via an AIM Buddy list even though in this case the Menu items has disappeared.
    AS has been said there are also other methods.
    8:24 PM      Saturday; April 6, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    "Send an SMS text message
    You can use iChat to send an SMS (short message service) text message to a buddy’s iPhone or other mobile phone from an AIM,, or account.
    Note: SMS messaging is available in the U.S. only. 
    Choose File > New SMS.
    In the To field, type your buddy’s phone number, and then click Chat.
    In the chat window, type a message and press Return.If your buddy’s phone is set up to receive text messages, you see a reply telling you that the message has been sent. If your buddy replies, the reply appears in the chat window.
    To receive text messages, your buddy’s phone must be SMS enabled."

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    Yup, get your own AppleID.
    The messages that are being sent to both phones are technically not text, they are Apple's iMessage. They use the data part, not the texting part. So if you have an iPad or a Mac computer, you can send/receive the iMessages there too.

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    Try the following user tip:
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

  • Unable to capture messages from java.util.logging

    I have a class called ( which invokes a method called foo from another java class( using reflection API.Now this method foo logs messages using Java's logger.My requirement is to call foo for 3 times from Caller and capture/redirect the log messages into 3 log files.
    But only the first log file is capturing the log messages(from logger) and other two are not ?
    Plz suggest if I am doing somethin wrong here ?
    package project2;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    public class Caller {
        public Caller() {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            Caller caller = new Caller();
            for (int i = 0 ;i<3 ;i++ )  {
                Class clas = Class.forName("project2.Util");
                Method m = clas.getMethod("foo",null);
                Object obj =clas.newInstance();
        public void createLogStream(int i) throws FileNotFoundException {
            ps = new PrintStream(new File(System.getenv("HOME")+File.separator+"MyLog"+i+".log"));
        public void closeLogStream(){
            ps = null;
        private PrintStream ps = null;
        public PrintStream getPs() {
            return ps;
    package project2;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    public class Util {
        Logger logger = null;
        public Util() {
            logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
        public void foo(){
            System.out.println("Hello out stream");
            System.err.println("Hello error stream");
  "This is an information");
            logger.warning("This is a warning message");
            logger.severe("This is fatal!! ");
    }First Log file MyLog0.log:
    Hello out stream
    Hello error stream
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    INFO: This is an information
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    WARNING: This is a warning message
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    SEVERE: This is fatal!!
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    INFO: This is an information
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    WARNING: This is a warning message
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    SEVERE: This is fatal!!
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    INFO: This is an information
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    WARNING: This is a warning message
    Feb 16, 2009 7:55:55 PM project2.Util foo
    SEVERE: This is fatal!! Other 2 log files have only this much
    Hello out stream
    Hello error stream

    A stale Connection Factory or Connection Handle may be used in SOA 11g

  • I can call out but all incoming calls are going directly to VM with no signal that I missed a call or have VM. I can send/receive text messages from other iPhone/iPad/iTouch users, I am assuming this is really "iMessage." Is it apple software?

    I have spent hours on the phone with Apple and AT&T. I went thought reset, on/off, etc, etc with both companies to no avail. Each company pointed fingers at the being the source of the problem.
    Problems: Suddenly ALL  incoming calls were going directly to VM with no signal I missed calls and/or had VM. I was also unable to receive all Text Messages...Oddly, I could send text messages to anyone (even non-apple users but I could not receive their responses)........then I when I got home I started receiving text messages from other apples users ONLY. I assume now - iMessage kicked in and I could text (send/receive)  other iPhone/iPad/iTouch users ONLY. ....yes, I could still (send) text messages to my husband's blackberry (he received my messages fine) but my phone would NOT receive his text respones.
    Finally, I googled the problem and found this community where other people have had the exact same problems! One person said he "turned off 3 G" which was the solution for I did the same and VIOLA! My problem  solved! Nevermind the fact that I pay for 3G and cannot use here's my question, if 3G is the problem on my phone is this an APPLE issue or a NETWORK problem? Do I purchase a new phone and slip in my same SIM card and hope the same does not occur or do I get a whole new SIM card and phone? What is the long term resolution to this problem?
    I am happy however to find that my problem is NOT an isolated incident and wish Apple or AT&T had told me this is not so uncommon because I thought (based on the baffled response from Apple) that this has never occurred before.  Where is Steve Jobs when we need him?

    It pains me to hear about your experience with the Home Phone Connect.  This device usually works seamlessly and is a great alternative to a landline phone.  It sounds like we've done our fair share of work on your account here.  I'm going to go ahead and send you a Private Message so that we can access your account and review any open tickets for you.  I look forward to speaking with you.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Cannot send txt messages from my iPhone to a android galaxy gear 3

    My husband switched from an iPhone to a galaxy note three and kept his old cell number.  Now he cannot receive texts from any other iPhones including mine.
    Research on Internet indicates this is common issue when an iPhone user switches to an android device and keeps old number from iPhone!  Problem does not happen with new android devices .any workable solution known?  So far suggestions in forums have not helped.  APPLE store personnel uninformed reissue,as well as Best Buy personnel.

    Looks to me like the question has indeed been asked 500 times or more...but still looks to me like many still have unresolved solutions if they have more than one Apple device.   I've been attempting to follow advice giving in forum conversations...still, no luck.  I had turned off imessage on old IPHONE before, then unregistered my old iphone, but still can not get txt messages from any of my friends who have an iphone...not one.   I do have several other Apple IMAC, an MAC BOOK PRO, an IPAD 2 and an IPAD3 still on my same Apple Account that my old phone was on.  Is this now the problem

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    My pc with my mail database was formatted and the mails lost. I have about 1000 mails on my iPhone that I desperately want to transfer back to my desktop.
    My mail was on a POP server and I have no copies anywhere other than on the iphone.
    I am not concerned about future email messages  - my question is about transferring existing messages from the iphone to a computer.
    Any help is much appreciated, in have googled this to death and can't find a solution!!

    This might help..
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